توقيف سارقي سيارتين انفجرتا في الهرمل وحارة حريك
Read this story in Englishأوقفت قوى الأمن سارقي السيارتين اللتين انفجرتا في الهرمل الخميس الفائت وحارة حريك اليوم الثلاثاء.
وفي التفاصيل أفادت قناة "الجديد" مساء الثلاثاء أن "القوى الامنية القت القبض على سارق السيارة التي استخدمت في تفجير حارة حريك اليوم وعلى سارق السيارة المفخخة في الهرمل".
وإذ أكدت قناة الـ"MTV" هذه المعلومات قالت أن سائق السيارة التي انفجرت في حارة حريك يدعي "نبيل أحمد الموسوي".
وأشارت إلى أن "مكتب مكافحة السرقات الدولية بالشرطة القضائية" هو من أوقف الموسوي.
ولاحقا أفادت "الجديد" أن الموسوي اعترف "أنه وراء سرقة مجموعة سيارات "كيا" ومن بينها السيارة التي استخدمت في تفجير حارة حريك اليوم".
وأشارت القناة إلى أن ذوي الموسوي "يعلنون براءتهم من افعاله ويطالبون الدولة باتخاذ اقصى درجات العقوبة بحقه".
هذا وكشفت قناة "المستقبل" أن الموسوي باع السيارات المسروقة "إلى ماهر طليس الذي نقلها إلى سوريا لتجهيزها بالمتفجرات".
وكان قد هز انفجار سيارة مفخخة صباح الخميس الفائت مدينة الهرمل البقاعية، ما أدى الى مقتل شخص واحد أشخاص وجرح أكثر من 25 شخصا. وتمت العملية بواسطة انتحاري لم يكشف على هويته.
وصباح الثلاثاء أدى انفجار انتحاري أيضا في الشارع العريض في حارة حريك إلى مقتل أربعة أشخاص وجرح خمسة وثلاثين آخرين على الأقل.
ومن المفارقة أن تنظيم "جبهة النصرة في لبنان" تبنى الإنفجاري ن.وظهر اسم "جبهة النصرة في لبنان" في الاعلام خلال الاسابيع الماضية، وتم الربط بينها وبين جبهة النصرة في سوريا. الا انه لا توجد معلومات موثوقة عن الرابط بين التنظيمين.
@suspended-sagh: Please, tell me how many down votes I am going to get tonight. I would like to know before I go to bed. Please?
according to... "allegations by Western intelligence sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity"
ROFL. keep it up popeye, we need our daily laugh.
anonymetexas: your comment is disgustingly sectarian, but also, and most importantly, completely WRONG on the basic facts.
moussawi (who may be shia i dont have a certainty about that but it's quite possible) stole the car and sold it. nothing says he knew anything about a bombing or has any link to the bombers.
the person he sold it to, maher tleis (who i think is sunni, because mustafa tleis for instance is sunni) could be involved and could also not be involved (he could be just a fence, buying and selling stolen cars). so until any investigation is completed, kindly keep your accusations, and especially your SECTARIAN accusations, for yourself.
how do you write tleis in arabic? isnt it طلاس ?
as for what i said, you pretend you didnt understand but i know you did. whatever their sect, stealing a car and selling it doesnt make them accomplices of the terrorists, unless they knew what the buyers were going to do with it.
use your head for a second, if you were the terrorist, would you tell the person you're buying the car from that you were going to use it for a terrorist attack??
and nusra claimed responsibility anyway, so it cuts it short.
actually, if they are followers of tufeili, then it confirms even more what i think. tufeili has sided with takfiris, he lives in saudi and is on their payroll and has been trained to spew venom on hezbollah on demand, everytime they put him in front of a camera.
Future TV added: "Al-Moussawi confessed to stealing both the cars that exploded in Hermel and Haret Hreik and revealed that he had sold them to Maher Tleis, who in turn took them to Syria."
How in the world would they found who stole the car now? if they are aware of the car thieves then why are they not in jail? It is OK to steal cars, just don't sell the suicide bombers? what a banana republic!
It seems they new who the car thief was beforehand. Since he is from ashraf el nass it was hush hush. However, when the explosion took place today, they had to question him.
Bravo. Dead on. To me it seems that the terroriste regime of el Assad is manipulating the lebanese as it has done it for the past 45 years
(1). Personally I always always welcome whenever the culprits are caught and reprimanded, always. It gives me the satisfaction that at least justice is being done. But as I mentioned previously in other posts, that to provide justice swiftly where it concerns attacks on Hezbollah, and yet drag feet when it comes to M14 victims means one thing only, that there is a blatant imbalance of the law in Lebanon. If it came to me alone, and if I had the means, I wouldn't allow one hair of one Lebanese citizen to be harmed, be it Hezbollah or other Lebanese party affiliated citizen. But in all fairness, there have been so many assassinations on M14 people, to this day most haven't received an iota of the attention that is given Hezbollah's terror victims.
(1). We are ALL Lebanese, the same Lebanese, we all share the very same blood in our veins, when one Lebanese dies from any terror attack, everyone should be equal, period, anything else means nothing to me. Even though I am relieved that culprits are being arrested today, but it still leaves a bitter feeling in my heart that the same hasn't been done for M14 victims. Terrible shame to say the least. This on its own merit has the effect of keeping the divide between people of the same and one nation.
Nabil Ahmed al-Moussawi.. humm so they were right after all, you know the ones who the day of the two Tripoli bombs claimed that the same perpetrator was behind the Dahieh and the Tripoli bombings.. umm, remind me again who's accused of the Tripoli bombings? WILL THE REAL MICHEL SAMAHA PLEASE STAND UP..
Actually now that we're talking of trolls, wlik min illou jalad to make several profiles and spend hours thumbing down or up people, 30 plus and still going?! Please, let us that are 100% genuine posters, people who've NEVER had but ONE profile, just come and mark your Alias here. Our only weapon is our honesty and integrity and please, please, let the mods ascertain who is lying and who is truthful. I am first to take the challenge : -Phoenix1.
waw! how fast they are in finding culprits... they are unable to find a clue for M14 assassinations but here? waw!
these bombings are all a set up planned by hezbis to justify their syrian killing spree...
I just gotta say that Lebanese police get more confessions than any other police force in the world. I wonder about their interrogation techniques... I mean really it's like Lebanese criminals are just waiting to confess.