الشهال يلغي الإعتصام الذي دعا اليه: الجيش اللبناني منحاز في طرابلس

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رأى مؤسس التيار السلفي في لبنان داعي الاسلام الشهال أن "الجيش اللبناني منحاز في طرابلس وهناك استهداف للحى"، مردفاً أن "الاعتصام الذي دعا له بعد صلاة الجمعة في الجامع المنصور الكبير في طرابلس قد ألغي".

وأشار الشهال في حديث للـLBCI، الجمعة، الى ان "هناك تحيزا من قبل الجيش في طرابلس واستهداف للُحى، فالخطة الامنية في مناطقنا مداهمات وملاحقات واستفزازت وساتهداف بينما عند غيرنا فالخطة لدعمهم وتغطيتهم".

وقال ان "هناك من يمسك بالقرار وهؤلاء محميون ويُغطَون من قوى ممسكة بالقرار بلبنان"، مضيفا "الجيش بادائه يعمل على انهياره".

وأكد أنه " عندما وجدنا ان هناك مقاصد سوداء وتعاطي سلبي قمنا بما يوجب عليه في عدد من المناطق والتبانة، ما ادى الى نزع الفتيل وتراجع الوضع عن التوتر، والتدابير التي فيها انصاف وتحقيق الامن هو مطلبنا".

وأكد أن "الاعتصام الذي كان مقررا اليوم في طرابلس علق بانتطار ما سيحدث من تطورات"، مردفاً ان "الاستمرار بالاعتصام لم يعد هناك فيه ضرورة لان الغرض من الامر تحقق آنيا ".

ولفت الى ان "التحرك ليل امس كان ردا على استهداف مباشر وسريع لما حصل مع قناة "الجديد" وبعدها استهداف منطقة التبانة ".

وعاد التوتر إلى مدينة طرابلس الخميس وسقط جرحى عدة أغلبهم من الجيش (7جرحى)، وذلك بعد أن عمد الأخير إلى الدفاع عن فريق لقناة "الجديد" يصور في شارع سوريا ومنعه مسلحون، ثم ما لبث أن تطور الإشتباك بين الجيش والمسلحين إلى اشتباكات بين جبل محسن وباب التبانة.

وحصل اشتباك بين الجيش ومحتجين على دخوله إلى التبانة في القبة تزامنا مع قطع طرقات في المدينة للسبب عينه، في حين دعا داعي الإسلام الشهال إلى تظاهرة الجمعة "للتهدئة وتفويت الفرصة على من يريد استخدام الجيش ضد اهل السنة".

وتشهد طرابلس اشتباكات بين جبل محسن وباب التبانة ما أدى الى سقوط عشرات القتلى والجرحى، ودفع بوزير الداخلية في حكومة تصريف الأعمال مروان شربل الى اتباع خطة أمنية في طرابلس من خلال ضبط الجيش لكل المظاهر المسلحة في المنطقة.

التعليقات 16
Thumb EagleDawn 11:34 ,2013 كانون الأول 06

Wise decision to avoid anymore bloodshed. All must submit to the State and respect the law.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:20 ,2013 كانون الأول 06

he's just chickening out after threatening the army and insulting its integrity.
the reason is not averting bloodshed, since he defends gunmen who do nothing but spill blood uselessly. what he fears is that his boys would cross a line and then he would have to shave his beard and wear a skirt to escape, like assir.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:48 ,2013 كانون الأول 06

no but i'm considering a career in child psychology and emotional trauma to try to help you get over it.

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:52 ,2013 كانون الأول 06

@mowaten :

I agree with you on the above.

However (and this is always my problem with you), I would like to understand what Hezbollah gunmen do other than spilling blood too ?

I would like to understand why you accept a Shiite paramilitary organisation but object to a Sunni one.

Why you consider that Hezbollah is not also an Extremist Jihadist and Islamist organisation.

I'm more affraid of Sunni extremists than Hezbollah. Hezbollah is nonetheless extremist too and fits the same description.

They hide behind the fake banner of a Lebanese Resistance but have shown nothing to appear as such.

They are ONE sect. They are Islamists. They are Jihadists. They are Extremists. And they are Terrorists (just because a big chunk of Lebanese fear them... I won't argue numbers with you.).

All I want from Hezbollah is a clear roadmap to disarmement. It may take 1, 5 or 10 years but I want a clear plan for them to disarm and be part of the rebuilding effort of Lebanon.

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:30 ,2013 كانون الأول 06

FlameCatcher: i have little hope that you can be objective, given all our previous discussions, but i'll still give it a try. i know you have decided out of pure bias that they are behind every killing, every assassination, but do you see hezbollah men sitting on roofs sniping passersby? do you see hezbollah men attacking people based on their religion? do you see them making threats and calling for the killing of people?

it has nothing to do with shia or sunni, and the people fighting hezbollah have killed more sunnis than they killed shias.
the problem in tripoli is not just with the sunni gunmen, it is with the alawite one as well. both of them have weapons and use them against the interior, and they serve no purpose for lebanon.

whether you like them or not, hezbollah served many great causes for lebanon, they liberated the south and created a deterrence force against israeli threats. what have the gunmen in tripoli done?

Default-user-icon teacher (ضيف) 12:18 ,2013 كانون الأول 06

Another Assir to be eliminated

Missing watan-libnan 12:26 ,2013 كانون الأول 06

In my opinion i think people should take a deep breath and think about their actions in which i think has happened here the law and army are for peace and harmony not for conflict with its people let justice run its course in all matters eventually it will be a fair outcome for all lebanese .

Thumb shab 12:28 ,2013 كانون الأول 06

Papa Noel

Thumb eli-g 13:25 ,2013 كانون الأول 06

There must have been a plan of action before the army went in. So, they started with bab eltebenneh and the greater Tripoly. The question that comes to mind is, are they going into or have they entered Jabal Mohsen? They are arresting the thugs from bab eltebenneh,GOOD. The question is, are they going to arrest jabal Mohsen thugs also? Are they going to get the alleged master mind of the twin mosque bombings and his son as well?

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:42 ,2013 كانون الأول 06

they are in jabal mohsen already, actually they deployed there about two weeks before they got the ok to deploy in bab el tabbaneh.
and yes, they must arrest thugs from all sides, not just one, but i guess the priority should be to get those who are shooting on them to establish their authority first.

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:43 ,2013 كانون الأول 06

don't worry samy, you are amazing too. i'm impressed you managed to make a comment without a single dirty word.

Thumb cedre 14:44 ,2013 كانون الأول 06

at least he was not caught raping children...

Thumb lebanon_first 16:07 ,2013 كانون الأول 06

It is good we have people like chamel roukoz who put their foot on the ground and said enough and chased Assir. This caused this shahhal medieval character to think twice before carrying out from his stupid demonstrations.

It would be a dream if by the same token the chiite militias HA and Amal would start fearing the authority of the army and be forced to abide by the law.

Thumb beiruti 19:46 ,2013 كانون الأول 06

The problem with Lebanon is too many bearded robed men like this one, Nasrallah and the rest are making political decisions when they should be about religious matters. If they want to be politicians, then shave the beards, but on suits and ties, stop having people kiss your rings and get into the political arena.

Thumb Mystic 19:11 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

cedre_Al Qaeda forever

Default-user-icon Ashmas el nas (ضيف) 09:53 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

I say it once and for all
Hizballah = Qaeda

The only difference is one wears black and the other wears white