الإفراج عن أربعة صحفيين من "الجديد" بعد الإعتداء عليهم من قبل عناصر من الجمارك

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اعتدى عناصر من الجمارك على فريق برنامج "تحت طائلة المسؤولية" التابع لقناة "الجديد" ظهر الثلاثاء، الأمر الذي استدعى اعتصامات تضامنية تعرض لها أيضا عناصر الجمارك في وسط بيروت، في حين باشر القضاء مهمته بالتحقيق واستدعى أطباء شرعيين للكشف عن الصحافيين وأبرزهم رياض قبيسي الذي أفرج عنه مع زملائه علي خليفة، علي شريم وأديب فرحات.

من ناحيتها قالت مديرية الجمارك أن الأمر كان "هجمة غير مألوفة" من فريق قناة "الجديد" تمهيدا لاقتحام المبنى، مشيرة إلى أنها ستتخذ "التدابير القانونية" اللازمة.

وبثت القناة شريطاً مصوراً يُظهر لحظة تعرض أربعة من فريق عمل البرنامج وهم رياض قبيسي وأديب فرحات وعلي خليفة وأحمد طراد وعلي شريبم أمام مبنى ادارة الجمارك في وسط بيروت.

ويُظهر الشريط احد الصحافيين وهو يطلب عبر مكبّر للصوت من المدير العام للجمارك بالانابة شفيق مرعي اجراء مقابلة معه من اجل بحث ملف الفساد في الجمارك اللبنانية.

ووفق القناة فإن شمس الدين هو الذي أعطى الأوامر "بضرب فريق عمل "تحت طائلة المسؤولية"".

وتم احتجاز فريق العمل في مبنى الجمارك، لبعض الوقت، الا انه تم اطلاق احمد طراد.

وأحالت الجمارك فريق العمل الى النيابة العامة التمييزية.

من جانبها، ردت مصادر الجمارك، وفق "الجديد"، بالقول أن فريق العمل هو الذي استفز الجمارك من خلال اطلاق الاتهامات.

ولاحقا تجمع عدد من موظفي ومراسلي القناة ومعهم صحافيين من قنوات أخرى للتضامن فعمد عناصر الجمارك مجددا إلى الإعتداء على البعض منهم.

ودان وزير الإعلام وليد الداعوق لـ"الجديد" الاعتداءات على الإعلاميين، قائلا أن "القضاء المختص سيتخذ الإجراءات اللازمة في هذه القضية".

كذلك أعلن وزير العمل المستقيل سليم جريصاتي لـ"LBCI" أن "التعرض لصحافيين واعلاميين امر مستهجن والاعلام الاستقصائي يساعد المؤسسات على معرفة مكامن الخلل فيها".

من جهته استغرب رئيس المجلس الوطني للاعلام عبد الهادي محفوظ لـ"الجديد" أن "تتحول الدولة إلى ميليشيا وتضرب صحافيين مدنيين وعزل بدل أن تكون الحاضنة والراعية للمواطن".

وبعد رفع دعوى في قناة "الجديد" باشر قسم المباحث الجنائية المركزية باشراف النائب العام التميزي بالانابة القاضي سمير حمود، الاستماع الى افادة الزملاء الصحافيين الذين تعرضوا للضرب.

كما كشف الطبيب الشرعي على الاضرار الجسدية التي تعرضوا لها. ومن المتوقع بعد الانتهاء من سماع افاداتهم ان يتخذ القاضي حمود القرار القانوني المناسب.

وأكد حمود انه "لم يتم توقيف اي شخص في حادثة مبنى الجمارك حتى الآن، مشيرا الى ان هناك تحقيقا جاريا وسوف يستكمل التحقيق".

وأوضح أن "المباحث الجنائية المركزية تجري التحقيق بإشراف المدعي العام التمييزي"، لافتا الى "ان التحقيق جار مع كل المعنيين وقد تم تكليف طبيب شرعي في القضية".

كما شدد على ان "القضاء هو مع الحريات وليس ضد الحريات".

إلى ذلك أفادت قناة الـ"MTV" أن "الجيش يتخذ تدابير أمنية مشددة في صيدا حول مركز الجمارك على اثر دعوة من الهيئات الشبابية للاعتصام" احتجاجا على التعرض للصحافيين.

كذلك نقلت "الجديد" مشاهد من أمام قصر العدل مساء الثلاثاء من قبل صحافيين وأقرباء وأصدقاء للمحتجزين تضامنا.

ومساء الثلاثاء قالت مديرية الجمارك في بيان "فوجئ الموظفون العاملون في مقر مديرية الجمارك العامة بمجموعة من الأشخاص تسير أمامهم سيارة نقل من نوع "فان" غطيت مقدمتها بصورة من الحجم الكبير لمدير الجمارك العام، وبينهم الإعلامي رياض قبيسي حاملا مكبرا للصوت وينادي مدير الجمارك العام بالإسم، ويطلب منه النزول إلى الشارع لمقابلته، مستعملا العديد من العبارات المهينة والمحقرة لإدارة الجمارك ومديرها العام، والتي لا تليق بالصحافة اللبنانية، وليست أسلوبا لإجراء مقابلة صحافية. وقد استمر هذا الهرج لمدة طالت".

وأوضحت المديرية أنه "تدخلت العناصر المكلفة حماية وحراسة مقر هذه المديرية العامة، وطلبت منهم الإنكفاء والتوقف عن هذا العمل المشين فلم يستجيبوا".

أضاف البيان "ما كان من أحد رجال الضابطة الجمركية سوى محاولة إزالة صورة المدير العام عن السيارة، فجوبه منهم بكيل من السباب والشتائم والدفع وتوجهوا نحو مدخل المديرية العامة لاقتحامه، مما اضطر بعض عناصر الحماية، وبعد تحذيرهم إلى التدخل للدفاع عن المركز وحماية زميلهم، وإنهاء هذا الوضع الشاذ وتوقيف المخالفين إنفاذا لأحكام القانون".

عليه شجبت المديرية "هذه الهجمة غير المألوفة في وطن يكافح من أجل بناء مؤسساته، والحيلولة دون انهيار ما تبقى منها" مهيبة "بإدارة تلفزيون الجديد أن تتحلى بالمناقبية الصحافية وأن تكون "تحت طائلة المسؤولية" الملقاة عليها في أسلوب تعاطيها مع الإدارات والمؤسسات العامة، وفي بثها للوقائع بموضوعية دون إجتزاء مفتعل".

وأعلنت مديرية الجمارك أنها تحتفط "بحقها في اتخاذ التدابير القانونية التي تراها مناسبة بحق كل من خطط أو نفذ هذا الاعتداء، وعلى من استمر في الهجوم إعلاميا عليها، مستبقا التحقيقات القضائية".

التعليقات 59
Thumb benzona 14:53 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

of course the customs are corrupt. some
influential people in my family can have imported cars from my family unloaded at the port without paying taxes in return of favours elsewhere.

this is no secret to anyone! those who deny are liars.

and if I'm not mistaken, the port top authority is chiite, so people can be friendly when its about corruption.

Default-user-icon custom (ضيف) 16:03 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

The port is in the hand of hariri gang whereas the aeroport is in the hand of the hezb.
You must no be proud relaying lies and rumors and not knowing how the things really are.

Missing helicopter 17:16 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

The apple does not fall far from the tree.

Thumb benzona 23:17 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

yes, I v heard it all !

Thumb thepatriot 14:56 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26


Thumb benzona 15:03 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

c'est la définition du Liban actuel. j'insiste sur le mot actuel!

Thumb geha 15:00 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

hizbushaitan type of law and order :)
if anyone tries to say the truth about the dealings of this terrorist Iranian militia, this is what happens.
and to the skeptics: yes customs are totally under hizbushaitan control.

Thumb benzona 15:02 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

that's what I thought but wasn't sure.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:49 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

that's total bull. geha the customs depend on the ministry of finance, and the ministry of finance is headed by safadi, one of miqati's.
you guys just keep on blaming everything on HA without the slightest proof, it has become beyond ridiculous.

Thumb geha 20:30 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

what is ridiculous are your comments which do not stand at all :)
check your facts: the minister of finance (although I do not like him) washed his hands from the customs publicly and asked for them to be prosecuted.
moreover, they are hizbushaitan backed entity.

Missing peace 22:25 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

"he customs depend on the ministry of finance, and the ministry of finance is headed by safadi, one of miqati's."

waw! great logic from moowaten once again! if directed by safadi then it means all the people working under the ministry's orders are with safadi! powerful argument!

second thing : the ministry gave their approval for the interview but a general opposed the decision.... why don't you blame this general the same way you blamed another one for disobeying baroud's orders?

double standards again? LOL

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:45 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 27

and so what is your argument to say the guy is HA? they has nothing to do with him and these are just gratuitous accusations.

as for safadi's approval of the interview it is true, and the head of customs in my opinion should have answered the journalists instead of behaving like a thug. but for the sake of common sense, dont mix up things, an approval is not an order.

Thumb sevilla 15:20 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

You can import any material, substance, goods in a container and have a "designated" Shia "transiteur" get it thru customs without it ever being opened by paying 8000 USD to Amal and HA. Dahiyeh destined material is imported by these thugs without paying custom duties. They control the port and Airport. How can you buy an iPhone in Dahiyeh cheaper than you can buy it in California?:)))) Building material, furniture, electronics, etc.... They are robbing the country BLIND! They are the resistance, the liberators, the people who grow Hasheesh, trade in drugs, and are protected and dignified because they are ashraf el nass. Partition or revolution is needed.

Thumb sevilla 15:24 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

The government revenues from import custom duties have declined by more than 40% over the last 2 years while imports have only declined by 12%. The difference is in Amal and HA pockets.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:46 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 27

sources? i call bull.

Thumb sevilla 15:27 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

If you want internet satellite dishes that connects you to the outside world without going thru the Lebanese communications network, you can buy it thru a SHIA dealer in Dahiyeh for 7000 USD. It is illegal in Lebanon, but if you buy it from him, you have no worries and you are protected. I have one of those satellites:)

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:47 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 27

so on top of being a sectarian caveman, you're a self-admitted felon?

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:34 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

We all know who controls the customs at the port and airport...

This shows again that Kezballah is acting above Lebanese laws ...

How do you think they smuggle all their drugs and weapons and counterfeight products ?

Default-user-icon Tigger (ضيف) 16:04 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

When are most if you impostors going to stop making your comments sectarian based? This is the lay of the landscape in all third world countries. They are all corrupt in their ways and you can pay whomever off since these civil servants in customs are underpaid to begin with. Even here in the US and Canada there is corruption .

Default-user-icon Tigger (ضيف) 16:06 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Would prefer if people would post and vent their frustration with the government in general instead of inciting hatred thru sectarian comments. That is the problem with us Lebanese. We always relate things based on religion instead of looking at ourselves in the mirror as lebanese. Most of you probably weren't even around when the civil war happened but are unfortunately raised in a family full of hatred to one side or other or religion. Why? I am a minority Christian and I see corruption in both Christians and Muslims . Quit making this a Hizbullah or LF or other issue. It is a disease most of you have and until you realize the root cause , this cycle of hatred

Default-user-icon Tigger (ضيف) 16:07 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

will continue. I have yet to see any discussions worth sharing but I have had enough of reading Geha and FT and Iceman and and and... Comments of spreading hatred. You are not worthy of being lebanese ( if you are) or even speaking on behalf of Lebanon. I wonder which corrupt person employs all of you. The story here is how the government is corrupt in general and not by religion since I am sure there are enough stories to cover all sects.

Thumb benzona 22:37 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

FT, sans hostilité aucune, if you defend FPM/HA/AMAL/MUSTAQBAL/LF/PHALANGES etc you're de facto sectarian. it is not your fault, its the system and the norm. so Tigger has a point.

Thumb EagleDawn 16:09 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

24 minutes ago National Media Council chief Abdul Hadi Mahfoud to al-Jadeed: What is surprising is that the state transformed into a militia and beat up civilians and journalists instead of protecting them.

Welcome to the Islamic Republic of Lebanon!

Thumb cityboy 19:42 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

If you really believe what you said, why not start a revolt.

Default-user-icon Baltrim Fizlaung (ضيف) 16:09 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Customs Agents = Hariri Mafia

Thumb benzona 22:39 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

pants on fire, someone is a liar. if it were in Hariri's hands we wouldn't have to trade favours with chiites in return of laisser-passer for importing goods!

Default-user-icon elkatmando (ضيف) 03:29 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 27

blah blah blah blah blah. puff. puff. blah blah blah blah blah

Thumb EagleDawn 16:10 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

he s a customs clearance agent at the port.

Thumb EagleDawn 16:11 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

well said!

Thumb geha 16:26 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

there is a major consensus in Lebanon these days: hizbushaitan needs to be uprooted so we can regain our country.

Default-user-icon Tigger (ضيف) 16:29 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

I guess all of you haters missed the scrimmage between LF and Mirada. Blame thus on the Hizz too? As I said earlier sectarian hatred is a disease amongst most Lebanese and until you realize that , your remarks will continue to expose your hatred and true colours. Start posting some general comments and quit blaming others. There is enough blame amongst us Christians without pointing fingers .

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:36 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Silence of the Ghanam :)

Missing helicopter 18:10 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

mowaten, southern, ft, the_roar, mustic, and few others of HA defense team (loyalty to the resistance commentators)......... any comments? I am interested in what you have to say about this article.

Thumb cityboy 19:47 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

yeah, what does this have to do with HA or FPM.

Missing helicopter 21:34 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

I thought that Merhi guy is a HA/Amal thug and that the Customs in the airport is controlled by them. Am I wrong?

Missing peace 19:04 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

no FPMer? they boast to be the champions in the battle against corrupton but none here to denounce this scandal....
they definately deserve NO respect....

Missing peace 19:06 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

but coming from people who support parties that burned down a TV, and threw molotovs at another no wonder.... they do not respect the press and are afraid of it like all those against democracy....

Thumb cityboy 20:32 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

all that matters to the idiots is that customs links to airport and airport links to HA cameras and therefore it must be every Shiites fault.

Missing helicopter 21:36 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Do I need to remind you that the protestor who was killed by HA in front of the Iranian embassy was also Shiite. This is exactly the point, HA/Amal can not deal with anyone who might expose them (be it friend or foe), this is why they killed Harriri even after he initially propped them up.

Missing peace 22:20 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

" those who got beaten are an M8 channel."

so what? if they do their job of exposing truths that seems to disturb a lot of people covering the customs... you didn't even condemned their beatings... seems you want to protect people also....

and they also were targeted by hezbis because they went against them, something otv would never do!
meaning your "M8 channel" can criticize M8 too!!! would otv do that? i wonder, certainly not criticize their hezbi pimps! , LOL

but as you are allied with those hezbis who threw molotovs at this channel and their friends that burned down another tv station , we see what press means to you as long as they are not with you...

oh! and if the journalists discover and tell people who benefit and covers the customs, be it M8 or M14 , it will be a very good thing...
(that is for your binary mind always believing that i am M14 because i spit on M8!)

seems the idiot here turns out to be you, once again....

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:24 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

you guys are shameful, especially you bani, to make this sectarian. the behavior of the agents is unacceptable, they should be thrown of the force and into jail. this has nothing to do with a sect or a political side.
if anything, see the ISF officer standing right in front an not even reacting. if you want to blame the blame game you know what side the ISF is on.

Default-user-icon Applauding_the_Sheep (ضيف) 19:40 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Got to love the comments, on autopilot. No one less sectarian the next one. What state body is not corrupt. As if Lebanese Christians were less corrupt than Lebanese Muslims, in both cases in all their colors and affiliations.
Good GOD you people are just as much part of the problems of this sad little country as the people you condemn. Citing Bashir Gemayel.... or Gaegae or Berri or I don't know who but usually an other war criminal. Why don't you go clean in your own backyards for a change.
Here is a contest for all why don't you go and see who can come up with the most corrupt member of his own little party.
Sheep .... it is sad.

Missing peace 19:47 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

sorry but the story at stake here is denouncing the customs corruption and journalists get beaten for that.... isn't it scandalous? and everyone knows who holds the main points of entry in the country: it's a fact not sectarianism!

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:45 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

*play the blame game

Thumb BOULOS1 21:15 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Animals at best

Thumb Bandoul 23:01 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Let me break it down for those who have eyes but refuse to see. There is a group who is armed to the teeth and has his gun pointed at the other group's head. The armed group forces its will and subjugate the other group's will at gunpoint. It is tyranny. We will never be silenced until the gun is removed from our head, then and only then we will know through peaceful democratic means which direction the free people of Lebanon want to take the country in.

Thumb Bandoul 23:02 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

If above is not possible, then khalssouna ba2a and PARTITION PLEASE! They can take their part of the country back to the stone age while we fast forward ours into the future.

Thumb benzona 23:20 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

but if one side prospers, the other will get jealous and will do everything to undermine it. and believe me, there will be a fifth column in each side in order to prevent it from thriving.

Allah yistor

Default-user-icon Charles Tucker III (ضيف) 23:34 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

It's strange, really. Instead of realizing that this is just another case of abuse of authority and "I was just following orders" excuse, many comments seem to directly relate this to some sectarian or political issue.

Really, it's as simple as journalists having their basic rights violated in an illegal and immoral manner.

Instead of finding common ground and rallying together to fight such corruption - because this would be something independent of sectarianism - some would rather make this matter into something ti is not.

Keep hating each other and finding reasons to do so. Make humanity proud.

Default-user-icon Zavrolio Blikman (ضيف) 01:25 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 27

Cherchez these three drug trafficking mafias:
1. Mafia Hariri
2. Mafia Jumblat
3. Mafia Suleiman

Default-user-icon habil (ضيف) 10:28 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 27

nsit mafia emmak!

Default-user-icon Berdival Shingazlon (ضيف) 11:03 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 27

No, he did not. I know her. Her name is Bahia Hariri.

Missing Friedman86 01:52 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 27

Now, I'm not a shiia, and I gave up on lebanon a long time ago, I even remember a lot of you people from the start of this forum, was stupidly active on it during 2002 2003 period.
But if i were a shiia, and i saw 5 percent of the shit you are writing and have been writing for the last two or three years, I would make you mama lift weights before i give you one ammo i have.
Anarchy, Federalism, Free Market, NOW ;)
Oh and u know what's funny for an anti statist anarchist like me? That i don't even need to budge for that a failed state like lebanon perishes, great news for humanity, cheers X

Thumb sevilla 10:23 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 27

of course you are not a shia.

Thumb shab 04:25 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 27

Pure filth

Thumb ishteraki 08:34 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 27

i found this on Facebook :

تحية للحمارك...
مشكلة "الجديد"... اهلية بمحلية!!!
كلهن من اهل البيت.... الفاسدين والمرتشيين وقوى امر الواقع التي تحكم مرفاء بيروت...والمطار ونص لبنان...واعلام الاستكبار والسبق الاعلامي!!!

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 09:18 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 27

Dawlet ze3ran wa 3oulouj ... ou cha3eb majdoub ma bi taleb bi 72ou2ou, bel 3akess byente5eb el zbeleh yalli hiyeh sourtou!!
sahtein wa hani2an lakom!!

Missing rudy 12:44 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 27

lol mowaten. the customs were brutally attacking protesters and you want to put the guy standing there doing nothing on trial.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:59 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 27

rudy: i never said that, and my comment is pretty cler.
the very fact that you have to distort what i say to answer me is a sign of your lack of arguments.