حزب الله "يحاول اقناع عون بالمداورة في الحقائب الوزارية"

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يحاول "حزب الله" اقناع رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون، "باستبدال حقيبتي الطاقة والاتصالات بحقائب أخرى"، في اطار مبدأ المداورة بالحقائب الوزارية من اجل الوصول الى تأليف الحكومة.

فقد زار المعاون السياسي للأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" حسين الخليل ومسؤول التنسيق والارتباط في الحزب وفيق صفا، الرابية، "في جلسة أولية، لم تخرج بنتائج إيجابية"، في ما خص المداورة والبيان الوزاري، وفق ما أفادته صحيفة "السفير"، الاثنين.

وأوضحت مصادر مواكبة، عبر صحيفة "النهار"، أن موضوع المداورة في توزيع الحقائب يخضع لحوار بين "حزب الله" وعون "بحيث يؤخذ في الاعتبار ان نقل حقيبة الطاقة من "التيار" يجب ان يوازيه اعطاء التيار حقيبة بوزن الطاقة".

من جهتها، كشفت مصادر واسعة الإطلاع لصحيفة "الجمهورية" أن البحث خلال اللقاء تركّز على التشكيلة الحكومية وحصّة عون فيها. وأضافت أن "حزب الله" اقترح على عون "تسمية من يراه ممثّلاً له في اربعة حقائب وزارية، فلم يعطِ جواباً نهائيّا وقاطعاً، لكنّه طلب بعض التوضيحات حول بعض المفاصل الأساسية وسبل تطبيق "المداورة الشاملة" في الحقائب".

ووفق المعلومات الصحافية، فإن وفد "حزب الله" سيستكمل المحادثات الاثنين، مع عون، في موضوعي البيان الوزاري وتوزيع الحقائب، في حين لفتت "الجمهورية" الى أن عون ما زال "يرفض المداورة في توزيع الحقائب، ويتمسّك بوزارتي الطاقة والاتصالات إذا لم يُعطَ وزارتان توازيهما في الحجم والاهمّية، وقيل أنّه أُعطي وزارة الاشغال العامة والنقل، وأنه يطالب بوزارة خدماتية أُخرى".

يُشار الى أن مساعي الأفرقاء تتجه نحو تشكيل حكومة سياسية جامعة وفق صيغة "8-8-8" مع تدوير الزوايا، في ظل معلومات صحافية عن موافقة قوى 14 آذار عليها، وسط اعلان رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري أنه "ايجابي" في الملف الحكومي ولا يمانع مشاركة حزب الله فيها.

وتريد قوى 14 آذار بت البيان الوزاري قبل تشكيل الحكومة، في حين يشدد رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان وبري على ارجائه لما بعد التأليف.

التعليقات 21
Thumb EagleDawn 08:09 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

But Aoun has expressed fears that such a rotation would deprive his party of the energy and telecommunications portfolios.

sure, he owns these ministries. It is a family business... that is why he talks about deprivation!

Default-user-icon Vahe (ضيف) 08:13 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

But Aoun has expressed fears that such a rotation would deprive his party of the energy and telecommunications portfolios - WOW
Let it be known to every body - These portfolios belong to General Aoun and hid family

Missing greatpierro 11:07 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

But they are being rotated. The finance is going to Shia this time and the foreign to orthodox, the ashghal to Christians...

Thumb proudm14. 14:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

FT you guys control every single minister for the past two years...we did not see you do anything too special other than telecommunications where you did juuuust enough not to be considered failures. Bassil on the other hand was a total failure. He spent half of his time lying about the Turkish ship, the other half of his time pushing for oil excavation under his term which he knew did not have political cover from anyone other than himself and his father in law. As for the finance ministry, this should go to whoever party is also controlling the PM position for obvious reasons.

Thumb proudm14. 14:58 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

If I was a top policymaker in the FM I would be offering the Foreign Ministry and Telecommunications to Aoun. They have done a good job on the latter, while the former is a strong position that will placate them as well as keep this position out of the hands of the Shia parties, which have caused much damage with their control of the ministry.

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 08:49 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

How predictable. Here we go again, I have a feeling hthat HA is going to have more problems with Aoun than M14. Knowing Aoun and his son in law, the only way Bassil will walk away from the ministry is by paying him a goodwill figure.

Thumb general_puppet 08:57 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

The ferocious Man-eater Mr snore, will soon arrive to shower his Idol in praise. Rory, if Aoun try's to cross Nasrallah he will need to keep a pair of bullet proof running pajamas handy at all times.

Thumb ice-man 09:43 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

also, you forgot to mention the FPM discovered oil and gas offshore. Allah Yihmeek as usual for speaking the truth.

Thumb ice-man 10:07 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

Flamethrower, I never report comments, especially yours. Your accusations are unfounded. You always attack me for no reason. I have nothing against you.

Your screen name today seems a bit unusual ? Did you change something? Oh, the dashes are inverted now. Cool...

Thumb ice-man 09:53 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

BTW dearest Flamethrower, I noticed that your popularity is going through the roof with votes coming from every corner of the planet earth. One thing I found out that the number of votes you seem to get is directly proportional to the numbers of "O"s you have in LOL. To further illustrate my findings: In one post your comment was just "LOL" and you got 5 votes. In another comment, you wrote "LOOL" and you got 10 votes, while in the last comment "LOOOOL" you got 40 votes. Now, it is scientifically proven that approval of political point of view is a direct relationship of LOL.

Thumb jabal10452 11:18 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

ice-man, you observations are empirical and therefore difficult to prove at this point, unless you make many more such observations, plot them and show us whether the relationship is linear or exponential. Based on this you can produce a formula, where the numbers of votes is a function of the numbers of "O". Looking forward to see the result of your research.

Thumb jabal10452 10:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

The ministry of foreign affairs is in the hands of HA and I don't think this is very good. Couldn't the FPM exchange one of their portfolios with HA for the Foreign affairs?

The most optimal solution is a rotation of all portfolios in order to limit nepotism in our institutions.

Thumb proudm14. 15:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

That's what I was thinking. I think our stupid FM is in fact from Amal not Hezb, but it's the same crap, repeated embarrassment and deterioration of relations with Arabs and the West. FPM could take the FM instead of Energy.

Missing greatpierro 11:10 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

FT indeed Bassil has done good works. So has Nicolas. I actually would support keeping those two ministries with Gebran and Nicolad not because they should be FPM's but because they are competent and driving good work. I would not say the same about aridi not about mansour or Safadi.

Thumb proudm14. 15:12 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

Bassil is competent? Really? The electricity situation is still pretty much what it always has been.

Thumb proudm14. 16:22 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

lol so does the new powerplant work via time machine, providing electricity before it was built? otherwise my statement still stands, cretin. we are still paying for generators and the electricity still cuts off for 2-3 hours every day.

Thumb cedre 13:33 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

ft, u never showed evidence for any of ur m14/sunni accusations but keep asking for proofs...

Thumb -phoenix1 14:42 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

I know one thing is for sure, the people of Lebanon got once again cheated of a genuine opportunity to bring change to this country. The politicians secured their interests, their businesses and now are negotiating between themselves how to share the cake form time to time. Remember people, you don't matter, you populate Lebanon but the truth remains and will remain, you are nothing, you are just consumers. Buy food from the supermarket, and pay, it doesn't matter if the food is expired, that's for you to figure out. Same goes for pharmaceuticals, for power, telecoms, road networks, pay, shut up and don't complain. Your beaches are ours, your towns and cities are ours, we do what we like, you just keep quiet. Sukleen is back to work? Wal 7amdullah, there'll be a new cabinet, wal7adullah, at least better than nothing, just remember, Lebanon is not yours but ours as politicians, ento ya sha3b ento ma shi, wala shi.

Thumb Loubnani 00:18 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

So depressingly true phoenix. Shame

Thumb proudm14. 16:20 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

In my humble opinion:

Independent Share
President - Interior
President - Defense
President - Deputy Prime Minister
Prime Minister - Prime Minister
Prime Minister - Finance
Prime Minister - Information
PSP - Culture
PSP - Labour

March 8 Share
FPM - Telecommunications
FPM - Foreign Affairs
FPM - Public Works and Transport
Amal - Displaced
Amal - Agriculture
Amal - Sports and Youth
Hezb - Social Affairs
Hezb - State Minister

March 14 Share
FM - Energy
FM - Health
FM - Environment
LF - Tourism
LF - Justice
Kataeb - Education
Independent - Economy and Trade
Independent - Industry

Thumb beiruti 17:46 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

I agree, veritas, what does it matter except that the various parties can know which ministry they can plunder and for how long. What does it matter to the Lebanese people and State which thief is robbing them blind and in broad daylight. As long as the Lebanese sit back and party, or applaud and give awards for theft, then they will continue to be robbed at will by their appointed political class. Aish (fill in the blank) Make yourself wealthy out of my pocket. Aish!!!