حزب الله يعلن اغتيال أحد قادته في الحدث ويتهم إسرائيل... تل أبيب تنفي وتحذر من أي هجوم ومجموعتان لبنانية وسورية تتبنيان
Read this story in Englishأعلن حزب الله، صباح الاربعاء عن "اغتيال" أحد قادته الحاج حسان هولو اللقيس، أمام منزله الكائن في منطقة السان تيريز في الحدث، محملاً اسرائيل مسؤولية العملية.
وفي بيان صادر عن العلاقات الاعلامية في حزب الله، الاربعاء، أعلن الحزب أنه قرابة الساعة الثانية عشرة من ليل الثلاثاء، تعرض اللقيس لعملية إغتيال وهو عائد من عمله.
ووجه "حزب الله" أصابع الاتهام "مباشرة" الى اسرائيل، لافتاً الى أن "العدو الاسرائيلي حاول أن ينال من أخينا الشهيد مرات عديدة وفي أكثر من منطقة، وفشلت محاولاته تلك".
وشدد على ضرورة أن تتحمل اسرائيل كامل المسؤولية و"جميع تبعات هذه الجريمة النكراء، وهذا الإستهداف المتكرر لقادة المقاومة وكوادرها".
ووفق البيان فإن اللقيس "أمضى شبابه وقضى كل عمره في هذه المقاومة الشريفة منذ أيامها الأولى وحتى ساعات عمره الاخيرة، مجاهداً، مضحياً ومبدعاً وقائداً وعاشقاً للشهادة وكان أباً لشهيد ارتفع مع كوكبة الشهداء في حرب تموز 2006".
وسارع المتحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية الاسرائيلية يغال بالمور بالقول لوكالة فرانس برس ان "اسرائيل لا علاقة لها بذلك"، مشيرا الى ان الاتهام "رد فعل تلقائي من حزب الله الذي يطلق اتهامات تلقائية حتى قبل ان يتمكن من معرفة ما الذي حدث".
من جهته قال نائب وزير الدفاع داني دانون لاذاعة الجيش الاسرائيلي "اذا شن حزب الله هجوما على الاراضي الاسرائيلية، فان ردنا سيكون حازما وموجعا".
وردا على سؤال عن اتهامات حزب الله لاسرائيل، رفض دانون ان ينفي او يؤكد هذا الاتهام. وقال ان اللقيس "كان يشغل منصبا موازيا لمنصب جنرال اسرائيلي مسؤول معا عن البحث والتنمية والتزود بالسلاح".
واوضحت اذاعة الجيش الاسرائيلي من جهتها ان المسؤولين العسكريين لا يستبعدون ان يشن حزب الله هجوما على الحدود الاسرائيلية اللبنانية ردا على اغتيال مسؤوله.
بدوره اكد وزير الطاقة الاسرائيلي سيلفان شالوم للاذاعة الاسرائيلية العامة انه "ليس لاسرائيل اي علاقة بذلك حتى ولو اننا لم نحزن كثيرا". واضاف ان "السلفيين هم من قاموا بالعمل".
وبحسب شالوم، فان الاغتيال "ضربة قوية لحزب الله الذي يحاول ان يظهر عملية الاغتيال هذه كجزء من حرب لبنان الدفاعية ضد اسرائيل لاخفاء الاقتتال الداخلي في لبنان والانقسامات حول الوضع في سوريا". واشار الى ان حزب الله يواجه المزيد من الخسائر في سوريا.
اما عن تفاصيل العملية، فقد أفادت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (100.5)، ان المسلحين كمنوا للقيس في موقف السيارات واستهدفوه برصاصات قاتلة بينما كان داخل سيارته الجيب شيروكي.
وقالت قناة الـ"LBCI" ان "اللقيس اصيب بـ7 رصاصات من عيار 9 ملم والمهاجمون استخدموا كاتما للصوت في عملية الاغتيال".
ونقلت وكالة "فرانس برس"، عن مصدر قريب من حزب الله ان اللقيس كان مقربا جدا من الامين العام للحزب السيد حسن نصر الله.
من جهتها افادت قناة "المنار"، وبحسب معلومات اولية، ان اللقيس تعرض لاطلاق نار من اسلحة كاتمة للصوت بعيد ركنه سيارته في الطبقة السفلية من المبنى الذي يقطن فيه، مرجحة ان يكون المنفذون اكثر من شخص، تسللوا الى المكان عبر سور خلفي، وغادروا بالطريقة نفسها.
وعرضت القناة لقطات اظهرت آثار اقدام ملطخة بالوحل على الاسفلت في المكان، من دون اي اثر لسيارة اللقيس. كما ظهرت على حائط قريب آثار لرصاصتين، رجح مراسل "المنار" ان تكونا قد اطلقتا من قبل المهاجمين.
وقال علي فارس، احد سكان المبنى الذي كان يقطن فيه اللقيس، لفرانس برس، ان نجله رأى شخصين غير واضحي المعالم يفران في الشارع قرابة منتصف ليل الثلاثاء الاربعاء. اضاف "نزلنا الى الطبقة السفلية ووجدنا الشهيد في داخل السيارة التي كان بابها مفتوحا. يبدو ان الفاعلين قتلوه لدى محاولته الترجل منها".
ونقلت الـ"LBCI" عن ناطور البناية حيث يسكن اللقيس أنه "لم يسمع اطلاق نار بل تحطما للزجاج فخرج ليجد اللقيس مضرجا بدمائه بسيارته فاتصل بأمن حزب الله".
من جهتها اعتبرت صحيفة "وول ستريت جورنال" الأميركية، اغتيال حسان اللقيس بمثابة ضربة للحزب، ومؤشرًا على انجرار لبنان بدرجة أكبر إلى معارك بالوكالة في المنطقة وتصفية للحسابات على أرضها.
ونقلت الصحيفة عن مسؤول استخباراتي إسرائيلي سابق أن اللقيس كان يعتقد بأنه قائد تطوير الصواريخ بحزب الله.
وأشارت الصحيفة إلى أنه وفقًا لتقارير إخبارية إيرانية فإن اللقيس، كان مسؤولًا عن شبكة الاتصالات البعيدة والتكنولوجيا في الحزب حيث لعب الدور الرئيسي في إصلاح هذه الشبكة بعد أن دمرت في حرب عام 2006 مع إسرائيل.
وحول تبني العملية أعلن "لواء أحرار السنة بعلبك" عبر حسابه على موقع "توير" أنه "يتبنى رسمياً العملية الجهادية البطولية بإغتيال القيادي في حزب الشيطان حسان هولو اللقيس في عقر دارهم".
وإذ أشار إلى أن "العملية الجهادية نفذت من قبل أسود سنية حرة من لبنان" أعلن أنه "بعد اليوم لن تباح مساجد أهل السنة في بعلبك ولن تهتك أعراضهم ولن تشتم أم المؤمنين سيدتنا عائشة على الملأ".
وحذر اللواء حزب الله "من التعرض لأي حر من الأحرار السنة في بعلبك" متوعدا بأن الإغتيال "ما هي إلا بداية لمعركة التطهير الكبرى" كما قال.
كذلك أعلنت "كتيبة انصار الامة الاسلامية" الموجودة في سوريا مسؤوليتها عن عملية الإغتيال عبر موقع "فايسبوك" في إطار ما أسمته "غزوة الضاحية الجنوبية".
وقالت الكتيبة "تم القضاءِ على واحد من طواغيث حزب الشيطان المدعو حسان اللقيس القائد الميداني في الحزب والمسؤول المباشر عن مجزرة القصير".
وبعد ظهر الأربعاء اقيمت مراسم تشييع اللقيس بعد ظهر اليوم في مدينة بعلبك بمشاركة الآلاف ولف النعش بعلم حزب الله، وتقدم موكب التشييع شبان يحملون اعلام الحزب تحت المطر، بمشاركة عناصر بزيهم العسكري.
في المواقف السياسية قال رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري في لقاء الاربعاء النيابي إن "أسلوب الاغتيال هو أسلوب إسرائيلي"، مؤكدا "ضرورة اليقظة في هذه المرحلة لأن العدو يتربص بنا جميعا".
بدوره وجه السفير الايراني في لبنان غضنفر ركن أبادي رسالة تعزية الى نصرالله، لفت فيها الى أن "مثل هذه الاعمال الغادرة والجبانة للعدو الصهيوني وعملائه لن تزيد المقاومة الا اصرارا على تحقيق اهدافها المتوخاة في ازالة هذا الكيان من الوجود".
كما دان رئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي النائب وليد جنبلاط عملية حسان اللقيس قائلا "أدين الاغتيال السياسي في المبدأ كما أدين كل أحداث التفجير والارهاب التي حدثت في الضاحية الى العنف الأعمى الذي استشرس في مدينة طرابلس".
ودعا إلى أن "يأخذ القضاء مجراه في كل الاحداث الأمنية التي طالت لبنان لا سيما التفجيرات البشعة في الضاحية وطرابلس والسفارة الايرانية".
12 minutes ago LBCI: Laqqis was shot seven times with a 9mm gun and the assailants used silencers during the assassination.
classy. your words your worth little man. and thanks for thinking of me, must mean i really got under your skin.
you're trying to be insulting samy, but you're so hateful and cheap i actually feel sorry for you.
This murderer was one of "the modest" group of farsi mercenaries doing their sectarian Jihad in Qusair.
stop blaming other and start poiting fingers at your self. you still dont understand that your hated in lebanon after all you BS?
playing the israel card is like hearing israel playing the world war 2 card. pathetic..
no surprise here, the bunch of drones rejoice at cowardly assassinations when they're against HA and want us to believe their cries are sincere when it's on one of theirs.
banimachi: it's none of your business what time people come home and what they do, it's not saudi here and people still have the freedom to come and go as they please.
one by one these Iranian extremist militia members will be executed for the crimes they are committing.
geha feels strong today, he's making threats and all. nothing like an assassination to get his juices flowing. but of course, he doesnt encourage them eh? he is just the voice of justice on this earth.
FT, Southern: don't let those fake profiles (banini, ice-drone, gehahaha) fool you.
they are not lebanese and do not represent anyone in lebanon. theyare just shills paid to incite hatred among lebanese. just look at their first reaction: clearing israel as if israelis were poor saints wrongfully accused.
just look at mowaten.. clearing the Syrian regime and assad like they were poor saints..
One Martyr is dead.... Long Live another Martyr!!! It is with heavy heart and deep sorrow, we the Lebanese of all sects received this horrifying news. Hajj Hollo died so that we can live. Alona and I have been in tears all day and cannot get hold of ourselves. Hajj Holaco was one of the 40 warriors guarding Zainab tomb in Damascus. He was killed because he believed in diversity, accepting the other, and for his love of Sunnis and Shias alike. May his soul keep floating like a butterfly over the prairies of Nabatiyeh for eternity. Rest in Peace Hajj Hollo.
since you are Iranian, I do not think you have a say as in who is Lebanese :)
it is normal for any Lebanese to be happy that these extremists Iranian murderers are executed. what is new there?
as a Lebanese living in Lebanon which is occupied by this extremist terrorist iranian militia, I am definitely happy this terrorist was executed, as I will be for each and every other terrorist being killed finally.
geha, you must really think you're witty. lol
i bet you must also think this is an accomplishment don't you? the difference between people like you and people like me is that you satisfy yourself with pathetic things and call them victories. i expect much more. and i believe you only ever reach as high as you aim.
bachar and Hassan are doing all atrocities and always blaming Israel!
Israel is not suffering you and your murders, we ARE!
Hezbollah's main achievements is to make ennemies out of themselves and blame Israel for everything.
For all we know, they have 1000 different ennemies with all the reasons in the world to attack them. Yet they blame Israel without any proof or investigation.
Typical of manipulators...
Southern : they call him a jihadist just like your takfiris. You're equals :)
FlameCatcher: Go back to English school (not Hebrew school) and learn how to spell enemies!
Southern : NOTHING GOOD comes out of Hezbollah.
Tell me all the good Hezbollah brings to Lebanese (not just Shiia).
And WAR and DEFENCE and PROTECTING LIES in never good when they are the reasons for needing defence!
What good do they bring to our economy, our image, our future, our education, our healthcare, our infrastructure ?
Nothing ... niet ... 0
In fact, you are incapable of giving me 1 advantage Hezbollah brings to Lebanon.
Today's death is not a "sacrifice". Not for Lebanon anyway... it's your ennemy considering you're getting what you deserve !
yes... Assad is waaaaay better... he killed Lebanese... he tortured Lebanese.. he forced the disappearance of Lebanese... he stole from the Lebanese.. he assassinated the Lebanese... he bullied Lebanese... he forced Lebanese to walk the path of HIS choice...
heaven forbid the takfiris come and do the same...lolol..
once a tool always a tool. being afraid of one group that MIGHT do something to you that the man you hold up high is PROVEN to have done so is the silliest most retarted argument HA has come up with to date...
as I said.. HA gives his masses elephant dung and they devour it like a meal prepared by a 5 Michelin star chef...
maybe to you it is 30 years ago... maybe to you it is the past... but I have family members who were killed AND others who were tortured by your beloved Assad regime,, the one you think is better than what MIGHT come... what Lebanese di to each other.. what Syria did to Lebanese is a totally different thing.. and it is not quite as easily forgotten for me and a HUGE portion of the Lebanese who do not follow men who just tell them to forget...
IT IS NOT PAST... stop acting like a little boy who just looks at the pictures and doesn't read the text.. the Syrians were here for a while physically until 2005.. and they are still here through their garbage proxies including, but not limited to HA, Aoun, Eid, Wahab, Franjieh, Berri and others..
Do not tell me I need to support this man out of fear of the takfiris.. I will pray this man gets tortured.. and what he did to us happens to his family... and IF and WHEN the takfiris come, I will fight them... I don't HAVE to choose between the two.. and I can say SCREW both.. but you are dictated.. and conditioned to accept WHATEVER is told to you.. and you march the line...
joke or no joke.. it is still the stupidest argument to support one man who did.. and still does to Lebanon over others who are, or might do the same things.
7aka badri... nothing useful to say? what a shock and surprise... when m8 have nothing useful to say.. umm.. never mind.. scratch the when... its just plain m8 have nothing useful to say.
and where did I mention go live in iran? where did I say sectarian militia here?
what a useless waste of real estate.
Arzak. I totally understand where you are coming from because I have pretty much the same background as you vis-a-vis Syria. The Syrians massacred people in my town and killed my friends and relatives. And for good measure, I was injured fighting the Syrians and I have to live with the result for the rest of my life. We must never forget what the Assad dynasty did to us, and I for one hope that Assad and his gang will one day be brought to justice for what they did. But we cannot be blinded by hate when the survival of our people (all of our people, regardless of sect) is at stake. The horrors that the Assads brought on us will pale compared to what those Talibans-in-the-Levant have in store for us. Should they take hold in Syria, let alone come to power, we are all in deep, deep trouble. We need to work together to make sure that doesn't happen and that Syria will stabilise around a government that is secular as possible and that would respect our independence.
respect to you Jabal... I am not saying I am for the takfiris.. on the contrary.. I hope this Syrian war drags on and on and the regime and the takfiris and HA just keep knocking each other out .. one by one..
I can never.. EVER forgive the Syrians for what they did to me on a personal level and to my country in general.. and anybody who does is a traitor and has NOTHING Lebanese about him/her
my point is I will stand up to the takfiris when and if they come.. being against the takfiris does not justify standing by the assad regime.. one is evil and hate.. and the other is evil and hate.. why should I be forced to choose??? screw them both..i will enjoy the slow demise of Assad.. and then not hesitate to pick up a gun and go at those takfiris if they come into my homeland and want to make me abide by their rules... one thing at a time dear Jabal.
the minus one compares Bashir to this terrorist Lakkis!!! Interesting....He offers condolences to HA. If this Lakkis thug was killed in Syria while slaughtering Christians, would the minus one be so impassioned in his obituary today? Write your long awaited book.... tfeh and a million tfeh when it comes to sectarians....
mowaten.. I pray you understand me... :
"the fact that you dont want to see they are genocidal maniacs and large scale massacres just waiting to happen is worrying." I do see it as worrying.. and as I said.. I will be the first to stand up against it if and when it comes into my lands... but what I am trying to say is "the fact that you don't want to see that assad is a genocidal maniac and large scale attacks (smaha, eid, etc..etc..) waiting to happen is worrying as well"
I am not trying to disrespect by just changing a few words in your sentence.. but showing you that both are one and the same concerning Lebanon.. they are both bad for our country.. and supporting one out of fear of the other is just wrong.. we have to do the right thing and oppose both if we are to be honest with ourselves, each other and our country.
sure this can go on forever.. or we can erase all wounds (us Lebanese) and say it the way it needs to be said.. death to assad and death to the takfiris.. not choose one over the other.
then maybe the wounds can truly heal..
and an FYI don't blame that thumbs down on me... ive said it a million times.. i don't thumb down anyone.. it is just a pointless gimmick.. if i don't like what they say i answer..
arzak i see what you mean, but i dont think the potential dangers in both are comparable.
one side is calculating and machiavellic, granted, but we can still talk/make deals with them. the other just wont discuss anything and only aims at killing everyone who is not them.
the other thing is about our ability to fight them. look at syria, it is tens of times bigger than us, and their army is tens of times stronger than ours, and yet the fight against takfiris is costing them near total destruction of their country. had syria fallen to them, and they had used its resources to 'annex' lebanon to their "levant" caliphate, how long do you think we would have been able to resist it?
i would have been right there next to you, rifle in hand, but it would have been a lost battle and we both know it. hoping assad wins doesnt mean i like him, it only means i think it is lebanon's best selfish interest.
I rewrite my post as Naharnet seems biased towards sectarians. @the1phoenix: It is shameful that you sympathaize with HA on the loss of this murderer and compare him to Bashir. If this murderer was killed in Syria while slaughtering christians, would you be so sympathetic? Again, I hate sectarians..... tfeh
in a peculiar way i see what you mean... and to a certain degree agree with what you say... at the end i think most of us wish what they think is best for Lebanon. even though those thoughts might differ. Allah yistor either way... because as i said.. and in some ways i think you agree.. neither are good for Lebanon in the long term.. it is like being a prostitute and not knowing who is going to be doing the do to you tonight.. at the end of the day..i think, as selfish as it might be, and as cruel as it might be, that they keep busy with each other in Syria.. but as you said.. for how long?
Having said that, the best solution would be a settlement that would yield an all-inclusive government in Syria without Assad in the picture.
glad to see we can understand each other arzak, because i know that despite our differing views we both care about our country.
as long as we have that we can have hope for this country. cheers :)
all I care about is what is happening here in Lebanon and who are invading my country for years now, destroying it bit y bit.
for me, this Iranian extremist terrorist militia is the biggest danger of all, and I am happy for each one of these criminals is killed.
takfiris and so forth in Syria: I could not care less for the time being. let me regain my country and then we will close our borders and deal with any infiltration of such takfiris.
@Naharnet: Why are you deleting my posts? If you want to moderate, then do it with sense and logic. What did you find in my posts that was offensive? Does the phoenix have special treatment at Naharnet and no one is allowed to criticize him? This is shameful....!
May God rest his soul! He dedicated his life to the resistance and defending Lebanon from cannibal terrorists. This will only strengthen Hizbollah's resolve to defend against the Zionist enemy and against the cannibal terrorists. The resistance will persevere and prevail.
@_Flamethrower_ : I never see you come up with a response to the thousands of questions I have asked you. In fact, you evade them or launch irrelevant comments or defamatory accusations left and right without any proof whatsoever.
Same with @Southern or @Mowaten.
But then again, I don't expect any answers from Aounies and Hezbollah supporters. You have a very very twisted view of reality spoon-fed to you by your divine Orators. Aoun and Nassnoussy.
Hezbollah is a an exremist jihadist islamist & terrorist Iranian organisation : incapable of proving me wrong. I have proved every adjective to you.
Aoun is a person who loves himself more than the values he built Tayyar on. He sold his values to the devil for a chance of accessing power. Everything he does today goes against the principles Aounies has fought for. Again, you cannot prove me wrong !
hizb officials are getting sloppy. midnight arrival in mixed area neighborhood with no personal protection?? poor tradecraft yaa sayid. slaughter in syria going on for couple years and some payback is coming their way finally. a couple double taps to this scumbags head in unlit parking lot is an early christmas present to all.
@ Everyone, will you all stop the bullshit? i mean Iran and America are having deals and getting along, and we are still fighting about it in Leb. What hypocrits these iranians! israel cowardly acts blablabla, and they are negotiating with the number one israeli fan and ally which is America! not to mention that cutting off a deal must have included israel's security as well and a promise never to touch them! How can some of you still close their eyes and be so ignorant?? is it only in Lebanon that we have to keep the 3adou el sahyouni wal chitan el amriiiiquiii while they are cutting off deals with those same devils? How hypocrit can you be? its not their bad, its the lebanese people, christian, chiites, sunnites, blinded dummies...have some common sens
lol keyboard warrior, keep cheering at terrorist attacks and dreaming of eradicating shias, but please, please, don't be such a hypocrite this is too pathetic for someone as strong as you. with such power you should be able to say what you really think, not hide behind excuses like a little coward, right?
look up sectarian in the dictionary you caveman, it has nothing to do with majority or percents, it has to do with the way you speak of "sunnis" and "shias"
says the one who flees on the battlefield in front of fighters and then goes to blow up himself in the middle of streets packed with civilians...
flamecatcher: you're either a complete ignorant or of bad faith, but i'd say both.
i assume you're referring to the bombings of the US marines and the israeli military intelligence HQ, if you can't see the difference between that and targeting civilians based on sectarian grounds then i can't do much for you.
@Mowaten : I don't distinguish between civilians and military. All are human beings. Military especially who are forced to fight because it's their job, not their will.
A suicide bomber is a suicide bomber. Whoever the target is. There is nothing HONORABLE about killing people whether they are guilty or innocent. It's in fact the most COWARD way of fighting your enemy.
And HA is behind hundreds of suicide bombs. Not just the marines and israeli military.
Again, there is no difference for me because you can only convince a person to blow himself up if you are an extremist and terrorist organisation who BRAINWASHES people.
You seem to be the one who's both an ignorant and of bad faith because you go to extremes to justify HA suicide bombings as something honorable. Takfiris will consider their own suicide bombers as honorable too ... it's a matter of point of view.
For me, you both are a disgrace to humanity ! There is no difference between HA and them ...
as i said, if you can't see the difference between civilian targets and military ones, you're not worth the time i spend trying to explain anything to you.
and cut the hypocrisy please, dont try to pass for a humanist and a pacifist because we both know you're not.
@Mowaten : If you apply different standards to Hezbollah Suicide Bombers and to Takfiri Suicide Bombers, then you are more brainwashed and biased than I think and there is no point in taking this discussion further.
You're the definition of double standards.
I for one condemn both and you fail to do so showing your true face of unconditional defender of Hezbollah. A Sheep. A GHANAM.
And you know nothing about me to accuse me of being M14, pacifist, humanist or the contrary.
I'm the voice of millions of Lebanese who are fed up with both M8 and M14, Hezbollah and Mustaqbal, Aoun and Geagea.
You're the voice of the sheep, brainless idiots, who would go to any means to pass a crime for an honorable act while condemning others of doing the same crime!
You mentioned Hezb blowing up the US marines and Israeli HQ. Did you forget the Hezb blowing up the US embassy killing over 70 people (mostly civilians) and the French embassy killing huge number of civilians as well. Each of these claimed more lives than the causalities in the Iranian embassy. So how about acknowledging FC points and equating the two (we Lebanese need to learn to be fair minded and see things for what they are at all times and not selectively).
The party described Laqqis as a “Jihaddist who spent his entire life as a member of the resistance and a leader who adored martyrdom.”
i guess he's happy now that he is a martyr....
You wouldn't understand about sacrifice yo defend against terrorism and cannibalism.
Sacrifice is Lebanese people throwing their hopes and lives away because of Hezbollah.
Sacrifice is Lebanese people having to flee the country to provide for their families because of Hezbollah. You can blame no one else for this.
You cannot talk about Sacrifice !
May all Lebanese CIVILIANS (Including all Hezbollah fighters) holding weapons die a horrible death !
You are full of lies and deception. The majority of Lebanese disagree with your lies. You are a part of the cannibal terrorist minority soon to be eliminated.
LebPatriot : I'm part of the Lebanese voiceless MAJORITY that will take back this country from you M8 and M14 brainwashed imbeciles.
We will eat Takfiri and Hezbollah terrorists for breakfast and make sure you sheep are buried in our sewers !
Until then, may you "sacrifice" all your Hebzollah terrorists, criminals and killers ... i don't see M14 armies threatening to take over the country any time soon...
If what you say is true, that you are a part of a voiceless group of Lebanese, then your claim to be in the majority is false. Just add up the numbers. You are a lying cannibal terrorist claiming to be voiceless. You are losing battle after battle and soon you will bf eliminated. The resistance will prevail.
You truly are an idiot ! Where do you make i'm a cannibal terrorist ?
I'm a christian by the way who pisses on the likes of you sheep who still follow Aoun and Geagea.
Show me your numbers ? 55% of people voted in 2009. Almost 27.5% M14, 27.5% M8. That means 45% of Lebanese piss on you M14 / M8 idiots.
Of the 55% who voted, over half voted AGAINST M8 / M14. Not FOR M8 / M14. People vote because they hate the others. Not because they love their own politicians.
What is your majority ? It's the majority of sheep in Lebanon who invent lies and BS and know nothing about what's happening on the ground. You thrive on bedtime stories given to you by your failed leaders and live in a fairy tale land!
don't waste your time Fc with the stupidity of this person... she only can repeat like a parrot what she sees on elmanar... those people believe that half the lebanese population are cannibals and must be eliminated... need more proof of her stupidity?
just tell her : LOL!
@Lebpatriot ... believe what you want.
Numbers are not mine... google them.
If you want to believe in Santa, Allah Holding a Kalashnikov and that your victory was Divine, fine by me...
I believe in facts and truth...
Keep living in your illusion but be careful, it hurts when things come crumbling down !
Israeli/Takfiri plot and attack as always. Allah yer7amo justice will be served to those responsible :)
You never answer my questions, your idea of answers are pointing the other way and avoiding the problem alltogether.
I tell you Hezbollah X, you answer Hariri Y and Takfiri Z. This is not an answer. This is avoiding the problem and inventing excuses.
If other people commit crimes, kill and murder, this doesn't give you a "licence" to do the same.
This in fact is the Zionist way of dealing with things... Avoid the question by pointing the other way or raising another question.
Where is Lebanon... They talk in the news as if this guy is from the lebanese army... He is just a terrorist.. Lebnaon is gone.
It Sounds Like Israel To Me. If it was from inside Lebanon he would have been car bombed. He was killed by sniper fire with a SILENCER.
It is plausible that he was killed in Syria and to mitigate the repercussions Hezb decided to stage this scenario ...... otherwise the backlash from the Shia community would start growing and demanding pull out from Syria.
Obviously this is only a theory which can not be proven or discounted.
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