لاريجاني: الانفجاران الارهابیان في بیروت یؤکدان عجز المجموعات المتطرفة
Read this story in Englishأكد رئیس مجلس الشوری الاسلامي علي لاریجاني ان "الانفجارین الارهابیین في بیروت یؤکدان عجز واحباط المجموعات المتطرفة".
واشار لاریجاني في كلمة له الأربعاء، خلال عقده مؤتمراً صحافياً مشتركاً مع نظیره الاندونیسي مرزوق علي في طهران، الی أن "التفجیرین اللذین وقعا قرب السفارة الایرانیة في بیروت هي نتيجة العملیات الاجرامیة للمتطرفين حینما یصلون الی طریق مسدود".
ولفت، بحسب وكالة الأنباء الإيرانية (أرنا) الی ان "ایران تتخذ کافة الخطوات وتعتمد استراتیجیات تصب في سیاق صنع الوحدة والتکاتف بین الطوائف الاسلامیة".
وأضاف لاريجاني انه "رغم محاولات القوی المتطرفة لزعزعة الوحدة واثارة الخلافات بین المسلمین الا ان هذه الممارسات لن تحد من استراتیجیات ایران لصنع التلاحم بین الطوائف الاسلامیة مطلقا".
وكان قد استهدف تفجيران انتحاريان الثلاثاء سفارة ايران في بئر حسن تبنته جماعة جهادية مرتبطة بالقاعدة واسفر عن سقوط 23 قتيلا وحوالى 150 جريحا.
"Larijani also accused the two countries (US,Israel) of trying “to sow discord among Muslim nations.”"
It is the KSA and to a lesser degree Qatar and the UAE that sow discord and fund terrorism among Arab nations.
These three countries have spent tens of billions over the years to undermine governments across MENA to the Caucasus and Pakistan.
you are disturbed for the least! :)
iran is not an arab nation, and its presence in the arab countries is considered as occupation and needs to be fought :)
Larijani did not say Arab states he said "Muslim nations" dear geha.
I said Arab nations because that is where the KSA and the GCC have concentrated their sabotage and treachery.
The Terrorism goes far beyond MENA however ...
the terrorism of iran and hizbushaitan is well documented world wide, and everyone knows who is classified as a terrorist organization.
you dont seem to know what "documented" means geha. USraeli officials or their stooges making accusations does not count as proof.
yeah, all the countries in the world classifying hizbushaitan as a terrorist organization is not proof :)
exactly what i was saying. no it's not proof, it's accusations.
and when those accusations come from political figures, these are political accusations.
The KSA and the GCC are carrying out their own agendas ... They are allies of the US but as we have seen they have denounced the US and taken their own path as the US wants to curtail their terrorism ...
that is just on the surface, the US pretends to be fighting terrorism yet they never, absolutely never, denounced saudi arabia despite it being the n1 source of recruits and finances for terror. they claim to be fighting terrorism, yet they fight it everywhere except its source, and never mention saudis. what does that tell you?
besides that, with their middle age mentalities they wouldnt even know what an agenda is, if it was not written and laid out for them.
@ _mowaten_
The US is powerful but not omnipotent. Just look at the countries that have broken away from the US policy recently ... Israel, Egypt, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and others are no longer as you say, "puppets".
The US is no longer the Empire it once was. Two failed wars, the worst in their history, the financial crisis and deep divisions within the USA itself have rendered the USA a fastly declining power.
@ mowaten
PS ... I forgot to mention the entire continent of South America throwing off their colonial chains
lol, the US announces they might "talk" with iran, and suddenly it has shifted sides, it's "iran's ally"! nevermind that the sanctions are still on and at their maximum levels and that the US has iran surrounded with dozens on military bases. if they talked on the phone then it must mean they are allies! surely tomorrow the US will bombard israel right?
mckinl: i didnt say omnipotent, but it's clear that they are using saudis. no matter what the surface talks are, saudis are doing what osama ben laden did for them in afghanistan in the 80s: hire, train, finance and arm useful idiots to fight their enemies. just like the talibans fighting the soviets didnt realize they were winning the cold war for the US, the takfiris/qaeda-ists/wahhabis/whatever dont realize they are degrading the arab nations for the profit of israel.
and u are a stability and peace and education beaM ya larijani maheik?
Iranis act as if they created powder and as if they where the first on the moon and they act as if they were dominating the world! after all farsis are NOT better than arabs like they insist to show they are below
the mere presence of iran and its terrorist wing hizbushaitan in the arab world is by itself destabilizing the region.
it is only normal they are going to be targeted from all sides.
geh and dddd
I am arab but dont agree with your statement. just because you are arab doesnt make you better than others. It is your actions that differentiate people. being a rascist is not something you should be proud of
the racists are iran and its followers, who are forcing their will on arabs across the region through their terrorist acts.
Same tired discredited ideas geha ... The facts are in and it is the KSA and the GCC that are responsible for the terrorism in MENA and beyond ...
whatever you say: hizbushaitan is the terrorist Iranian militia that is enemy number one on each and every country's list of terrorism.
this Iranian terrorist militia is responsible for several murders, bombings, kidnappings, ... in Lebanon, and all Lebanese know that.
this militia deserves anything it has brought on itself.
@ geha
"hizbushaitan is the terrorist Iranian militia that is enemy number one on each and every country's list of terrorism."
Wrong again dear geha ... it is KSA sponsored Qaeda and Islamists that are number one on terrorist lists.
lol geha, i like when you say things like this, first because it makes me laugh, and then because it makes it clear for everyone that you are not credible :)
geha ~ "Qaeda is and was protected by the Syrian regime and iran"
hahahahahahahahahaha ...
What is LEBANON doing to arrest the murderers of Lebanon Option Party protestor Mr Hachemi? Where is Mr Charbel? Why is he in France instead of Dahye to look for the killers and to mourn the death of 23 people yesterday indirectly caused by the same killers of Mr Hachemi?
The picture is clear, the assassins are identifiable one by one.
Salut, les mods effacent tellement de commentaires touts azimut pour garder un semblant de discipline et d'ordre. Ce n'est pas une simple chose a faire. Je trouve qu'ils font de l'excellent boulot malgré le fait que je sois censuré quasi quotidiennement.
@ the1phoenix ~ israel only wished for peace ...
Yes in a Palestine with all the Palestinians gone ...
@Larijani : chaos in Lebanon is due to your terrorist paramilitary and illegal organisation you call Hezballah which in fact is a blasphemy to god !
US hates you since you blew up their barracks in a "TERRORIST" action ... Israel hates you since you want to wipe them off the map.
US and Israel don't wish chaos in Lebanon. Who the hell wants to live in chaos and war ???
Hezbollah has created a chaos to build an army and justify and protect their weapons. You are the only reason we are getting attacked by Israel or "terrorist" groups ...