توتر ليلي في عين الحلوة اثر اشتباك مسلح
Read this story in Englishشهد مخيم عين الحلوة، ليل الخميس-الجمعة، توتراً شديداً اثر اشتباك مسلح بين "حركة فتح" و"جند الشام"، وفق ما أفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام".
ولفتت الوكالة الى أن التوتر، استدعى اتصالات مكثفة بين اعضاء اللجنة الامنية الفلسطينية لمنع اتساع رقعة التوتر.
وقد أعيدت الامور الى الهدوء وتم سحب كافة المظاهر المسلحة من الشوارع.
يُذكر أن مخيم عين الحلوة شهد مساء الخميس، اشتباكاً في حي الطوارئ بين عناصر من حركة فتح وآخرين مؤيدين لهيثم الشعبي، وهو كان مسؤولا سابقا في جند الشام، وسط معلومات عن انه على تنسيق مع كتائب عبدالله عزام .
وقد اقتصرت الأضرار على الماديات.
By long-standing convention, the Lebanese army does not enter the country's 12 refugee camps, leaving security inside to the Palestinians themselves.
To hell with long standing conventions!!!! We need to reclaim our country from HA, the Palestinians, and every other terrorist.
I just don't get it. You get 10 votes up for agreeing with eagle dawn, but eagle dawn gets voted down 9 times??? LOL.
As usual, you try to debate by injecting lies. First, I am not from Mustaqbal and not employed by them. If I were, I would not hide it but rather be proud as they stand for Lebanon. Second, Mustaqbal has on many occasions rejected the naturalization of Palestinians and Harriri the son during an interview stated he has no objections to make it part of the constitution. Your lies and propaganda have no limits. Your Hizb/Aoun indoctrination has limited your ability to be rational. Have a nice day in Dahiyeh, dear!
just a stupid question, why do they let them even enter the camps? if you know how many armed terrorists entered then u know who they are where they come from. they leave the camps from time to time why not just get them when they arent there? hell get rid of them make it look like an accident if you dont want to make a big deal... enno u know that they will cause a lot of problems in the future and yet u leave them to their usual routines? WTF all the politicians should work together on this cause they all will be targets, if not them relatives, friends...
Hey FT. I hear the zaytoon season is not so good this year. Those damn mustaqbal and m14ers. They intentionally mess up our produce in their efforts to naturalize all them Palestinians and return to power. Damn them.
Do u really believe what u post or just looking for pretext to attack sunnis ?
If we wanted to curb demographics, we would have married the palestinians decades ago, like lebanese alawites in the north did with the syrian alawites... Or having loads of kids like shias in the south...
yeah, and everybody will accept the naturalization...
Give civic rights to the palestinians and disarm them since the only "resistance" in Lebanese must be shia and pro-iranian.