مخلصو الجمرك يعتصمون على خلفية الاشكال بين "الجديد" والجمارك
Read this story in Englishنفذت نقابة المخلصين الجمركيين اعتصاماً، صباح الاربعاء، داخل مرفأ بيروت، استنكاراً للتعرض لمديرية الجمارك على خلفية الاشكال بين قناة "الجديد" والمديرية.
وتمتنّعت شركات النفط، الاربعاء، من تسليم البنزين والمازوت الى المحطات بسبب عدم حضور موظفي الجمارك الى مكاتبهم.
ونقلت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3) عن مستشار نقابة أصحاب المحروقات فادي أبو شقرا تمنيه على وزير المال في حكومة تصريف الاعمال محمد الصفدي التدخل.
وطالب أبو شقرا، الصفدي بـ"ايجاد حل لقضية الجمارك والمحروقات بأسرع وقت ممكن لتلافي أي أزمة ممكن أن تحصل".
الا أنه أوضح في الوقت عينه أن كمية المازوت والبنزين الموجودة في الأسواق كافية لمدة أسبوع على الاقل.
وأعلنت نقابة المخلصين الجمركيين اﻹضراب في مرفأي بيروت وطرابلس ومطار رفيق الحريري الدولي والمصنع، وفق ما أفاد الـLBCI.
وأوضح رئيس نقابة المخلصين الجمركيين أن "اﻹضراب هو احتجاج على ما تعرض له مدير عام الجمارك مع استنكاره لما تعرض له اﻹعلاميون".
من جانبها كشفت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3) أن الصفدي التقى المدير العام للجمارك شفيق مرعي للبحث في سبل معالجة ذيول الحادثة مع فريق قناة الجديد.
وأعلن مرعي أن اضراب الجمركيون" ستتم معالجته بما يمنع تعرض مصالح اللبنانيين للتعطيل". كم اعلن أن "المديرية بصدد تقديم شكوى قدح وذم بحق فريق قناة الجديد".
والثلاثاء، اعتدى عناصر من الجمارك على فريق عمل برنامج "تحت طائلة المسؤولية" التابع لقناة "الجديد"، وفي شريط مصور بثته القناة، يظهر احد الصحافيين، رياض قبيسي، وهو يطلب عبر مكبّر للصوت من المدير العام للجمارك بالانابة شفيق مرعي اجراء مقابلة معه من اجل بحث ملف الفساد في الجمارك اللبنانية.
الا أن مديرية الجمارك العامة وفي بيان أصدرته الثلاثاء، لفتت الى أن قبيسي كان ينادي مرعي عبر مكبر الصوت ويطلب منه النزول إلى الشارع لمقابلته، "مستعملا العديد من العبارات المهينة والمحقرة لإدارة الجمارك ومديرها العام، والتي لا تليق بالصحافة اللبنانية، وليست أسلوبا لإجراء مقابلة صحافية".
وأدى الاعتداء، الى اعتصامات تضامنية امام ادارة الجمارك في وسط بيروت، في حين باشر القضاء مهمته بالتحقيق واستدعى أطباء شرعيين للكشف عن الصحافيين وأبرزهم رياض قبيسي الذي أفرج عنه مع زملائه علي خليفة، علي شريم وأديب فرحات، بعد احتجازهم في المديرية.
how about the judiciary checks the assets of each customs agents?
that will demonstrate they are living way above what their salaries allow them.
I was passing by the port today and saw hundreds of people on the street. Some of which were in nice cars including Audi TT ... he parked in the middle of the road smiling and cheering and joining the movement...
The customs is one of the most profitable office in the country. It's Lebanon's worse kept secret.
Hat tip to those courageous journalists.
There was a law called " Min Ayna Laka Haza".... It is not being applied. It should be applied to all government and law enforcement agencies personnel including the army. How can an army captain whose salary is less than 3000USD own a range rover, his children go to AUB/LAU, his wife drives a porsche, has 2 maids, and owns an apartment in Verdun. The commander of the army owns a yacht. Our ministers have private jets. Bassil has bought half of byblos and batroun.
The same reason a defected general ends up in Paris with millions in his bank account!
And they have the audacity to call their opponents corrupted !
Guamerek they are known all over Lebanon that they are thieves and thugs and outlaws to say the least! Hail al Jadeed crew, as they are heroes and doing their work! In my work I have encountered Guamerek and bribed them over and over! so come on people stop hiding behind your finger
I never heard of a public service going on strike... Yalla, let the Lebanese army and police strike as well. What a farm we're living in !
I am sure that most custom officers are not corrupt but the impression I have is that there is systematic corruption and mismanagement at customs.
An overhaul of customs system and check and balances there is very important for our economy. Trade is vital for Lebanon and customs should be highly efficient the way their counterparty is in Dubai.
Fire them as they are protecting a gang of well-connected (to Hariri, Jumblat and Suleiman) drug traffickers.
Guys you're mixing things! There is not a poor Customs Officer in the world! No such an animal available! They are all thieves worldwide, but Piotr is right - they are state officers and their right of striking is suspended! They do not have right to strike! If they do - there is no country there, only a territory without laws!
what would happen if al jadeed crew were to protest like how they did in syria. they got what they deserve. we all know that channel is pro bashar and hezb iran. now they got a taste of there own medecine
@the1phoenix, not that i agree with Toronto but Al Jadeed is owned by Tahseen Khayat who we all know is loyal to Berri, if that is not enough Tahseen's daughter is married to Emaad Jomaa who's father is one of Berri's men, and Emaad's brother is married to Berri's daughter (one big happy family). So although i agree that Al Jadeed has in recent months moved from being a mouth piece of M8 to being somewhat more neutral when push comes to shove we all can guess what would happen.
We all know that the customs are for sale in this country, but we should not forget that media in Lebanon are famous for selling themselves to the higest bidder as well. No exceptions.
This is a bullying tactic to try to silence and bury this problem. If the Lebanese legitimately fear running out of oil then they are more likely to demand that this story dies down. Somebody should tell Shafiq Merhi and the Lebanese Customs officials that they forfeited their right to "appropriate language" the minute they started mass stealing from the Lebanese population. Also, customs officials do not have the right to lay a hand on citizens outside of the airport and port. Beating journalists in the middle of downtown is illegal and since these people apparently need reminding, so is embezzling, accepting bribes, stealing, and abusing power (all of which, these people are guilty of).
Can anybody post the names of these port officials and their affiliations. I would like to print an email booklet entitled "who is who at the port of Beirut". Under each entry a list of assets would be documented. The list should be distributed on every social media entity. Expose the mother fuckers to the rest of humanity. Lebanese are among the most intelligent people of the world in every aspect and every sector. However, the theme that runs through the international community depicts every Lebanese to be a crook, a thief, and a con artist. In order to change this view, the decent people of this country must act and use their intelligence to regain their honor and respect. The start is here in this post. I am not religious and hold no allegiance to any son of a bitch in Lebanon or abroad.
you will see that NO politicians are going to do a thing about the customs corruption because they ALL benefit from it... they'll find excuses... and i am afraid that if the journalists of aljadeed go to far they will either be sacked or worse....
The goal of customs(duties) and tariffs is to provide a minimum level of protection to local industry and manufacturing from international and foreign competition. But what industries are we protecting in Lebanon through these taxes and fees? Does Lebanon manufacture Automobiles? Do we produce cellular phones? Not since I last checked..
Customs in Lebanon are just another form of thievery and corruption that are being perpetrated against the people (of all communities and sects).
Not only do they want to rob the country blind, but they want to do it with brazen impunity. Welcome to the Iranian colony of Lebanon.
I see one of those rare times in which both sides of the political system agreeing here. We are tired of corruption. We are tired of lawlessness.
Enough is enough.
Bashir, Bashir where art thou oh Bashir. Lement and grief for a once in a lifetime leader who by a mere speech in front of the press, bought these hooligans and thieves to their knees.
1- khalli moudir il customs yissta2il and confess.mouhikamto
2- mouheikamit yalli darabo il msawrin la 3 snin ashgal she2a
3- 3milo temporary customs for 3 months new members trusted to keep the trade
4- establish a private independant commettee to oversee the customs work and to work on a new customs regulations. give it priorities to inspect any customs site without prior notice and have the ability to inspect any documents required and interviews without objections from customs
5 - The private committee by law if any corruption found to suspend the party behind it/or person in Jail with ashgal she2a from 3 years to lifetime.