"الوفاء للمقاومة" تنبه من مخاطر حكومة الأمر الواقع وتعيد التذكير بـ"الشعب والجيش والمقاومة"

Read this story in English W460

نبهت كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" من "مخاطر" إقدام رئيس الجمهورية والرئيس المكلف تشكيل الحكومة على توقيع مرسوم حكومة "امر واقع" تحت أي مسميات، مجددة المطالبة بالحكومة الجامعة.

وقال النائب حسن فضل الله في بيان بعد اجتماع الكتلة الخميس "لحكومة سياسية جامعة لأن حكومة الأمر الواقع أيا كانت التسميات هي حكومة فاقدة للشرعية ومناقضة للدستور واتفاق الطائف وننبه من مخاطر الإنزلاق إلى مغامرة غير مسبوقة قد تعطل الاستحقاق الرئاسي".

ويدرس الأفرقاء السياسيون صيغة "8-8-8" لتشكيل الحكومة التي طرحها رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري وذلك بعد موافقة حزب الله عليها بعد أن رفضها سابقا، وهم في انتظار موقف قوى 14 آذار ورئيس تيار "المستقبل" سعد الحريري.

إلى ذلك أكدت لاكتلة "إدانتها الشديدة للعملية الإرهابية التي أودت بحياة الوزير محمد شطح وتشجب بشدة العملية الإنتحارية في حارة حريك".

وإذ دعت إلى "اعتماد الواقعية والتخلي عن سياسة الإقصاء الواهمة والتمسك بالدستور والدور الحضاري" حيت الكتلة "مقام مقتي الجمهورية اللينانية ونستنكر ما تعرض له من اعتداد ولضرورة الحفاظ على المقامات وعدم السماح بالتجرؤ عليها".

من جهة أخرى أسف فضل الله "لفوضى الفلتان واستسهال التعدي على الآخرين وإيذائهم دون سبب ولعل حادثة إحراق مكتبة السائح وحوادث النهب وإطلاق النار على أرجل المواطنين في طرابلس هي أمور لا ينفي الإستنكار بل يجب ان تكون هناك ضابطة عدلية تحول دون وقوع الأحداث".

وختم فضل الله قائلا "العدوان الإسرائيلي يتهدد سيادة لبنان والخطر التكفيري يتهدد هويته ولذلك يجب الترفع عن الحسابات الضيقة والتوجه لبناء الدولة القوية التي تصان عير قوانينها حقوق اللبنانيين وتعتمد من خلالها استراتيجية وطنية تتكامل فيها أدوار الجيش والشعب والمقاومة".

يذكر أن البحث ليس جاريا حاليا على البيان الوزاري للحكومة الجديدة في ظل تقارير صحفية أن قوى 14 آذار ستقدم سلة كاملة ولا تقبل إلا بالإلتزام بإعلان بعبدا.

التعليقات 21
Missing imagine_1979 17:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

So for ta2ef accord to be fuilfiled we just hv to stick with berry nassrqlah aoun geagea jumblat and hariri.. Besides those no gov will be formed...
Nice readding of the ta2ef...
Btw miquati gov formed by march 8 was unconstitutional?...
Plus one for u hezbollah... Bravo

Missing imagine_1979 17:16 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

One more thing: the deal is u do as we want or 7ayyar, black shirts..
Really can anyone tell me what is the defenition of terrorism?

Missing ayoub 17:22 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

Come on ladies tell us really what you think


Oouh you can't, I did not know that

Thumb -phoenix1 17:22 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

Warns, good heavens, this is the language we've lived under for years, warn, warn and warn. yet we warned Hezbollah to stay well away from the Syrian war, answer, refusal. We warned before that against provoking Israel, answer, refusal. We all know the answers to their refusal and what they got us, now they are warning us about not forming a government in which they won't be represented? Well, the warning for Hezbollah and their allies is this: Be careful, you squeezed the living daylights off Lebanon's moderates and you got yourselves people like Al Assir, now we've got a true moderate gentleman in PMD Salam and you still want him to swim with hands tied behind his back? Patience is running low, the warning is for you HA, let moderates take their role, you no longer are in position to dictate, let alone enforce anything in Lebanon.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:26 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

take your warnings and shove them! the days where you can threaten people is gone by the wayside.

Thumb zakblat 17:52 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

@-phoenix - Do you achnowledge that 55% of the Lebanese population voted for March 8 in the last elections?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:11 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

Zakblat- you have some funny math going on. only 52.3% of eligible voters actually voted. not sure how you can calculate that 55% of the population voted for March 8. Fudging numbers is a sign of weakness!

Thumb Qawmi_Boris 18:12 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

zakblat your so smart, that's right and Emile Rahmeh is the most popular political in Lebanon also according to the last elections. Humm, but I thought we stopped counting.. I guess Hezbollah hates the fact that Christians get half share in government when they are only 39% of the population. After all Nasrallah said back in 1989 that Taef gave too much to the Maronite because "it enshrined the Maronite sectarian political system." Al Nahar 6 November 1989.

Missing imagine_1979 18:14 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

According to our laws (wich should be changed for a secular one in my opignont) ur numbers doesnot count, march 14 got more deputies in 2005 and 2009 so...
And according to our constitution (which again is not the best in the world) the PM designated and the president are the only one to chose the gov, the deputies can either vote for or against...
Sorry no plus one for u zakblat... Try again later :)

Thumb cityboy 20:00 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

I think sometimes Phoenix thinks everything happens as the result of HA. If HA were to disband then Lebanon's ills would just go away. Of course phoenix, I am not trying to put words into your mouth. But come on, when you say things like HA was warned about Syria, please, you are still forgetting that the plot against Syria was to be aimed at Lebanon next. Thank goodness for HA intervention. Phoenix just the other day you were scolding the Syrians for destroying what they had, and today you are scolding HA for helping to prevent that same sceniaral from happening in Lebanon.

Thumb zakblat 17:58 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

Why did March 14 sabotage the implementation of a new electoral law?

Missing imagine_1979 18:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

One were each sect ellect its own deputies, what a way to build a country.. Bravo zakblat (still no plus one for u..)
Then why not a federal state if each sect has to elect his own? Don't u think it is worse than now???

Thumb saturn 18:20 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

They forgot to say "Maybe the daily car theft and armed robbery originating in the Bekaa require the adoption of some legal standards that prevent the repetition of such occurrences"!

Thumb zakblat 18:42 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

Aug. 7, 2012 -- The Lebanese cabinet approved Tuesday a new electoral law based on proportional representation and referred it to the parliament for ratification, the National News Agency (NNA) reported.
March 14 opposed it because they knew they would get wiped off the map. There clearly afraid of popular representation.

Thumb Qawmi_Boris 19:44 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

zakblat, if you recall that was a draft law. Do you understand the meaning of draft law? M8 had the Parliamentary majority why didn't Berri put it up for a vote? Berri refused to submitted it for a vote because it was obviously never meant to be implemented, it was designed to waste time.. He sent it to the sub committees instead, then completely forgot about it. Besides even thought the FPM voted for this law Alain Aoun and Neemtallah Abi Nasr immediately submitted another competing draft law, so the FPM ministers were not serious when they approved the cabinet's draft law.
BTY who was it the scuttled the Constitutional Council's four meetings to rule on Parliament's extension?

Thumb bill_thebutcher 19:42 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

Please admit that Zakblat just destroyed you with facts. Admit it and youll be on your first step towards recovery.

You like to use Jumblatt when he benefits you and throw him away when he's against you points.

Thumb bill_thebutcher 20:08 ,2014 كانون الثاني 09

If someone doesnt respond to one of your comments with 10mins you assume that they are "cornered" and "disappears".
You should assume ppl have jobs and dont sit at their parents house all day like you and type nonsense.

Thumb cedre 01:17 ,2014 كانون الثاني 10

please president, have the balls to form a neutral government, advienne que pourra...

Missing coolmec 01:51 ,2014 كانون الثاني 10

Salut Cedre
Bonne reponse

Thumb Maxx 03:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 10

Unbelievable! "Loyalty" to which "resistance"? Resistance against the occupation of Lebanon by foreign powers? Obviously you're not one of those! How is the question of forming a Lebanese cabinet still an issue?! All you need is to have Lebanese people who are interested in Lebanese people in the cabinet. Is it really that difficult to agree that Lebanese people should govern their country, and that no foreign occupational force - be it Israeli or Iranian or Saudi or Syrian - should take precedence over LEBANON! We have a country here, it's called Lebanon! Mais allo, quoi?!

Missing helicopter 08:18 ,2014 كانون الثاني 10

Warnings followed by killings
Killings followed by warnings
Lebanon will eventually prevail and Israel will have to find someone else to make deals with.