جبهة النصرة في لبنان للسنّة : حزب الله هدفنا ولا تقتربوا من مقراته
Read this story in Englishدعا تنظيم "جبهة النصرة في لبنان" أهل الطائفة السنية إلى عدم الإقتراب من مراكز حزب الله لأنها "هدف مشروع لنا" على حد قوله.
وفي بيان نشره على موقعه الرسمي على موقع "تويتر" للتواصل الإجتماعي قال التنظيم "نعلن نحن جبهة النصرة في لبنان أن حزب إيران بجميع مقراته ومعاقله الأمنية والعسكرية هدف مشروع لنا حيثما وُجد".
وأضاف البيان "إن هذا الحزب ليتعمّد أن ينتشر في المناطق المأهولة بعوام الناس يتستر بينهم حماية لنفسه من ضربات المجاهدين".
عليه أعلن التنظيم أنه "حفاظًا منَّا على دماء أهلنا السنة في لبنان، وإبراءً للذمة أمام الله، نهيب بأهلنا السنة في لبنان عمومًا عدم الاقتراب أو السكن في مناطقه أو قرب مقراته وتجنب تجمعاته ونقاط تمركزه".
وختم البيان "يا أهل السنة كونوا عونًا لأبنائكم المجاهدين في حربهم ضد حزب إيران وعملائه".
وكان قد هز انفجار سيارة مفخخة صباح الخميس الفائت مدينة الهرمل البقاعية، ما أدى الى مقتل شخص واحد أشخاص وجرح أكثر من 25 شخصا. وتمت العملية بواسطة انتحاري لم يكشف على هويته.
وصباح الثلاثاء أدى انفجار انتحاري أيضا في الشارع العريض في حارة حريك إلى مقتل أربعة أشخاص وجرح خمسة وثلاثين آخرين على الأقل.
ومن المفارقة أن تنظيم "جبهة النصرة في لبنان" تبنى الإنفجارين
.وظهر اسم "جبهة النصرة في لبنان" في الاعلام خلال الاسابيع الماضية، وتم الربط بينها وبين جبهة النصرة في سوريا. الا انه لا توجد معلومات موثوقة عن الرابط بين التنظيمين.

Nasrallah thought he could control the pace and place of the war he started.

So what should we do- avoid neighbors living in the same building? Avoid shops owned by our friends? Stay away from Uncle Deek?

It makes me sad to see people die every day.I wish to wake up one morning and see every one love there Naghbour !

since hezbollah is "defending" Lebanon abroad, Lebanon has never been more attacked! loL
they should ask themselves if their "defensive" move really defends Lebanon! LOL
but sure M8ers believe that! LOL

Spare us your false bravado & pride. It is attitudes like yours that are dooming our Lebanon and ruining our lives.

lebpatriot Daaarling... long time? how is the treatment going? is your cannibalophobia better?
No need to negotiate with cannibals. Let HA leave syria, surrender its weapons to the army, join the lebanese mosaic as an equal member, and work on security and economy of lebanon. It is not complicated daaarling, we have so much to do to build a country instead of fighting other people's wars.

Hand their weapons now when there is suicide bombs all over? Not now not aslong as there are these wars around us.

While everyone in Lebanon seems to blaim that he is right, the country goes backward like 50 years, if compared with other nations in the Gulf. In the early 70's, they were considered "beduins" and we the "Paris" of the Middle East. Year after year we keep discussing the same stuff, HA's weapons, our enemy Israel, the lack of electricity, the political deadlock, the corruption, car bombs, blablabla...blablabla, where the 1% of the rich people gets even more richer and the remaining 99% have to deal with all the hurdles of life by itself, plus all the lousy economic situation that they have to face. This will be a great receipt to see the country getting older in terms of age, as the younger starts to flee, while the cultural level of the population will certainly slump. How pathetic...

I say let them come, Israel did worst things than Al Qaeda, will ever be able to do. If they really want a war, then let them stop their suicide attacks on only civilian areas, and let them try to attack actual Hezbollah members whom can defend themselves.

Where does HA have the right to act on its own and against the will of all of Lebanon and drag Lebanon into this mess???!!!!

cedars2. The takfiris would've attacked Lebanon sooner or later, with or without Hezbollahs involvement, what about the Nahr Al Bared incident? That was before the Syrian conflict, and already then were the Fatah Al Islam AKA Al Qaeda talking about creating a caliphate.

well, only hezbis are to blame, no oone else... they just bring upon them what they sowed....

Time to get the sunnis on tv and telling everyone that they will go to shiit areas no matter what ! Terrorism cant stop them.

Ya mystic HA being involved there doesn't help, HA's job is to protect Lebanon, you say they would have come anyway I say let them come and we can hang them together. HA's involvement was wrong and what these nusra scum are doing is wrong.

Why wait until they could corners us inside Lebanon? I Agree HA's job is to defend Lebanon, but they are also doing that by interfeering inside Syria. It does help that they are involved, and it is not a very big force overthere, it's only less that 10% fighting force, and they are mostly there to provide training in Guerilla warfare and advise to pro Government militias.

I suggest that Hizbola stay in Syria. Let us hope if they can stop terrorists to come to Lebanon!!!
1- Hizbolah will most probably engage in fighting with Free Syrian Army (not the real Terrorists of Da3esh and Nusra) ..
2- This intervention will be a "Cause" Mistakenly to make them come here.

The so called Free non Syrian army, is on the brink of collapse, don't forget in the Battle of Qusayr many of the opposition fighters came from Al Nusra and Isil including many chechen da3esh qaeda fighters.

Hope Nusra hizbola and Da3esh finish each others as well as people who willingly vote for them and adopt their idiology. Whether a fanatic mulah from Iran, or a lunatic Sunni "Sheikh" from Arabia both are doing the damage and need to be controlled... pest controlled I mean ....or be a moderate and be safe.

The so called moderate rebels as you called them, embraced ISIL and AL Nusra when the emerged to help them, knowing that they were fanatics. So what does that tell you about FSA?

On this point I disagree. HA under what was agreed at taef role is to resist Israel period.

HA can't keep acting on its own and dragging Lebanon into trouble be it in 2006 or now. HA is part of Lebanon not the other way round.
I repeat, all of Lebanon is against this intervention, they should refrain from acting like bashar's proxie and remember that they have no business being there Wu batikh ykasir baado. We killed each other for 15 years nothing affected Syria across its borders. Lebanon has enough of its own problems.

If Al Qaeda rose to power and took over Syria including Lebanon, that would not affect us less. Fact is this war is not only in Syria, it is affecting everyone around.
So now you say that Hezbollah dragged Lebanon into a war in 2006, when Israel bombed us and destroyed much of our infastructure. You are not really convincing cedars2, you just said Hezbollah is here to protect Lebanon period. Sounds more like you support the Israeli invasion 2006,

yes hezbollah dragged Lebanon into war in 2006...who else? LOL
and they did good work into making you believe tht alqaeda wants to take over Lebanon! very efficient manipulation dept they have indeed, i ll give them that!

Most people knows this to be true, but many of your leaders refuse to see it. Hezbollah didn't drag Lebanon into a war, Israel did.

the very presence of hezbollah is the cause of Lebanon being targeted by your hezbi friends.... nothing else... so blame hezbollah for keeping lebanon Under threat....

Would've happend anyway. And they are not killing innocent Syrians, only the foreign backed armed groups al qaeda etc. Remember in Qusayr hezbollah let the woman and children and wounded FSA go to Arsal.

bigjohn, when the war in Syria is finished the little force that HA have stationed there will withdraw. That is for sure

so be happy the for the consequences of their acts... what are a few collateral damage for them? nothing as no one is complaining and happy to be targeted in support of hezbis!

When civilians become targeted, that makes them even more determined to see victory over the takfiris.

It was your beloved FSA whom embraced ISIL and Nusra when they joined the fight against Mr. Assad.

and as you M8ers give lots of credit to aoun, he said to the US senate that syria trained harboured financed islamists which they used as pawns! but now suddenly he does not use them to defend his regime? LOL
you see only what you want to see and discard the rest when it goes against your propaganda.....

bigjohn, tiny brain.
Christian Spanish conquistadores killed 100 million natives in the name of God. Sure, plenty died of diseases imported by the europeans, but millions were literally slaughtered.
So cut the crep w/ ur islamic hatred bull. We did more damage than moslems, have the intellectual honesty 2 admit it. if U have a brain.

Hizballa attacked syrians inside syria, they killed scores of civilians, tortured lots of them. Now some syrians are attacking hizballa at home, killing civilians, but they r not torturing them. in a way, they r not as evil as the shias.
but, let's not disagree, they r both terrorists awaiting eradication. we refuse 2 protect any of them nor 2 help any of them. no solidarity watsoever w/ shias because they r the ones who attacked first. so.... they can forget about compassion.

When the civil war broke out in Lebanon, some of us correctly predicted that the next world war will be an "Islamic War" but most of us rejected the concept. One side calls it "Muslim Bros" the other side calls it "Party of God", etc. Whether the association with Islam or God is a pretext or not, the fact remains that this mayhem is by the hands of radicals under the umbrella of Islam, and they don't need outside interference to kill each other. Egypt took the correct path to oust the cancer they call Muslim Bros, and it is time for all Muslims whether Sunni or Shiite to denounce radicalism, including those in Iran and KSA, etc, to usher Islam into a main stream religion respected by all.

Thank you. Since the 1980s I professed that the next world war would be a war of of "No Boarders". I think you know what it means. My ancestors dealt with these issues hundreds of years ago, but not we are forces to witness and re-live these same b.s. with these new adolescents battle it out in modern years. Why? Money from oil and growth in their population. Sad but true.

I think the above picture has been photoshopped to enhance effect.

Theu are illiterate followers of Iran and do what they are told. They have no spine.