الأسد عرض مع باسيل الأوضاع في لبنان بعد تأليف الحكومة وعلاقات التعاون

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إستقبل الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد وزير الطاقة والمياه جبران باسيل وعرض معه الاوضاع فى لبنان بعد تشكيل الحكومة وعلاقات التعاون السورية اللبنانية.

وذكرت الوكالة العربية السورية للأنباء "سانا" أنه تم التطرق بين المجتمعين "إلى الاوضاع في سوريا والمنطقة".

والتقى الأسد خلال الشهور الأخيرة العديد من الشخصيات اللبنانية فيما تشهد سوريا حركة احتجاج واسعة انطلقت في منتصف آذار الماضي وهي تواجه بقمع شديد من قوات الامن السورية ما ادى الى وقوع اكثر من 1500 قتيل بحسب منظمات حقوقية.

التعليقات 11
Default-user-icon Eagle (ضيف) 19:45 ,2011 تموز 26

Was his trip approved by the cabinet? What is there to discuss with Assad?

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (ضيف) 20:13 ,2011 تموز 26

Never doubted that Assad and Bassil are the same person living in two bodies. From day one Bassil's manners, actions, arrogance and ignorance were perfect fit for a Syrian Mukhabarat. Maybe Bassil can remind Assad that Saudi and Iraqi pipelines used to cross Syrian territory into Zahrani and Tripoli providing oil for local use and for export avoiding expensive canal Suez fees. Lebanon should demand these pipelines be restored and Syria should get reasonable fees. We have lost many good paying jobs by closing these pipelines. Would any reporter ask Don Quixote Bassil on the purpose of his trip and if this vital issue to Lebanese economy or border demarcation were discussed?

Default-user-icon pierre (ضيف) 20:31 ,2011 تموز 26

Bassil and FPM have put all the bets on Assad, a sinking ship. Its too late for them to jum ship now.

Thumb will_rogers 21:26 ,2011 تموز 26

Hard to say which one is the bigger loser, seems like a tie.

Default-user-icon Blue (ضيف) 21:35 ,2011 تموز 26

When the whole world is distancing itself from this criminal regime and its leader, We see Aoun send his "mircale" child son-in-law to meet Assad! I am sure the syrian brave people will remember this and reward aoun and his allies accordingly.

Missing roger@10452 21:40 ,2011 تموز 26

I wish Bassil had a one way ticket to Damascus...

Default-user-icon Bassil, I expect better from u (ضيف) 00:52 ,2011 تموز 27

Bassil... by visiting Assad you are legitimizing him. This insults the "self-actualization, dignity and freedom" aspirations of Syrian citizens. History could and should judge you harshly.

I rarely speak about politics, but my moral instinct feels Assad has gone too far. I am shocked at the tactics used in the security crack-down.

Thumb benzona 04:13 ,2011 تموز 27

A dead man (Assad) talking to a ? (Bassil)

Default-user-icon why (ضيف) 05:36 ,2011 تموز 27

Why are Assad and Bassil discussing the situations in Lebanon again, are Bassil and 3ammo trying to live the Syrian occupation they missed on when Aoun ran away?

Thumb joesikemrex 07:33 ,2011 تموز 27

Both are planning their EARLY retirement. There is a great retirement village in Iran. I'm sure both will be very happy

Default-user-icon amirmansour (ضيف) 08:08 ,2011 تموز 27

If our expert ministers concentrate on their job descriptions and functions, Lebanon will improve dramatically and grow faster than ever.
But everyone in the government or Parliament wants to discuss the so called regional problems, with other countries leaders and officials ( majority on the way out by their own people, we are becoming the Joke of the century.