ميشال سليمان رئيس عكس من سبقوه ينهي ولايته أقوى مما بدأها
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تثير مواقف رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان وخياراته السياسية نقاشات متباينة بين أركان الحياة السياسية في لبنان.
فالرئيس الذي انتخب في العام 2008 بـ"توافق" ما كان ليتم في "الدوحة" لولا موازين القوى العسكرية التي فرضها حزب الله في 7 أيار 2008، بات اليوم في شبه مواجهة مكشوفة مع الحزب وخياراته الداخلية والإستراتيجية.
والرئيس الذي لم يحم 14 آذار يوم كان قائدا للجيش تاركا لحزب الله حرية الحركة العسكرية في بيروت وتخوم الجبل، واحتلال العاصمة وتخريب المؤسسات الإعلامية لتيار المستقبل ومحاصرة الرئيس سعد الحريري في منزله في قريطم، والرئيس فؤاد السنيورة في القصر الحكومي في وسط بيروت، يبدو اليوم أقرب الى مقاربة 14 آذار للحلول سواء بالنسبة الى الوضع الحكومي أو بالنسبة الى سلاح حزب الله ودوره في مواجهة إسرائيل من جهة، وتدخله العسكري الميداني الى جانب النظام في سوريا.
والرئيس الذي شكل مع البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال بشارة الراعي "ثنائيا" مارونيا متناغما في المواقف والتوجهات منذ وصول الراعي الى بكركي قبل أكثر من سنتين، تبدو اليوم خياراته الحكومية نقيضة لخيارات بطريرك انطاكيا وسائر المشرق، تماما كما كانت خياراته في موضوع قانون الإنتخابات النيابية متناقضة مع مواقف الصرح الذي فضل مشروع قانون نائب الرئيس الأسبق لمجلس النواب إيلي الفرزلي المعروف بمشروع قانون اللقاء الأرثوذكسي على وجهة نظر رئيس الجمهورية من القانون.
رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان يعتبر أن الثنائي الشيعي أمل وحزب الله مخطىء في معارضة خياراته الحكومية وفي تصديه للحكومة الحيادية التي اقترحها كبديل عن المأزق الناجم عن عدم توصل قوى 14 آذار وقوى 8 آذار الى اتفاق في شأن التركيبة الحكومية على مدى تسعة أشهر.
وهو أبلغ موفدي الرئيس نبيه بري والسيد حسن نصرالله في زيارتهما الأخيرة الى بعبدا أن مواقفه هي التي تحمي حزب الله داخليا وإقليميا ودوليا، وتخفف من الإنعكاسات السلبية للخطأ التاريخي الذي ارتكبه الحزب بتدخله العسكري في وسوريا خلافا للقرار اللبناني الرسمي للدولة اللبنانية بالنأي بالنفس عن الحرب الدائرة في سوريا.
فلولا مواقف رئاسة الجمهورية تجاه المجتمعين العربي والدولي لكان لبنان اليوم وحيدا ومعزولا نتيجة لمواجهة حزب الله مع الدول العربية والغربية. ومواقف الرئيس تشكل خط دفاع عن حزب الله ولو لم يعترف الحزب بذلك.
وكان الرئيس ميشال سليمان واضحا في قوله لموفدي بري ونصرالله بأنه يدافع عن رأي قوى 14 آذار في هذه المرحلة من الخلفية ذاتها التي دافع فيها عن مواقف أمل وحزب الله يوم كانت قوى 14 آذار تتفوق عليها في السلطة. ودوره كرئيس للجمهورية يقوم على ضمان التوازن بين اللبنانيين ومنع أي فئة من التفرد بالسلطة.
ومع ذلك فرئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان عاتب على قوى 14 آذار وعاتب أكثر بشكل خاص على البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي. عتبه على 14 آذار لأن بعض قادتها ولا سيما المسيحيون منهم "يساومون" على المناصب الحكومية والرئاسية في وقت يفترض بهم أن يقفوا وراء الرئيس في طرح الحكومة الحيادية.
وعاتب على بكركي لأنها انقلبت على مواقفها السابقة الداعمة لخيار الحكومة الحيادية من دون العودة الى رئيس الجمهورية والتنسيق معه. ورأي الرئيس أن حجة البطريرك في التراجع المفاجىء عن دعم الحكومة الحيادية خوفا على استحقاق رئاسة الجمهورية في ضوء تهديد أمل وحزب الله بتعطيل انتخاب الموقع الماروني الأول في السلطة في حال تشكلت حكومة حيادية هو نقيض للحقيقة والواقع.
فحكومة حيادية لا تشارك فيها قوى 8 آذار ولا قوى 14 آذار تجعل الفريقين خارج السلطة في حال عطل احدهما الإنتخابات الرئاسية وبالتالي سيجدان نفسيهما مضطرين للتوافق على رئيس للجمهورية للمشاركة في السلطة. في حين أن حكومة "جامعة" ستسمح لمن يرى من قوى 14 آذار و 8 آذار أن موازين القوى لا تسمح له بإيصال مرشحه بتعطيل الإنتخابات الرئاسية طالما أن الفريقين يتقاسمان السلطة.
وفي حين يبدو فريقا المواجهة، يتخبطان في خياراتهما السياسية، وفي حسم خياراتهما، يبدو رئيس الجمهورية صاحب مشروع متكامل لإعادة بناء الدولة ومؤسساتها، وصاحب تصور متكامل لخارطة طريق تسمح بذلك. فـ"إعلان بعبدا" الذي طرحه رئيس الجمهورية على هيئة الحوار الوطني وحشر المشاركين فيها لتبنيه، سرعان ما تبين أنه لم يكن خطوة مرتجلة ولا "فلتة شوط".
فالرئيس أتبع إعلان بعبدا بتصور للإستراتيجية الدفاعية يبقي على المقاومة ويضع قرارها السياسي والعسكري بإمرة الدولة اللبنانية ممثلة بلسطاتها الدستورية. وبعد تنصل حزب الله وقوى 8 آذار من إعلان بعبدا أثبت رئيس الجمهورية أنه صاحب خريطة طريق لتحقيق تطلعاته بمعزل عن الضغوطات التي تمارس عليه. وما هبة المليارات الثلاثة من الدولارات السعودية لتسليح الجيش اللبناني بواسطة فرنسا سوى الدليل على وضوح الرؤية السياسية عند رئيس الجمهورية وثباته في خياراته في مواجهة تقلبات الآخرين ومناوراتهم، وعلى نجاحه في تأمين مظلة عربية ودولية حامية للدولة ومؤسساتها في لبنان في مواجهة المخاطر التي يتسبب بها الآخرون نتيجة لمساوماتهم الداخلية وارتباطاتهم الخارجية.
يبدو رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان من خلال مواقفه غير المسايرة لأحد في موقع من يستفيد من الأشهر القليلة الباقية من ولايته لبناء أسس لخليفته، ينطلق منها في بناء مؤسسات الدولة القوية، في وقت عادة ما يعمد رؤساء الجمهورية في نهاية ولايتهم الى المسايرة لضمان التمديد أو التجديد. ويؤسس الرئيس ميشال سليمان في خياراته لموقع الرئيس السابق – المرجع الذي يحظى بالإحترام، لا الى موقع الرئيس الممدد له الذي يعير بالتنازل والمساومة للبقاء في بعبدا.
قد يكتب التاريخ يوما أن ميشال سليمان استثناء في تاريخ رؤساء الجمهورية الذين يبدأون ولاياتهم أقوياء وينتهون ضعفاء... ميشال سليمان ينهي ولايته أقوى مما بدأها لأنه يفضل موقع "المرجع السياسي" في عمشيت على موقع "المساوم الدستوري" في بعبدا.

History may one day write that Suleiman was an exception to Lebanese presidents who start off their term strong and end it weak. Michel Suleiman will end his term stronger than how he began it because he would prefer to be remembered as a political leader in Aamchit rather than a “constitutional compromiser” in Baabda.

@Southern, what did you think of Margot Robbie's plunging Gucci silk cream gown embroidered with crystals and emeralds she wore at the awards last night?

lol @ice-man! You think southern knows who margot is.... he only knows Raghib Alameh:)

"patriotic ex-president Lahoud"… Southern, you have outdone yourself with this one

Suleiman is indeed one of the best presidents this republic has ever had. Such honor and integrity is unprecedented in Lebanese politics. Thank you Pres. Suleiman, we hope that your replacement is exactly like you!

@southern : please elaborate on "Patriotic ex-president Lahoud" and his achievements (in selling lebanon to syria and protecting the iranian resistance in Lebanon).
Thank you for showing everyone here how much of a traitor you are and reaffirming Hezbollah killed Hariri for refusing to extend Lahoud's illegal term (amongst other things).

Southern bleaze move to Syria or Iran where you belong you are no more Lebanese than an Iranian revolutianary gaurd.
I am afraid I will have to disagree with you here Southern. Calling Emile Lahoud anything near being patriotic is tantamount distorting facts. In fact, never in time has any president of ours been so bending, so all too ready to please one side at all times. If in truth we had anything that resembled a state, then people like Lahoud should be in the gallows for treason. But alas dear brother, this is Lebanon, a country where a saying that holds value says, "Lying is the salt of men", and "running away is the third of bravery". I winced at so many lahoud speeches where he performed lower than a 5 year old's IQ. The man ended up stinking rich, whereas Suleiman simply because he keeps refusing to bend for anyone, like now in the case of the M8 camp, is getting all the unreserved wrath from esteemed people like you.
Southern, no double standards from me, this is one thing you'll never get from me. I am simply reacting to what you wrote of a man I hold in high esteem, that's all. Now just because Suleiman refuses to dance to Hezbollah's tune, or for that matter M8's, that doesn't me that you have the right to bedevil him. Had it been that I saw M8, led by HA treat its opponents with a degree of respect, then I would have accommodated some of your views, but knowing from past and present how the opponents of M8 get treated, I could tell you that I could not take more in that sense. Our problem is this: M8 has not once agreed that it is wrong, instead it paints the blame on the people who mention it to them, and what's even worse, M8 still has that problem, to accept that they are not alone in Lebanon. Suleiman is my limit.

Suleiman is turning out to hopefully be the first in a long line of great presidents, of this generation anyway. Allah yistor the upcoming elections, I don't see anyone fit for the post.
Southern, it's one thing that the president disagrees with some of HA policies... It's another to attack him and his dignity out of pure spite.

Of all people you picked Lahoud? Your comment doesn't even warrant a laugh. Just pity. Just by that sentence it shows you are nothing remotely Lebanese.

Lol southern, I've read many comments from u that made sense... Today you've missed ur mark.

Ft, at the time anyone against the Syrians were either killed, jailed, or exiled. If anything geagea was the only one who stood his ground. Anyway, how does any of this make lahoud a better president than Suleiman?
Southern, you see? Even Elias Hrawi was ashamed of being as subservient as Lahoud. Lahoud will forever be the president that never felt, or looked like or even sounded like a president, the man was a practical joke worthy of second rate circuses. If Syria was capable of keeping there for another term extension, then would have done so, but even the Syrians couldn't push their luck that far. Southern, to you and anyone who doesn't want to agree with Suleiman, please, this man is the cleanest that has come after Bachir Gemayel, no one anywhere can remotely claim that Suleiman has taken one single penny from anyone, not him, and not General Qahwaji. When Suleiman leaves Baabda, he will do so head high, proud and highly respected, and from the big door too.
Yes, yes yes for another term, this is the wisest course left to us all.

Nah man, that's a slippery slope. They always start out loved by the people, then become a different thing entirely. By law he can run again after the next president. That's good enough, term limits need to be imposed on speaker of the house also, not taken away from president!
I've never liked that Lahoud, not from the day he was appointed right to the day he left. The worse sentiments I had for him was when he said on TV, that when Rafic Hariri was so brutally assassinated by Lahoud's bosses, he said that he left his swimming session, something he never does for the late Hariri's sake. Well ex-president-current-jester Lahoud, thanks for nothing, since you know well who killed Hariri, why did not try then to dissimulate the tracks of the killers? Tsst.

@Southern, I take exception to your insulting the President of the Lebanese Republic!!!! Shame on You. Tfeh

Lol roar u are comparing the Lebanese president to huge western countries. Uve been on this forum long enough to see how hard it is to get anything done in Lebanon. The president did a great job with the powers allowed. Don't forget in our system it is the prime minister that holds more power. If u wana blame someone blame the parliament and the ministers.

The roar, I think ur giving the office of president too much credit, none of those things are in his hands. Only the cabinet and parliament have those powers, the president cannot drill for oil. Laws must be passed, and the rival parties must agree on them. Even in the case of the baabda agreement, it was just ignored. Sleiman doesn't have a political party to rally behind him, he doesn't have a militia to enforce his decisions, or the capital to buy loyalty. I just think he was a good statesman, and with his limited powers he brought a little prestige back to our country. He was a good image, and he never let himself fall into the silly bickering. Most importantly, his term is almost over and he will step down... Which is way more than I can say for berri, jumblatt, etc.

@ Southern...If someone doesn't agree or side with hizballah or syria it doesn't automatically make them saudi or israeli. Sleiman's every action has shown that his decisions are pro-Lebanese and, if he has to work with other countries to get things done, well unfortunately that is what you have to do when you are a weak country. Working with Saudi is nothing compared to selling your country to syria and subjecting the Lebanese to the ruthless rule of the tyrants.
That's the way I see it

for southern and his sleele, the president must praise the resistance 24/7 and bow to all their political demands or else he is a saudi traitor. this is the way they see it, and this is why they must be removed from the political equation, because they will never change.
Southern, you said and I quote "if Suleiman wasn't one sided president", unquote. Please, brother, can you define what you termed as one sided. What should Suleiman do then? About the oil, Suleiman is not in control of decisions, but an undiluted M8 minister with his entire clique. If you are willing enough, please do look back a little in time, you will notice that Suleiman was also at odds with the M14 side, they too did not spare their wrath on him then. The problem with us dear Southern is this: we've been used now to have presidents ply to our will. Well, thankfully for the Lebanese People, Suleiman is proving that he is very different, that is why the parties don't like him much, but the People love him, I am one of them.

So Nawfal Daou and his Naharnet decided that this good-for-nothing president-by-parachute will emerge stronger before he even emerges! Actually, like all Farts 14 and Sanni First, they decided that the "ASSad" regime will fall almost every week until none of them will be around to witness it, apparently. We all know Nawfal Daou is the ultimate authority on such matters. Good thing it was not Field Marshal Fares Soaid said that about the president-by-parachute.

no wonder M8ers are spitting on this good president after having praised him for a long time... as he is now against hezbollah's adventure in syria, disobeying the baabda declaration, sure M8ers will spit on him and smear his image like brave little M8 sheep they are parotting their leaders....

haven't you noticed i stopped addressing you? so this post doe not concern you, but M8ers in genreal... learn to read and stop addressing me for you ll receive no answer just disdain...

the_12yearold thinks anyone on this forum cares about his pointless drivel..

Allah Yihmeek Ya Rabb! No wonder people are so jealous of you.
@Fact, no one is praise singing, we are simply defending a man that has a lot more honor than all those people that M8 produces. About the powers, OK, let's say we tried, we as people of this country, would you be so kind to be honest about those that will steadfastly refuse the abrogation of the Taef Accord? An honest answer from you will suffice, and thank you in advance for your time.

Here you raise the Canadian flag and yet you espouse nothing of the democratic values Canada espouses.
Tell me, does Steven Harper have the power to dissolve the Canadian parliament? Can he rule without the consensus of the majority in his party? Does he have absolute executive powers? Of course the answer is no to all of the above questions. Not even the president of the US has powers that our President used to wield.
That does not imply that the Presidency of our country should not regain some measure of executive authority but any rational individual knows that there is no going back to restoring all the powers as you suggest.
You and I and just about any other Lebanese knows this, so please, get off your high horse and stop dealing with outdated currency and ideas.

"Yeah? since you're praising him so much, why don't you give back his stolen powers? Oh ... Hard question to answer!"
That was the comment I was responding to. Which part did I misconstrue?

BTW, and in fairness to one of your comments, indeed the Governor General of Canada does have the power to dissolve parliament and call for new elections on the advice of the PM. Still, to force that the PM must resign due to some irreconcilable conflict with the house of commons if that were to happen.

i love how narrow minded you people are: as long as he is against hezbis he is a saudi puppet! LOL
you have the brain of a bird by quickly forgetting facts that do not fit your binary mind ....

Michel Suleiman did a great job. In a country where only sect leaders have power, Suleiman came in with no militia, no political party. He managed to become one of the most influential men in the country, hated at dif times by both sides, I feel he always acted on his conscience. He brought back some prestige to the presidency, his term is almost over now, he will step down, his family will not take over his post, he will not lead a group of armed men, he did a great job and I hope the next president does even better.

leb_roar, I am thinking of visiting Australia. Can I stay with you?

It is unfortunate leb_roar that you cannot hold an intelligent debate and have to resort to insults. You are forcing me to vote you down for the first time ever!

Good job bb ..... and let me add Sleiman secured a $3B for the army. Now it is M8 turn to get Iran to pledge an equal amount.

@helicopter that's already been 'established' as begging...
The president begged for 3billion$ to go to our army... Not his party, not his militia, not his company, not his pocket... That good-for-nothing beggar asked for help when we need it the most! Has he no pride?! Walow the Lebanese state needs no help from Saudi!!!... Only from u.n., u.s.a., e.u., save the children, UNICEF, u.s.aid, and any other organization out there.
Anyway, I thought we already said this was the price for killing that terrorist guy... The debt is paid off, and actually it was a pretty nice deal the president cut. 3 billion for some guy no one remembers, u guys should be happy.

The roar, u missed the sarcasm, my point is Lebanon already receives assistance from many countries and organizations, so it's unfair to label the president a beggar.
Btw this beggar thing I've only heard here on naharnet. No one in Lebanon feels that way, we have more issues on our minds. How do u kno he begged not demanded? It's just silly partisan propaganda, don't fall for it.

God bless Pres. Suleiman for his ties to the brotherly GCC
God bless the FSA for its changing of the regional equation
God bless the Arab world for not abandoning us, for helping us defeat Hezb Al-Terror

@beirut00 the zionistical propaganda war machine is in full force today attacking patriotic lebaneseans such as my brother Southern. All your attempts and hallucinational wishes will fail.

saudi stooge = he doesn't bow to kiss the robes of Ayatollah Nasrallah.
this is the political maturity of HA followers!

the_roar giving us lectures from thousands of miles away who are our friends and who are not.

After a little arm twisting from HA... Let's not forget what led us to Doha. I'm just saying Suleiman turned out to be more than anyone expected.
Southern, you obviously made a mistake by attacking the president blindly. The majority approves of him, u need to upgrade ur propaganda...

Coming from some1 labelled as iso 65.120 it's a compliment!
Muchas gracias muchacho

Why should M14 keep giving concessions to M8? They did that over and over and eventually lost power. I do not blame them for not trusting M8. Why doesn't M8 make concessions this time? I'll tell you why, Hizbullah has full control of the country and that is how they want it to stay, that's why. They finally got what they want, to be able to control the country as they see beneficial to their own goals. They don't care about you or me or anyone else as they take over more and more. They know that any government that doesn't give them veto power will declare their weapons illegal, and it would mean war since they will "chop the hand off of anyone who touches their weapons" remember? Again, their idea of democracy: "we can discuss things democratically, but in the end you either do what we want or we will kill you". That's the democracy they understand, that's the democracy Assad and Iran understand. Well let me tell you something, this is not democracy, it's tyranny.

Moreover, while I do not intend to get into a deep discussion with you about Canada's PM powers, it needs pointing out that the statement about the Canadian PM having the power to dissolve the parliament is not accurate.
The prime minister in Canada must retain the confidence of the majority of the members in the House of Commons or resign and seek a dissolution of Parliament to have the conflict resolved by an election.
So, nuance is what politics is all about and the above stated nuance makes a huge difference.

Why do you people try, I am right! I can't be wrong! Nothing you say or do, no facts or truths will change my mind because I cannot be wrong. The Lebanses ego at work.
You do not deserve our respected and honourable president, you want somebody that BREATHES FIRE and destroys our country like he did in 2006 , somebody that ROARS and rants like an idiot to place his son-in-law in a ministry, or someone that HOWLES at night to gather the pack for another kill.

Naharnet desperately trying to salvage the crashed and burning legacy of Suleiman.

i think you got your comment wrong i am sure you meant traitor lahoud..lol

Wow the moderators just deleted the sense out of this thread!! Lol