غصن ينفي الادلاء بأي تصريح حول قائد كتائب عبدالله عزام
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أكد المكتب الاعلامي لوزير الدفاع بحكومة تصريف الاعمال فايز غصن في بيان، "أن الوزير غصن لم يدل بأي تصريحات لأي وسيلة اعلامية" حول القاء القبض على قائد كتائب عبدالله عزام.
هذا البيان جاء اثر ما أفادته وكالة "فرانس برس"، الاربعاء، حول ان غصن قد صرح اليها قائلا أن "مخابرات الجيش القت القبض على ماجد الماجد أمير كتائب عبد الله عزام، في بيروت.
ولفتت الى ان غصن رفض اعطاء تفاصيل عن ظروف التوقيف وتوقيته.
واشار غصن، وفق ما أفادته الوكالة الى ان "التحقيق معه يجري بسرية تامة". واوضح غصن ان ماجد الماجد "كان ملاحقا من الاجهزة الامنية اللبنانية".
وتبنت كتائب عبد الله عزام المرتبطة بتنظيم القاعدة، على لسان احد قيادييها سراج الدين زريقات، عملية تفجير السفارة الايرانية في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت في تشرين الثاني الفائت بواسطة انتحاريين ما تسبب بمقتل 25 شخصا.
وربط بين العملية ومشاركة حزب الله في القتال في سوريا الى جانب قوات النظام.
وهدد زريقات في تسجيل صوتي نشر في 27 كانون الاول على مواقع اسلامية على الانترنت بمواصلة العمليات ضد حزب الله في لبنان، ما لم يخرج "حزب ايران" من سوريا.

Many are hoping to hang Majed al-Majed quickly ... from the secrecy and the flip flopping this head of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades must be spilling some beans.
Reports put the arrest at over a week ago ... Did this give the Saudis time for their $3 billion gift to the LAF? Is this the price of political cover for a story that would blow the lid off Saudi terrorism.

@Oh i can see you get sad when your beloved brothers, gets arrested banis. My condolences

The barmeel got scared he may be bombed next so he denied all he said

sagh, is it true that you and mystic are getting married? Where will the ceremony take place Damascus or Tehran?

The headline says:Ghosn 'Cannot Confirm or Deny' Arrest of Abdullah Azzam Brigades Chief ...
The story following says he announced this arrest then wouldn't confirm it ... One can only deduce there are huge consequences to this story.

No ... Is this the best response you have to my post? You need to try harder to be relevant ...

I'm waiting for the fireworks that will happen when we hear what Majed al-Majed has to say ...
According to reports they have checked his DNA and have had a week to verify his story.
There would have been no such secrecy were there not important revelations that checked out.
Then again Majed al-Majed may be traded and political cover given if the price is right ... No?

If hanging one terrorist in secret results in having a strong enough army to collect all the weapons, then I say hang one every day! Sorry u wont be able to use his words for propaganda tho.

The captured terrorist MUST NOT be handed over to the kingdom of terrorism, who will simply send him to join FSA-Al Qaeda and commit further terrorism. The Lebanese Army MUST interrogate him and extract ALL the details - who is funding him (Saudi Arabia), his local contacts (February 14 Saudi-Wahabi coalition), etc.

The iranian parliament just thanked the lebanese gov for his arrest... u guys still against it??
Honorable Minister, please make up your mind if you please.