الحكومة تقر تعيين ابراهيم مديرا عاما للأمن العام وخطار للدفاع المدني
Read this story in English![W460](http://images3.naharnet.com/images/10276/w460.jpg?1311011016)
عين مجلس الوزراء في جلسته الاستثنائية نائب مدير المخابرات في الجيش العميد عباس كاظم إبراهيم مديرا للأمن العام بعد ترقيته، كما عُيِّن العميد ريمون خطار مديرا عاما للدفاع المدني.
وقال وزير الإعلام وليد الداعوق بعد الجلسة التي انعقدت في السراي الحكومي برئاسة رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي بعد ظهر الإثنين أن رئيس الحكومة "دعا الى عدم اعتبار التعيينات التي حصلت وستحصل انتصاراً لفريق وخسارة لفريق آخر وهي تصب بمصلحة لبنان".
وأشارت "المؤسسة اللبنانية للإرسال " إلى أن "أي من الوزراء لم يعترض على تعيين العميد عباس ابراهيم مديرا عاما للأمن العام وكان هناك رضى من قبل وزراء التيار الوطني الحر".
وطالبت القوى المسيحية في المعارضة بأن يكون على رأس هذا الجهاز مدير عام من الطائفة المارونية كما كان الوضع قبل عهد الرئيس السابق اميل لحود (1998-2007) الذي عين شيعيا على رأس هذا الجهاز للمرة الاولى منذ تأسيسه.
وأوضحت مصادر مطلعة لصحيفة "اللواء" أن "البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي تفادى اتخاذ أي موقف حول الموضوع لأنه لم يشأ أن يثير أزمة حول الموضوع خصوصا بعدما أبلغ بأن ممثلي الطائفة الشيعية في الحكومة يصرون على إبقاء المنصب لصالح الطائفة".
يذكر أن خطار كان مديرا عاما للأمن العام بالوكالة.
على صعيد آخر وافقت الحكومة في جلستها على تعيين مساعدات اجتماعيات والاعتراف بدولة "جنوب السودان كما قبول هبات من الدولة الألمانية.
Thank you General. The Christians can really count on you....with you as a friend who needs enemies?
Aoun is nothing but a horn...he speaks whatever and whenever Hezbollah blows in his emtpy head....
And that's the way you return the Christian rights, good job General Hassan Naiim Aoun. Now what about a search party to go look for that church bell, is Sacagawea busy?
Now that Hizbullah is under direct pressure, it will tighten the screws on the demands of its allies and act solely to defend its position. The appointment of this thug at the head of General Security is a clear indication.
Aoun, and every other politician who is affiliated to Hizbullah will learn the hard way who is the boss in March 8.
He is devoid of any morals, lunatic, schizophrenic, demagogic, liar , killer , coward and treacherous.
He loves only money and himself and pretends that he is the sole honest man in Lebanon and may be on earth . He thinks that he is the only clever man on earth and beyond and that all the others are stupid as his followers are. He pretends to be the Christians' defenders at the same time when he is selling them for the so called " clean dollars " and he does never stop to incite hatred against the other communities.
Did you guess who is he?
Guys take it easy let's be grateful here the magnificent GMA kept his word Abbas Ibrahim is a Christian, in fact he was named after St Abbas of Najaf.
“the approved appointments as well as those that will be approved in the future do not represent a victory for one camp and a loss for another.”
The only time a politician ever makes this statement is when he knows it is obvious that he just did that very thing.
next is army chief...then the presidency.
the sunni/wahaby took a minister from shia......the shia/farsi took a big security position from maronites ... if this goes on what will they give the sunnis in exchange when they want the army chief ?perhaps an orange marmelade.
god bless monseigneur sfeir,during the darkest days and difficult times he didn't budge,i am sure bilad el arz are missing him, i don't know why rahi accepted this "bavure".
@Christians you ailed yourselves with Israel again the PLO,the Syrian army, the leftists, Arabist, Islamist and nationalist forces and lost get over it you have too much as is in Taef Sayyed Hassan himself said so.
To Ramzi .
You failed : you are so stupid that you could not recognize your own leader.
سئل نائب مسيحي في تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" لماذا تخليتم عن اعادة مديرية الامن العام للموارنة فأجاب مازحاً: "نحنا وحزب الله جيبة واحدة".
Hahaha it's funny how pissed you guys are. Or rather pathetic. Take a chill pill and enjoy the back seat!
Well Tbh guys. There is 2 schools to what happened in the Nomination. It's Either we are all Lebanese regardless the sect or we're not. If you're with the second school, i do not see why we are even united in the same Country. Divide the Nation in Sectarian Lands. If you don;t mind sects.... then yes i don;t mind if a Shi'ah took that seat. We should concentrate on Social issues like Homeless and Jobeless Citizens, or even Hospitals and Social Security.
C yaz !
poisonfqng you didn t get it. the M8 aoun and berry esp said when in opposition that people should be nominated according to their skils and not their sect! what did they do there? they discussed to see from which sect should he be before even discussing a name!!!
I am lebanese and my passport is stoped from 3 months in ur office why because i went to jordan.plz my all busniss is out of lebanon.plz allow me to take my passport because that is not legal