"فكرة حل" اميركية لحل النزاع النفطي بين لبنان واسرائيل
Read this story in Englishقدمت الادارة الاميركية، "فكرة حل" للملف النفطي بين لبنان واسرائيل يهدف الى تضييق مساحة التباين حول المنطقة البحرية المتنازع عليها، وصياغة تفاهم يؤدي الى انطلاق "آمن" لعمليات التنقيب عن النفط.
وأفادت صحيفة "السفير"، الجمعة، أن مساعد وزير الخارجية الاميركي لشؤون الطاقة آموس هوشتين وخلال زيارته الى لبنان في التاسع من الشهر الجاري، طرح "صيغة حل" تقضي برسم "خط أزرق بحري غير نهائي".
وتبقى المساحة المتنازع عليها بمحاذاة هذا الخط من الجهتين اللبنانية والاسرائيلية، خارج عمليات التنقيب الى حين حسم الترسيم النهائي في حين يتم البدء بعملية الاستثمار في بقية المناطق غير المتنازع عليها وفق اطار التفاهم أو الاتفاق على الخط الازرق البحري المتوافق عليه من الطرفين، وفق معلومات "السفير".
يُذكر أن صحيفة "غلوبس" الاقتصادية الاسرائيلية، كشفت في اواخر تشرين الاول، أن تل أبيب رفضت حل الوسط الأميركي بشأن المنطقة الاقتصادية المتنازع عليها، لافتةً الى أن هذا الامر من شأنه تأخير لبنان عن التنقيب عن النفط والغاز،
من جانبه، لفت وزير الطاقة في حكومة تصريف العمال جبران باسيل، عبر الصحيفة عينها، انه تم تخطي ملف "رسم الخط، ووصلنا الى حجم الموارد، وهدفنا بلوغ حل متكامل يتضمن الحدود والموارد".
الا أنه أسف اذ أن الامر من الجانب اللبناني يتطلب اكثر من تشاور، والمطلوب قرارات وخطوات ملموسة وجدية للتقدم في ملف النفط والحدود وغيره".
وشدد على أن "المطلوب هو قرار حاسم باستفادة لبنان من ثروته في النفط والغاز، وكلما تأخرنا كان ضررنا اكبر".
واذ أكد رئيس حكومة تصريف الاعمال وجود عرض اميركي جديد، وصفه بـ"الطرح المنطقي"، مؤكداً أن "هذا الامر لا يمكن مقاربته بطريقة منفردة، بل يحتاج الى تشاور مع رئيسي الجمهورية ميشال سليمان ومجلس النواب نبيه بري ومع الوزير جبران باسيل من اجل مقاربته بما يستحق من اهتمام ومسؤولية، وصولا الى اتخاذ الموقف الذي ينسجم ومصلحة لبنان العليا".
ويدور الخلاف في القاطع الجنوبي من الحدود البحرية اللبنانية في مثلّث مساحته 854 كيلومترا مربعاً رأسه في الناقورة وقاعدته على خط المنتصف مع قبرص بطول 15 كيلومتراً.
يُذكر أن لبنان تقدم في العام 2010 إلى الأمم المتحدة بشكوى تفيد بأن إسرائيل رسمت خط مياه اقتصادية حصرية يتعدى على الحقوق والحدود اللبنانية. وسعت الولايات المتحدة منذ ذلك الحين إلى إزالة التوتر المحتمل حول ذلك بشكل مباشر وأحياناً عبر القنوات الدولية.
Southern: Do you know Moldova? Yes, Moldovaaaaaaaaaa! They just been granted visa free entry into the EU, and you still talking about Saudi/Wahabi/Zionist/Resistance..... For heavens sake!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!! You people have destroyed this country..... ENOUGH!
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An interesting article, except for one point.
The negotiator was in Beirut on 9th November. That was 20 days ago, yet there is no mention in the article whether Lebanon accepts the proposal or not.
What is the Government waiting for?
If they say yes, then it will be up to the Israelis to show their true faces. If Israel answers yes, then it is good for both countries, if she answers no, then the whole world will know who is being obstinate in this matter.
If the Lebanese Government says no, then it will prove to the world that they don't want any form of accomodation with Israel, at the high cost of affecting the economy of Lebanon.
Why isen't phillipo banned? He is clearly a payed talkbacker who is on a mission to defend israel every time it is mentioned.
@FT : you amaze me with your capacity to analyse anything. The only thing youre good at is being "anal" and spreading "lies" > analies is how you should spell it !
Yet you sign a deal with the US and by proxy Israel. They are your partners now.
Tell me, if they build an Oil well, will you bomb it ? How will you stop them ?
Will you risk destroying our Lebanese shores with oil pollution ? You have no problem killing our tourist industry anyway so it wouldn't be a problem for you.
Will any oil company accept to invest billions in oil extraction if this is not settled ?
Will any oil company invest with Hezbollah armed militias in the country ?
Will you eliminate Israel before we explore our oil ?
What is your plan exactly ?
You're big on words that we need to extract oil but what is your damn plan ? NOTHING !
@FT : binary thinking ? are you describing yourself ? This isn't a facebook bio !
Explain ... how you reach this conclusion. Elaborate with your rich arguments ...
@Southern : before lecturing others on accepting UN resolutions. Why don't you accept Lebanese laws you seem to break all the time.
Once you do that, we can talk UN !
Now send your assassins to court. Many of them are required for questionning by Lebanese courts (not STL). Or you don't believe in Lebanese courts either ?
southern talking UN resolutions? LOL what about telling your hezbi friends to pressure assad to hand over the official documents to the UN proving shebaa is lebanese not syrian? then it would fall under UN 425 and not UN 242... and the israelis would retreat peacefully abiding by the UN 425...
but of course if lebanon is TOTALLY free from israel how would hezbi justify their militia anymore! bad for their business....
Speak about yourself. You may not support peace with Israel but some lebanese support and wish for peace with Israel. This is democracy and different people may have different opinions. But that you may not understand.
BTW bigjohn: it is thanks to the usa that bashar is still in power! they do not want bashar removed unless they are sure the one to take his place will not go at war against israel.... because bashar protects its borders while using lebanon as their war zone!
how come you hate usa as they protect bashar? LOL
if the usa wanted bashar out they would have sent more than a few weapons.....think of it...
You are being silly and racist. At least Israeli when they made peace they respected their agreements. Whereas when hizbullah signed on the Baabda declaration they did not abide by it. I would rather trust a Jew rather then hizbullah and Iran.
@Greatpierro : Hezbollah broke every promise, every deal they made. They cannot be trusted. They even broke promises made to Aoun which struggles to defend them rather than break his deal with them.
They have no place in rebuilding our country.
In fact, they have no interest in rebuilding it.
They have no honour and no trust from the rest of the Lebanese. Even their close partners cannot predict Hezbollah behaviour and have to face the consequences.
Hezbollah must and will be eliminated.
"The problem is the Israelis NEVER made peace!!!"
jordan, egypt...
"HA has more support in Lebanon than the M14 minority"
pure personal assumption hezbis love to believe....
hezbollah will fall because of its arrogance... remember the old greek myth of icarus? He ignored instructions not to fly too close to the sun, and the melting wax caused him to fall into the sea where he drowned.
just like hezbis will by believing they are superior to the state of lebanon and to the will of lebanese....
"MOST of the Egyptians and Jordanians OPPOSE any relations with Israel."
so what? is there any wars between the two countries? NO... even if the people do not like israel they can enjoy peace at least!!!!
irrelevant argument then...
"not weak states governed by worthless hated leaders."
LOL the perfect hezbi excuse: they make the state weak then come and cry it is weak !LOL
and i guess then you hate the M8 government? because they are at the gvt now not M14! LOL
oh! i see... then you prefer war to a state of peace to satisfy your ego and the one of your iranian milita... good then.
and yes hezbis make the state weak and you perfectly know why....but refuse to admit it!
when one is blind nothing can make him see... so i won't argue endlessly on this as you will never be convinced even with the strongest arguemnts you ll always find an excuse.
so i hope you ll enjoy another war in lebanon and see people die as it is what you prefer to satisfy your pride! destroy your country, let hundreds be killed all that to follow stupid extremists that feed you with their propaganda, like all extremists always did throughout history! nothing new...
oh! in 1975 everyone thought they were right: result: thousands of killed and no winner only a country on its knees just to satisfy that same old pride! ........
it takes courage to make peace but nothing to make war!
It's weird, you just signed a deal with Israel.
You also follow a non-arab country religiously.
And ..
How can you trust a shiite party with weapons to defend "All lebanese" equally against Israel ?
How can you trust an Iranian Jihadist Extremist and Terrorist organisation (aka Hezbollah) to defend Lebanon before defending themselves ?
You showed that you are incapable of proving me wrong. The only thing Arab and Lebanese about Hezbollah is its supporters... Its politics, its funding, its weapons, its accountability is towards Iran only !
i don't trust Iran and neither does most of the Lebanese. no more than they trust saudi...
His properties should be seized and auctioned to the general public, which would be broadcasted on live TV
The result of the p5+1, iran nuclear deal? no. Wonder Israel is spitting chips... No more freedom to steal our gas and oil without international scrutiny. The U.S. wants a resolution so their oil companies can profit through the contracts! Money money money.