سليمان يعلن عن مساعدة سعودية بقيمة 3 مليارات دولار لشراء أسلحة للجيش من فرنسا "بسرعة" وهولاند يتعهد بتلبيتها
Read this story in English
أعلن رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان عن مساعدة بقيمة ثلاثة مليارات دولار للجيش اللبناني من المملكة العربية السعودية لتزويده بسلاح من الدولة الفرنسية "بسرعة".
وصرح الرئيس الفرنسي فرانسوا هولاند بعد خطاب سليمان وعقب لقاء مع العاهل السعودي الملك عبدالله في الرياض "تربطني علاقات مع الرئيس سليمان (...) واذا وجهت الينا طلبات فاننا سنلبيها".
وقال سليمان في كلمة ألقاها عصر الأحد استبدلها بمؤتمر صحفي كان مقررا عند السابعة مساء "بعد عقود من السعي المتعثر أمكنني من خلال الإتصالات التي أجريتها مع خادم الحرمين الشرفين وبفضل عناية من الله توفير دعم استثنائي للجيش ويسرني إبلاغ الدعم إلى الشعب اللبناني لما يحمله من آمال أكثر أمنا".
وأضاف "لقد قرر العاهل السعودي تقديم مساعدة سخية مشكورة للبنان بمقدار 3 مليار دولار مخصصة للجيش ستسمح له بالإستحصال على أسلحة حديثة من فرنسا".
وإذ أمل سليمان أن "تلاقي الحكومة الفرنسية هذه المبادرة وتدعم الجيش" كشف أن الملك السعودي قال " أن الأسلحة ستشترى من فرنسا بسرعة".
يشار إلى أن خطاب سليمان جاء تزامنا مع زيارة للرئيس الفرنسي فرنسوا هولاند إلى الرياض حيث التقى الملك عبدالله بن عبد العزيز وسيلتقي ئيس الوزراء السابق سعد الحريري ورئيس الائتلاف الوطني السوري المعارض احمد الجربا.
وأعلن سليمان في خطاب أن "هذا الدعم هو الأكبر بتاريخ لبنان ويكفي لتمكين الجيش من تنفيذ مهامه وسيضاف إليه جدول التجهيز بموجب قانون برنامج بقيمة 1.6 مليار دولار ويمكن أن يتم تمويل القانون من الدعم التي قد تبادر دول عدة إلى تقديمه في اجتماع سيعقد في إيطاليا عام 2014".
إلا أن سليمان استطرد قائلا "يسعدني أن أؤكد أن أهدافي كانت وما زالت لبنان ولم أناقش يوما في أي من زياراتي إلى السعودية وأميركا والإتحاد الأوروبي والأمم المتحدة عملية تشكيل الحكومة أو تمديد ولايتي الرئاسية كما أنهم لم يطرحوا معي هذا الموضوع إطلاقا".
ودعا المواطنين "للتكاتف والتضامن مع المؤسسات الشرعية ومع الجيش الضامن للوحدة والإستقرار موجها تحية "لشهدائه وضباطه وأفراده".
وختم رئيس الجمهورية بالقول "ليست المبادرة سوى تعبير صريح عن مساعي المملكة للحفاظ على لبنان".
يشار إلى أن خطاب سليمان يأتي بعد يومين من اغتيال وزير المال الأسبق محمد شطح وتردي الأوضاع الأمنية بشدة بعد تفجيرات في الضاحية وطرابلس واغتيال المسؤول في حزب الله حسان اللقيس.
وأشار سليمان إلى هذه النقطة في كلمته إذ تطرق إلى إعلان بعبدا وتصوره للإستراتيجية الدفاعية بالقول "لا يسع الدولة اللبنانية تطبيق أي من هذه السياسات من دون إرادة سياسية فعلية من دون متابعة أي من دون مؤسسات دستورية فاعلة وتحديدا من دون سلطة قضائية شجاعة وجيش قوي وقادر".
17:30 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: ليست المبادرة سوى تعبير صريح عن مساعي المملكة للحفاظ على لبنان
17:30 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: أتوجه للعسكريين ولليونيفيل بالتهنئة بالأعياد وسأتوجه إليهم هذه السنة أيضا
17:29 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: أدعوكم للتكاتف والتضامن مع المؤسسات الشرعية ومع الجيش الضامن للوحدة والإستقرار وأوجه له تحية لشهدائه وضباطه وأفراده
17:28 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: يسعدني أن أؤكد أن أهدافي كانت وما زالت لبنان ولم أناقش يوما في أي من زياراتي عملية تشكيل الحكومة أو تمديد ولايتي الرئاسية كما أنهم لم يطرحوا معي هذا الموضوع إطلاقا
17:26 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: هذا الدعم هو الأكبر بتاريخ لبنان ويكفي لتمكين الجيش من تنفيذ مهامه وسيضاف إليه جدول التجهيز بموجب قانون برنامج بقيمة 1.6 مليار دولار ويمكن أن يتم تمويل القانون من الدعم التي قد تبادر إلى تقديمه في اجتماع سيعقد في إيطاليا عام 2014
17:24 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: أشار جلالته إلى أن الأسلحة ستشترى من فرنسا بسرعة
17:24 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: آمل أن تلاقي الحكومة الفرنسية هذه المبادرة وتدعم الجيش
17:24 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: لقد قرر تقديم مساعدة سخية مشكورة للبنان بمقدار 3 مليار دولار مخصصة للجيش ستسمح له بالإستحصال على أسلحة حديثة
17:23 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: يسرني إبلاغ الدعم إلى الشعب اللبناني لما يحمله من آمال أكثر أمنا
17:23 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: بعد عقود من السعي المتعثر أمكنني من خلال الإتصالات التي أجريتها مع خادم الحرمين الشرفين وبفضل عناية من الله توفير دعم استثنائي
17:22 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: يأتي هذا الدعم لردع الإؤهاب والمساهمة مع اليوتيفيل لتنفيذ القرار 1701
17:22 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: إن تعزيز قدرات الجيش مطلب وطني وشعبي جامع ومصدر اعتزاز وهو حلم راودني طوال 41 سنة خدمة وحلم كل لبناني منذ قام الإستقلال لجبه التحدي الإسرائيلي وحماية الديمقراطية ومواجهة الإرهاب وضبط فوضى السلاح المستشري
17:21 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: لا يسع الدولة اللبنانية تطبيق أي من هذه السياسات من دون إرادة سياسية فعلية من دون متابعة أي من دون مؤسسات دستورية فاعلة وتحديدا من دون سلطة قضائية شجاعة وجيش قوي وقادر
17:21 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: صدر عن المجموعة الدولية خلاصات تبناها مجلس الأمن الدولي بهدف دعم استقرار لبنان والجهد القائم لمشكلة اللاجئين وهي خلاصات ستكون موضع متابعة وتنفيذ
17:19 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: قدمت تصورا للاستراتيجية الدفاعية لمعالجة مسألة السلاح وإمرته فأصبح المشروع منطلقا صلبا للنقاش
17:19 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: اقترحت تحييد لبنان فأقرت هيئة الحوار إعلان بعبدا الذي لقي دعما صريحا في أمين عام الجامعة العربية والأمم المتحدة
17:19 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
سليمان: أقسمت بالحفاظ على استقلال لبنان في وجه المخاطر المتنامية في وجهه وانتقال عدوى التطرف والإرهاب إلى أراضيه
17:18 ,2013 كانون الأول 29
رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان في كلمة مباشرة إلى اللبنانيين: أود أن أتقدم بالتعزية من عائلة الشهيد شطح والشهداء وأدعو اللبنانيين للإلتفاف حول المؤسسة العسكرية لنحافظ على أمن لبنان

Saudi Arabia has always helped Lebanon.... all of Lebanon and its institutions, and not a sect or a militia. This 3 billion dollar grant for the army is most welcome.

and what is funny: it came the same day m8 is shooting at the army :)

when and where M8 shot at the army? I did not read it anywhere

What does "m14-Saudi culture" even mean?? Anyway, this article is about the whole army receiving badly needed arms.

Saudi arabia helped Lebanon? hhhhhhhh you mean when they come to our Super night clubs in Beirut to spend all their "hard earned" oil cash?

Well yes indeed that helps the economy of lebanon big time. Since the threats to arabs by your friends terrorists Khizbullah, the tourists have deserted the country and arabs have withdrawn their investments. Which means that many lebanese are suffering economically.

Yes mystic, the Saudi tourism proved to be essential to our economy. Without it, we're seeing the effects... Our malls are empty, soldiers is a ghost town, all the mountain resorts are dying, and yes the super nights got hit hard lol

M8ers logic :
saudi arabia does not help the army = pro israeli...
saudi arabia gives money for the army = still not satisfied! LOL
i wonder what satifies these people apart from setting chaos in the country....

Saudia is helping all of Lebanon by supporting the Army and the finances of our country. What is wrong with that?

peace, of course M8 are not happy with that move. They do not want a strong lebanese institutions that are not under the control of Khizbullah (a terrorist known organization). For instance, Mr Aoun who represents an important proportion of the christians, and who was the army commender did not even make a declaration stating how happy he is for the Lebanese Army. Why, because the deal between Aoun and terrorist Khizbullah organization is to weaken the state institution, strengthening Khizbullah and giving Aoun protection and cover, both politically and financially (through the lucrative ministry).

Southern, you rather we buy more kayushas or build more malls???... The army, the entire army, is receiving, nshallah, badly needed weapons. Be impartial for once.

Hahahahahahaha whoever is paying u to post propaganda is not getting their money's worth...

You are not worth debating with: ignorant, uneducated, and typical sectarian.

Iran's conditions was to put LAF under its command.
I got a little military background, iranian weapons are crap, bad copies of outdated russian and chinese stuff.
From France will probably get milan2 atgw, some 120mm mortars, maybe some amx10p and inchaAllah some helicos as well...

Suleiman: Saudi King Abdullah has decided to donate three billion dollars to the Lebanese army, which will allow it to obtain modern weapons........
Thank you KSA, I believe Sleiman when he says No Strings Attached to that generous offer.

Suleiman: The Lebanese state cannot implement any of these policies without a real political will and without follow-up, which means without active constitutional institutions, specifically without a brave judicial authority and a capable and strong army. .................
Can anyone argue with that? Exactly what I was hoping for. No the proof is in the execution of such vision.

I was thinking the same and disappointed at that. They always claimed HA is a necessity because the LAF are weak. They always claimed M14 is against strengthening the army. Now we hear this and they seem subdued and not jubilant.

KSA gives money to the government and let lebanese of all confessions work on its territory.
Iran gives money to shias to buy properties of christians and druze in Chouf and elsewhere to do demographic engineering. Iran also arm and train shia khomeynist militia.
God bless King Abdallah for its generous help...

awireless Iran and its Hizb are doing demographic engineering to link south to Bekaa, become majority in Chouf. Properties are sold to SHIA families or used by HizbIran.
I wish u were right and KSA, Qatar supported sunni lebanese.
If u've been to Tripoli, u'll know it's not true...

Cedre. Beautifully said... Demographic Engineering... LOL

y a que la verite qui blesse...

3 milliards?... That's not a small amount... What hv might hv changed?... Will we see some 14 march getting some balls?...

Suleiman: Enhancing the army's capabilities is a unifying national and popular demand and a source of pride and it is a dream that I always had during my 41 years of military service, and it is the dream of every Lebanese since independence to confront the Israeli threat, protect democracy, face terrorism and put an end to the proliferation of arms.............
ABSOLUTELY Mr. President. I also would like to add ANY THREAT (be it Israeli, Syrian, Iranian, HA, Palestinian, etc.). Please forge ahead.

it is amazing to read the comments of the traitors of m8.
you have lost for good in Lebanon.

That's why they r preparing a new home for themselves in syria!

HA will never be happy to see the LAF strong. It goes against their ideology and negates the purpose of their existence. Nasrallah can say he wants a strong army as much as he wants..... it is only because it is the politically correct thing to say. A strong army is the last thing he wants.

this is the most likely scenario we are going to unfortunately.
a civil war whereby the shia are totally displaced to Syria, and the Syrian refugees in Lebanon will take their place.

but geha, what would we do without mowaten, Flamethrower, Southern, Mystic, and their many other aliases?

@Southern : accepting Iranian weapons means not being conditionned to outsiders ? Last I looked, Iran already has an army in Lebanon. They will not be permitted to put their hands on the Lebanese Army too ... and we will never accept their condition of weapons against keeping Hezbollah...
I prefer Saudi money which comes without any conditions and french weapons which actually work vs Iranian and Russian crap...

I am for an extension of his term, and with this strategy I am even more so.

Of course, Iran was going to give us weapons with no conditions.
We all know that its militia is full of sunnis and christians, and dont take part in lebanese politics.
Btw ft, give me one piece of iranian equipment LAF could be interested in ?
'when you're OFFERED a GRANT, you are forced to be good to the hand that throws you the bone.'
when u're given military equipment ya jahel, u still need to be good coz u're dependent for spares, ammo, technicians, ect...
Thank u for this gift King Abdallah, Khamenei keep arming HA and killing kids in Syria...

Thank you KSA for the most welcome and generous gift. Lebanon is grateful, terroristas aren't.

Anyone who thinks this $3billion is going to significantly change the situation on the ground in Lebanon is delusional. 3 billion dollars is peanuts compared to what Iran has given Hezbollah for more than 30 years, and what Iran is continuing to giving.

M14 is officially against...
but the syrians that extended lahoud's mandate was a good thing i guess for M8....

@sammy.... what is the saying about if it walks like.... talks like..... then it must be a ......

Interesting. Looks like M14 is going for the jugular. Let's hope we can get enough support for the army to see this through.

You have no proof but only your stupid bullshit about the support of M14 and Saudi to Assir. No one in M14 nor in Mustqbal has ever supported Assir. Even Assir has said that Harriri was his enemy. M14 are questionning why Assir is still at large and not been bought. Everything indicates that he is one the protege of the Syrian regime.

WOW, ft with a new khomeynist theory, now it is ksa that asked assir to attack hezbollah.

You seem upset FT. What's the matter? Something wrong with supporting and strengthening the Army? I can see how working on the rise of a strong state would get in the way of clAoun's looting of state institutions and that is Gerry upsetting to you. Tough luck bud.

By specifying France as the supplier of the weapons, the Saudis are probably relaying a message of dissatisfaction to the US, related to the latest US-Iran talks. No matter, at least for once let us get the benefits of regional policies.

Now that we'll have a strong army, HA must disarm or be disarmed...

@cedre AKA wahabi. Wont happen, Army is for the Lebanese, not the Saudi to control. If you are dumb enough to believe the army will ever attack Hezbollah, be my guest. The Army consists of all faiths, if that happend, that would mean the army would split, and a new full blown civil war.

so maybe we'll have a new civil war, hizb will fight in Syria and Lebanon and be defeated in both...

Hezbollah is not the only one in Lebanon, that would be fighting. You take your Salafi militias so highly.
How come they still fail to win against a single handful Alawite enclave called Jabal Mohsen? Because your fighters are weak cedre, Saudi money will never make you great soldiers, the highest archievement they ever do, is suicide missions.
A full blown civil war, would mean the dissolution of the army, fighting between all religious groups, plus random crime all over. Now that would not gain anyway, not even the M14 leaders wants this.

Now cedre, imagine a full blown civil war, with all parties engaging one another. That would be a disaster, and no Hezbollah wouldn't lose, nobody would win a civil war. It would only bring destruction upon us all. I think you are are too young to remember the last war we had.

By the way, what makes you think that Hezbollah have so many fighters in Syria? They only got about less than a quarter of their strength overthere, most of them are there to train and advise pro government resistance militias, how to fight Urban/conventional guerilla warfare.

LAF will disarm HizbIran, this is the lebanese people wish. If some shias defect or doesn't obey the command, that means they don't deserve to be in LAF and should join the pasdarans or some khomeynist Mahdi army where u can shout 'Haydar, Ya zainab, Death to bani Umaya, death to Yazid,etc' all day long...
Please stop with ur BS about HA superior fighters, u watched too much almanar clips. When I was 18, I had to serve 12 months in the army of the European country I'm born in-that means NATO standard and equipment-, so I got a little military background and can tell u that hizbos are not that good. I can see it everyday in Syria... They got basic guerilla training, dont think they can shot at 300 yards like our LAF soldiers, they got crap equipment, are not fit, etc...

In few hours our LAF can take full control of the port, airport, main roads and cut all HA supply to Dahieh and Chouf. I dont even speak about international and popular support. Lebanese are fed up of HA so lets do it in a civilized way, looking for the best of the lebanese people. What about a referundum ?

Cedre kids like you, that wants war, is because you never experienced it before. You can say you want a civil war, infront of your comfortable computer, but when the real deal hits (If you live in Leb ofcourse) it will be a whole other story.

You are looking for the best interests of Saudi Arabia, and Al Nusra front cedre. You are not talking like a Lebanese, when you say all this stuff, i guessed you didn't live in Lebanon, you are not even born here, yet you talk about war, as if you knew it. You know nothing about it, and you know nothing about Hezbollah, Salafis are so quick to underestimate, just like you did in Qusayr. Look what happend after

cedre the army will not be attacking Hezbollah lol, stop your idiotic thinking. You don't rely on your Salafi militias anymore? How come. I guess because you saw what happend in Syria. The only ones that would be attacking Hezbollah would either be takfiri militias or Israel.

1- There wont be a LAF/Hizb confrontation coz Nassy wont oppose the lebanese people's wish if we're united, he's not that foolish.
2- The minute u'll shoot at the LAF, u'll lose ur christian cover, aka Aoun and its followers. Dont forget that he is a general before being a politician, he showed his patriotism at Souk el Gharb
3- There's no salafi militia, there wont be, from now on there must be only LAF and maybe a LEBANESE not shia paramilitary force in the south under the LAF command.
4- U're right I'm not born and don't live in Lebanon, mainly because of thugs like u. I wouldn't accept to go on weekend to the countryside with family, and be stopped at an Amal/HA checkpoint by thugs like u. I lived all my life in 'christian' countries that treat sunnis better than in some part of Lebanon.

@Hezb would never shoot upon LAF since it is against their policies, LAF is here for the same purpose as Hezb, to bring stability and protection of Lebanon & Lebanese. Lebanon is a christian country, and many of you immigrants, should remember that if you wanted the same thing there as you wanted in Syria and the rest of the arab world (Khalifah) then they would rain fire on you aswell. Thats why you will loose on every front.

Patriot darling. Another 3 lines without the word "cannibal"... Way to go...
Are the nightmares less frequent?
Keep it up darling.

Do not be too harsh on 123... it/she had a bad experience on a dinner date his a Wahhabi.

This is the best news of 2013. If the army is well trained and is strong, no more excuses for milicias so called "resistance" in the country...
I think that Americans had a veto on weapons to the lebanese army because of the zionist entity south. But Saudi is so pissed off of the US that it decided to act unilaterally. I hope France will deliver. And I hope the weapons will be better than Citroen quality...

L_F, do not forget that Frances produces the Rafal, the Leclerc Tank and the Class Mistral war ships which are the top of their class. Cocoricoo

We do not hope for the LAF to use the acquired weapons against HA. Instead we hope to see M8 proposing that HA weapons be put under the command and control of the LAF since HA will not be needed by then (M8 always said that, did they not?). One army is all we need. One State is all we want.

Helicopter nailed it.
We don't want to attack Hezbollah we just want one army

Insider information benjamin? Or simply sowing seeds of doubt to bolster your HA ally?

Iran ans syria are giving us Blood suffering and in return want lebanon to be submitted to them. You and your Aoun clown find nothing but to applaud for your terrorist and subversive regimes. And you know why? Because you hate so much the Sunnis and cannot accept the idea to live with them in a just charging of power that you are willing to sell Lebanon to the devils.

Iran ans syria are giving us Blood suffering and in return want lebanon to be submitted to them. You and your Aoun clown find nothing but to applaud for your terrorist and subversive regimes. And you know why? Because you hate so much the Sunnis and cannot accept the idea to live with them in a just charging of power that you are willing to sell Lebanon to the devils.

This is great news, this will help make the army strong… as usual the M8 hew-haws are flapping their jaws.

according to your views more than 60 % of the Lebanese population should be Israelis XD

FlimFlamThrower & Southern moron are two of the biggest saps on the planet… Only diehard Assad lovers would have an issue with this. They are upset that making the LAF strong, would weaken their BS for the "existence" of the Iranian militia.

So it is bad that our army got 3billion dollars equipments?....

$3 Billions for our army is making our enemies vivid
he he he

just like the timing of the killing of shatah by your friends FT....

King Abdallah, LAF doesn't needs funds or equipment.
What it lacks more is professionalism, cohesion, patriotism and non-sectarianism. A 'HAYDAR' shouting LAF thug with better weapons won't help solving lebanese main problem, ie disarming the Hizb.
I hope these weapons won't help to persecute sunnis.
It would have been wiser to wait the new president to finish the deal.
U should have sent this money to hungry and cold syrian children...

u're right, $3 billions is a bargain to get rid of HA, Syria and Iran, be independent again.
If LAF is strong no pretext of HA needed to protect us of zionists zombies and takfiri cannibals.
I cant wait for Nassy's next speech.
Echec et mat Khamenei...

Sorry but I think this is not the way to become independent. Lebanon keeps going from the hands of one master to another.

Am sure there will be obstructions from Israel, this cannot be done without a green light from Israel, HA also has no interest in arming and training the army

Again your twisted mind and hatred leads you to the most wrong analysis my dear FT. I pity you. I mean the price for the Saouds to make a deal with Israel is enormous and would mean the end of al Saoud and wahhabism all together. May be you ignore that Jews are not allowed to visit Saoudi Arabia, where as Iranians shiites are allowed. Logically, a rapprochement should be expected between Iran and Saoudi similarily to the rapprochement undertaken currently with Qatar and Bahrein. However, the price of a rapprochement with Saoudi cannot be afforded by Iran as this means an end to the Shite Islamic revolutionary regime.
What does this all mean? Years of deadlock ahead which we poor lebanese will be paying the price as we cannot agree together on how we want to live in this country together.

The $3B will further marginalize Hizb as it has always claimed that it is a Lebanese Resistance that is defending Lebanon against Israeli aggression. A well armed, trained, professional LAF will render the so-called Resistance useless to the Lebanese as it can no longer claim that it is defending Lebanon.

Nice, another example that the Wahabis and Israelis are working together. Even tho the takfiris keeps denying it.

Our President is a bought man, when his term is finished, he will still receive a nice big sum of Saudi oil $$$

@anonymetexasusa You are mad, because he just made a perfectly good point. We all love the army, because it is all of ours to share, consisting all faiths. All this iranian thug bs, wont save your beloved takfiris.

The reality is the IRanian and Syrian regime arming the takfiris and protecting them in order to justify the existence of these despotic regimes and weakening the moderates.

"when you're OFFERED a GRANT, you are forced to be good to the hand that throws you the bone."
yes sure... are hezbi still good to qatar that gave millions to rebuild dahiye? LOL see your stupid logic does not work, once again poor FT...

I am not sure that a civil war is brewing as the only armed side is Hizbullah. The sunnis have no arms, never had and wont have. Hizbullah will not go into Christian areas as it cannot afford to do so politically nor can it sustain long enough such a move. The only expected outcome is HA blocking the institutions and gaining more and more political power in the country aiming to achieve a government under its control. Aoun blindness, fear and hatred of Sunnis in Lebanon (though they have been proven to be moderate and supportive of a strong lebanese institutions) has been giving HA exactly what it needs to achieve this.

There is no love for our army by the two main sects in Lebanon. The Christians have always been the custodians of the army and perceived it as the protector of the state. When Assir attacked the army, the Shiia all of a sudden changed their stance of not allowing the army to enter the South and Dahiah, and shooting down their choppers to protectors of the army. The smallest incident in Dahiah and they started screaming bdna jash Hassan. As for the Sunni stance, it is well known. What I don't comprehend thou is the flip flop Aouni stooges on this site attacking this gift. I thought that the army was your holy grail, what happened all of a sudden?

Mystic, so if the 3billion came from Iran u would have no objection to it... LOOOOL roo7 nem

Had Aoun brokered this deal would the Aounies on this site have accepted this gift with gratitude?
Are you afraid that Sulaiman has now been raised to prominence amongst the Christian Leaders?
What in Sulaimans deeds or words don't you believe in?
Do you want us to perceive you as Aounies and the followers of Aoun as your title suggests, or do you have a set of beliefs and doctrines that define your movement?
Stop whimpering like the hypocritical idiots you are and accept this move and the honourable efforts of our president to salvage what is left of our country.
Bigjohn a SSNP member had a more respectable position to this issue.

What we need until those 3 billion get pocketed by the same Lebanese mafiosos-for-demoracy-and-independence are 3 billion lashes to Sanni First and Farts 14 for their despicable dance of opportunism and filthy language over the dead bodies of the innocent ones who were killed. The last I checked, the following equations still applied, and more so today:
fath al islam = bahia hariri + nader hariri + blob ahmad hariri = killers
jund al sham = bahia hariri + nader hariri + blob ahmad hariri = killers
money x (fath al islam + junad al sham) = filthy saudi klabia = killers

La2 ma fi shi. Iran doesn't supply takfiris AL Qaedas and makes them murder minorities such as the Saudis does.

Hollande -
"We are interested in having a stable Lebanon and we will respond positively to any Lebanese request," he stressed.
Now do you really think, that means they want a new civil war?

Quite honestly. Let's not waste time. These takfiris in Lebanon need to be annihilated.Why must you Shias tolerate these savages. They murder women and children and call it a sacrament. I spent years in AF-PAk and Iraq realizing who are enemy really was. I learned this lesson. I don't trust fucking sunnis. In Mary's Holy Name I hope the Shias win.

Southern, assir is no friend for M14 nor mustqbal. Both M14 and Mustaqbal have distanced themselves from this terrorist. Assir even said that Hariri was his enemy. M14 and Mustaqbal supported the army and condemned Assir attack on the army.
So please tell us why do you really believe that M14 backs Assir?

Will Lebanon actually get new modern aircraft and naval ships that will make the navy not look like a lake marina harbor?

the same people who are driving our country to war and exporting extremists are now donating

The US is at last starting to understand it's been backing the wrong horse for the last decades. Arabian thoroughbreds no more. Too bad retarded Hollande is still stuck in 1st gear, trying to save the fledgling french weapons industry, but failing to see that he's promoting jihadi terrorism globally by allying himself with the wahhabi intolerance.
What's amusing is that the Saudis probably didnt want to buy the french weapons themselves, but since they wanted to please their puppy Hollande, they asked Sleiman to buy them instead. They even gave the money!