"مراسلون بلا حدود" تدين الحكم بالسجن على الصحافي رامي عيشة بالرغم من "تعذيبه"
Read this story in Englishحكمت المحكمة العسكرية على المراسل الصحافي رامي عيشة بالسجن ستة اشهر، بحسب ما افادت منظمة "مراسلون بلا حدود" اليوم الجمعة، مطالبة "بإلغاء الدعوى القضائية" بحقه.
وشجبت المنظمة في بيان "الحكم الصادر غيابيا عن المحكمة العسكرية في بيروت يوم 25 تشرين الثاني 2013، والقاضي بعقوبة السجن لمدة ستة اشهر بحق الصحافي رامي عيشة".
واوضحت ان عيشة "اعتقل في اواخر آب بينما كان ينجز تقريرا حول الاتجار بالاسلحة في الضاحية الجنوبية"، مشيرة الى انه ورغم اطلاق سراحه في ايلول "الا انه ظل متابعا بتهمة شراء الاسلحة".
وانتقدت المنظمة التي تتخذ من باريس مقرا لها وتعنى بالدفاع عن حقوق الصحافيين عدم "فتح تحقيق لكشف المعتدين على رامي عيشة خلال فترة اعتقاله، رغم ما قدمه هذا الاخير من ادعاءات حول تعرضه للتعذيب".
ويتواجد عيشة حاليا خارج لبنان، ومن المقرر ان يعود اليه في الثامن من كانون الاول، حيث من المرجح ان توقفه السلطات الرسمية في مطار بيروت.
ونقلت المنظمة عنه قوله ان السلطات "ستلقي (...) القبض عليه مباشرة في المطار قبل أن تحتجزه أجهزة الأمن العام لأجل غير مسمى، في انتظار عقد جلسة استماع جديدة امام محكمة عسكرية".
واشارت الى ان الصحافي اللبناني من اصل فلسطيني "لن يكون متهما بريئا عند مثوله امام القاضي خلال المحاكمة المقبلة التي قد تفضي الى ادانة جديدة".
وقال عيشة لوكالة فرانس برس عبر الانترنت انه "سيواجه هذا الحكم"، ولن يبدل من عزمه على العودة الى البلاد رغم الحكم الصادر بحقه.
اضاف "هذا هو المكان حيث اقيم، ولا اهتم لغياب العدالة. لن اتوقف ابدا عن مزاولة عملي".
وطالبت المنظمة "بإلغاء الدعوى القضائية ضد رامي عيشة بشكل نهائي وندعو بالتالي الى اسقاط الحكم القاضي بإدانته".
واشارت الى ان عيشة "كان ينجز ريبورتاجا عن تهريب الاسلحة عندما قبض عليه"، معتبرة انه "من المهم ان تميز السلطات القضائية اللبنانية بين التحقيق والمشاركة في هذه التجارة غير المشروعة".
كما دانت منظمة "الكرامة" السويسرية غير الحكومية، التي وقعت البيان بالتشارك مع "مراسلون بلا حدود"، ادانة عيشة، معتبرة ان "محاكمة المدنيين امام المحاكم العسكرية، كما هو حال رامي عيشة، لا يمكن ان تعتبر عادلة بأي حال من الاحوال".
ويراسل عيشة عددا من وسائل الاعلام الغربية، منها مجلة "تايم" الاميركية والموقع الالكتروني لمجلة "دير شبيغل" الالمانية.
what a shame. our judicial is now doing what hizbushaitan asks them to do? what a shame.....
well canadianadam, sometimes it looks like a donkey, smells like a donkey, sounds like a donkey, but it turns out it's geha.
there is absolutely nothing linking this to hezbollah, the guy was investigating weapons traffickers and apparently they busted his cover.
having said this, the state should do everything in its power to protect journalists and these charges are ridiculous. hope he wins the trial when he comes back to challenge it.
Movaten Ajami, thanks for your precious contribution. The playmobiles you're looking for and in the box under your bed. Please let the grownups talk, go play one hour and finish your homework.
Nice try Mowaten - you were probably the one who interrogated him. Of course this has no links to HA, who else traffics arms in South Lebanon that's worthy of journalistic attention?? Lol. Let me guess the Zoaiters and Meqdads get their weapons from these illegal traffickers, but it's not HA.
oh yea i forgot, you decided that only hezbollah has weapons in lebanon, so "who else" can it be?
i bet they also armed assir, because he was in south lebanon
ice-boy: yay! does that mean you're going to stop following me everywhere like a desperate puppy now?
A free press is a knife at the throat of the Taef Accord. For example, if it were published that more than half of all Lebanese are Shias, it would bring on a tsunami of violence and other bad stuff that we dare not even imagine. We have leaders to protect us from thinking about such things. We trust them because, that way, it is their fault when this whole thing blows up in our faces. In the meantime, it's easy money and it's fun to abuse innocent people, in a strange sick way.
Okay FT, you make enough commentary on here, why don't you take your chance at writing the article big shot. It go something like this and would obviously involve the use of your thesaurus: "In South Beirut, which has no affiliation with HA, Rami Aysha was arrested for pretending to cover a story about illegal arms smuggling, and we ve proven conclusively there is no link to HA - who for the record are not involved in her illegal proliferation of arms and narcotics -- this editorial authored by none other than GMA. Get a life.
Nice try. There's your problem I'm that you think we all have short term memory loss. We ve seen your posts degenerate over the last few months. You simply try and make little quips and bash m14. For the record, il not m14 aligned, but I'm going to call you on your lack of pretty much anything that resembles an intelligent contribution to this forum. Not enough of a gold fish memory to see you turn farci for your FPM paycheque.
funny how NOBODY on this forum admits to supporting m14.
but i understand, i'd be ashamed to support a bunch of losers and thieves.
i never said "only the ISF" why do you feel compelled to lie all the time?
also, why do you always try to pull me into talking to you? i already i was not interested in wasting my time with you.
i said the ISF has a long history of torturing prisoners, even for a hashish joint some kids got beaten up for days and nights.
but i never said that only ISF did it, as you said above.
take your meds dude, or stop taking them, or put that pipe down, i dont know... but do something.
phoenix yes this trial is ridiculous, and i think the only reason they managed to sentence him was that it was in absentia. hopefully when he comes back he can have a real trial and we should all support him.
but why are you addressing hezbollah in your comment? they have nothing to do with this here.
always a pleasure to debate with you phoenix, big change compared to the specimen around ;)
as for hezbollah i respect your suspicion as long as you call it that, anyone can suspect as they wish, but to accuse one needs proof.
also, i dont think HA has that much influence on the military court, because we saw many suspicious cases that played against them, like freeing recidivist israeli agents because they were "sick"
that's just one among many others... you think if HA had that much influence on the military court this would happen?
also, i think not attending the trial and being judged in absentia had a big negative impact here. i'll wait and see what happens when he comes back, he'll probably be arrested at the airport and re-tried, and that will be the moment of truth.