نصرالله يرحب بالحوار: المقاومة التي لم يهزها أقوى سلاح جو لن يهزها بلمار
Read this story in Englishأكد الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله أن الحزب "سيخرج من مؤامرة المحكمة الدولية أقوى مما كان وأعز مما كان" مؤيدا دعوة رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان "للحوار والتلاقي وليس لدينا أي تحفظ على المبدأ بمعزل عن الموضوعات وجدول الأعمال"
وسأل نصرالله في كلمة له خلال حفل التخريج المركزي الثاني الذي تقيمه مؤسسة الشهيد لأبناء الشهداء مساء الثلثاء هل يمكن لحركة مقاومة لم يهزها أقوى سلاح جو في المنطقة أن يهزها بلمار أو فرانسين أو كاسيزي أو بعض الكتبة؟".
وتوجه نصرالله إلى فريق 14 آذار بالقول:" كما علقتم آمالا كبيرة في حرب تموز وذهبت هباء منثورا ستذهب آمالكم الهزيلة من المؤامرة الجديدة هباء منثورا ومئة قرار اتهامي لن تغير شيئا".
وذكر أن "أول من قدم استراتيجيته الدفاعية على طاولة الحوار هو حزب الله وبعد أيام قليلة نفذنا هذه الإستراتيجية وكان الإنتصار في حرب تموز".
وكان قد دعا سليمان للحوار لـ"تحصين الوطن" فاشترطت مصادر قوى 14 آذار ومعها كتلة "المستقبل" اليوم أن يكون موضوع سلاح حزب الله هو البند الوحيد المطروح، فيما كان قد أعلن رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري رفضه أي حوار يكون فيه بند السلاح غير وحيد.
Oh my! This saga will never end. Lebanese citizens deserve transparency and honesty and none of the politicians provide that. Exactly why the hungry younder generation keep emigrating. Shame on all parties, all leaders (political and religious) for allowing this beautiful country to become what it is today. History will not be kind to any of you ...
Why i wonder are you talking so much about it if it will not affect you? Nasoora's tone has changed and between the indictments and Syria falling apart, he is struggling to keep the walls up. We all know from wiki leaks that his "closest" allies would sell him to the highest bidder.. so now his profuse sweating while on air is well deserved. In regards to the national dialogue, we can talk about anything.. but at the end of the day his words will remind us of the NRA president who once said we can have his gun after we pry it from his cold dead hand. So again, what is the use of sitting around a table? The tables are turning, Qatar has given the finger to Syria, soon the rest of the arab world will remove the cover off this tyrant, which in turn will remove the cover off of tyrants like you ya aboul noos. and we will hear the loudest collective sigh of relief when u move to Qom to sulk in your room about what could have been. The end is near, say your prayers, if God will listen 2 u.
It Is well noted that during the last ill fated national dialogue, the hizb were the ONLY party that did NOT present any defense strategy,, So who the heck are you trying to fool.. A lier wearing a turban is more sinfull than any thief or even murderer.. Hiding behind your turban UNDERGROUND will not spare you the wrath of the free Lebanese.. If not now, then sooner or later, you and all your puppets will face the court whether you like it or not, whether you accept it or not. History does NOT forget.. Will see you behind bars..
Behold Lebanon's supreme leader what he says are binding and above the constitution get used to it.
Hezbolshaitan Hassoona is a terrorist organization killed many Lebanese moslem from Sunis and also helped to kill in Iraq, Syria, Iran. This radical group need to be brought to justice by the higher Islamic court.
As a writer has already written, behold the dictator of Hezbollahstan. His weapons leave him above above any constitution or law. Is is completely arbitrary his exercise of power rationalized only by retaining that which is the source of his power, his weapons.
When you come to the dialogue table, come as do the others armed only with their relative strength among the voting public. Coming to a dialogue table armed with weapons is an admission that when armed only with their constituency, Hezbollah finds itself weak, so it clings to it's weapons. Their weapons arsenal is the ultimate proof of their political weakness.
When you can do that, crawl out of yor hole take a bath and talk. Otherwise, stay down in your hole, hiding.
This is a master stroke ya Hassin now you can go back to murdering any opposing politicians, journalists, activists, and the innocent bystanders unlucky to be in the vicinity of your bomb and Abbas Ibrahim will clean the scene up tout de suite even before all the debris have his the ground just like Jamil Sayyed did before him, hold on to your hats folks but watch out you could lose your whole heads.
Desperate empty words by a desperate criminal about to be caught! Justice Will be Served and the Criminal Diaper Headed rat is in for it!! You can take that to the bank!
His party “will overcome the conspiracy of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and emerge stronger than before.” -- I somehow don't doubt his statement. Nasrallah is throwing caution to the wind and as they say in French, ça va lui retomber sur le coin de la figure. By acting this way, He's weakening Lebanon... I guess this is the desired effect after all.
Nasrallah noted that Hizbullah was “the first party to present its defense strategy at the national dialogue table (in 2006), and after a few days we implemented this strategy and achieved victory in the July war.”
Your strategy is: We the Shiites will carry arms, We will intimidate you, We will change the political system and balance in Lebanon, We will assassinate whoever we want, We will take you to war when we want, We will appoint your President and Prime Minister, We will do this and more whether you like it or not.
Maybe I am blind, but where is the victory this man achieved? Our country was destroyed and yet this mad fanatic talks about victory. I wonder how he defines victory.... Is it when the enemy occupies ur land, destroys ur infrastructure and bridges, closes ur airport, and lays siege to ur waters? If this is victory then what is defeat? I just wonder.....
Yes of course Hassouna, you implemented the defense strategy and it got you the victory in 2006, or do i recall you kidnapped israeli soldiers and it firebacked at you as a surprise war that you said didnt even think would be this way.
You can fool some of your blinded supporters here on this site, but you cant fool rest of the people, it is clear this war was a set up by you and Israel to boost your strenght and leave lebanon divided, many clues can lead to this conclusion :
- Kidnapped soldiers were DRUZE, with all respect to DRUZES, jews are way more important to them, so they were the bait.
- Victory? Dahieh was transformed into a free parking lot, what victory? and you are supposedly '' hiding in your rat hole, like a big fat pig and as usual try to accuse everything on Israel while you both are dining together in Dahieh.
Hypocrit , spy agent, mossad, traitor, you are misguiding druze to their doom.
You don' t go to the dialogue table with people who have lebanese blood on their hands, you don' t go to dilaogue table with people who have overthrown by force a govermnet, you don' t go to the dialogue table with people who as the case may (will) proove to be have made their way to power through blackmail, deception, assassination, lies, and force, and have taken over power through a coup d' etat. You don;' t sit on the dialogue table with people who put their holster on the table ad negotiate, especially when you' e done it before and all decisions were thrown on the garbage bin during the Siniora gov days (the famous seven points an others).You dont sit on the dialogue table whith people who have torn the constitution apart, playing one day for a constitutionnally reuiqred consensus governement , and going it alone the next day. If your friend backtabbs you once it' s his fault, if he does it twice it's yours!
Nasrallah Citizen acheived victory in the same way Saddam and bin laden have.He ruined more lebanese lives and livelihoods than anyone else in the after civil war years: Thousands killed, billions lost, only to help Hamas who was under pressure after the Shalit soldier adduction.They got a meager two-soldiers trophee for that! All this just because Syria refuses to officially , on paper, recognise the Lebanese soveregnty on shebaa (that no one had ever heard of since 1948!!) just ot keep the tension festering.This soveriegnty problem could be resolved in days rather than making bravados out of a painful dearly constly experience which Hizbollah is preparing to drag us into all over again if his masters decide so.I wish they do that on the Golan heights and receive the slap in the face they deserve.
I value the interest of all & their comments which show everybody's concern over Lebanon, but for myself I have long ago bycoted hearing Mr. Hassan's & all of his followers' speeches as have done some reputable TV stations which I praise.
Nassrallah did not mean victory over Israel..... He knows better than that and had admitted it way back in his infamous speech "Low Kunti Aalam" "Only If I Knew". The victory he refers to is victory on the streets of Beirut against innocent civilians, victory on the streets of Bourh Abi Haider, victory on his fellow unarmed citizens in Tripoli, and his most recent victory in Jbeil. He thrives on destroying our lives and aspirations, our future and dreams. This is the victory he is referring to.
- Billions of $ of destruction...
- 1,200 Lebanese dead...
- An estimated 700 Hezb fighters killed...
- The obligation to retire above the Litani 30km from the frontier...
- Imposition of a UNIFIL Large Tampon Blue Line...
- Million Lebanese Displaced
- Billions in Economical Loss (lack of activity)
- 640km of damaged roads
- 1701 Resolution stating "disarmement of all groups in Lebanon" (signed by all the Hezbollah cabinet members at the time!!)
Hassan, shov your divine victory up your filthy as* !!
The Indictment already changed things Mr. Nasrallah! It made you and your party a suspected murderer and assasins!
this so called resistance will be shaken by the will of the Syrian people when they get rid of their dictator, and that would be the beginning of the end for the illegal arms in Lebanon.
100 indictment won't change a thing? Tab how about an arrest warrant? A foreign invasion?
Or maybe we should just let the guy rot in his hideout?
The filthy non-Islamic militia are cooperating with Mossad for the destruction of Lebanon
Bla bla bla.
They have more weapons and training than the state's army so yeah, bring on 1000 indictments, who will dare execute the warrants?
This pig can say anything he wants from his deepdown sewers everytime he finishes eating rats for dinner with Ariel Sharon and Netanyahu, and also couple of Mossad agents of course like Na3im Qassem and Fares Karam. He knows very well that his friends the Israelis cannot protect them, because all their region allies are falling, so as his friend Syria, which is in deep shit too. the STL is an independant body that will report live how the operation of killing rafik Hariri was done, and how you are guilty in hezbollah of executing it, you are mostly scared about what happens next, we all know nobody might catch your 4 indicted deserters, but the world will not allow any compagny related to you to send you money or work for you, people close to you will be followed everywhere , their transfers, their travels, some will be banned , money wont be invested in Leb and you will be isolated, so it is like some said, on the long term, you will fry in your disgusting hole, traitor,coward and spy