قتيل و 24 جريحا في اليوم الثالث على اندلاع اشتباكات طرابلس

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ارتفعت حدة الاشتباكات اليوم الأحد في مدينة طرابلس التي تشهد منذ ثلاثة أيام عمليات قنص واطلاق نار على محاور القتال التقليدية بين جبل محسن وباب التبانة، ما ادى الى مقتل مواطنة وجرح 24 شخصا خلال يومين، فيما يقوم الجيش بالرد على مصادر النيران.

وأفادت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام عن "وفاة المواطنة عبير الكيال متأثرة بالجروح التي أصيبت بها في الاشتباكات الدائرة".

وقالت أن "حدة الاشتباكات على محاور باب التبانة، جبل محسن، البقار، الريفا، المنكوبين، الحارة البرانية، أدت إلى ارتفاع حصيلة الجرحى إلى 24 جريحا، وذلك بعد إصابة المواطنين حسام وعصام الحزوري، اللذين نقلا إلى مستشفى السيدة للمعالجة".

وعرف من الجرحى بحسب الوكالة : العسكريون م.ع، ع.ق، وس.ق.والمواطنون: شادي الحسن، عبير الكيال، سعد مشحاوي، محمد حسن، وليد الحموي، احمد ناصر، يحيى عوض، حمدي البقار ويحيى صالح، ومحمد خضر بشظية وفراس عبد العزيز وكامل يامن وعنصر من الأمن العام هو م. ا.، و جهاد حيدر مصابا في خاصرته وقد نقل الى المستشفى الاسلامي.

وقد أقام الجيش حواجز ثابتة عند تخوم المنطقتين لمنع المسلحين من الخروج والدخول إلى مناطق المواجهات

وبحسب قناة الـ LBCI "قطع الجيش المسلك الشرقي بين طرابلس وعكار فيما ابقى المسلك الغربي مفتوحا.

ولقد دارت الااشتباكات على محاور الريفا - ستاركو - البازار - بعل الدراويش - طلعة الشمال بحسب اذاعة صوت لبنان 93.3، التي أفادت عن عمليات قنص على مختلف المحاور في المدينة.

كما أشارت الى "ارتفاع حدة التوتر في شارع سوريا ، وتسجيل عدد من الاصابات برصاص القنص والجيش نفذ عمليات دهم في الريفا معززا بآليات وناقلات جند".

واثر الاحداث الذي تشهدها المدينة، عقد اجتماع في مقر "الجماعة الإسلامية" في منطقة أبي سمراء في طرابلس، طلب خلاله المجتمعون من "جميع قادة المحاور، وقف إطلاق النار فورا".

وقالوا أن "هذه المعركة هي معركة عبثية لا تخدم سوى النظام السوري وحلفائه في لبنان".

وكانت قد تجددت الاشتباكات مساء السبت، بعد اندلاعها يوم الجمعة اثر وفاة طالب عاصي من جبل محسن في مستشفى السيدة في زغرتا، متأثرا بجروحه اثر اصابته باطلاق النار عليه من مجهولين في محلة القبة.

التعليقات 39
Thumb ice-man 21:14 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

Actually, it is not just good, it is brilliant.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 21:14 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

Having said what you just stated. Do support the 4 billion dollar donation to the army by Saudi Arabia?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 05:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

Josephani- dodging the question with assumptions is a sign of weakness.
Sagh- do you think people in your culture i.e. Condescending racists with no morals can ever have a meaningful conversation with others?

Thumb ice-man 21:18 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

I totally agree with your assessment of the irani.

Thumb ice-man 21:37 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

.... and they get 40 votes while doing it:)

Thumb Mystic 21:51 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

I admire Jabal mohsen, only a handful of people can take on a whole city filled with Al Qaeda. That is indeed pretty legendary.

Thumb ice-man 21:56 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

You know @mystic, Jabal Mohsen legendary heroics remind me of a handful of posters here including yourself who can take on an overwhelming majority and yet seem to get an unbelievable amount of votes.

Thumb Mystic 21:59 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

Remember the other majority, the silent one.

Thumb ice-man 22:28 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

@Mystical, so this silent majority that you mentioned votes on your behalf but does not comment, sits at the keyboard waiting for example for my comments or other comments , reads them as they are posted, and within say 3 seconds they vote down the comment. Is that how it works? Am I correct?

Thumb Mystic 22:30 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

If you are sad about vote downs, then you should probaly change your views ice, that might be the end of that problem.

Thumb popeye 22:33 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

LOL@iceman:)))) that is exactly how it works....hehehehe!

Thumb Mystic 22:02 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

Thank you, God bless you too habibi

Missing newdawn 22:03 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

Lebanese army???????? Are you guys serious???? When did the army ever interfere in anything or protected anyone????? I have no clue why we have an army to start with???? As long as the absurdity of keeping the army united by keeping it away from any conflict prevails then bye bye Lebanon!!! More over why do we need weapons ?? To fight whom?? And to protect what??? Enough of this B.S!!! Let us build a country for gods sake!

Thumb Mystic 22:06 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

newdawn, it is important that Lebanon has an army, it is our army for all of us to share, i do agree that they lack of action sometimes, but that is because of the politics and the fear of another civil war.

Thumb ice-man 22:11 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

but we have the resistance @mystical, why then do we need an army?

Thumb ice-man 22:22 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

Oh I get it now. So, the army is the police and the resistance is the real army as we know it in the traditional sense. Cool...

Thumb popeye 22:37 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

there you go iceman, you heard it from Mystic loud and clear. That is how these outlaws think of the state and the army.

Thumb ice-man 22:04 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

.... not just powerful words, but equally profound.

Thumb Mystic 22:14 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

These takfiris doesn't care about the laws at all, they want their Caliphate with King Abdollah to triumph all over us. Good thing they are being stopped all over, because that would be a disaster to all.

Thumb sword_of_yazid 23:28 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

Russia is just using Syria for Oil drilling rights, that's it, and the Saudis backed the MB in Egypt against the Islamists.

Thumb sword_of_yazid 23:28 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

*I meant that Saudis backed the Egyptian Army against the MB/Islamists.

Thumb Mystic 02:37 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

@proudm14, thats what you said 3 years ago, and the Damascus countryside has been cleaned, only a few pockets of takfiris left around the rural side of dimasq.

Thumb proudm14. 03:42 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

i don't think you are frightened at all, you people relish the thought of dying, it is drilled into your rotten brain since birth that your life is at the hands of the ayatollah, and this is why you will never inherit lebanon you filthy traitor, the land itself will not accept you.

Thumb Mystic 03:52 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

Nice point frankenstein, salafis think that war frightens us. We who stood up to Israel while everybody told us to stop defending ourselves. Think again

Thumb Mystic 03:53 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

@proudm14 what about your beloved takfiris getting mashed everyday in Syria? They are also killing each other off, thats how they like their deaths.

Thumb sword_of_yazid 07:22 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20


Shias are also Arabs, or did you forget and think that you were Iranian? LOL

Also, none of the baathist regimes were ever peaceful, ask ethnic minorities like the Kurds. That being said, at least Sunni Saddam was an intellectually consistent true arab nationalist, unlike assad, the iranian collaborator, and the Shias helped the Zionist Americans in Iraq during the war. By the way, remember, Saddam fired rockets into israel, while Assad and Co. never would dream of doing such a thing.

Thumb sword_of_yazid 07:35 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20


Shias in Lebanon only become strong as a result of Sunni-Christian fighting, to begin with and Israel occupied the South only in consent with the alliance of certain Maronite zionists. After the Christians lost the Civil War, Israel realized it was a lost cause, and so they left. And as for Assad, he's a dictator, not unlike Saddam or Gaddafi, the difference is that he sacrifices some of his nationalist goals to give privileges to his Alawi/Shia sect.

Speaking of Human Waves and Suicide Bombings, that's exactly what Hezbollah and Iran did back in the early days in the 80s when they were desperate. The Basij were the first non-oriental episode of Human Wave Attacks in the modern era and a 14 year old Iranian Suicide Bomber, Mohammad Hossein Fahmideh, was praised by Khomeini as a hero. Let's not forget the marine barracks. It's hilarious because every single claim that shias make against sunnis can also be applied to Shias.

Thumb ice-man 22:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

You know something @mystical, I think you should be the natural replacement to Sayyed Hassan should something happen to him, God forbid.

Thumb proudm14. 22:21 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19


Alawite...Freedom, Modern, tolerant....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Thumb sword_of_yazid 23:23 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

You mean your iraqi shia buddies who are ethnically cleansing sunnis and assyrian christians?, not that sunni extremists aren't also doing likewise, but shias have shown themselves to be no different.

Thumb sword_of_yazid 23:49 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

In Iraq, it's both shia and sunni extremists who are killing each other including assyrian christians.

You see here the mahdi army killing an assyrian girl for being christian.


And a Shiite Iraqi Ayatollah has issued a fatwa to convert to Islam or die for iraqi christians:


Thumb sword_of_yazid 23:52 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

By the way, 'Josephani', congratulations on exposing yourself as a hezbollah shia pretending to be a secular christian. No christian would care so much about yazid or historical intra-islamic events as you do.

Thumb sword_of_yazid 23:57 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

Actually, most christians barely know anything about Husayn or Yazid to begin with.

Thumb proudm14. 00:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

he's an alawite syrian with multiple accounts. likely getting paid for each thumbs down he gives on our comments.

Thumb proudm14. 02:20 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

shia obsession with figures of islam who died 100's of years ago...

Thumb proudm14. 02:20 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

we all know how accepting HA is of people converting from shia to something else. they are the pillar of liberalism in this country after all.

Thumb sword_of_yazid 07:36 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

He's just a Shia playing taqiyya in order to continue his facade of playing christian.

Thumb Mystic 03:45 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

Yes you are right ya zalame, they don't stand a chance, and never did so. Look at Jabal mohsen, a single alawite enclave can hold back these masses of Al Qaeda.

Thumb sword_of_yazid 07:43 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

Everyone knows what shias are doing when they are the majority like in Iraq, dead Sunnis and Assyrian Christians pay the price. They just try to USE christians when they're in the minority.

Yes, we welcome the day when Jabal Mohsen is free from the hordes of shia jihadist Iranian-backed mahdi army terrorists.