كيري بعد لقائه ميقاتي: لا يجب أن تكون حكومة لبنان الجديدة فرصة لتشريع منظمة إرهابية
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اعلن وزير الخارجية الاميركية جون كيري في خلال لقائه رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي في الكويت أن "الولايات المتحدة خصصت 76 مليون دولار للبنان لدعم النازحين السوريين" داعيا إلى عدم تشريع "منظمة إرهابية" في الحكومة الجديدة.
وأشار كيري عقب لقائه ميقاتي في الكويت الأربعاء، الى "ان الولايات المتحدة خصصت 76 مليون دولار للبنان لدعم النازحين السوريين"، لافتا الانتباه الى أنها "ستواصل تعاونها مع لبنان لدعم الجيش اللبناني".
وأكد ان "هذا المبلغ هو الاكبر الذي تدفعه الولايات المتحدة لقضية النازحين السوريين"، منوهاً بـ"جهود ميقاتي للمساهمة في تشكيل حكومة جديدة في لبنان".
واكد كيري امام الصحافيين ان الولايات المتحدة "تقدر الجهود الرامية لتشكيل حكومة" في لبنان.
الا انه قال ان الحكومة الجديدة "لا يجب ان تشكل فرصة لتشريع منظمة ارهابية او الارهاب في لبنان".
وكان ميقاتي قد دعا رئيس حكومة تصريف الأعمال نجيب ميقاتي المجتمع الدولي الى "إقامة مخيمات آمنة للسوريين داخل سوريا"، مردفاً أن "الأزمة السورية انعكست سلباً على الاقتصاد اللبناني".
وتستضيف الكويت، للعام الثاني على التوالي، مؤتمر المانحين للاجئين السوريين.
وكان وزير الشؤون الاجتماعية بحكومة تصريف الاعمال وائل ابو فاعور قد أعلن، أن "هناك مليون وثلاثمئة ألف نازح سوري في لبنان أي بنسبة 30 بالمئة من اللبنانيين. ولفت الى أنه "بحسب "البنك الدولي" سيزداد عدد الفقراء في لبنان الى 170 ألف شخص إضافي".

Lebanon's fair share of the USA $380 million should be far higher than the announced $76 million. It is Lebanon not Turkey nor Jordan that has suffered the most from this war and Lebanon has the most refugees by far.

banisitzeinab... some of the comments you make are so idiotic, that I no longer know whether to feel offended or sorry for you!
if foreign arms and fighters didn't invade syria than maybe the revolution would have succeeded through righteousness! maybe the syrian peoples could have voted and agreed on the freedoms newly offered by the baath regime and 100s of thousands of people could still be alive.
maybe $75 million would be a reasonable amount of aid if it wasn't over 1 million refugees in a country of 4 million people! imagine australia dealing with 6 million refugees or the usa receiving 30 million refugees in 8 months!
this is a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions in lebanon and the world is laughing! lebanon is a country that has 500,000 Palestinians, 70,000 iraqis and 1,000,000 syrian refuges in a country of 3.7 million people! thanks but no thanks. we dont need money, we just need the refugees to leave lebanon!

Bani, spot on. The money will be split between the 'caretaker' government thieves. Aoun/basil berry jumbatt and nusrallah.

Great ! That will feed them for 2 weeks... then what ? We need $5 billion and even that is not enough !

The fact is that the US\NATO\GCC terrorist aggression in Syria has amounted to billions upon billions of dollars ... These contributions they make are a fraction of the money they have spent to destroy Syria.

@Mckini, I don't know what they spent on the war. I know that the Assad regime got filthy rich by stealing from his people and also stealing from Lebanon. They actually stole billions from our own country and this money is also spent to fuel this war. There is nothing anyone can say to defend Assad for his crimes. Whatever the case, he should go down and pay for his crimes against humanity and against Lebanon !
His money was also spent on funding, training and arming terrorist organisations around the world including Lebanon. Failing to see that means putting your head in the ground.
You may hate the US / Nato / GCC but Assad is the bigger scum, criminal, terrorist, as he has directly harmed Lebanese for decades and still does today !

Lebanon should take these supporters of terrorism to the ICC and seek compensation should they not cover their obligations.

Miqati did not start this war ... Should you seek those Lebanese that have sponsored this massacre you can start with Saad Hariri and Oqab Saqr and their arms operations.

That's seventy five million for members of Parliament and a million for a lavish reception to honor members of Parliament on this auspicious day as they embrace Lebanon's human rights obligations with joy and élan.