سليمان عن اشكال اليسوعية: التحدي والاستفزاز الخاسر لا يجوزان
Read this story in Englishعلق رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان على الاشكال الذي حصل في الجامعة اليسوعية اليوم الاثنين، مشددا على ان التحدي والاستفزاز الخاسر والتنكر للفائزين بالانتخابات الطلابية لا يجوز"، داعيا الى "ابقاء الانتخابات الجامعية نموذجا للديمقراطية".
وأجرى سليمان سلسلة اتصالات بكل من وزير الداخلية والبلديات في حكومة تصريف الأعمال مروان شربل، و قائد الجيش جان قهوجي، و رئيس الجامعة اليسوعية الأب سليم دكاش، ومسؤولين أمنيين في شأن ما حصل في الجامعة اليوم.
وعليه شدد على وجوب أن "تسود الروح الرياضية وليس التنكر والتشكيك بالفائز والتحدي واستفزاز الخاسر"، لافتا الى أن
"أبسط قواعد الديموقراطية تفترض اعتراف الجميع بالنتائج وقبولها".
وقال: "من الأجدر من الطلاب الجامعيين بممارسة الديموقراطية والتنافس الانتخابي الرياضي والروح التنافسية الديموقراطية، التي تصب في خانة تحسين أوضاعهم نحو الأفضل"، داعيا إلى "أن تبقى الانتخابات في الجامعة نموذجا لما يجب أن تكون عليه الديموقراطية في وطننا".
واليوم شهدت جامعة القديس يوسف-اليسوعية، هوفلان، توترا بين طلاب من "حزب الله" وآخرين من قوى 14 آذار، على خلفية الانتخابات الطالبية الاخيرة، تجمع اثرها شبان من حزب الله أمام الجامعة الى أن عمل الجيش على تفريقهم.
يُذكر أن مصلحة الطلاب في القوات اللبنانية اعلنت الخميس، فوز القوات اللبنانية و14 آذار في الإنتخابات الطالبية في الجامعة اليسوعية.
وفازت القوات و14 آذار في كليات ادارة الاعمال والحقوق والتأمين، في حين فاز المستقلون بكلية العلوم السياسية في هوفلان.
nothing to do with arms, read the full story here
clearly they did not "surround" the campus, and it was not about "rejecting" the results.
provocations started by the m14 supporters, taunting the m8 and telling them things like they had to "keep their heads low" because they lost. provocations escalated from both sides. anyone pinning it entirely on one side would be biased and dishonest.
It is really sad that people attending university think and act the same way as uneducated people living off the streets. The worst thing is that USJ, once a prestigious university, lost much of its reputation and is becoming a garbage where politicians fight for influence.
USJ WAS the only good university in Lebanon.... the AUB and LAU/BUC are based on some low ranked american colleges.
What u say don't apply to loads of lebanese whose vote is sectarian.
Ethno-mathematic like the africanist Bernard Lugan calls it, u vote for ur ethnic group/confession... That's why demographics count so much in this country.
this filthy extremist terrorist Iranian militia iss becoming more desperate by the day :)
they really do not know what to do anymore :)
the only thing they know is intimidation, and that is not working anymore :)
The president said the democratic spirit must prevail “instead of denial, defiance, questioning the winner's victory and provoking the defeated.”
Precisely what those of us opposed to HA have been saying all along. HA's way is anything but democratic. They lost the 2009 election and cried foul claiming the popular vote is with them. They accept nothing democratic unless it goes their way. Such minds are destined for the dustbin of history joining similar ones like Stalinism, Nazizm and Ba'athism.
Enough said.
Can anyone explain to me where Lebanese Chias come from? I mean historically. They certainly havent accomplished anything for their religion unlike Saladin the Ayoubi some 900 years ago, a Kurdish SUNNI who saved Islam.
So where do these chia trolls come from?
yalla ya ibnaljabal, let's no more tolerate the intolerable !
Aux armes citoyens! Yes Prime!
Dear Benzona I do not believe that Saladin achieved much for the Arabs or for Islam. He used the wars against the crusades for the sole benefit of extending his power. He built no institutions nor strong government organization that can outlast him. After he died his political and armed heritage collapsed.
He knows and he agrees with you .... but unfortunately he is incapable of doing anything about it with destroying Lebanon. He is a decent human being surrounded by armed wolves.
When we use a name like "HA" we loose the real name "Hizbil_Shaytan" or Gizb_Iran" I like us not to loose the real identity of such terrorist group equal or worst than al-qaida.
a free brave man cannot be bought nor threatened
money and arms are the enemies of democracy ,money can buy you and bullet can subdue you
unfortunately majority of Lebanese are either bought by money or threatened by arms
and only few are free
god bless Lebanon
may the arab spring blossom in the desert gulf