"الوفاء للمقاومة": الحكومة الجامعة أساس الحوار وليعد شركاؤنا النظر بخياراتهم

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شددت كلتة "الوفاء للمقاومة" على أن الحكومة السياسية الجامعة هي "الاطار الدستوري" للتوافق من اجل العودة الى الحوار، داعيا "الشركاء في الوطن" الى اعادة النظر بخياراتهن، محذرا من جهة اخرى من ان "التبرير للارهاب من قبل الفريق الآخر هو ترويج غير مباشر له".

وقالت الكتلة في بين صادر عنها عصر اليوم الخميس: "لا يزال الارهاب يحظى بتغطية من فريق 14 آذار رغم تأكيد هذا الفريق الدائم على السلم الاهلي والتوافق الوطني".

وإذ دانت تفجيري الهرمل وحارة حريك و القصف الصاروخي التكفيري الذي استهدف رأس بعلبك و الهرمل وعرسال، أكدت الكتلة أن "الارهاب التكفيري الذي يمول من قبل بلدان ومجموعات معروفة يخدم مشروع التفتيت لبلداننا"، لافتا الى ان" تبرير للارهاب هو ترويج غير مباشر له وللإذعان لنهجه".

وأضافت الكتلة أن "الارهاب التكفيري خطرا ، والداعمين له والمراهنين الواهمين بامكان الاستثمار السياسي عليه يسهمون في تدمير وتخريب بلدهم والحياة المدنية فيه"، مستنكرة في الوقت عينه "ما تشهده طرابلس من فلتان امني واستهداف للجيش".

و شددت الوفاء للمقاومة على ان "الحكومة السياسية الجامعة ليست حاجة ظرفية بل الاطار الدستوري للتوافق الميثاقي الوطني من أجل العودة الى الحوار بين جميع مكوناتها".

وعليه، دعت الكتلة "شركاؤنا في الوطن اعادة النظر في خياراتهم"، وقالت: "إذ نبقي أيدينا ممدوة لشركائنا ندعوهم لإعادة النظر بنهجهم وخياراتهم حتى لا تضيع على لبنان فرصة جديدة للتفاهم".

وأملت في أن "تصل الى خواتيمها الايجابية لاعادة عمل المؤسسات الدستورية وانجاز الاستحقاقات وتحصبن البلاد ضد الارهاب التكفيري والصهيوني".

وعن االانتهاكات الاسرائيلية للجنوب اللبناني، أكدت الكتلة ان "التكامل بين الجيش والمقاومة هما السبيل المجدي لمنع العدو من تحقيق اهدافه".

وكانت قوة من الجيش الاسرائيلي فككت الاثنين "اجهزة تجسس" زرعتها داخل منطقة العديسة الحدودية جنوب الخط الأزرق، بحسب بيان للجيش الذي كان قد اعلن أيضا أن دورية تابعة لقوات الامم المتحدة "اليونيفيل" عثرت "على جسم مشبوه في المنطقة الواقعة ضمن الاراضي المتحفظ عليها خارج السياج التقني المحاذية لبلدةالعديسة".

وتطرقت أيضا الى موضوع جينيف 2، معتبرة ان " الحل السياسي هو الحل للازمة السورية"، متمنية أن "يتوصل السوريين اليوم الى ترسيم معالم هذا الحل السياسي لتحقيق الاستقرار والاصلاح والحرية المسؤولة".

ورات ان "الحل المرجو ينبغي ان يتوصل اليه السورييون بانفسهم"، موضحة ان "الاولوية في مسار التوصل الى الحل السياسي تقتضي وقف تمويل ودعم الارهاب التكفيري الذي يشكل خطرا على المجتمع الانساني كافة وليس فقط على سوريا ولبنان".

التعليقات 47
Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 17:36 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

God Bless the Islamic Secular Shia Only Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army) for "immunizing the country against takfiri and Zionist terrorism.” The resistance's medical research experts along with their iranian counterparts in the Holy city of Qom, have successfully released a vaccine when injected (following the Geneva 2 conference and prior to the formation of a new cabinet) makes the Lebanese people and institutions immune to takfiris evasive nature. Extensive field research carried out on live samples of hundreds of Takfiris in various Syrian cities including Qusayr, helped achieve this major medical breakthrough. God Bless Sayyed Hassan for his never ending dedication to the advancement of medicine in the service of humanity. Karbalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Missing imagine_1979 17:39 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Plus one for u bro....

Thumb liberty 17:51 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

welcome back:)

Thumb primesuspect 18:05 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

All hail our beloved friend RFT!

Thumb liefighter 07:32 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

tnx, ur back with a nice 1, new field 4 Hippos :vaccine

Missing imagine_1979 17:39 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

So now we have a new constitution?... Bravo hezbos, plus one...

Thumb geha 18:35 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Kerry just reminded iran that military action is still on the table of they do not comply with the agreement.

Missing imagine_1979 19:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Lebpatriot ; always readdy, chill bro, chupachups?

Thumb inCommittee 18:27 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

"takfiri and Zionist terrorism" humm and where would Samaha, Mamlouk and Eid terrorism fit in this formula, or is theirs the good clean God sanctioned terrorism.

Missing imagine_1979 19:38 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Yes israel sent smaha via mamlouk, like chaker el abssi, hachem minkara, fabricated abou addas...
Bravo lebpatriot, really go get some chupachups bro...

Thumb lebpatriot246 19:42 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

haha....no darling... I was referring to the God-sanctioned terrorism of Israel...this land is their land you know darling.....

Missing imagine_1979 19:36 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Will be waitting for that as we have no other option as it seems...
Really no chupachups?

Thumb lebpatriot246 19:40 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

You dont have to tell me darling...im just making fun of TEX cause he believes only his kind knows what Vodka, Gin, or Whiskey is....

Missing imagine_1979 19:41 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Don't worry texas lebpatriot is a litle frustrated these days....
It will better, after next nassrallah speach he will have a lot more to say (saudi/zionist/imperialist/takfiri... U know brand new things to make our country a better place...)
Come on go get some chupachups, it will get better....

Thumb lebpatriot246 19:45 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Eat your heart out darling 1979....the frustration is all on your end...

Missing imagine_1979 19:52 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Not really, but thanks for thinking of me.. I'm flattered, anything else intresting to say lebpatriot or should we wait for next nasrallah speach?...
And again u should seriously go get some chupachups, calm down, ca va...

Thumb lebpatriot246 20:01 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

maybe you shouldnt have that drink after all...your already flustered as it is.....

Missing imagine_1979 20:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Waw again what a smart comment...
Bravo, chupachups?

Thumb lebpatriot246 19:56 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

You prove to me your an idiot every time. Have your Arak and while you are drinking yourself into a stupor, think about Takfirism and the origins of your Saudi/Pedophile culture. I hear Texas is a great place to live in the U.S. but be careful they take their capital punishment seriously over there. Not even your King of Saudi Arabia can save you if you are ever exposed as an Al-Qaeda supporter.

Thumb saturn 20:08 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Cute boy. Suit with no tie (it's too Western and is banned in Iran).

Thumb lebpatriot246 20:19 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Not really...the suit with no tie started in Iran many years ago darling..the West and the wannabe West like Turkey picked it up years later

Thumb saturn 20:23 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Ah yes, "the suit with no tie started" when sale and wearing of ties was banned since the 1979 revolution!

Thumb lebpatriot246 20:28 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

exactly! Maybe they didnt want to be Western, but now the West wanna be Iranian....Good observation from Saturn

Thumb saturn 20:31 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

I don't know what the West thinks, but I thank everything that's holy that I'm not Iranian. I'm Lebanese.

Missing imagine_1979 20:36 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Yes obama is getting a turban and has bought a bourka for his wife's birthday and all will abide by the laws of the iranian islamic revolution...
Lebpat, really chupachups!!!....

Thumb lebpatriot246 20:58 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

I know it's over your head darling..but okay

Missing imagine_1979 21:06 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

I wish i could be as smart as you lebpat even when it is that obvious...
No really chupachups, it will do you got

Missing imagine_1979 20:14 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Again lebpatriot i'm born christian, i'am a secular person, so christian, muslims, boudism, hidouwism,atheism... All same for me, i juge peoples by their act and position not for what god they believe in..
No really go hv some chupachups, it's getting urgent...

Thumb lebpatriot246 20:24 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Tex, werent the 911 Al-Qaeda terrorists out and about in clubs, drinking and flirting with girls days before they blew up those planes and murdered over 3000 innocent Americans. I dont trust you and I really believe you are an Al-Qaeda supporter hiding in Texas....

Thumb lebpatriot246 20:25 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Imagine, it is better not to judge people at all and just leave them be...Just worry about how you behave and treat others

Missing imagine_1979 20:33 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Wow so u hv no onpinion, just letting things be?...
It doesnot really show in ur post...
Please din't be hyppochrite, go have a chupachups.

Thumb lebpatriot246 20:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Im not sure where you get your misinformation from or where you come up with stupid comments from because I surely never said anything. You have told me about your lifestyle and so I commented on it. Do you just assume what my lifestyle is? That is typical male chauvinistic Saudi Al-Qaeda culture. It's no wonder you are still in the year 1200.

Thumb lebpatriot246 20:39 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

imagine, where in my post did i judge you....i make fun of Al-Qaeda TEX because he likes to always talk about his drinking and flirting...typical of Al-Qaeda terrorist...or maybe he is an Al-Qaeda terrorist wannabe...i dont know darling

Thumb lebpatriot246 20:46 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

"Only Jarrah did it. The only Lebanese in the group - who even his Qaida handlers were nervous of him because he didn't show religious conviction in what he was doing - on the contrary his drinking was against all religious rules. But acted out of ideological conviction."

Tex, what do you have to say to US investigators? And now you have also proven that you are not even Lebanese? So go post on your Al-Qaeda terrorist websites where you belong....

Missing imagine_1979 20:46 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Was not talking about comments u do on texas or any other on the forum, u are frustrated that's fine we got it;hence chupachups..
I was refering to political jugment....
U r getting tired lebpat really go get some chupachups..

Thumb -phoenix1 20:47 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

The only happy ending dear honorable MP is when we see the backs of alllll of you politicians, from Hezbollah, to the rest of M8 and all of M14. Go home man, stay there, invite your friends from M14 and M8, have all the Taouk and Meshwe with the shabeb, but leave at last Mr. Tamam Salam form his cabinet of technocrats and professionals. It's abundantly clear that mistrust is profound between you all, and you still can't make up your minds about even what you call a national unity cabinet, wow! Best to do now, is to leave your mistrusts aside, leave the pros do their work, and come back within a couple of years, when things have gone straight. All of you guys have messed up Lebanon beyond recognition, both M8, and M14, euft wloh shoo deb5in!!

Missing imagine_1979 20:50 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23


Missing imagine_1979 20:53 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

But still prefer march 14 (or anyone else, nearely anyone...) over hebollah/assad/chaker abssi, hachem minkara...(enno all NOT TKFIRI friends of march 8.
That being said i am with a technocrate governement of course...
Plus one for u phenix, u see we do agree sometimes...

Thumb -phoenix1 23:53 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Thanks bro.

Thumb lebpatriot246 20:53 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

I am at liberty to do as I please... If I want to flaunt it, its my perrogative darling....I dont judge people for not drinking or for drinking..for some reason you want to judge people for not drinking and clubbing....there is something innately wrong with your character darling..read below..I believe you are an Al-Qaeda supporter anyway....

Thumb lebpatriot246 20:55 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

That's not what I say darling...that is a quote from one of your websites....Here you go TEX darling:


Thumb proudm14. 21:10 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

this is the limit of the iranian shemale's mental capabilities - aimlessly accusing people of being Al Qaeda members. this is the most that their rotten brains can produce - baseless claims, sentences that sound like adlibs from hassan nasrkhomeini's handbook of iranian propaganda terms.

Thumb lebpatriot246 21:11 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

"In same investigation report they also mention that 8 of the 9/11 group flew to Tahran before leaving to the US, and in their trip to Tehran they were accompanied by none other than Mughnieh himself. Or did you conveniently skip that part."

Please show me where in the report you found this or is this just another figment of your imagination, but in reality it is exactly what yoiu Al-Qaeda Takfiri terrorists do best

Middle East expert Robert Baer has written that

"takfiri generally refers to a Sunni Muslim who looks at the world in black-and-white; there are true believers and then there are nonbelievers, with no shades in between. A takfiri's mission is to re-create the Caliphate according to a literal interpretation of the Qur'an."

Thumb shab 01:52 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

Filthy murdering militia

Thumb liefighter 07:42 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

we don't care if you drink or not, just leave us in peace , and tell ur Hippos , to not attack shops,cafes, and take their Mukawala somewhere else.

Thumb general_puppet 09:25 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

Loyalty to the Iranian militia's parliamentary bloc is spewing the usual BS swill.

Thumb lebpatriot246 12:13 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

Heroes of Lebanon!