المطارنة الموارنة: "رعب" السيارات المفخخة يحمل الجميع مسؤولية عدم استباحة لبنان

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لفت المطارنة الموارنة الى أن "رعب" السيارات المفخخة يضع على كاهل الجميع مسؤولية "الحفاظ على لبنان وعد السماح باستباحة أراضيه".

واثر اجتماعهم الدوري الشهري، الاربعاء، في بكركي برئاسة البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي، رأى المطارنة أن "نشر الرعب عبر السيارات المفخخة وربط ذلك بتفسيرات طائفيّة يلقي على كاهل الجميع عدم تحويل أرض لبنان لأرض مستباحة".

ودعوا الى "وعي الخطر الذي يهدد لبنان بسبب الإنكشاف الحاصل جراء الأوضاع السياسيّة والإقتصاديّة".

واذ أكدوا ان "الوفاق الوطني هو قاعدة وجود لبنان والحاضن للجميع والضامن لخير الوطن والمواطنين"، ناشدوا جميع السياسيين "إعادة فعل الإيمان بلبنان لأن لبنان هو بلد من هذا الشرق وأوجده أبناؤه كياناً سياسيّاً للدولة ولا بد أن يحافظ الجميع عليه".

من جهة أخرى، كما المطارنة من القادة السياسيين وجميع النواب "تحمل مسؤولياتهم والإسراع في تشكيل حكومة تكون على مستوى التحديات الراهنة وتعيد انتخاب رئيس جديد يعيد الحيوية للبلاد.

ودعوا إلى "التخلي عن السلاح والاقتراب من الشخص الآخر عبر الحوار".

التعليقات 20
Thumb primesuspect 13:09 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

be 4 protecting the social fabric, we should protect ourselves. it's of the essence.

Missing coolmec 17:40 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

I am still wondering why did Sfeir resign??? Is it political??

Thumb primesuspect 18:03 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

Coolmec, he was 92 years old.... Look at Pope Benedict XVI, he was much younger and too tired for such responsibilities.

Thumb mckinl 13:41 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

Bishops ~ "The National Pact embraces everyone based on unity and equal participation in power, the bishops said."

Well tell that to Mustaqbal that would disenfranchise some 40% of Lebanese as they refuse to cooperate with HA and refuse to talk with Berri.

Bishops ~ They urged “politicians and all lawmakers to assume their responsibilities and form a cabinet that can confront all challenges.”

Shouldn't M14 assume its responsibilities in regards to ending their boycott of parliament first and foremost? Obstructionism at this point is irresponsible to put it mildly.

Thumb ice-man 13:55 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

what's your take on the shocking death/murder of Monica Spear, the former Miss Venezuela? You think M14 has something to do with it?

Thumb primesuspect 14:03 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

the killers were local thieves and drug traffickers.... my gf almost got her car jacked last year at a red light. they were on a moto and armed.

This M.O is typical of Hizballa/Amal in Lebanon not to mention they produce and sell drugs and kill at will.

Missing coolmec 14:14 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

leave it to you for cool comments.... :-)

Missing ya_kord 15:08 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

lets look at the facts guys! if you are in beirut and wanna go to a night club or just buy a drink, you go a christian or sunni area because dahyieh and infact all H.A strongholds don't serve alcohol (islamic law in theit region) . al Manar has all its women veiled while future t.v doesn't. its easy to say M14 wahabis, but its right their infront of you the only ones enforcing religious rules in their areas are H.A!

Thumb saturn 15:38 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

I dare you, I double dare you, to go and have a drink in Tripoli. Or Saida.

Missing peace 23:57 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

very easy to drink in tripoli or saida!

cut your BS you only prove you know NOTHING... LOL

Thumb ice-man 16:49 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

Thanks flamethrower. You are a legend.

Missing peace 23:59 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

poor FT seems he never set foot in tripoli... many venues DO serve alcohol...

Missing ya_kord 15:09 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08


Missing ya_kord 16:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

I agree saturn! but Beirut is our capital city!! but I agree H.A are islamic like some neighborhoods in Tripoli and Saida! but the only Islamist region in our capital and its surroundings is H.A regions. even rwaisar above salka ( who keep robbing our women lately)

Missing ya_kord 16:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08


Missing ya_kord 16:24 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

Notice I said some neighborhoods in Tripoli and Saida. remember most Saida residents supported the army against assir and most of his fighters were Palestinian! and ya we went with my cousin's to Saida and Sour this summer and guess what they had beer !

Thumb ice-man 16:50 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

Thank you diala_sidawi. Another legend in the making!

Missing ya_kord 17:04 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

you are right my comments might appear sectarian and I apologize. my writing skills aren't great I was just trying to Point out that it's not fair that sunnis or M14 keep getting called wahabis while other parties are applying religious laws in their areas. and by no means that I imply that shiaa ppl are islamic I went to a mixed school with sunnis shiaa and druze (broumana high school) and all were secular. but H.A party is an islamic one and it cannot be denied .

Missing imperatrice 16:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

in response to the bishops

first, what nation are you talking about in the absence of a collective identity
second, we do not need partiality- its has been the key problem facing Christians in the MENA region -middle east and north Africa-

instead of shying away, make a call and take a decision
chose which country you would like to belong to but just stop being grey

Thumb ice-man 17:19 ,2014 كانون الثاني 08

Allah Yihmeek Ya Rabb. If people would only emulate your wisdom and vision, this country will be in safe hands.