السنيورة رد على بري: أنت من حددت أن السلاح هو الموضوع الوحيد للحوار

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أوضح رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النيابية النائب فؤاد السنيورة أنه لا يمكن اعتبار قول الكتلة بأن الحوار يجب أن ينطلق من بند سلاح حزب الله شرطا مسبقا لأن السلاح "هو الموضوع الوحيد المتبقي على جدول أعمال الحوار الوطني".

ورد السنيورة على الكلام الذي نقل عن رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري في تعليقه على بيان "كتلة المستقبل" والذي اعتبر أن البيان وضع شروطا مسبقة على الحوار قائلا:"الكتلة في بيانها لطالما اعتبرت أن الحوار هو الوسيلة الأفضل والأنجع لبحث المشكلات (...) وتوجه الرئيس ميشال سليمان لاعادة اطلاق الحوار هو توجه ايجابي وهي ترحب به".

وأشار السنيورة بحسب بيان صادر عن مكتبه الإعلامي إلى أن "الهدف الذي نسعى جميعاً لتحقيقه هو قيام الدول القادرة العادلة التي يجب أن يكون السلاح بإمرتها وبما يمكنها من أن تكون قادرة على مواجهة إسرائيل وأطماعها".

وتابع:"الكتلة عندما تذكر بما تم التوافق عليه وما بقي من مسائل والتي كان لرئيس مجلس النواب آنذاك الدور الأساسي في تحديدها والتدرج في معالجتها لا يشكل أيضاً شروطاً مسبقة".

كما لفت إلى أن "مطلب مشاركة الجامعة العربية هو أمر كان قد تم التوافق عليه في اجتماع الفينيسيا الذي مهد لاجتماع الدوحة والذي أقر أيضاً بمشاركة الجامعة العربية كمؤسسة".

وسأل "لماذا لا تتم المباشرة بالعمل على تطبيق مقررات الحوار الوطني التي اتفق عليها ولم يجر تطبيقها حتى الآن، وخاصة في موضوعي تحديد وترسيم الحدود مع الشقيقة سوريا ومسألة السلاح الفلسطيني داخل وخارج المخيمات؟".

وعاد وذكر أن "موضوع سلاح حزب الله ما يزال الموضوع الخلافي الوحيد من أصل مجموعة المواضيع التي حددها دولة الرئيس بري في مؤتمره الصحافي بتاريخ 03/03/2006 فعلام إذا الاستغراب لجهة المطالبة بالعودة إلى بحثه؟".

وختم بالقول:"إن كتلة المستقبل ترى انه من دون التوصل إلى حل لموضوع سلاح حزب الله فإنه لا يمكن التقدم على أي مسار آخر، فما العيب في المطالبة بالعودة للحوار حول هذا الموضوع؟".

التعليقات 10
Default-user-icon anonym (ضيف) 17:51 ,2011 تموز 20

last i heard Mr. Saniora your "capable" army in the south were serving tea to the enemy under your orders, before they were driven out like ragdolls and shot at while they were at it, later on you had lunch with your "israeli enemy" and their allies while dahiye, bridges, electric companies hell including a chocolate factory were bombed to pieces, not to mention 3000 people dead or wounded, while all this was happening your spies and close allies even you were betting and praying that the shia party will be shot to hell so that finally there will be no more "opposition left for you and it will be the start of a happy dictatorship under the umbrella of a democracy by march 14, later when you realized israelis werent able to finnsh the party off you resorted to cornering the beast in may 7 incident and then force it to use its guns indoors hoping you could lay the blame and finally have civil war to ur liking, that all failed as well, now i wonder what ur next self grave digging plan is?

Default-user-icon anonym (ضيف) 17:55 ,2011 تموز 20

don't get me wrong mr. Saniora I truly wish for a true democratic country with arms under the army and state, but to have you and your likes running it? no way in living hell.

Default-user-icon Independence (ضيف) 18:01 ,2011 تموز 20

“Hizbullah’s arms is the only pending issue out of a number of matters proposed by Berri during his press conference on March 3, 2006, so why is he questioning our demand to return to his suggestions?” wondered Saniora’s statement.

Dear Mr Saniora: Why wonder? People of the likes of Berri have reneged on every national accord. They stab you in the back and twist the knife as well. You personally have first knowledge of their behavior. Yes, we all remember back in 2006 when Berri said what remains outstanding is the "arms" issue of hizbullah. All other matters were agreed upon. These people are hired guns, no loyalty except to their sect and foreign powers. They have proved it time and again. His partner in "struggle" the Murshid said" Let's call for early elections and whoever wins will let them govern". You won but did they let you govern? They are a breed of their own, I am sorry to say.

Default-user-icon Christian (ضيف) 19:39 ,2011 تموز 20

and for those questioning the destruction caused by the July 2006 war that resulted in the "DIVINE" victory, I say you brought it upon yourselves with your reckless and whimsical behavior. Your moukawama went into the lions mouth with a tooth pick, and there you have it. If it were not for people like Saniora, there would have been no Lebanon at that time. Blame your Murshid who later said" Had I known". The bridges and the destruction were later repaired by monies of Gulf nations; the very same nations that you hate from the bottom of your heart; nations that you resent, curse and wish for their demise.
The Shiites have shown their hatred for any strong Sunni Prime Minister who believes in Lebanon and has a vision. But, PMs that are weak, surrogates, and will implement Hizbullah wishes are National Heroes.

The game is over; your intentions are clear; we understand you!

Default-user-icon Eagle (ضيف) 19:56 ,2011 تموز 20

I truly hope next time they will finish off the job, and rid Lebanon off this evil party.

Missing startrip 23:49 ,2011 تموز 20

The same terrorist-in-training who supports the group that paralyzed the country during the Saniora administration is now questioning why Saniora wasn't successful in marking the borders, etc. Funnny!

Thumb shab 01:49 ,2011 تموز 21

Weapons are important for Hizb Mossad.

Default-user-icon LadyGaGa (ضيف) 03:17 ,2011 تموز 21

@BigDig, The Answer to your question is that Hizb Allah & Co ministers left any/every session that was held to discuss their illegal arms, because it's an untouchable subject per Hassouna, therefore it needs to be voted on by all members of the house.
@Anonym, The army does not run and hide like your militia after they attack a target (i.e. Nahr El Bared), The Army was shooting at the Jets targeting the bridges in 2006 while your Iranian militia was hiding in South Beirut between the skyscraper that were built by Iranian money.

Thumb thepatriot 11:32 ,2011 تموز 21

@bigdig the idiot!
And who said that "attacking Nahr el Bared was a red line one should not cross" Hariri?? No moron! Hassan Nasrallah!

Default-user-icon Jordan (ضيف) 17:20 ,2011 تموز 21

No country in the history of the world has voluntarily disarmed itself. Hezbollah is now the state and will not disarm willingly. It will sadly take many more lives and who knows how many years to rid our country of this cancer.