الحريري: لتدارك المخاطر المحيطة في لبنان بالوعي والابتعاد عن الغلو السياسي

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رأى رئيس تيار "المستقبل" سعد الحريري أن "مخاطر داهمة تحيط بلبنان وتنذر في حال تفاقمها بأوخم العواقب ما لم يتم تداركها بالوعي والحكمة والابتعاد عن الغلو في سياسات إضعاف الدولة واستهلاك طاقاتها في النزاعات"، مردفاً أنه "من الضروري إعطاء الأولوية لمصلحة لبنان وقواعد العيش المشترك والتوقف عن الإيغال في الحرب السورية".

وتوجه الحريري بالتهنئة من اللبنانيين عموما وأبناء الطوائف المسيحية خصوصا لمناسبة عيدي الميلاد المجيد ورأس السنة.

ورأى في بيان، الثلاثاء، أن "الأعياد تحل العام في ظل مخاطر داهمة تحيط بلبنان والعديد من البلدان العربية الشقيقة، وتنذر في حال تفاقمها بأوخم العواقب ما لم يتم تداركها بالوعي والحكمة والابتعاد عن الغلو في سياسات إضعاف الدولة واستهلاك طاقاتها في النزاعات الأهلية والمذهبية".

وأشار الحريري الى أنه "اذا كانت الحكمة تقتضي في هذه الظروف الصعبة إعطاء الأولوية لمصلحة لبنان وقواعد العيش المشترك والتوقف عن الإيغال في الحرب السورية، فإن رأس الحكمة تكمن في مخافة الله عز وجل في مصير بلادنا وفي دماء الشعب السوري المظلوم، والاقتداء في هذه الأيام المجيدة بأخلاق وقيم السيد المسيح ".

ولفت الى "التزام حدود التواضع والموضوعية في مقاربة الخلافات الوطنية، وتقديم مصالح لبنان وشعبه على مصالح المحاور والالتزامات الخارجية".

يذكر أن العيد يطل هذا العام في ظل تردي الأوضاع الإقتصادية والسياسية والأمنية داخلياً، فضلاً عن تفاقم الأزمة السورية وتدخل "حزب الله" بالحرب السورية بجانب النظام.

التعليقات 32
Thumb ice-man 11:59 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

Thanks @mckinl for your wishes. Much appreciated really. Stay safe

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:14 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

@Karim ... there is no difference between Hariri hiding abroad and Hassan hiding underground. I don't see what's funny when your life is threatened by a Hezbollah army and Syrian moukhabarat.

You're free to hate the guy but your comments show the level of stupidity you tackle politics with.

Thumb Mystic 12:23 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

Big difference between being hunted, and still staying in your country, or be a wealthy man spending all your cash abroad.

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:02 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

There is no difference. Both are wealthy. Both have different lifestyles.

The difference is that Hassan is protected by an army of terrorists and Hariri relies on the protection of the Lebanese government / army which obviously is not enough.

If hariri had a private army to protect him, he would be in Lebanon today and Hezbollah would not be so powerful.

Your mockery of him spending his cash abroad is irrelevant to this argument. It's a "cheap" attack.

Also note that Hariri and his "empire" in Lebanon is one of the largest tax contributors in the country.

Hezbollah with all the billion $ or so they spend contributes NOTHING to the Lebanese economy. No taxes, all black !

Thumb Mystic 13:15 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

So if the Hezbollah really wanted to kill Saad, why didn't they kill him back in 2008 when they surrounded his mansion in Beirut? Your facts are untrue fc

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:29 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

first nasrallah is not wealthy, he doesnt own anything.
second when your life is constantly threatened by drones, F16s, assassins, and takfiri suicide bombers you dont go walking around in plain sight waiting to be whacked. and that is valid for all politicians, even the ones who are not threatened have bodyguards and security measures.
you can fantasize he is "underground" but the fact is you simply have no idea where he is, except that he is in lebanon as can be seen every time he makes an appearance or meets with politicians, journalists.
the difference is in running away or not, surrendering to fear and choosing self-preservation or standing your ground and doing what it takes to resist.

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:58 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

@Mystic : Hezbollah will never kill him openly. They are cowards that never admit their crimes. They kill and blame others for it (Israel, "terrorists...)

@Mowaten : hiding abroad or hiding at undisclosed location is the same thing. With all their drones, f16s, spies and intelligence and whatever, Israel was incapable of hitting Nasrallah. This is because they do not want to remove him. They are happy with Hezbollah protecting their borders for them.

Hariri on the other hand has to "hide" from the worst type of attack. Coward terrorist bombings just like they did to his father and other politicians. Typical Hezbollah modus operandi !

In the end, those 2 are leaders and it doesn't matter or not if they are in Lebanon. What does this change ? What matters is that they are controlling their followers like sheep and will send this country to hell before we find peace !

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:31 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

BS is not being able to read between the lines. Not understanding that Israel needs Hezbollah to justify almost unlimited funding and weapons. Not understanding that Hezbollah needs Israel to justify their weapons and stranglehold of power.

They both need an enemy image to indoctrinate their people.

You also need to understand that wars are not meant to be "won". They are meant to be sustained so the "few" (rich, weapons dealers, medical industry ...) can capture the people's (taxpayer) money instead of it being spent elsewhere. It's the case in Iran, Israel and the US which funds Israel with US taxpayer money.

The world is so much different than the illusion built for us by our leaders. And we argue based on these illusions when the real picture is entirely different.

Missing peace 16:22 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

"the difference is in running away or not, surrendering to fear and choosing self-preservation or standing your ground and doing what it takes to resist."

LOL then i guess this applies to aoun too who chose not to stay in lebanon and ran away ! LOL

Missing lebcan 16:55 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

Mystic... Flame catcher's logic is sound he doesn't support either loser sheep leaders... But thinks openly like me... We'll said flamecatcher!

Missing lebcan 17:00 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

conspiracy theories!?!?
I suppose mystic you believe that the World Trade Center that came down AT free FALL speed were brought down by airplanes... Ok brain washed American ... I mean Lebanese dude...conspiracy theory's is a term used to smother the truth by the mischief makers in the land.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:21 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

@FT : you're right ... it's degrading for Hariri to compare him to Nasrallah. He's neither a fake sheikh, nor a terrorist. And Nasrallah is so much smarter though...

They are both Za3ims though and you should respect both for leading so many sheeps.

@Mystic, those are not conspiracy theories. This is how the world works. There is no "big manipulator" or "conspirator". There are many small ones and behind every war and battle, there are objectives that are far more material and economical than, honour, pride or freedom.

Thumb cedre 15:00 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

u hizbo thugs feel strong, we'll see if it stays the same when ur alawite godfather will fall...

Thumb Mystic 15:09 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

What godfather? Haha

Thumb cedre 15:54 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

u know, the gang thanks to who syro-iranian agents like amal,hizb,ssnp,adp exist, ie the dirt from Qardaha...

Thumb Mystic 16:02 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

I only know a salafi using the name cedre as disguise. I still don't get why you have the Lebanese flag as avatar, when we all know you are a takfiri. Maybe you could change it New years eve?

Thumb lebanon_first 18:54 ,2013 كانون الأول 24


I like the way you called them : the dirt from kordaha: amal, hezb, ssnp, adp,
There is also the other dirt: fath el islam, jund el sham, da3esh, nosra, armed pals outside camps, assir.
And there are a few independants: Jamil el sayed, ahmed jibril, wiam wahab...

The above are the curse of Lebanon.

Thumb cedre 20:16 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

leb 1st, u're right, lets disarm all thugs/militias/foreign agents/terrorists/takfiris, shias,alawites,sunnis,christians, ect...

Thumb cedre 16:18 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

dont try to understand moustik, coz u wont.
Just keep repeating hateful lies about sunnis that u hear in ur husseynia or on almanar.

Thumb cedre 16:57 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

U mean sunnis that made bay3a to Nassy, Bashar and Khamenei ?
Sunnis from all the spectrum are fed up with Hizb domination of Lebanon and its institutions.
U can try to disguise it by calling Hariri a takfiri or Sleiman a saudi propagandist, it wont work...


u like this tune ?

Thumb lebanon_first 18:47 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

Lebpatriot "888".

Congratulations darling. You actually were able to write a whole 5 lines post without using the word "cannibal". Your obsession is starting to get cured. It is a loooong road to recovery, but maybe one day, darling, you will start doing positive contributions to the debate.

Thumb cedre 20:42 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

+1000 lebfirst so funny, he's obsessed with the words darling and cannibal.

Thumb cedre 04:24 ,2013 كانون الأول 25

iranianpatriot888 first thing u're taught by ur mullahs and ayadollars is to insult, insult sahabas, sunnis, ect.. Thats why u cant argument or debate without insulting...

Thumb lebanon_first 18:49 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

hey Texas

Are you spending Xmas in leb? We can use some lebanon loving expats here.

Thumb cedre 20:17 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

why ? any bombing planned ?

Missing peace 21:48 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

because the simple reason is that hezbollah as you say is a lebanese party whereas you are comparing it with a country...
do not mix up things and compare what is comparable...
besides he said that the takfiris and hezbis are the same thing LOL!
you are the perfect example of a syllogism... LOL

Missing peace 23:40 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

stick to the matter ok? here we are talking about a LEBANESE party acting outside the state's policy which is involved in massacres... they DO NOT differ in what takfiris are doing, same coin, different sides! we are not talking about other countries...
so compare what is the subject here!

Missing servant-of-jesus 10:55 ,2013 كانون الأول 25

I don't think this is the proper use of the word syllogism.

Thumb freedomarch 04:38 ,2013 كانون الأول 25

Mnakal, Khaminaei through Hizbola are the source of all the troubles... the rest are just extra in this big play.

Missing servant-of-jesus 10:57 ,2013 كانون الأول 25

"Hariri appealed for the fear of God and urged the Lebanese to abide by the values of Jesus Christ in dealing with differences among the rival parties."
Ok I agree Mr. Hariri.
Jesus said we should love our enemies and we should forgive infinitely. Let's do this. Only then can we have a new beginning for Lebanon.

Thumb mckinl 10:57 ,2013 كانون الأول 25

As were mine

Thumb proudm14 14:35 ,2013 كانون الأول 25

God bless you sheikh Saad