ظريف يدعو الى خروج "كل الجيوش الأجنبية" من سوريا: حزب الله تدخل من تلقاء نفسه
Read this story in Englishأعلن وزير الخارجية الايراني محمد جواد ظريف أن حزب الله اتخذ من تلقاء نفسه قرار التدخل في سوريا ، مطالبا في هذا السياق، "بخروج كافة الجيوش الأجنبية منها".
وقال ظريف في ندوة عقدت عصر اليوم الجمعة على هامش المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي "دافوس": "لم نرسل أحدا إلى سوريا وحزب الله اتخذ قراره بنفسه".
وعليه، دعا الى "خروج كل الجيوش الاجنبية الخروج من سوريا".
كما أكد ان "حزب الله بذل الكثير من الجهود لتثبيت الإستقرار في لبنان".
ويشارك حزب الله منذ سنة تقريبا بالمعارك الى جانب النظام السوري، من بينها معارك القلمون و القصير في ريف حمص، ما يستدعي حتى الآن تنديدا داخليا وخارجيا واسعا.
ويطالب فريق الرابع عشر من آذار تحديدا بخروج مقاتلي الحزب من سوريا، التزاما باعلان بعبدا، وتحييدا للبنان من التفجيرات الارهابية التي تتكرر بين الحين والآخر في المناطق اللبنانية.
يشار الى أن وزير الخارجية في حكومة تصريف الأعمال عدنان منصور قال خلال تواجده في مدينة مونترو السويسرية لحضور مؤتمر "جنيف 2" أن مشاركة حزب الله ليس المشكلة في سوريا بل "الإرهاب" الذي قام بأعمال "مدمرة" في سوريا ولبنان.
it tells us that HA makes its own decisions.
and bless them for the wisdom they had to cleanse the border areas from the sectarian murdering filth before it managed to take root. without HA's intervention, there would be much bigger and much more frequent bombings.
God bless them, so when will they return home, cause (thks hezbos) takfiri are blowing themself in our coutry now...
So any chance nassralah get an illumination now (aka: laouw kountou a3lam...)
are you trying to deny the tens of thousands of foreign fighters who poured into syria years before hezbollah?
there are truckloads of corpses of libyans, afghanis, tunisians, saudis, qataris, afghanis, pakistanis that prove it, so nice try but better luck next time.
Mowaten like irakian shiite milicia? Iranian revolutionary gards?...
The difference is that some people only see sunnis takfiri while if u look to the full picture shia takfiri also exist..
And sorry bot all sunis are takfiri according to march 8; there is the cery secular bilal chaaban, and the much more progressist hachem minkara... (Abou addass, chaker el abssi..and other gifts from syrian regime does not count....
Chupachups mouwaten?..
Thank you for listing the Nationalities of the dead fighters. So why is HA there again? Would be much more useful to ensure demarcated borders between Lebanon and Syria to keep those takfiris out so HA can disarm and let the LAF take care of business.
no anonyme, those were lies and for the first two years they kept saying HA was there when they werent, and rebels never managed to give the slightest proof of any hezbollah presence. when hezbollah decided to go in they werent timid, they said it loud and clear, and that's when we saw the evidence (and effectiveness) of HA fighters on the battlefield.
before that, the rebels were pretending HA was there anyway, to justify massacring shias. whether HA is present or not, they're going to say that it is, so might as well be there and trim their numbers down.
he's talking spiritually, but project whatever you want to believe onto it. you would never listen to anything he says unless you find a way to twist it against him.
No texas hezbos were never in syria, the corps of the martyr coming from there were only guys who died of natural death.. Even moghniyeh was there for vacation...
And anyway nasrallah never lied (aka:we never pointed our guns on lebanese so 3000 fighter just died by heart attack in aklim al toufah and communist leaders who where in true patriotic secular resistance not the islamic resistance just commited suicide...
So texas i think this is the logic u should work on bro..
Plus one to u anyway :)
When will the world make Saudi Arabia pay for this most extreme form of state sponsored terrorism?
I guess the French client state will not hold them to account.
Tex aka helicopter you are not even Lebanese and you're al Alqaeda supporter. Anything you post has no credibility.
HA is concerned about protecting lebanons borders from takfiris then help the army control the border, help them build walls, checkpoints and assist them in by withdrawing from Syria. Stop distorting facts and stop weakening the state, because if the state fails we will have a free for all in Lebanon and no one wants that.
Stop sending young brainwashed men into a fight that is not ours, use that money to build factories and employ your unemployed, hand over you arsenal to the army as part of the national defense strategy and worry about the internal issues. You are a resistance group not an invading army you have no business being there. Enough is enough all the propaganda in the world will not justify what you are doing there.
Zarif said : hippos took their own decision 2 interfere in Syria ,please send him the video where Nassri said he only obeys the Fakih .