الموسوي يرى باللاحوار ذهاب للصراع: كل اسم متهم سيتحول قديسا مطوبا

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أعلن عضو كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب نواف الموسوي أن "استبعاد الحوار يعني الذهاب الى الوجه الآخر والوجه الآخر الذي هو نقل الاختلاف من كونه خلافا الى جعله صراعا بأشكاله المختلفة".

وقال الموسوي في خلال ندوة سياسية الأحد في النبطية: "طبيعة لبنان التعددية تفترض بحد ذاتها ان يكون الحوار شأنا بديهيا وطبيعيا".

ومع دعوة رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان إلى طاولة حوار وطني ربطت قوى 14 آذار المشاركة بحصر النقاش "بإخضاع سلاح "حزب الله" لسلطة الدولة وضمن مهلة زمنية محدّدة، وبمشاركة الجامعة العربية، وبموافقة "حزب الله" المسبقة على هذا المضمون".

وتابع الموسوي: "من يرفض الحوار هو في حقيقة الامر يعكس نزعة استبدادية وفردية وآحادية وهو لا يؤمن على نحو الحقيقة بالتعددية اللبنانية وانما يريد ان يكون في لبنان رأي واحد وموقف واحد لذلك هو لا يرى جدوى من الحوار".

وختم مشددا على ان "الاصوات التي ترفض الحوار ارى فيها انها تكشف عن مشروع الاستبداد الذي يقول اما ان تكون كما انا والا فانت انقلابي وغير مؤهل لتكون شريكا في الوطن".

من جهة أخرى أكد الموسوي في خلال احتفال بذكرى شهداء الانتصار في تموز 2006 أقامه "حزب الله" في بلدة يارون أن "أي اسم تحاول القرارات الاتهامية أو ما بعدها تلويثه بتهم باطلة مشينة، سيتحول عندنا إلى أيقونة مقدسة نعلي به هامتها فوق السحاب".

وتابع:"إن كل اسم يشار إليه بالاتهام سيتحول عندنا قديساً مطوباً لا تعلوه رتبة للقداسة بعد ذلك، لذلك نقول لهم بأن يُكثروا من الأسماء، لتصبح بدل أربعة أسماء، عشرين بل سبعين اسماً لأن تلك الأسماء ستتحول في سمائنا إلى نجوم ساطعة".

التعليقات 10
Thumb ithinkthere14iam 20:09 ,2011 تموز 24

Hypocrite. National dialogue should be open to Any subject that irks a side. And armed conflict? U have the guns u moron!

Default-user-icon man (ضيف) 20:33 ,2011 تموز 24

pisst nawaf come here.. tell me bob who stopped participating in the national dialog and vowed never to return unless all their conditions are met hein? look it up one had an abou sorra orange in lieu of a head the other a holy diaper on top.

Default-user-icon majd (ضيف) 20:35 ,2011 تموز 24

I'll let Sayyed Hassan answer Moussawi about Lebanese pluralism Hizballah style: "establishing an Islamic government is the only way to bring stability to a society and is the only way to settle social differences, even in a society that is composed of numerous minorities."

Missing hmorsel 20:39 ,2011 تموز 24

Look who's talking about rejecting dialogue, his party of god said you do what we say and if you dont like it, tough, we have guns and you dont and we can impose our will on you. Mr Moussawi you and your party are the personification of tyranny

Default-user-icon Eagle (ضيف) 21:39 ,2011 تموز 24

Those who are rejecting dialogue are in fact reflecting their authoritarian and autocratic nature and they don’t actually believe in Lebanese pluralism. They want the domination of one opinion and one stance in Lebanon, that’s why they see no use in dialogue,” the Hizbullah lawmaker added, referring to the rival March 14 camp.

That is called political prostitution by definition.... The genius talks about the domination of one opinion over another...... Why waste energy and comment on this spiteful arrogant thug.

Default-user-icon Blue (ضيف) 21:44 ,2011 تموز 24

Go fornicate and multiply........

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 22:55 ,2011 تموز 24

Drop the weapons, and come to the table as equals with those that you wish to have dialogue and dialogue will happen. However, when you come to the table armed and willing to use your arms to make your political points, do not point your finger at the opposition and say that they are acting as "authoritarians", and that the Opposition is showing signs of intolerance. The Lebanese people are not nearly as stupid as your band of secular followers and welfare receipients.
We all see what your call to "dialogue" is. It is a call to the Opposition to captiulate and to recognize your legitimacy, when you have no legitimacy.
There is nothing to discuss with an armed man, when all others have no arms. The outcome is predictable. So in order to become eligible as a full member of the Lebanese government, do as the others have done. Disarm, give your allegiance to the Lebanese Republic and promote her interests, then come to the table. But as an armed agent of Iran? Surely you jest!

Default-user-icon Ben-USA (ضيف) 23:40 ,2011 تموز 24

...Like having a sit in in the capital for months? Killing Lebanese to secure your own access to phone lines and airport security? The killing of a LAF pilot because he flew over "restricted" territory within Lebanon?

I hope M14 does the same if that is rejecting dialogue

Thumb shab 04:52 ,2011 تموز 25


Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 09:29 ,2011 تموز 25

I dont know if anyone noticed, but its more like if he was talking about themselves in Hezbollah, not allowing that and that, one opinion , etc... who is he trying to fool? go get dinner for your masters, Sharon and Hassouné, the big pigs are waiting for their daily get together dinner in the usual 5 star restaurant located 323 flooors underground sewers, Dahieh, and please do not forget about Karam, the dear general's advisor and spy agent, you must feed him as well, and by the way, where is he? did he meet the same fate as mughaniye? or are you welcoming him as all zionist spy agents into your filthy disgusting militia mixture of mossad, cia, iranian, and syrian agents?