الراعي يحمل الفرقاء السياسيين مسؤولية الأحداث الأمنية

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حمل البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي الأفرقاء السياسين كافة مسؤولية الانفجارات والاعتداءات التي تحصل في لبنان.

وقال الراعي خلال ترأسه قداس الاحد: "إننا نصلِي من أجل الاستقرار في لبنان، وقد لفه في اليوم الثاني من بداية السنة الجديدة وشاح الحزن من جراء انفجار سيارة مفخخة في حارة حريك ، وقد سبقه منذ أسبوع إنفجار سيارة مفخخة في محلة ستاركو ببيروت".

وتوجه الراعي الى السياسيين بالقول "فليعلم الفريقان السياسيان المتنازعان عندنا في لبنان أنهما المسؤولان المتسببان بكل هذه الانفجارات والاعتداءات وضحاياها وأضرارها".

وسأل "ألا تكفي كلها لكي تهتز ضمائرهم ويبادروا إلى حوار صريح ومصارحة ومصالحة للخروج من نزاعاتهم، ووضعِ حد للسيارات المفخخة التي تتجول في مدنِنا وشوارعنا ومناطقنا وتقتل وتدمر وتزرع الرعب والمآسي"؟

وأضاف سائلا: "ألا يوجد في لبنان عقال أحرار من مصالحهم، وكبار بقلوبهم، يتنادون لتلبية دعوةِ رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان إلى الحوار وحل الأزمة السياسية التي هي في أساس كل هذه الكوارث والمآسي؟ وللتجاوب مع سعي رئيس الحكومة المكلف لتأليف الحكومة المناسبة؟

أردف الراعي: الا يوجد في لبنان عقال احرار من مصالحهم للعمل معا على إعداد إنتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية في موعده الدستوري، بوجدان وطني حريص على كرامة لبنان واللبنانيين؟

كما علق الراعي على حادثة احراق مكتبة السائح في طرابلس، وقال: "جاءت يد الإجرام التكفيري تمتد إلى الثقافة والعلم بحرق مكتبة السائح للأب إبراهيم سروج ، ألأنه مسيحي؟

وشدد "إننا نضم صوتنا إلى صوت الفعاليات الطرابلسية في الإدانة، للمحافظة على وجه طرابلس الحضاري".

التعليقات 16
Thumb smarty 11:50 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

Seriously Patriarch? Do you think M14 is using M14 booby trap cars? Did you fall on your head? Al Qaeda is, Hezbollah is, Assad is, but not M14 ! ! ! And none of them them belong at a meeting, they are terrorists. Remember that we do not negotiate with terrorists. And instead of listen to a shiite murderer such as Berry who's killed countless people before, listen to our christian president suleiman who's clean and always worked for the country by serving our army, therefor Lebanon, and Lebanon only! meditate on this patriarch because you are failing us!

Thumb ice-man 13:42 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

Is it cold in Kanaada?

Thumb ice-man 14:31 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

Do I need a visa to visit Kanaada?

Thumb proudm14 18:30 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

there is no alliance whatsoever between M14 and Al Qaeda, neither in public nor in private, take your stupid petty lies and shove them where the sun doesn't shine..

Missing people-power 21:30 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

Exactly right Smarty. Only M14 have had their leaders assassinated or attempted to be assassinated since 2004:

al Hassan

This would be comparable to assassinating Nasrallah, Raad, Qassem, Musawi, Berri, Khalil, Aoun, and Basil.

It is ridiculous to pretend there is some kind of parity between the assassinations of M14 versus M8.

Regarding the bombings, they only started in M8 areas AFTER HA involvement in Syria, and there is no link to the Dahieh bombings and M14. Whereas there is a clear link between the Tripoli bombs and M8 allies (Eid). And lets not forget the CONFESSIONS of Samaha, implicating the Syrian regime.

You don't negotiate with terrorists!

Missing people-power 00:47 ,2014 كانون الثاني 06

Captain Eid was the first to discover the evidence implicating HA in the murder of Hariri. The STL also discovered the same evidence independently. The evidence implicated HA in the murders of Hariri and Hawi, and attempted murders of Chidiac, Murr and Hamadeh.

You will have to wait for the STL trial to see the evidence. Your wait will soon be over.

This is an internet forum, and I can accuse anyone I want, so STFU.

Missing people-power 02:19 ,2014 كانون الثاني 06

And by the way, it was not me who originated the accusing, it is the STL, supported by mounds of evidence.

Missing people-power 21:31 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

There is EVIDENCE that HA was involved in the murders of Hariri, Hawi, and the attempts against Harb and Chidiac. In any normal country, a party who has been indicted for murder (Hezbollah) would be banned from any seat in government until conclusion of the trial (STL).

Missing people-power 00:41 ,2014 كانون الثاني 06

Idiot FT, it is not M14 who collects the evidence, it is the investigators and prosecutors of the STL.

Real evidence is revealed in a court of law, not published in a book for propaganda purposes.

Thumb ice-man 00:46 ,2014 كانون الثاني 06

Flamethrower, your use of filthy language and profanities against your fellow posters on this site is truly appalling. May I remind you that such reckless attitude will not earn you respect that you so sorely desire. We come here to learn and grow and not to be insulted. I will be forced to report you if this behavior reoccurs. Normally, I vote your comments up but unfortunately you are leaving me no option but to vote down your comments above as they do not conform to the basic standards of decency!

Thumb ice-man 13:05 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

Yep.... dialogue stops booby trapped cars, just like it did after the Doha accord.

Missing coolmec 13:35 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

Hello again dogkiller
All terrorists, jihadis and any extremist should go fight their war outside Lebanon Period

Missing coolmec 13:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

I agree with you 100%

Thumb beiruti 18:01 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

Patriarch calls for dialogue. Dialogue with whom? Just the other day, Patriarch supported formation of a "neutral government", but in the wake of the Chatah and Haret Hreik bombings, the Hezbollah threats and now Berri's warning, Patriarch has backed off of that position. He has succumbed to the treat and changed position.
This is precisely the reason that a call for dialogue now is not possible. There can be no reasoned discussion between parties when one side has an agenda that it is wiling to pursue by all means, and the other side does not. This is a faux dialogue that will produce faux stability. It is the stability known in Nazi Germany.

Thumb primesuspect 21:03 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

I'm really disappointed by batrak, Sfeir was so much better. But wee can't live in the past, we have to work with this one. I suggest he deals with the terroristas himself, eid, Franjieh, aoun, samaha, nusralla and the others. He doesn't seem to be bothered to sit next to blood thirsty criminals, so he should be in charge.

Missing VINCENT 21:39 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

Same dirt,/filth and same parties different day. One is not better than the other so long as those with extremist view are running the show. Having said that. Allow me please to interpret what this nice Patriarch is saying between the lines and be blunt. "You worthless pieces of dirt, "if you want to kill each other, do it honorably and challenge your enemies face to face". You people are cowards and lower than the filth that comes out of pigs. You kill innocent men and children. You kill young unarmed teenage girls, beheading priests, mother, fathers, etc. You will never amount to anything worth redeeming for future generations of the well being of planet Earth.