حزب الله:ما جرى بالرويس هو انفجار قارورة غاز... ومصادر أمنية وقضائية تشكك
Read this story in Englishأكد "حزب الله" أن "ما جرى مساء أمس الجمعة هو انفجار قارورة غاز في منزل أحد المواطنين ولم يصب أحد بأذى على الإطلاق".
وجاء في بيان صادر عن العلاقات الإعلامية في الحزب عصر السبت:"ما جرى مساء أمس الجمعة 29/7/2011 هو انفجار قارورة غاز في منزل أحد المواطنين بالقرب من مجمع سيد الشهداء عليه السلام في الرويس واقتصرت الأضرار على الماديات ولم يصب أحد بأذى على الإطلاق".
وحتى الثالثة من بعد ظهر اليوم السبت، كشف مصدر أمني لـ"LBC" أن العناصر الأمنية لم تتمكن حتى الساعة من الدخول إلى الشقة التي وقع فيها الإنفجار في منطقة الرويس بالضاحية الجنوبية أمس وعناصر حزب الله لا تزال تفرض طوقا امنيا حول المكان.
وكشفت مصادر قضائية لوكالة "أخبار اليوم" أن مفاوضات استمرت لنحو ساعة بين المحكمة العسكرية والمعنيين في "حزب الله" بهدف التنسيق كي يُسمح للقضاء العسكري التوجه الى مكان الحادث وإجراء التحقيقات اللازمة.
وكان قد وقع ليل الجمعة الساعة الحادية عشر في منطقة الرويس في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت وسارع "حزب الله" الى فرض طوق أمني حول المكان.
وفي معلومات قناة الـ"MTV" فالجيش اللبناني تسلم ملف الإنفجارين بعد 16 ساعة من حصولهما.
وفيما تبنى مصدر أمني في وزارة الداخلية للقناة عينها رواية حزب الله أشار مصدر أمني رفيع أن "انفجارين وقعا الأول في سيارة مرسيدس كانت مركونة قرب المبنى أمس في الضاحية والثاني حصل في المبنى وعلم أن شخصية بارزة جدا في حزب الله تسكن المبنى وهي التي كانت مستهدفة".
كما نفت شخصية بارزة في 8 آذار لـ"MTV" أن يكون المحرر سمير القنطار مستهدفا في انفجار الضاحية أمس وأكدت أن قنطار بخير
ونقلت معلومات أمنية لقناة "الجديد" أن الحادث ناتج عن قنبلة يدوية انفجرت عن طريق الخطأ وأوقعت خمسة جرحى.
وقالت مصادر قضائية لـ"LBC":"لا يمكننا أن ننفي أو نؤكد ما ورد في بيان حزب الله وما توفر لدينا يشير إلى أن سبب الإنفجار هو غير ما هو وارد في البيان".
كما استغربت مصادر قضائية لـ"أخبار اليوم" الطوق الامني الذي فرضه حزب الله جراء مثل هذا الحادث "وكأن الموضوع اكبر بكثير من انفجار خزان للمياه الساخنة (بحسب ما وصفته)" على حد قولها.
من جهتها نقلت صحيفة "النهار" صباح السبت معلومات أمنية تفيد بان الانفجار نجم عن عبوة او قنبلة يدوية وليس عن قارورة غاز كما تردد.
وفيما أشارت المعلومات الى ان الانفجار أوقع قتيلا واستبعدت فرضية وجود مخزن ذخيرة ورجحت ان يكون الانفجار نتيجة عبوة مزروعة أو قنبلة يدوية انفجرت خطأ، تعذر على قوى الامن ومحققيها الوصول الى المكان لمباشرة التحقيق.
ووقع الانفجار في الطبقة العاشرة من أحد مباني "مجمع النصر" في منطقة الرويس المحاذي لـ"مجمع سيد الشهداء"، حيث لفتت صحيفة "اللواء" الى انه شب حريق هائل في المبنى.
وقالت الصحيفة عينها انه فور وقوع الانفجار تجمهر عدد من سكان المنطقة قرب المكان ما دفع عناصر مسلحة من "حزب الله" الى اطلاق النار في الهواء لتفرقة الجموع، كما منعت الصحافيين من الاقتراب او التصوير في مكان الحادث•
وهرعت سيارات الاسعاف والاطفاء، حيث عملوا حتى ساعات متأخرة من ليل امس على اطفاء الحريق.
What kind of a dismal sad situation have we reached. An explosion happens, but the security agencies and investigators are not allowed on the crime scene? Does this happen anywhere else on earth?! Yet, This Shiite party and its allies claim on a daily basis they support state institutions and want to build a "Just and Able" State as their leader claimed on numerous occasions.
N.B someone has taken my nick "Citizen"....
so why he is still cordoning the scene of the explosion and not allowing Lebanese security forces from entering the apartment. ???? Don't buy it.....
If you consider yourself living in a country and you think u have a government a president and a parlimant, then u r totally mistaken. You all in lebanon are living in a shell, a shell controlled by hizballah, what kind of a counry that if a blast happens in one of the areas, he security forces and the army is not allowed to enter. You lebanese have to wake up and realize that your country is not ur country anymore, stop being a followers for once and start taking your own decisions , if it is not for your sake, then for ur childrens sake ... wou khalasna .....
This is where we got too, leaving hezbollah's weapons govern us daily, security and military officials are not even allowed to go in until ths filthy militia removes all evidence and bodies than they let them search , which is obvious they wont find anything anymore, it was all cleaned up. I will not blame Hezbollah for doing that and getting out of control of the state and institutions, i will blame those who are covering them even more like Michel Aoun , i hope the next blast will be in rabieh and somewhere very specific.
Gas canister! We saw that in the south when a arm cache in the middle of residential area blew up then women (backshirts dressed up as girlies?) prevented Unifil from approaching the area, leading all the stupid politicians to meet hurriedly to find ways to better coordinate between the population and Unifil ! A real joke! The Hizb is using all residential areas under his control as military caches for his arms stockpile. Probably what happened today.
They' ll always be able to leverage it in the media, if these areas are targeted, and point to the Israeli savagery shelling hospitals and residential areas........Poor civilians, being used as human shields!
Bigdig.. no mention of the fact that HA does not allow anyone into or out of the area and provided them with THEIR report on what happened. HA expects the security services to smile, nod their head and be on their merry way. What is even funnier is the government is now controlled by HA allies. This is pathetic by any standards, and it would be shameful for you to think otherwise. If they want to run their own affairs, split off and form your own government, but if you are talking about working for the greater good of Lebanon, this is not how you do it.
Are gas canisters now some kind of secret weapons or part of a conspiracy against the "resistance". Why do they keep blowing off every so often in some areas of Lebanon only? Just me wondering...
@ Bigdig: Sorry the people you support day in and day out will not allow the constitution and internal LEBANESE(NOT ZIONIST) forces to investigate who owns the Apartment and what kind of blast that is, so we can't answer you because they have to cover up and hide the reality of every event from the public, but you have the Hezbollah TV to watch so that you can dance and listen to their lies and B.S
My advice to you when the real Israeli jets come to that seen to hide under 50 underground story building.
I wish all the best and better future with the current situation, at this stage, the lebanese army or intelligence can't enter one suburb which is a mini country in lebanon, but the way it's going the whole country will be Dahieh and no one can say anything. Lebanon and lebanese will be isolated and none of the countries will be able to interfere and help in your problems but Iran.
I wish all the best and better future with the current situation, at this stage, the lebanese army or intelligence can't enter one suburb which is a mini country in lebanon, but the way it's going the whole country will be Dahieh and no one can say anything. Lebanon and lebanese will be isolated and none of the countries will be able to interfere and help in your problems but Iran.
I really wanted to comment on this story; but all I can do is shake my head in disbelief. To me, Hizbullah is merely an occupying iranian statelet in Lebanon. Thank u.
Don't worry guys they were resisting the gas canisters and one of the canisters attacked a parked car, they're Israeli spy canisters.
This is just a conspiracy by the STL and spies against the great resistance who was also resisting an investigation by the Lebanese authorities.
This is the photo of the Lebanese internal forces denying access for the reporters to get closer because they are being denied access to the core site.
"...negotiations between the military court and Hizbullah officials lasted around an hour to allow the military judiciary to carry out the required investigations at the site."
Anyone who is not livid or at least embarrassed by this hates Lebanon.
What a disgrace. Lebanese investigators and police cannot even visit the site of the blast. Stop lying to yourselfes, Hizb is the only goverment in Lebanon and they will drag us all to hell