"بريستول" جديد تحت عنوان "العدالة... للاستقرار"
Read this story in Englishتنظم قوى 14 آذار لقاء حقوقيا الخامسة من مساء الثلثاء 26 تموز في فندق "البريستول" تحت عنوان "العدالة... للاستقرار"، في حضور وزراء ونواب ونحو 300 شخصية من القضاة والمحامين وأساتذة الجامعات الحقوقيين، الى شخصيات مستقلة.
وسيعرض اللقاء، كما أفادت مصادره، آليات المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان واجراءاتها بشكل مبسط لكل اللبنانيين الذين يريدون العدالة مدخلا للاستقرار، كما يشدد على وجوب التزامها وتمويلها.
وسيوجه المنظمون دعوة الى وزير العدل شكيب قرطباوي والنائب العام التمييزي القاضي سعيد ميرزا لتنفيذ اتفاق التعاون الموقع مع المحكمة وتنفيذ مذكرات التوقيف في حق المتهمين، كما سيوجهون نداء الى نقابتي المحامين في بيروت وطرابلس لاتخاذ "موقف تاريخي لصون العدالة وإحقاق الحق".
وفي ختام اللقاء سيتلو أحد المنظمين رسالة موجهة الى الامين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي – مون تتضمن دعوة الى تحصين المحكمة وحمايتها، وستركز الرسالة على عبارة "ان الاستقرار الامني لا يمكن أن يعمم في لبنان من دون العدالة وعدم وضع اللبنانيين امام واحد من خيارين: العدالة او الفوضى، لأن العدالة هي التي تؤمن الاستقرار".
There will be no stability before bringing Mafia Hariri & Co., SARL his Christian Sunnis and his Al Qaeda- Akkar and Tripoli Brigades to justice for all the crimes they committed against the nation: fleecing the nation, killing and slaughtering innocent people in cold blood in Akkar and Tripoli, for collaborating with every enemy of Lebanon, be it the Syrians during the occupation or Israel always, for their stupidity, for their empty slogans that nobody really cares for anymore except the candy thieves. These shameless skunks must be brought to justice ASAP, tried and sent to the guillotine. JUSTICE MUST BE SERVED ASAP.
The four suspects in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s Feb. 2005 assassination case.are hiding in Israel.
Nobody, I repeat NOBODY cares about slogans anymore. 6 long years of BS is not enough for these fakes? The only justice that this country deserves is one that will throw these thugs, thieves and collaborators with all of Lebanon's enemies in jail and then to their hanging. What a bunch big babies. LOSERS.
What for do they keep meeting at the Bristol or elsewhere the March 14 or what is left from it ? Their leader and leader of the opposition Saad Hariri has left Lebanon 5 months ago and will not come back ..!!
Le Phenicien if Hariri doesn' t come back now, it' s because he finally knows who are the assassins of his fateher, who have stages killing fields for so long at least since ocotber 2004. There is no pont seeing a spy movie again on TV directed and produced by the Hassan showing us how the Israelis would have eliminated Saad Hariri. The Israelis killed Hariri in the same way they made Moussa Sadr disappear! I prefer Bellemare in uncovering the truth to the espresso decaffeinated justice served by Addoum, Ghazale, and the Pasdarans!
How come you Phenis always sound off totally screwed in
the head about the past history. Admitted - a lot of this
is made up by the shi*ts, but there are still facts that can
be put forward to show that M14 is the most democratic
and mentally sound group in Lebanon today.
If Saad Hariri had to stay in the country then he would
have to be surrounded of so much security that he would
experience his stay here as worse than a prison. The thugs
from Hiz, Amal and the Palestinian terrorists hiding in the
camps, all want to assassinate this personality and with
the protection from Hiz and NAZIrallah they could do that
totally unpunished. So it's understandable that Saad takes
time off in a less charged location.
Instead of meeting at a fancy hotel, these self-serving fakes should go and meet with the folks that they have disappointed, used and abused, for so many long years, and have no shame in continuing to do so, and explain to them why they have time and again let them down. FAKES AND SELF-SERVING FAILURES.