جعجع يجدد رفض الحكومة الجامعة "والجلوس الى جنب حزب الله"
Read this story in Englishشدد رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع على رفضه تشكيل حكومة جامعة "والجلوس جنباً الى جنب مع حزب الله"، مطالباً بالاسراع بتشكيل الحكومة واجراء الانتخابات الرئاسية.
وفي حديث الى صحيفة "الاخبار"، الاثنين، أكد جعجع أن "الحكومة المنطقية الوحيدة هي الحكومة التي تقوم بما يجب عليها من أجل لبنان، ومن خارج 14 و8 آذار".
وأضاف "نحن نتمنى الشراكة، ولكن على كل الصعد، وهم (اي فريق 8 آذار) ليسوا مستعدين مطلقاً لها، فحتى إعلان بعبدا الذي أجمع عليه كل الأفرقاء تنصّلوا منه لأن مصلحتهم الإقليمية اقتضت ذلك".
أما عن صيغة 8-8-8 مع وزيرين ملك التي طرحها رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، فاعتبر جعجع أنها صيغة مقنّعة لصيغة 9-9-6 (التي يرفضها القوات) ويجب أن تسمى 9 - 6 فقط، موضحاً أن "فريق 14 آذار فريق جمهوري لا يعطل الحكومة والسلطة، في حين أن فريق 8 آذار يريد الثلث المعطل لتعطيل الحكومة".
وأضاف "نرفض هذه الصيغ لأنها في مكان ما تفسر بأن وجودنا مع حزب الله في حكومة واحدة يعني موافقتنا إقليمياً على استراتيجيته وأعماله، وتعني أيضاً أننا نشارك معه في حكومة تقف الى جانب نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد، وهذا أكبر ضرر على لبنان".
وشدد على أنه "لن نشارك في حكومة تغطي مشاركة الحزب في سوريا. حتى محلياً، علامَ نحن متفقون مع حزب الله و8 آذار حتى نؤلف الحكومة معاً، فلماذا نكون معاً إذا لم نكن قادرين على إيجاد حلول داخلية؟".
وسئل جعجع عما اذا كان يتحمل رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان والرئيس المكلف تمام مسؤولية التأخير في تشكيل حكومة، فأجاب أن "رئيس الجمهورية والرئيس المكلف موقعان دستوريان واجبنا الحفاظ عليهما".
وأردف "كنا نتمنّى أن يسرعا في التأليف فلا تبقى الأوضاع معلقة أشهراً. أعتقد أنه يمكن أن تتأخر الحكومة لأسبوع أو أسبوعين، ولكن لن نبقى بلا حكومة حتى موعد الاستحقاق. بل ما أعرفه أنها ستشكل قبل 25 آذار".
يُذكر أنه وبعد استقالة حكومة نجيب ميقاتي في آذار الفائت، تم تكليف تمام سلام تشكيل حكومة جديدة الا أن جهوده لم تنجح في ذلك، وتعهد الاستقالة بحال استقالة اي مكون من مكونات الحكومة. وفي حين تطالب قوى 14 آذار بحكومة حيادية تريد 8 آذار حكومة سياسية وقال رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط أنه "لن يصوت على حكومة من لون واحد".
وأكد جعجع، عبر "الاخبار"، على أن القوات اللبنانية لن تسير "بأي تسوية تجرب جهتان إقليميتان أو دوليتان أن تتعاطيا بها أو تضغطا على الأفرقاء اللبنانيين، وضد أي مساع تقوم بها بعض الدول الأوروبية، للضغط على الأفرقاء لتسمية الرئيس مسبقاً".
وأوضح "نحن مع نزول جميع النواب الى أول جلسة يدعو إليها الرئيس (رئيس مجلس النواب) نبيه بري، أو الجلسة التي تسبق نهاية المهلة بعشرة أيام، ليصوّت كل منهم للرئيس الذي يريده. نحن ضد التفكير بأي مسعى للاتفاق المسبق على اسم الرئيس، ومع ممارسة اللعبة الديموقراطية الى أقصى الحدود".
All I can say is Poor Lebanon
M8 and M14 go to hell. Your stupidity is taking the country to the abyss
I hope the_roar is fine.....
good try ultrahabib but we can ask the same thing of you sunnis ... who has killed more Christians in Lebanon than the Sunnis?
Hello Cedre
I am leaving it to you to come up with all these informative links.
Thanks and how are you today?
Ultrahabib we7yetak ya helo Dr geagea za3im watani no 1 lianno sonna habibet alebna ekhwetna wahelna bya3erfo mni7 la Dr zalami 3ala kelemto a3ref 3adowwak nizam souri 3adowwak.koll ta2fi seneyyi 3ashowa la l7areb bi lebnen wa 3ano men nizam hafez wa bashar lmejermin kif mabadak yehon ye7elfo we7yeto Dr geagea sadeq wa amin wa jari2 mab3omro sewam wala7 bisewem alla ye7mi weyawi liya7ya lebnen ...
Geagea ~ “We reject these formulas because participating in a cabinet with Hizbullah indicates our approval on its regional strategies and acts ,”
Well finally Geagea is forthcoming about wanting to ban HA from politics. And this is a ban because it would forbid "resistance" ... a priority for many parties.
Geagea says he wants a neutral government but there is no such group of people in Lebanon. Salam and Suleiman are both M14 apologists and guests of KSA hospitality.
Salam and Suleiman should exercise care ... They too have "contacts" in the West as did Shatah being educated in the west and an employee of the IMF ... the NATO loan shark.
Geagea is trying to avoid "the purge" of moderate and secular members of M14 ... The message is clear: Talk of any HA involvement in the next government gets you KSA martyrdom for blame against HA.
F t enta ya habibi iran malketak ro7 l3ab ghayra ya helo sonna bi lebnen wal 3alam l3arabi bi7obo mesh 3ala madi bas besma3o wa sheyfin 7adro mosharref lash mabeddon eyhobo ya irani ya 3amil ya f t lkol bi7e2ello ye7ki bas enta la.
Sho ya f t sar halla2 shaytan lakbar wa me7war shar iran as7ab badon yet3awno la moze3adet lmalki wa sayet bi moze3adet lamercan bi 7arba 3ala lerhab ya batal sho serto 7olaf mabrok 3laykon ya ashwes hala2 olli min l3amil bi khitabeto la sayed lakhira majab siret l3adow sahyoni sho nesi mashghol bi 7arbo 3alerhab aw sho 3am ye7mi dahro hala tefjirat bi 3okor daro ma3enno Anna ba3ref wojodo honik bi awemer iran e ya sa7bi 3terfo
Oh please ... The facts point to Qaeda KSA involvement in all of the car bombings in Beirut and southern Lebanon, including Shatah.
Aoun is sleeping better than M14 members that are thought to be considering any compromise with HA. The "purge" of moderate, secular or nationalist M14 members is well under way ...
The ones who should shut up are the party of ghanam hiding their assassins, playing war in Syria and sending invitations for terrorists to bomb Lebanon.
The ones stealing the death of their victims and calling them martyrs when they did not ask to die.
The ones who break all our laws and want to be part of parliament and government.
The ones who do not even recognize Lebanon as a sovereign country and put Iran and Syria's interests ahead of their own country
KEZBALLAH ! Party of Ghanam !
@Roaring_idiot : please elaborate on how M14 can "insist on war" ? Them and what army ? Them and what weapons ? Show them to me please to prove your point. You really must be an idiot to think anyone would dare take down Hezbollah by force !
As you, I'm getting a little tired of brainwashed M8 idiots who believe M14 or any other opponent enjoy or promote war. Of M8 idiots who believe Hezbollah is a holy party sent to protect us from the aweful Saudi dictate and save us from US imperialism...
That Iran or Syria are lead by peace loving, democracy worshipping leaders and protectors of human right.
I understand you're not happy with the alternative. It's legitimate. But why do you want to replace crap by crappier ?
Fact is you're incapable of answering my question or contradicting any of my points :)
I care not for your pitiful M8 typical responses to evade such questions and debates.
Keep your head hidden in the ground ostrich ... but beware of the real lion lurking behind you.
I don't know how far you're willing to go to prove that you are incapable of addressing the points I have raised. We understand. Just shut up already. You're a waste of bytes on our already slow internet connection.
What's funny is that with each new irrelevant comment, you show the world you're all the more dumb.
Comfortable with your head in the ground ?
And about theft, I will give you back your dear name if you give us back our democracy, sovereignty and freedoms. Until then STFU !
Really ? You blame our economical disaster on M14 ??? It's Hezbollah that scared off all sources of funding in the country. Not the other way around. And money is foreign money. Why would any investor put a dollar in a country that is plagued by armed militias ?
Also, you hate Saudi money. You don't want it.... so why are you crying ? They were the first to inject money in our economy. It's their money afterall. What sanctions are you talking about ?
And to road... i call this the "silence of the lambs" ... ghanam empty arguments because you lack any sense of reasoning and debate.
There are times when my opposition to Geagea is vehement to say the least, but today with this position of his, there's really nothing to fault. On a neutral cabinet of technocrats I fully agree, and one holding presidential elections on due time, here too, I agree with him. But whether we have elections or not, one thing is absolutely clear, either President Suleiman will see his current term extended, or simply General Kahwaji will become our next head of state. Either way I am most happy, both men are simply our very best choices. Both are 100% clean and both do not dance to any tunes other than the one and only patriotic one.
he is TOTALLY right... how can a gvt be formed with a party that openly disobey its president and national policy? LOL
outlaws and moreover they want to be in a gvt? LOL
sure everyone knows that M14 is financing training and sending islamists in syria... they are sooo rich that they can financed thousands of islamists...
still in idiotic denial mode to justify your militamen in syria, wahhab, hezbis, ssnp... how pathetic as usual....
yes, good work FT... keep on your propaganda, the only thing you are good at... your blind hatred for M14 makes you say stupid things as usual...
all based on your M8 assumptions to justify your gangs in syria... no evidence, no proof , just hatred to find a scapegoat to make sheep like you accept parties disobeying the state of lebanon...
being allied does not mean obeying a state (oh! you said the exact same thing a few months ago!), but YOU on the contrary have friends that PLEDGED allegiance to a foreign country without making you soooo upset proving how blind and stupid you are...
pledging allegiance means OBEY little smartass...
if M14 were alqaeda you d find all sunni women dressed like in saudi... on the other hand we find tons of hezbi women dressed the iranian way... and paid for! LOL
sure , all you say is petty M8 propaganda ... as everything can be countered by the mere facts which you always deny...
and the furious one here seems to be you little baath puppet.... since you ve become desperate for the fate of your iranian militia to which you bow more than to the lebanese flag....
You guys are losers singing the same old song and believing in a fake victory.
1- If it was a "divine victory", then Hebzollah has nothing to do with it
2- If Hezbollah "won", then explain to me why Israel got everything they wanted. Their objective was never to put an end to Hezbollah as they need them.
3- Without Hezbollah, 2006 would have never happened ! And Israel would be fighting other wars. In fact, Israel would have pulled out of south Lebanon long before.
Please tell me one single achievement of Hezbollah besides your fake victory with Israel. Anything ? Any plans ?
Now stop harassing everyone with your bull and tell us what your plans are for this country. If you have none, then go away...
The practical problem of forming a new government with a Hezbollah component and a Policy Statement which is approved by Hezbollah is the fact that Hezbollah is engaged as an integral part of the Regime allied forces fighting the sectarian war in neighboring Syria. If Hezbollah is nested in a new Lebanese government with a policy statement supportive of its role in Syria, approved by the Lebanese Parliament, this puts not just Hezbollah, but all of Lebanon at war with all of the Opposition forces in Syria.
Ohhhhh the irony ... Because Palestinian and Lebanese Sunnis never killed a single Christian?? Believe me the alliance is purely political ...