صقر ادعى على موقوفين من جماعة الاسير بجرم محاولة قتل عناصر من الجيش
Read this story in Englishادعى مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر، الخميس، على موقوفين من جماعة الشيخ احمد الاسير بجرم محاولة قتل عناصر من الجيش اللبناني.
وأتى الادعاء ايضاً بجرم الانتماء الى تنظيم ارهابي مسلح و والقيام بأعمال ارهابية وحيازة اسلحة.
واحال صقر الموقوفين الى قاضي التحقيق العسكري الاول.
وأدت اشتباكات بين الجيش اللبناني ومناصري الاسير في 23 و24 حزيران الفائت في عبرا في صيدا، الى سقوط 18 قتيلاً و20 جريحاً من الجيش اللبناني، فضلاً عن مقتل أكثر من 20 عنصر من عناصر الاسير.
وقد تم توقيف العشرات من عناصر الاسير فور انتهاء المعارك، في حين لا يزال الاسير متوارياً عن الانظار مذاك الحين.
وفي الآونة الاخيرة، نفذت وحدات من الجيش سلسلة مداهمات في مدينة صيدا، كان آخرها يوم الخميس الفائت، حيث تم توقيف خمسة أشخاص مشتبه بهم، وجرى تسليمهم إلى المراجع المختصة، وبوشر التحقيق معهم بإشراف القضاء المختص.
Good this criminals faced justice, now its the mastermind Assirs turn to be charged with murder of our beloved soldiers.
Ahhh Arab vs Arab.
Muslim vs Muslim.
How beautiful it is to see that they live up to almost every stereotype.
let them rot in prison, and hopefully each and every other person or group of persons carrying weapons outside the state.
Great ... Assir supporters get charged with "attempted murder". (May they rot in hell).
Meanwhile, Hezbollah member actually murders a helicopter pilot and gets away with it.
What a lesson of equality...
I'm waiting for M8 sheep to puke all over that Hezbollah did not "shoot him on purpose" and all the usual BS.
Got away with it? He was turned over to the military and tried.
Meanwhile, Samir Geagea massacred countless Lebanese Army soldiers in execution-style murders, and yet he's a free man today.
The February 14 Saudi-Wahabi terrorist coalition armed and financed Fatah Al Islam (who murdered more than 200 Lebanese Army soldiers) and were not brought to justice.
Therefore, go back to Saudi Arabia you Al Qaeda terrorist sympathizer.
why would only geagea be the only one to pay for crimes during the civil war? and not the others? double standards?
Did Hezb hand him over to the Army acknowledging that he was guilty of this crime? - Yes
Have Hezb handed over the "killers" of Martyr Hariri? - No
Therefore the example you stated above lacks any credibility.
Verdict - Stay quite
@Bill ?
The only reason Hezb handed him over to the army is because they negotiated his release and "Excuses" ahead of time.
Unless you know the full details, you should remain "quiet" yourself !
Hello to the 5 voiceless and useless Hezbollah sheep people who "voted" me down because they have nothing to say to defend their terrorist and criminal divine organisation Hezbollah.
Nothing else to do than vote down your comments fc, because its the same bs with you everytime, it is impossible to debate with a zombie such as yourself, denying crimes of takfiris, and all you can do is saying HA this or HA that, get a new subject.
@Mystic ... Please show me where I deny crimes of takfiris ... exposing Hezbollah crimes does not equate to siding with takfiris... Quite the contrary.
Unlike you, i'm neither a partisan nor a sheep.
Unlike you, I appreciate the threat that is Hezbollah and am not distracted by such idiocies feeded to me by Hassan Kezballah and small time terrorists that would never pose a threat as large and imminent as the "Kezb".
flamecatcher : do not bother answering miss tic... she is not worth it. i have stopped addressing this parasite. if you do not address her she ll get tired and goes and plays with someone else...
Thanks peace... the only reason I answer is because they use cheap attempts of defamation when they lack any common sense argument. Its for others that i answer.
This whole country is full of idiots who accuse one another of crimes and yet they do it themselves.
Everybody knows but nobody dares to criticize our "professional non-sectarian" army. Ya Zeinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab!!!
the middle east is a terrorist part of the world, good people live amongst the bad, flush'em out and give them spankings!!