جعجع: قضية المدير العام للامن العام فضيحة ولقاءات بكركي غير مشجعة
Read this story in Englishأكّد رئيس الهيئة التنفيذية في "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع أن "أحدا لا يمكنه تقدير اذا ما كانت الحكومة ستعيش إلى الانتخابات النيابية المقبلة"، مشيرا الى ان الأمر رهن جملة معطيات، لكنّني شخصيا أشكك في ذلك".
ووصف جعجع في مقابلة مع صحيفة "الجمهورية"، ما حصل في قضية المدير العام للأمن العام بأنه "فضيحة"، آسفا لأن "المسيحيين أضاعوا على أنفسهم فرصة ذهبية لإعادة تثبيت موقعهم في الدولة".
واشار الى "العمل الذي بدأ بعد العام 2005 ليستعيد المسيحيون حقوقهم حيث شكل تعيين المدير العام للأمن العام الفرصة الأولى لذلك"، لافتا الى أنّ المدير العام بالوكالة العميد ريمون خطّار "مشهود له بنزاهته وكفايته وبأخلاقيته"، وسأل: "هل نرفض تثبيته ونأتي بمدير عام، ، من مكان آخر ونزرعه زرعا فقط لأن ريمون خطار مسيحي".
وتوجّه جعجع إلى رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون "الذي ينادي بإعادة صلاحيات رئيس الجمهورية" بالقول: "قبل إعادة النظر في كل اتفاق الطائف، لماذا لا تنفّذ أمرا ورد في إطاره، وبالتالي إذا عَجِزت عن تنفيذ هذا الأمر، فما هدف كل هذا الكلام الذي كنت تطلقه؟ هل كنت تضحك على الناس؟"، لافتا إلى أن ما حصل "يظهر حجم الضرر الذي خلّفه هذا الموضوع على المناخ العام في لبنان".
وفي اطار حديثه عن لقاء الاقطاب الموارنة في بكركي، اكد انه "سيفكّر مرّتين قبل إعادة هذه التجربة"، واصفا التجربة الاولى "بغير المشجعة"، خصوصا عندما لا يحترم الحاضرون تعهّداتهم ويتخطّون حدود الاختلاف السياسي إلى التهجّم على المستوى الشخصي".
واذ أعلن رفضه "الأمر الواقع الذي يحاول حزب الله فرضه وإخفاءه بعمليات تجميل"، اكد انه "لا يمكن إرجاع القرار الاستراتيجي إلى الدولة من دون إعادة كل السلاح والأمن والعسكر إليها".
وأوضح جعجع "أنّنا مع الحوار شرط أن يكون جدّيا، وما نراه اليوم بعيد كل البعد من الجدية، فالسيّد نصرالله يدافع عن أمر واقع موجود"، محذرا من "استمرار طريقة التصرّف المتبعة في لاسا وغيرها من المناطق اللبنانية، لأن هذا يعني أنّ لبنان الدولة والمجتمع قد فرط".
واكد ان "حزب الله من خلال تصريحات السيد نصرالله وجميع المسؤولين السياسيين فيه، يعترف بأنّ المتّهمين مسؤولون في الحزب وأن الملكوت لن يطالهم"، مضيفا انه "في الوقت نفسه يشكل حزب الله العمود الفقري لهذه الحكومة، وبالتالي كيف يمكن تصديق أن الحكومة تملك الرغبة والنيّة والقرار في التعاون مع المحكمة وتطبيق القرار 1757؟"
ونبّه جعجع إلى أنّ "الموضوع سيصل بعد أيام إلى استحقاقات، وسيطالَب رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي والحكومة بموقف، فماذا سيكون؟"، منتقدا "الاستخفاف برأي أكثرية الشعب اللبناني التي تريد المحكمة".
وحذّر من أنّ لبنان "سيقع في مشكلات كبيرة انطلاقا من ازدواجية قائمة بين الحديث الرسمي والواقع على الأرض".
وفي موضوع المعارضة، أوضح جعجع أنّ "اللقاء الذي جمعه إلى رئيس الحكومة الاسبق سعد الحريري لم يكن سياسيا، إنما مناسبة عائلية اجتماعية"، لافتا الى ان "التواصل على المستوى السياسي مستمر دائما، لكن هذا لا يعني أننا لم نتطرّق إلى شؤون البلد".
مشدّدا على أنّ "المعارضة تمارس عملها يوميا في شكل فاعل وجدّي وتدقق في كل التفاصيل"، نافيا استضافة معراب أي لقاء يجمع 14 آذار، "فالفكرة غير مطروحة راهنا، والاجتماعات تتوالى في الأشكال المعروفة".
ولفت الى ان غيابه عن هذه الاجتماعات لا يعني أنّها توقفت، قائلا "ان أكبر دليل إلى تفعيل عملنا، اجتماع حقوقيي 14 آذار".
وأكّد أنّ غيابه عن لقاء البريستول الأخير وعشاء عمشيت لم يكن متعمّدا، "فالمناسبة الأولى كانت 14 آذارية بامتياز، والثانية مناسبة اجتماعية عامّة"، موضحا ان السبب كان التزامه بمواعيد خارجية كانت قد قررت قبلا.
وفي الملف السوري، رأى جعجع أن "التغيير محتوم، فلا يحاولنّ أحد الوقوف في وجه مسيرة التغيير، ومن الأفضل أن يقبل البعض بهذا الواقع، لا أن يُكثر من خسائره".
What Geagea doesn't know is that no other Maronite leader would want to sit or meet with him anymore ...Not even His Beatitude Patriarch Al-RAÏ . This is the truth .
You attacked the new government claiming they have all robbed the government to make money (although most of them have not been in government ever); the response was the members of government do not have a place in the Cedars or fortress in Maarab such as yourself.
In return, you had a panic attack on air in a press conference, which was quite amusing.
This is the same way in 2007 when Bkerki issued an honor pact, General Aoun and Sulieman Franjiyeh signed it within 2 days and you refused to do it.
Have you slaughtered enough Christians ya geagea? Retire before you go back to jail where you belong.
Geagea's problem is Al Rahi. PERIOD. Al Rahi proved to be fair and balanced, not a destructive one-sided anti-Christian "patriarch" as his predecessor was. In any case, Geagea is nothing but a Hariri Christian Sunni, i.e. the lowest of the low.
Looks like Geagea was right, you March 8thers can only resort to personal attacks and insults. Typical.
Stop referring to Gaega's past!!! Your leader thugs all participated in the civil war. Your history is not better than his. At least, the man is honorable enough to move on. He is perhaps the only politician who deeply believes in Lebanon. Aoun the other day stated his future and the future of this country belongs with Syria and Iran and Hizbullah.
Q: Is Berri's past and present, Nassrallah past and present, and Jumblat's past and present better than Gaega? Stop focusing on personal issues, and criticize the man's politics. To me, he is the "Rock of Lebanon". I like the man and respect him.
Not even a hundred times GEAGEA. Just a matter of time for Aoun to be the main loser.
The first meeting a Bkerki was useless as expected.
We all new that Aoun & his allies could not make any pledges in terms of respecting your political opponents and not resorting to personal attacks. But he's not in control of his own policies. These come from Hizbullah/Syira. Plus, he doesn’t have self control when he gets in front of the journalists.
He reverted back to his venomous attacks & lies not too long after the meeting and he attacked Dr. Geagea and the LF.. An institution that gave 15,000 martyrs in the defense of our land.
hakim is not under the control of farsis or wahabies,he is the ROCK OF BILAD EL ARZ.,continue ur couragous path and dont look left and right at our "political shabiha".
Since when was Aoun a Maronite? I thought him a Jehovah's Witness, and maybe now he is a Twelver since he worships at the altar of the Twelver and his money.
The only comment that will fit is the saying of RIP President Camille Chamoun quote "Man yujarib al mujarab 3aklahu mukharab" unquote how can somebody discuss any issue with another person when that person is a puppet guided by many Masters,, would like to ask how many times Mr. Le General ( Friend of our Mr. Le P.....) changes opinions per day how many times he lies per second ,, last lie was the promise he gave to the Christian to preserve their rights where does he stand on the issue of the General security issue , Mr. Le General reminds me the Columbia add with the small puppet having his face inside the gramophone,,,
So please consider you people who are posting just to post even you are not really convinced by what you are saying or and blinded ...
As for Mr. Bob the emigrant to Luxumbourg (start by correcting Luxembourg) it is so easy to fight with binoculars from distance ,, so please stay were you are and let Lebanese suffering inside Lebanon Judge the doings and saying of their leaders.......
LF never pitty'd the fool and we are not about to either! where in hell was the so called the general of retardness Michel Aoun when the Phalanges, A7rar and then LF were cleaning up the garbage from that other reatrd Sleiman Franjiyeh the president when he promised people to sleep with their doors open, and fear nothign and no one to awaken then next mroning on a massacre of a christian town. more that followed after and before. What the hell was the retarded general Michel Aoun thinking about when he launched the infamous liberation war in mid day when all children were still in schools. WHAT ARE YOUR STUPID GAINS ya RETARDED GENERAL MICHEL AOUN? you displaced most of christians outside lebanon you ill retarded crazy prick! enough is enough. very easy for a decision to be taken as ( AL AMROU LI) but very damn hard to build a country with morons and retards such as March 8 morons. don't taint history with retardness. nobody is perfect, but refused is your stupidity and ignorance
It seems like the civil war never ended.Same issues different year. Move on, get rid of the dinosaurs highjacking our country.
I read this on a site and pasting it here, if this is what defenders of Christians do, I would hate to see what enemies do.
1977 - Robbing of the Ports and areas under their control.
1978 - Killing of their chief ally in the north,Tony Franjieh, his wife, 3 year old daughter and dozens of his supporters
1980 - Attacking their allies the Ahrar and slaughtering their militia
1983 - the Mountain war against the PSP that resulted in the mass migration and slaughter of Christians and thus building a case for cantonisation.
1984 - Internal coup against the leader Fouad Abou Nader; the heavy taxation and terrorising the people they were mean to protect begins.
1985 - the war of East Saida that resulted in the mass migration and slaughter of Christians and thus building a case for cantonisation.
1985 - Internal coup against co leader Elie Hobieka
1986 - Assassination of Lebanese Army Brigadier Khalil Kanaan for disrupting their drug trade
Part 2,small extract of the crimes
1986 - The dumping of toxic waste in Lebanon in return for large sums of money from European companies resulting in a high rate of cancer & leukaemia in Lebanon.
1987 - Invasion of their allies the Kataeb & occupying their offices in the Eastern areas
1989 - First war against the Lebanese Army
1990 - The War of Annihilating the Legitimate Government to help the Syrians dominate the free areas.
1990 - The shelling of Baabda in coordination with Syrian jets.
1990 - The killing of Danny Chamoun, his wife & 2 children aged under 10.
Lebanese Forces Comm&er Ghaith Khoury & his wife as she was recovering in hospital from the killing of her husb&; other Lebanese Forces comm&ers Elias Zayek & Samir Zeinoun; or the kidnappings, the rapes, the heavy taxation on checkpoints & street killings & thuggery.
The killing of Monsignor Khrieche.
The last time the Lebanese Forces fired a bullet against a non-Lebanese (Syria) was the battle of Zahle
Considering that Dr. Criminal's brain (or lack of it, actually) lies in his buttocks, once his left buttock thinks, and the next time his right. That makes it thinking twice. An then you wonder leich bi 3omra ma zabatet ma3o
Strange how a supposed Lebanese born like M. Aoun seems ignorant of the primary basics of Lebanon and Lebanese, especially ours Maronites: Unlike Iran and Saudi Arabia, Lebanese are by genes definitively inconciliable with Islamist Shia/Sunni Fundamentalism, historically, psychologically, culturally, mentally, economically and finantially, etc. As well as and unlike Syrians, inconciliable with mono-clan totalitarianism. How could a M. Aoun figure for just for one second that Lebanese will become Shia fundamentalists or an inert mass subdued by a such an Assads clan! I think here lies the main point of fracture between him and a historical leader and fighter for Lebanonship as Dr. Geagea, knowing that both are from people middle-class. How could M. Aoun be so lacking a basic amount of culture! There probably lies the reason for him becoming what is commonly called a traitor. M. Aoun is much more a pitiful victim than a culprit. But for all that, it does'nt clear him of his crimes.