علي يزور عون: لا مصلحة للبنان بإقفال السفارة السورية
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أعلن سفير سوريا لدى لبنان علي عبد الكريم أن الأصوات التي تطالب بإقفال السفارة في لبنان "تمثل أصحابها" مشيرا إلى أن "لا مصلحة" للبنان بإقفالها.
وقال علي عقب زيارة رئيس "تكتل التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون في الرابية السبت "هذا الفريق تعرفون جوه، وهذا الكلام لا مصلحة فيه للبنان الذي سعى طويلا لقيام علاقات دبلوماسية".
وكان قد طالب عضو كتلة "المستقبل" النائب خالد الضاهر خلال اعتصام أمام مسجد السلام الجمعة رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان بـ"طرد سفير نظام الاجرام الذي يدير عصابات القتل والاجرام" سائلا "كيف لا يقطعون العلاقات الدبلوماسية مع نظام يقتل اللبنانيين؟" في إشارة إلى تفجيري مسجدي السلام والتقوى في طرابلس.
وأضاف علي "نحن كنا نرى ان العلاقة بين البلدين لا تحتاج لسفارة لكون البلدين على صلة قريبة، ولا نزال نحرص وسنبقى نحرص على علاقة أخوية عميقة بينهما، وهذه الأصوات أظنها تمثل اصحابها".
وسئل عن وضع النازحين السوريين في لبنان، فقال: "لقد حذرنا من هذا الوضع ليس فقط على لبنان بل على كل الدول في هذا الإقليم، فقد كان عليها أن تعمل لمصلحتها قبل مصلحة سوريا".
كما ذكر علي أن "هناك جهات تمول المسلحين وتمنع عودة السوريين الى وطنهم، فلتكف عن هذا" متبعا "السوريون سيعودون وسيعمرون بلدهم مع حكومة سوريا، وعلى الحكومات الشقيقة ان تتعامل بحس عال من المسؤولية لإيجاد مخارج".
وسئل علي اذا ما كان "داعش" و"جبهة النصرة" سيشاركان في الحكم في سوريا بعد جنيف-2، فأجاب "أولا هل داعش وجبهة النصرة يريدان المشاركة؟ ثم انهما قائمان على فكر وهابي يرفض معاني الحياة ويرفض المشاركة، ولا أظن ان الدول، حتى التي رعتهما، خصوصا الإدارة الأميركية، تستطيع أن تتبناهما لأنهما يشكلان خطرا على الشعوب في العالم".
هذا والتقى عون لاحقا رئيس لجنة العلاقات الخارجية في البرلمان الأوروبي النائب إلمار بروك، رافقته سفيرة الاتحاد الأوروبي أنجيلينا ايخهورست.

is there a decent Lebanese which wants to defend this guy?

i dont care about this guy, but m14 mentality is puzzling. for years and years they screamed and whined and complained that syria didnt have an embassy in lebanon. now that their request was answered the scream and whine and complain that they want the opposite. what a waste of time they are, turning in circles and achieving absolutely nothing.
they either dont know what they are doing/what they want, or they are deliberately stalling.

Mowaten I think it's a little different to what you are saying. I think Lebanon definitely needs to have a Syrian embassy is Lebanon to respect the sovereignty of the country and no one can deny that fact. I think the problem here is the fact that if the Syrian regime has been implicated in the tripoli bombings than yes the Syrian ambassador must be expelled.

the embassy has been implicated? how, when and according to who? you're just talking out of pure fantasy here.

M14 was calling for a Syrian embassy in Lebanon in order to establish a distinction between the Syrian and the Lebanese governments, since before the Syrian embassy used to be in La7oud's office. Now, when the embassy is functioning as a foreign occupation base from where crimes against Lebanon are ordered, of course no decent Lebanese person wants it there. What a waste of space you are. Get a brain.

@ Mowaten I said if the Syrian embassy was implicated not that it had been. @ southern I agree with what you're saying. Any foreign country that does harm or that meddles in Lebanon's affairs should have their ambassadors spoken to and subsequently expelled if they are implicated but the problem there being is that Lebanon would have no embassies or ambassadors left.

sagh, I am surprised that you as an Alawi celebrate Christmas.... Good for you!!! BTW, it is Santa Claus not Santa Clause. I am sure you already knew that:) Merry Christmas Abbas!

C'mon..... dialogue is better than none. Even if we hate Syrian government policy, we must engage Syria for the better. I don't think it is in our interest to have the Islamic Republis of Syria established, either. Talk with all, ehlp them find their way. It is time for the region to stop shooting and start talk. We are all going to hell in a hand basket.

I would strongly suggest to you guys to read the following analysis which sense in the current situation:

lmao, iceman!!!!! He's been posting for weeks now about santa "clause". A real Christian he is, yes)))

exactly :)
he showed he was afraid!
I read another article which shows that hizbushaitan is now facing al Qaeda in Lebanon (which is true) and the shia community will be paying a high price from now on like in Iraq.
I am amazed at the shia community that is still cheering for this guy who has brought death and desolation to their doorstep.

Expel the collaborators with foreign occupation forces now! Yalla ya Karim, natrinak back home in Damascus.

i se you're a true m14, talking like a lowlife. fyi you cant "force" a country to open an embassy in another country.

Southern, go back to school and get an education… do yo want to spend the rest of your life as an illiterate, posting Assad propaganda for a couple of rials.

Nitwit, you are an embarrassment "impartial, it's nothing to do with propaganda but a fair treatment"… in what sense of the word are you impartial????
You are one of the M8 rah-rah boys that 100% cheers for the Assad-Iranian Axis and their terrorist militia. In the last few years Hizbullah has openly declared their allegiance and it is not to Lebanon.

We are keen to maintain deep brotherly ties between the two countries, those who are demanding the shut of the Syrian embassy represent only themselves,” the ambassador said.
well da! Obviously, they don't represent Syria and those who do (M8) would never go against their president Bachar.