14 آذار تستعد لـ"عصيان دستوري" تحدد فيه مواقفها من التطورات
Read this story in Englishتستعد قوى 14 آذار لإعلان "عصيان مدني" عبر حملة سياسية وديبلوماسية، توضح من خلالها مواقفها من التطورات التي اعادت ربط الوضع في البلاد بما يجري في المنطقة، وفق ما أفادت المعلومات الصحافية.
فقد نقلت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، السبت عن مصادر مطلعة، قولها أن حملة "العصيان الدستوري"، ستشمل حركة اتصالات مع معظم السفراء في لبنان، ولا سيّما سفراء الدول الكبرى من أجل توضيح المواقف ورؤيتها للتطوّرات التي اعادت ربط الوضع في البلاد بما يجري في المنطقة.
ولفتت المصادر الى أن القوى ستركز على موقفها من "صراع المحاور جراء تورط "حزب الله" وذهابه عميقاً في الحرب السورية الداخلية، وهو ما خلف جواً أمنياً دقيقاً وخطيراً في البلاد.
يُذكر أن رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النيابية فؤاد السنيورة، ألقى كلمة بإسم قوى 14 آذار يوم الاحد الفائت خلال تشييع الوزير السابق محمد شطح في جامع محمد الامين في وسط بيروت، توجه الى اللبنانيين، قائلاً "يا ابناء انتفاضة الاستقلال، قوى 14 آذار على موعد مقبل معكم، في ساحات النضال السلمي والديمقراطي".
وأضاف "قررنا تحرير الوطن من احتلال السلاح غير الشرعي، لكي نحمي استقلاله ونصون سيادته وسلمه الاهلي".
واغتيل شطح صباح 27 كانون الاول الفائت، جراء انفجار سيارة مفخخة في ستاركو في وسط بيروت، ما أدى الى مقتل 7 مدنيين وجرح العشرات فضلاً عن الاضرار المادية التي لحقت بالابنية والسيارات المجاورة.
what u dont understand is that even by winning in the streets with ur thugs, u might lose the small non-shia popular support u still have...
So they're gonna call ppl to the streets? ... Mmmmmm
I can definetly see things heating up if that's the case
So what's new ???
M14 has been waging "constitutional disobedience" for months now. I did not read of any public protests ...
This yet another failed strategy of the minority M14 to pretend that they deserve to run the country over the majority.
please stop this bs of minority and majority.
these games are so stupid!
we are all minorities in this country.
M8 holds the majority dear geha yet M14 pretends that it is the rightful ruling party and deserves to call all the shots.
so if M8 is sooooo abaday then take the power! what are you waiting for? afraid? coward?
if M14 is sooooo insignificant as M8 pretends then what are you whining about?
go and take it... and we ll see where you ll lead the country... LOL
so just make your coup... afraid to do so? then if not , just abide by the current laws and stop whining...
or just waiting for syria to take akkar and arsal then you will take control of the whole country?
@ peace ...
Coup? Everybody is abiding by the current laws and the obstruction by M14 is pushing Lebanon into the abyss. M14 strategy is to cripple Lebanese governance ... they have no strategy for fixing the mess. They are the pawns of KSA evil ...
LOL pawns of saudis? when M8 blocked the parliament for 2 YEARS whose pawns were they? LOL
when M8 shias resigned but hypocritically went to their offices as nothing was happening whose pawns were they? LOL
when M8 took over the cabinet by threatening joumblatt whose pawns were they? LOL
and now you are whining because M14 does the same thing? LOL how hypocrit M8 are....
as long as it is peaceful, why not? those criticizing this should then also criticize hezbollah going against the baabda declaration and the chaos this militia has already spread in lebanon for not obeying the state and the disarmemant of ALL militias as stipulated in the constitution and taef and 1559 and 1701 and... and....
I wish you stop blaming M14 for our ills I am not an M14er but please you should blame both parties for our ills. A golden rule in Lebanon is whoever is in power gets the government virus meaning they will profit. It so happens that M8 is in power so they are profiting and when M14 was in power they did same. The citizens are the only losers
Both M8 and M14 deserve ridicule for the mess that is Lebanon ... however it is now M14, through obstruction, that is the major factor in Lebanon's crisis ...
you seem to be an intelligent guy. Please do not blame one party for the country's ills. blame both as they have an equal share of blame for our downfall. Again I have no affiliation to either. I only see that the country has been going downhill because of these 2 affiliations. The sad part is that all Lebanese have been polarized either M8 or M14, which exacerbates the country's ills
Blame all of them dude. they are all corrupt
Another point neither M8 nor M14 have a majority. Joumblatt is in the envious position to tip the balance of power.
it is scary that such politician holds the ace card
They want foreign states to support a coup. Not likely this will happen. Maybe France will support. If successful it will harm March 8 now but will harm March 14 much more in the future. The constitution will officially change and that will help March 8 who are majority in population.
You are anxious for M8 to make their move as are the rest of M14. Their patience makes you boil. All in good time peace. You won't even feel it when it happens.
You have all Arab league behind you with all their guns and terrorists. We have guns to defend Lebanese from your terrorists. With or without guns we are the majority of the Lebanese population. You are either with us or with the terrorists peace lover.