سقوط قذيفة مصدرها سوريا عند مجرى النهر الكبير بعكار
Read this story in English"سقطت قذيفة من الجانب السوري في خراج بلدة عكارية"، بحسب الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام.
وأشارت الوكالة السبت، الى أن "قذيفة مصدرها الجانب السوري سقطت عند الضفة اللبنانية لمجرى النهر الكبير في خراج بلدة النورا العكارية".
ومنذ يومين، نزح بعض أهالي القرى المواجهة للحدود اللبنانية -السورية من جراء المعارك الدائرة عند الجانب السوري من الحدود.
وأفادت الوكالة أن القصف "طال خراج بلداتهم، فعمدوا إلى ترك منازلهم، وقصدوا الاماكن الاكثر أمانا".
وقبل ذلك، أكدت الوكالة "سقوط قذائف على خراج بلدات قشلق والنورا ووادي الحور وحكر جنين وعمار البيكات، جراء الاشتباكات الدائرة في الداخل السوري".
وترافقت القذائق مع رشقات نارية كثيفة طالت الأتوستراد الذي يصل العبودية ببلدة منجز.
يُشار الى أن هذه الحادثة ليست الاولى من نوعها، اذ أنه ومنذ بدء الازمة السورية في آذار 2011، وتشهد البلدات الحدودية في لبنان في الشمال وفي البقاع سقوط قذائف من الجانب السوري، وسقوط قتلى وجرحى.
and about your video what i find outrageous is the title "beat up sunni guy" to make it sound sectarian.
the reality everybody knows is that the guy, regardless of his sect, was part of an extremist group that attacked the army and killed 18 of its soldiers, before going to hide in a mosque full of explosives. how coherent is that with the muslim religion?
he deserves much more than this beating.
we all know whose behind the border, what message they're sending, how did massacre in Tal kalakh, ie alawite NDF helped by shia khomeynists thugs...
We dont all believe almanar version of Abra events, I remember quite well hizbos with the army shouting Haiday, ya Ali, ect...
Of course shouting this is not sectarian while assaulting a mosque...
"you want them to go in syria kill the rebels who fired those shells?"
lol moooowaten, i bet you even convinced yourself that you believe this.
cedre: sorry but you clearly dont seem to know who's behind the border if you think there are no rebels whatsoever
and about abra, geeze! seeing you say that just convinced me you're nothing more than a lying sack of propaganda.
for the border area, rebels and assadists both claim assadists have control, how can u deny it ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Syrian_civil_war_detailed_map
for abra, are u denying that armed Hizbos with ribbons at their arm were present during the events ? That they encircled Bahia's house, set up checkpoints ?
learn to read a map cedre. there are two green spots north of the border with lebanon, meaning towns controlled by rebels.
also, rebels dont need to be in control of an area to fire some shells, their advantage in this war is that they are mobile and keep jumping from one area to another and evading regular troops.
and yes cedre, HA men werent involved in the fighting inside abra. the one video showing men with yellow ribbons firing was kilometers away from abra and it was visible on the video that they were returning fire. assir's men were surrounded by the army and the army pounding them heavily, so they decided to fire on HA neighborhoods out of spite.
checkpoints were erected around those neighborhoods to prevent attacks from assir's supporters who were outside of abra (remember when they attacked the army from inside the palestinian camps?)
"Syrian authorities had threatened to attack Lebanese territories if “terrorists” continue to infiltrate the country from Lebanon."
and of course M8ers defend that! they defend that a FOREIGN country makes justice on OUR soil while claiming for lebanese independance and sovereignty!
"poor FT... so what? bombing LEBANON is not important to your traitor's eyes? if israel did the same you would cry like an offensed virgin"...
Hahaha!! I dont know about the offenced part but there would be some crocodile tears...
poor FT...
"Mortars and shells from the Syrian side regularly crash in Lebanon,"
"Syrian authorities had threatened to attack Lebanese territories "
sure WORM live in your denial that lebanon is not shelled by the syrian army.... and protect them to do so in the name of your hypocrit lebanese sovereignty that you pretend to defend while rather prefering syrians to shell lebanon!!!!
you cry like a virgin you are when israel does half of that but here you defend the syrian agressors like they were not violating our sovereignty... you are just a collaborator and antilebanese FPMer...
Thank you Syrian Army for the rodent control in Lebanon. Lebanese do not wish to be ruled or live among extremists that wish to take Lebanon back in time and creat a khalipha, Lebanese citizens wish for Lebanon to be known for its freedom, tourism, technological advancements and it's over all hospitality. The last time I took a drive in Tripoli I didn't get a sense of any of the above.