منصور: لا يجب استبعاد أي دولة اذا تقرر انجاح جنيف-2

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رأى وزير الخارجية في حكومة تصريف الاعمال عدنان منصور، أنه يجب ألا يتم استبعاد أي دولة من الدول في حال تقرر انجاح مؤتمر جنيف-2 حول سوريا.

وقبيل مغادرته لبنان متوجها الى جنيف على رأس وفد رسمي، الثلاثاء، سئل منصور عن موقف لبنان من سحب الدعوة التي كانت وجهت لايران لحضور المؤتمر، فقال: "برأيي، اذا تقرر انجاح المؤتمر فعلى الجميع ان يشارك في المؤتمر".

وأضاف أنه "لا يمكن استبعاد دولة من الدول، فكل دولة لها تأثيرها وفعاليتها"، مردفاً "لا يمكن ابعاد ايران كما لا يمكن ابعاد السعودية، وهناك دور فعال وحساس للجميع فيما يتعلق بمؤتمر جنيف 2 وكل دولة تستطيع ان تؤدي دورها بفعالية من اجل انجاح المؤتمر".

ولفت الى أن "حضور المملكة العربية السعودية ضروري جدا، وحضور ايران ضروري جدا ايضا، والا اذا كنا نريد ان نستبعد دولة اخرى فهذا يعني اننا نضع العصي في العجلات لعدم انجاح المؤتمر".

وقرر الامين العام للامم المتحدة بان كي مون الاثنين استبعاد ايران من حضور مؤتمر جنيف-2 حول الازمة السورية الذي يبدأ الاربعاء في سويسرا، وذلك بعد اقل من 24 ساعة على دعوتها التي اثارت استياء المعارضة السورية والدول الغربية الداعمة لها.

وكانت دول داعمة للمعارضة السورية، ابرزها الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا وفرنسا والسعودية، اعترضت في وقت سابق اليوم على دعوة ايران ابرز الحلفاء الاقليميين للنظام السوري، معللة ذلك برفضها لبيان جنيف-1 ومبدأ تشكيل حكومة انتقالية.

وطهران متهمة بتقديم دعم عسكري ومالي لنظام دمشق في النزاع الذي اوقع اكثر من 130 الف قتيل منذ اذار 2011.

التعليقات 10
Thumb ice-man 13:29 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

Masour Says All Countries Should Participate in Geneva II to Guarantee its Success.

what about Sri Lanka?

Thumb -phoenix1 13:51 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

Pretty much of the time I am in disagreement with Mansour, but today's statement as far as I am concerned makes sense. If the KSA and Iran are involved in Syria's brutal civil war, then they should be both allowed to participate in the Geneva Talks. Nothing can replace dialog and straight talk between parties, specially when it is co-chaired by impartial players. many solutions were found to many of the world's stickiest problems during such meetings, many times in corridors. we are human beings after all, nothing could after all replace dialog, not even guns and bombs.

Missing watan-libnan 14:05 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

Phoenix1 brother who do you think is keeping Assad in power (Iran) and all Iran will do is dodge what must happen in order for this nasty war to stop everybody can stop all their B.S about takfiri terrorists and remember how many syrian generals have escaped syria what about the prime minister of syria who ran off to jordan for gods sake even assads spokeman ran off why do you think they did that because the real terrorist is assad . Get rid of him and his damned regime and peace will reign.

Missing watan-libnan 14:11 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

The biggest curse that occured to lebanon was when the syrians and the palestinians arrived in lebanon before that we had a beautiful country where everybody lived as lebanese .

Thumb -phoenix1 14:27 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

(1). @WL, I do get your drift brother, and to be honest, me too would dearly wish to see the back of Bachar. However we need to be pragmatic, the situation in Syria is such that at least for now, no one could push the other out. here too, good reasons exist, the KSA, Qatar, Turkey and the West side with the Syrian rebels, when on the other side, Iran, Russia, Iraq's government and Hezbollah side with the regime. Ideally speaking, and why I would encourage dialog, it's because primarily to create that vital element called Exit Strategy, I am a firm believer in this principle and for good reasons, mainly because it does alleviate the burden and the deaths on the people.

Missing watan-libnan 14:38 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

Although it has gone on for 3 years now i cannot understand for the life of me why the world stands by and watch this butcher and his regime dropping bombs indiscriminately on their population we mankind really have not progressed at all from the past wars . Who cares what russia or Iran think the rest of the world should take action and create a no fly zone to protect the innocent and then maybe some of this burden of refugees can go back to the safe areas instead of draining lebanon of its resources

Thumb -phoenix1 14:37 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

(2). @WL. Then, it further goes to assure people like Al Assad, that their best route would be to leave power when all sides have agreed on an interim or transitional period where Al Assad eventually hands over power to an interim administration made up of all the warring Syrian sides which would then oversee fresh elections in which all sides would be fairly represented. Only strong and impartial brokers could make this happen, which is why I keep saying that both the KSA and Iran have a crucial role to play. In fact, when the Syrian conflict began about 3 years ago, Mr. Lakhdar Ebrahimi was adamant to create this Exit Strategy for Bachar early on, sadly no one listened then, and the rest we now know. Dictators at the end of the day are humans, they fear reprisals, in my opinion there come times when some compromise must be done, for the best interest of both nation and folks.

Thumb cedre 16:55 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

these talks about who should participate are just another diversion to win/lose time. The all idea of geneva1 is stupid, no agreement possible anyway, Farsis and their lackeys in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq just understand the language of force...

Thumb IndependentThinker 19:13 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

what an idiot and an iranian parrot this guy is.

Missing helicopter 05:23 ,2014 كانون الثاني 22

common Mansour, cut to the chase. We all know that only two countries are needed to attend Geneva to assure its success: Iran and HA. Or just Iran as it will represent HA.