روحاني عن تفجير بئر حسن: مخطئون من يظنون أنهم بالإرهاب يحققون أهدافهم
Read this story in Englishأعلن الرئيس الإيراني حسن روحاني أن من يظن أنه بالإرهاب يحقق أهدافه هو "مخطئ"، مشيرا إلى أن طريق الرعب "خاطئة".
وقال روحاني خلال اجتماع مجلس الوزراء الإيراني الأربعاء "الذين يظنون انهم يمكنهم من خلال الاغتيال والارهاب واثارة الرعب والعنف، ان يحققوا اهدافهم، فهم مخطئون، وهم يرتكبون الخطأ هذه المرة ايضا".
وقدّم روحاني التعازي الى ذوي ضحايا حادث التفجيرين الارهابيين امام السفارة الايرانية في لبنان
"وكذلك الى اسرة الشهيد انصاري الملحق الثقافي الايراني لدى بيروت".
واضاف "لا بد ان نقول لأولئك ان شعبنا وشعوب المنطقة، اختارت مسارا هو مسار التضامن والوحدة والصمود امام عدوان الآخرين، ولن تتخلى عن هذا المسار".
كما شرح أن "الدول والانظمة التي لم تتمكن من ايصال رسائلها عبر السبل الاخرى الى اسماع الآخرين، ولم يكن أحد يكترث بأقوالها الباطلة، يبدو انها تريد ايصال صوتها الى اسماع الآخرين عن طريق اثارة الرعب والارهاب واثارة العنف".
وختم الرئيس الإيراني بالقول "بالتأكيد هم مخطئون في هذا المجال، فالسبيل الذي اختارته شعوب المنطقة بما فيها الشعب الايراني سيستمر".
واستهدف انتحاريان بواسطة يارة رباعية الدفع سفارة ايران في منطقة بئر حسن.
وتبنت جماعة كتائب عبد الله عزام الجهادية التفجيرين مؤكدة انها تهدف بذلك الى الضغط على حزب الله لسحب مقاتليه من سوريا والافراج عن معتقلين اسلاميين.
Of my God, THE STATEMENT OF THE YEAR!les rois du terrorisme donnent leçons et conseils LoL³
Why didnt Iran do its share of terrorist acts in Lebanon with the help of evil Assad? And today Iran is in control of Lebanon with its proxy Hezb Iran.
Therefore unfortunately terrorism yields results.
Nusra-la, Hizbu-la, can rot in hell, so can their terroristas sponsors destroying our once beautiful and heavenly country. They brought Al Qaeda 2 lebanon, they can all die now, right there. accusing Saudia Arabia or America is useless, they r the filth murdering 100.000+ thousand people in Syria in order 4 the giraff 2 retain power, not America/Arabia.
Die! Die! Die! and take your filthy supporters with u.
The enemies of peace can not and will not be allowed to prevail. These are of course the KSA and Israel. This time around it is the KSA that plans and funds violence in Lebanon.
The KSA wishes to establish Wahhabi-Salafist religion as the "state religion" throughout MENA and Israel wants to cleanse Palestine of Palestinians.
They will fail but the costs go up astronomically with the failure of the nuclear and Syria negotiations. Violence will only lead to death and destruction without any positive options afterward.
Who drove the first suicide bomb truck in Beirut?
who are the inventors of suicidal operations?
Who taught others how to be fanatic?
Do you remember the French Paratroopers/Marines in 1980s? and who bombed them to drive them out of Lebanon?
What goes around comes around.
with people like ft around, we have a new meaning of traitor :)
the traitor in FT's eyes is the Lebanese who hails only for his country, and the patriot is the one who hails for iran :)
twisted mind ft!
please go and learn what a traitor is then come back and label yourself.
so tell us if the lebanese state has invited revolutionary guards in lebanon or is it your beloved iranian militia?
tell us if the presence of hezbollah in syria DESPITE the presidential call to disassociate is a sign of obeying the state of lebanon?
tell us if your beloved iranian party has the right to DECIDE the fate of the country instead of the gvt?
of course you will say hezbollah has all the rights as you faithfully support them like a brave little soldier you are....
These comments coming from the Islamic banana republic of iran , official inventor of state sponsored terrorism, creator of the suicide attack technique.
This is as hypocritical as it gets.
and mistaken you are if u think toruling from tahran to Tripoli ya abou laffeh el moutanawwer! seriously look at the picture of middle east rulers they are from the stone age with a hygienic problem look!
A curious admission from a practitioner of the art. But hopefully a lesson well learned so that this cycle of attack, retaliation and reprisal can come to an end.
"Those who believe through terrorism and assassinations and violence can achieve their goals are mistaken,”
LOL said the one whose gvt killed iranian opponents abroad, beats demonstrators in iran, sends christians to jail because of their religion....