ضبط 7 كليوغرامات من حشيشة الكيف على حاجز في طرابلس

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ضبطت قوى الأمن سبعة كيلوغرامات من الحشيشة في طرابلس.

وأفادت قناة الـ"LBCI" مساء الخميس انه "تمكنت القوى الامنية على حاجز البحصاص في طرابلس من ضبط 7 كيلوغرامات من حشيشة الكيف".

كذلك تم ضبط "أدوات حادة وأسلحة فردية".

يشار إلى أن قوى الأمن كثفت إجراءاتها الأمنية في طرابلس في فترة الأعياد وتقيم لهذا الغرض حاجزا ثابتا في نقطة البحصاص ليس بعيدا عن حاجز آخر للجيش في الملسك المقابل.

التعليقات 10
Thumb bill_the_butcher 18:44 ,2013 كانون الأول 26

Weed, Axe, Brass Knuckles ??? Thats not Lebanon..
Were more about the Cocaine, Ak's and Grenades.
Im pretty sure thats what they found at Future TV headquarters in May 2008, No?

Thumb skeletor 18:55 ,2013 كانون الأول 26

You are an interesting specimen... I think we should meet.

Thumb FlameCatcher 19:42 ,2013 كانون الأول 26

You mean after Hezbollah turned their weapons against Lebanese and illegally stormed Future TV headquarters and forgot their drugs and weapons there ?

You're funny... The Hezbollah's God is holding an AK on his flag. Most hashish in Lebanon is planted in Hezbollah territory. They are implicated in cocaine smuggling all over the world. Their "name" is used as bait to trap other cocaine networks.

And you try to point the finger towards useless Future TV ? They could not smuggle panadol if they tried to.

You are ridiculous. Typical Aounie I bet ...

Missing the1habibshartouni 22:31 ,2013 كانون الأول 26

You would know being a Bankstown boy .

Thumb Mystic 07:11 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

Lol Tripoli.. Ofcourse, nice stash tho

Thumb bill_the_butcher 19:00 ,2013 كانون الأول 26

The Five Points, in the central lower area of the Manhattan borough of New York...12am.
Dont be followed

Missing phillipo 20:26 ,2013 كانون الأول 26

Confiscated, Seized.........but what about arrests? None mentioned.

Thumb proudm14 00:29 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

Legalize it. The security forces throw 20 year old kids in jail for having a joint and let assassins and Syrian muggers roam about unchecked. It's ridiculous. The amount of tax revenue being lost because of archaic and religious laws is in the billions of dollars.

Thumb alor 01:15 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

That hash should be used to ease the political trip in Tripoli, now what, returning to alter markets after taxes? Legalization would mean a great leap forward, doing historic justice to Bekaa's world-renowned hashish, tangible and intangible heritage to be reckoned with.

Missing servant-of-jesus 08:36 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

kilos? what about the TONS?!?!?
This shouldn't even be posted as news...