حزب الله والتيار "يد واحدة" في الحكومة وعقود الطاقة "مؤجلة"
Read this story in Englishعقد وزير الطاقة في حكومة تصريف الاعمال جبران باسيل، اجتماعاً ليل الاحد مع وفد من "حزب الله"، الذي يحاول اقناع "التيار الوطني الحر" بالقبول بالمداورة، حيث تم التأكيد على أن كلا الطرفين "يد واحدة" في الحكومة العتيدة، وسط معلومات عن أن عقود الطاقة "مؤجلة".
وكشفت صحيفة "اللواء"، الاثنين، ان الاجتماع كان "تنسيقياً"، وأن الحزب استمع إلى وجهة نظر التيار و"كان متفهماً لها، وأنه كرر أمامه موقفه من الحكومة، وهو ندخل سوية إلى الحكومة أو نخرج منها".
وفي حين لا يزال "التيار" على موقفه المتمسك بحقيبة الطاقة ورفضه مبدأ المداورة، نقلت "اللواء"، عن مصادر سياسية ان "أي تقدم في مسألة معالجة "العقدة العونية" لم يسجل بعد".
يُذكر أن باسيل كان قد عقد مؤتمراً صحافياً الاحد، أعلن فيه أن "المداورة في الحقائب المقترحة حالياً أمر فيه تعطيل لعمل المؤسسات واستخفاف بعقول النبهاء والنية من خلاله استهدافية استقصائية".
وقال انه يمكن اعتماد مداورة منطقية وعملية ومنصفة في الوزارات والادارات العامة مع بدء كل عهد رئاسي، الا ان اعتمادها بالشكل المطروح حاليا، "فيه تعطيل لعمل المؤسسات وتخريب لمصالح الناس واستخفاف بعقول النبهاء والعاديين منهم".
بدورها، نقلت صحيفة "النهار"، عن مصادر معنية بالملف الحكومي، قولها ان "هناك عقوداً بمبالغ تصل الى نحو 200 مليون دولار في قطاع الطاقة لا تصير نافذة إلا بعد 15 شباط المقبل".
وتابعت أن هذه العقود "ستنتقل الى عهدة الحكومة الجديدة اذا ابصرت النور وليس الى الوزير الحالي".
ووفق المواكبون للتأليف، بحسب ما نقلت "النهار"، أن الاتصالات بين الرئيس المكلف تمام سلام وباسيل أفضت الى تمسك الاول بقاعدتي المداورة والثلاث ثمانات.
That must have been a terrible upbringing for little gigi… but it looks like he has taken after Aoun since he live above ground and has taken to thieving as a profession.
nice family photo of father and son. BTW, Flamethrower dos not report comments out of spite.
Hello momo, how is the Ayatollah doing? Are there any new orders for the Iranian in Hiding?
“We are exerting efforts to convince Aoun to be more lenient"… lenient? The portfolios don't belong to any one. Aoun is all for Change & Reform as long as it does not affect him or gigi.
Why would you have a rotating cabinet when the government is only short term?? It just doesn't make sense. Lebanese are retarded when it comes to politics. They hate each other so much that they couldn't care less about each other. The history of the Lebanese the past 35 years has demonstrated how self-centred and narrow-minded they are. No wonder there are over 20 million Lebanese in the Diaspora. Larger than our own Jewish community. Maybe Kissinger was right when he said the Palestinians should have their own homeland in Lebanon and the Lebanese could be given refugee in Canada & the United States.
please, @Jaafar, no need for sectarian talk. The country is going thru tough times as it is. Thousands read your comments here and you might influence them. The last thing we need is people calling for changing the sect of the president. You should be calling for calm and reason at this stage. Shame on you! I voted you down, sorry.
Why shouldn't positions be given to who ever is competent enough but should be limited to a certain term to avoid corruption
ice-boy: jaafar called, and he said you should stop harassing him, he does not share your feelings and he thinks your obsession is becoming a little creepy.
All this posturing is aimed at one thing, delay, delay, delay and bring Lebanon to that doom day when the last vestige of legality is gone, the presidency. My rock bottom dime on that, it's a dirty game indeed. Saad Hariri check mated M8 when he agreed on the cabinet they proposed early last week, now look at the latest trick they've come up with? It's January 2014 right? If matters are left to M8 to decide and nothing happens, then May 2014 will come, and the country will be either without a president, or the Army General will be forced to take over the reins of governance, unless that is president Suleiman orders Salam to form the government, and that will surely pit him and Salam head on against Hezbollah and their stooges. If I was Suleiman, I'll take the gamble, and do it now.
M8 is now doing allllllll it can, to bring about that void, and try by all means to install a pro M8 president, someone like Emile Lahoud, or La sama7allah, Aboul Miche. M8 is anxious to make it happen because they now judge, (wrongly) that Suleiman is sympathetic to M14 and even worse, Kahwaji is seen as being exactly the same as Suleiman. M8 will use the political conviction of Hezbollah's weapons to force once again another puppet into Baabda and bingo, Lebanon is all theirs to do whatever they want henceforth. I hope people will wake up before it's too late, Lebanon simply cannot afford another Monsieur Lacoste swimming champion as a president, and even worse, a wanna be general who at one time or the other felt he was the reincarnation of General De Gaul or of Bachir Gemayel, both of which he isn't, not even in his wildest dreams.
Because he abandoned all his principles and went to bed with Hizballah against everything that he stood for previous to that unholy alliance. Such turncoats do not deserve any respect.
Roar bro, life's a hard cookie to crack younger brother. Opinions too, they are never sweet, but at the end of the day everyone's views are needed, those we perceive as concurring, those that are not, what matters most though is that each and everyone adheres to a good level of decorum, in which we respect the views of others just as we wish to see ours receive the same treatment. Your views are important dear Roar, and many times I find myself learning from you, but in as far as pertains to the general, I am in profound regret to tell you that I don't share your enthusiasm (if I can call it such) on Aoun. Maybe I am wrong, maybe not, but it's been many years that I have this rejection of him, call it innate, call it based on experience, sadly till now I cannot bridge this canyon with you. Love you bro.
Get off it the_snore, if you want got fantasies about the pajama boy being the Napoleon of Lebanon go right ahead just don't expect the rest of us to join you in your wet dream.