"حزب الله" يرفع جهوزيته في الضاحية وينفذ تدريبات ومناورات
Read this story in Englishأفادت معلومات صحافية أن "حزب الله ينفذ تدريبات ومناورات في الضاحية الجنوبية غداة الاعلان عن كشف مخطط للقيام بهجوم وتفجيرات عدة متزامنة تستهدف مناطقه وتدريب السكان على إخلاء المحال و الشوارع خلال عشر دقائق، ومنع حصول أي تجمعات".
وأشارت صحيفة "النهار"، الأربعاء، الى ان "الحزب رفع جهوزيته الى الحد الاقصى في الايام الاخيرة وأجرى مناورات عدة غداة الاعلان عن كشف مخطط للقيام بهجوم وتفجيرات عدة متزامنة تستهدف الضاحية"، مردفة أن "حزب الله نفذ في الضاحية مناورة دفاع قبل يومين أو ثلاثة، هدفت الى التدرب على إقفال المحال التجارية وإخلاء الشوارع خلال عشر دقائق، ومنع حصول أي تجمعات".
وأضافت الصحيفة عينها أنه "دعا المسؤولين عن المناورة المقيمين في الضاحية للجوء الى الطبقات العليا من البنايات، واخلاء الطبقات الأرضية تماماً لإعطاء مقاتلي الحزب حرية الحركة لاي قتال مباشر في مواجهة مسلحين تكفيريين قد يدخلون الشوارع قبل أن ينفذوا عمليات انتحارية".
"وعلم أنه تجري محاولات لحصر مداخل الضاحية بعشرة فقط لمراقبة السيارات والمارة. وعمد نواب الحزب في بيروت والمناطق الى إزالة كل اللوحات الزرقاء أو أي اشارات أخرى تدل عليهم. وقد تسببت الاجراءات بزحمة سير كبيرة في الضاحية أمس، فيما انشغل التجار بتحصين محالهم بأكياس من الرمل تجنباً لأي طارئ، كما عمدت مدارس الى اتخاذ احتياطات للتلامذة عبر دروس اسعافات أولية وتدرب على دخول المدرسة والخروج منها والتزام الحيطة"، بحسب "النهار".
يشار الى أن صحيفة "الانباء" الكويتية قد افادت الأحد أن "حزب الله"، اتخذ تدابير استثنائية في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت، حيث أنشأ ثلاثة مجالس قيادية عسكرية مستقلة في إطار متابعته للوضع الامني".
وأكدت مصادر "الانباء"، أن الحزب على دراية تامة بخطورة الوضع الأمني من خلال السيارات المفخخة والعمليات الانتحارية، وان قيادة حزب الله تقوم بمتابعة الملف الأمني.
وأشارت المصادر الى الجهود المكثفة لمواجهة الجهات والمجموعات التي تقف وراء هذه العمليات، وان "لدى الحزب معلومات مفصلة عن هذه الجهات الساعية إلى الضغط على البيئة المؤيدة للحزب وإضعافه ودفعه للتراجع عن موقفه".
يُذكر، ان صحيفة "اللواء"، كشفت معلومات السبت، تفيد بأنه "تقرر نقل بعض مقرات السكن لعدد من قيادات حزب الله الى خارج مناطق الضاحية الجنوبية ريثما يتم التأكد من فعالية الإجراءات الأمنية الجديدة".
من الجدير بالذكر، أن الآونة الاخيرة شهدت تفجيرات ارهابية وانتحارية طالت منطقة الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت، حيث التواجد الكثيف لـ"حزب الله"، وكان آخرها، التفجير الذي هز منطقة حارة حريك، الثلاثاء، أدى الى سقوط 4 قتلى وأكثر من أربعين جريحا، تبنته "جبهة النصرة" رداً على "مجازر حزب إيران بحق أطفال سوريا وأطفال عرسال".
God Bless the Islamic Secular Shia Only Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army) as it demonstrates once more its unequivocal will to defend us from those blue takfiris who are hell bent on destroying our way of life. These maneuvers come at a time when our national security is at stake andour petite nation is threatened by global conspiracies. Alona and I were in tears as we watched through binoculars our Holy Hussain warriors perform acrobatic and gymnastic maneuvers on their horses, our Hussain Seals with their goggles and oxygen bottles take on the high seas, Hussain Paratroopers with their freshly ironed yellow parachutes landing on the roof tops of Dahiyeh villas, and our Ayoub drones targeting mock-ups of takfiri field positions with live ammunition. It was an astounding integration of man, machine, and technology. May the Lord bless Sayyed Hassan for his determination and love for our nation. Karbalaaaaaaa
RFT the lead warrior was not ridding a horse, it was the terrorist boss himself wearing a saddle. The beard and turbine gave it away.
RFT, you really depict what these outlaws think of themselves. Maneuvers, Illegal arms, Drugs, Wars for the sake of others, are but a few of what these fakes are good at. Your posts always expose their evil agendas. God Bless you, indeed.
My posts keep getting deleted, thanks to fair moderation and "fair" reporting!. I stated that RFT's posts expose the evil agenda of these terrorists. Good post and God bless you!
joseph: some people are capable of that, from time to time we can have a decent exchange even if we disagree.
others are animals with whom words are useless, they'd only understand if you talked to them with a cattle prod.
Seems you have no sense of humour - such a pity, it might help you neutralise of some of the poison that erupts from your mouth
@mowaten: I kindly ask you to refrain from so blatantly insulting your fellow posters even though they are guests. Slowly but surely, my immense respect for you is dwindling down!
when it's a fact it's not an insult. just like calling you a liar is not an insult, it's stating the obvious :)
@Jaafar: I have repeatedly asked you to never ever use any of my gems without my specific prior consent!!! Have some decency!
Which sovereign country in the world allows an armed militia to challenge its authority the way HA does in Lebanon. The key word is "Sovereign".
"help the army to isolate the takfiris"? remember dear southern that we never had takfiris or terrorist explosions before hezb went to syria.
So typical of hezb: create the problem and pretend to be the only solution to that same problem. unfortunate they have the support of an ex general dying to become president
You have to be careful when you state that Shia Community and HA are one. This makes Shia civilians fair target for militant opponents whether it takfiris or Israel. Better to keep some space between civilians and militia members.
does anyone think that hizbushaitan is bringing peace and security to the shia community?
Hizbollah brought this on themselves and the innocent shia community not all shias are hizbollah or iranian backers this bogus resistance hijacked a beautiful shia community and has turned them into targets
The good Shia need to stand up against Hizboullah - all evil empire fall from within first
shia account for max 30% so do sunnis (they are around 50K to 60K more than shia) and that is according the official census.
Lol geha. Shia are the single largest sect in Lebanon. But maybe you still don't count 1 Shia as 1 vote.
not according to the official records :)
stop believing what you are fed: enquire and ask and you will get your answers, the correct ones :)
Unfortunately for you, as demonstrated by the 2009 polls, the Shia stand united (over 90% favor the Amal-heZb group)
And I only answer with "Shia" because you seem to think it's solely the Shias responsibility. Fool.
you make no sense in your comments.
again, according to the most current official records sunnis outnumber shias by 50K to 60K.
if all shia vote together or not is not related to what you said: Shia are the single largest sect in Lebanon.
shia are not the largest secte.
actually we need to start thinking properly, i.e. all sects are minorities in Lebanon.
there havent been official censuses for several decades, they've been banned. yet geha claims to have the official figures... isnt that cute? :)
You are wrong petal, a good Sunni and Shia should not bow down to Saudi hegemony, work together along with the other sects, and remove the takfiri threat.
Hezbollah brought this on themselves? Do u also make such comments targeted towards the salafist fighters that seem to think blowing themselves up in the presence of fellow Muslims and Lebanese is righteous?
geha, the only things Hizbullah has brought to Lebanon is the word of the Ayatollah and lots and lots of misery.
Another question: What percentage of Shia's outside Lebanon support Hizboullah either financially or spiritually?
If that is true Hammouds then they cannot be a community that is being forced to accept Hizboullah, rather they are co-conspirators and therefore accountable for all Hz actions.
Still not sure what they did wrong to be held accountable for it. But your logic is flawed regardless. Even if heZb was guilty in something (not too clear on what though) it does not provide anyone the right to kill the people that vote for them. If you think they do have a right to be killed then surely you were a supporter of the 9/11 attacks.
I didn't say kill, I said 'held accountable', that could include banning Hizb as a party, imprisoning the leadership etc. Hibz's answer to any criticism or opposition is always to kill.
You're kidding right? a couple of examples: When Hizb bombs Israel or kidnaps Israeli soliders INSIDE Israel and brings war and destruction on ALL Lebanon, without the consent of the rest of the Lebanese people, that is an action they should be held accountable for. When Hizb send their fighters to slaughter women and children in Syria - ANOTHER COUNTRY and support the murderous regime of Assad, they are accountable for any repercussions that cost the lives of innocents - innocents being those who DIDN'T vote for Hizb in the first place!
Slow down petal. I'll try to tackle one thing at a time. In 2006, it is true heZb crossed the border when they kidnapped the soldiers. But they did so to bring back those kidnapped and the remains taken during the 18 year illegal occupation of south Lebanon. Did you know that after Samir kuntar returned to Lebanon, that there no longer exists a Lebanese prisoner in Israeli jails? Ironic, isn't it? That the only Arab nation to lay such a claim is the country that has done it by force (Lebanon). Yes, Egypt, Jordan both still have many citizens within the Israeli jails and they signed "peace treaties".
Now as for Syria, I wish heZb steered clear of it but I guess they drew their own line in declaring the Lebanese residents of western Syria a red line. Since then, however, the fighting sides have become clear. It's no longer a regime vs his people. It's become a proxy war between Iran and the gulf (I.e. Israel)
"Lebanese residents of Western Syria" !!!!!!!!!!! Rubbish! It's still a foreign country and Hizb has no right to be there. Any Lebanese living in Syria should either remain neutral or go home.
I'm sorry if your mind isn't quick enough to follow, or is it that you needed more time to consult the Hizb manual? Nonetheless your response is so full of baloney it is difficult to take you seriously. I don't want to hear about Hizb so called 'heroics' when they have brought nothing but destruction, crime and corruption to Lebanon.
I would have agreed with you had it truly been regime vs democracy. But it's not. Foreign fighters exist on both sides (Lebanese too on both sides) and again it's a proxy war with two fighting sides. Both sides are being backed by bigger players. There's no denying this. Saudi-Zionist alliance vs Iran. Can you deny this at this point in the conflict?
And here you go. You no longer have anything tangible to argue so you name call and pretend to give yourself an educated exit from the conversation. Debate is healthy. Anyway, goodnight.
No terrorist organisation should be permitted to be part of ANY election process, particularly one that is fully armed by a foreign entity and also one of the largest drug traffickers in the ME.
As for KSA's involvement - As Muslims they have a duty to help other Muslims who are being slaughtered - Iran does NOT have the same justification.
petal: yes, lebanese residents of western syria, there are tens of thousands and they were being slaughtered, their villages shelled and their houses burnt. your saying it's not lebanese territory so let them die is very revealing of your bias. if you were truly a lebaense patriot you be concerned by their fate and be glad that HA helped them defend themselves.
i dont think any citizen in any other country would blame their countrymen for defending other countrymen, even if it is abroad.
also, about the technicalities:
-HA being invited by syrian authorities makes it perfectly legal for them to be there
-it was not only in western syria, but also in hermel on which rockets where being fired regularly during many months before HA's intervention.
And still your statement did not state why people who vote and don't fight should be held accountable. If people started killing those who voted for the people they were against, imagine the world we'd be living in (exists in some states today actually)
Because when you VOTE you are AUTHORISING those elected to act on YOUR behalf HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!
According to you those people are 90% of the Shia population! I just hope the other 10% are smart enough to live away from Hizb controlled areas
Sorry, stop comparing the greatest democracy (despite its flaws) with a known terror organization. The great American people are not raised on hatred and deceit. They have a system that allows them corrective action if their leaders make mistakes. What corrective action can the Shia of Lebanon take against an armed group of terrorists. In My opinion, The shia of Lebanon are enjoying the unearned privileges afforded to them as a result of Hizb's existence.
But by petals logic, he should be able to kill every American that voted for bush the second time around (2004). You CANNOT kill someone because of the person he voted for. Hezbollah was a legitimate participant in the election. You might consider them a terror org but others might not. That's why there are polls. Not everyone in the world believes someone is a terrorist group just because the USA and Israel say so.
And FYI eagle dawn, did you know that the single largest voting bloc in the USA is comprised of the people that don't vote? Did you ever ask yourself why they don't? It's because they don't believe in the exact system that you speak so highly about.
Unlike Hizb I don't claim power that is not mine. However, common logic says:
Their actions declare them a terrorist organisation. Them targeting anyone that isn't of the Shia sect or is opposed to their tactics declares them as a terrorist organisation. Their pointing their guns at other Lebanese makes them a terrorist organisation. Their refusal to comply with Lebanese and International laws makes them a terrorist organisation, kidnappings, torture, illegal drugs trafficking, I could go on for hours, but you get the gist.
I await the day when i will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, -_Flamethrower_- , but alas!
really FT? US named them terrorists and we will change our minds with US? i dont think so, they are responsible for the attempt on boutros harb and most probably hariri: BLATANT TERRORISM whatever the USA might say
As for percentages of Lebanese by religion - the numbers change depending on whom one is asking. The Christians always claim to be the largest sect, as do the Shias when the reality (by a small margin) is still the Sunnis.
People like @hammouds are the reason we will never be a real nation. By the same token, all those people who got blown up starting from president Mouwad should have formed armed militias and protected their existence. Great logic!
Anyway in Lebanon there are always traitors that tip the balance of power - Aoun and Jumblatt being prime examples
Cowards? Hahahaha I think you need to follow the conversation a little closer; your comment is completely out of context as we were not talking about Hizb leadership who have just deserted their people by moving out of Dahiyeh
Sadly eagledawn it will remain so until our allegiance becomes to Lebanon instead of outside parties like Iran and Saudi
Southern: What's your take on Netanyahu's son dating a Norwegian woman? Is that something good for the resistance?
HOW DARE THEY? trying to defend themselves??? this is OPPRESSION AGAINST SUNNIS!!! refusing to lie down while the takfiris bomb them is unacceptable!!!
eagledown: is it because HA exists that we never had a functional government? or is it because we never had a functional government (even centuries and milleniums before HA even existed) that we need HA?
you know the answer, and i know you wont be sincere, so dont bother :)
actually ice-man, even when trying to be deliberately irrelevant, you fail :)
yes, it is a good thing, not the fact that he dated her, but the way the backward, xenophobic, (or goyim-o-phobic) hateful and disgusting izraeli society reacted. shows the world who the real fanatics and intolerants are.
PS: i love how organized, efficient and altruistic hezbollah fighters are.
unlike takfiri scum who would use live babies as scumbags, HA first reaction is to tell people to evacuate and leave the streets to the fighters, in case there would be a second blast. those men are ready to die in the blast without a single hesitation, as long as they're making sure the innocents are protected.
bless them all, and haters please do hate this post as hard as you can, i will settle for nothing less than your mouths foaming in rage :)
OMG.... is there a limit to your constant harassment of me? When will I be able to express my opinion on this site without fear of you following me and intimidating me with aggressive lengthy posts. For heaven's sake; I was debating a topic with my dearest friend @Southern and you immediately jumped on me and started to refer to me in the most humiliating terms. Sorry, I am forced to vote you down for the first time ever!!!
"And here you go. You no longer have anything tangible to argue so you name call and pretend to give yourself an educated exit from the conversation. Debate is healthy. Anyway, goodnight."
I'm still here hammouds, it is you who have left the debate!!
Petal I like your style. But dont waste your breath on these brain washed revolutianary gaurds, they have been brain washed since they first opened their eyes to the world ie Al Mahdi schools, no point talking common sense to them its pointless, they are the category that only learn the hard way.
I also like the 9/11 example you give everytime you get cornered. Since youre such great champions of the American cause what about the US embassy, what about the US marine barracks, what about Harriri and all that followed, what about what about......
lol, nice combo of lies, so many in just one paragraph. must give you at least that, you're a good BSer
"shredded" wow how democratic of you. Are you sure you don't want to put them on trial first?
As for brave resistance - the only resistance they uphold is their resistance to justice, democracy, common decency and law!
Welcome to tel aviv.
You brought this to yourself, I do not disagree that we had initially extremists as tawheed, minkara and etc in tripoli that needed to be dealt with but now we went backwards 30 yrs ago to the civil war again.
funny that this got censored:
unlike takfiri scum who would use live babies as *sandbags*
عندما نأخذ القرار، أو نمشي في أي درب، أو ندخل إلى أي ساحة، أو إلى أي ميدان أو إلى أي قتال، نحن لا نلجأ إلى عقولنا، ولا إلى علومنا ولا إلى مستوانا العلمي، ولا إلى ولا إلى نحن نلجأ إلى فقهائنا وكبارنا ومراجعنا، الذين هم على أعلى مستوى من الفقاهة والعلم والاجتهاد والتقوى والورع والأمانة والوعي أيضا...إن لم يكن هناك باب شرعي، لم يكن هناك مجوز شرعي، لم يكن هناك ما يقرب إلى الله عز وجل، كيف يجوز لي أن آتي بأخ وأجهز له سيارة وأضع فيها متفجرات وأقول له اذهب إلى هذا الهدف وفجر نفسك؟ كيف؟.. هذا كان التزامنا بالإمام، وهذا التزامنا بعد الإمام رضوان الله تعالى عليه، بسماحة الإمام القائد آية الله العظمى السيد علي الخامنئي
الله نصرالله والضاحية كلها
ما بدنا جيش بلبنان الا جيشك يا حُسين
are they goin to stop at their checkpoints sunnis with beards or niqab like in the south ? Are they goin to interrogate them about yazid and omar like in the south ?
If sunnis carry out 3 false flags can they also have their confessional army ? Can sunnis/alawites put checkpoints in tripoli?
Those hizbos were trained by khomeynist pasdarans that persecute, kill and torture sunni iranians, am I right to be afraid about those checkpoints not being manned about LAF ?
Why cant LAF secure these areas ?
cedre all your fabricated videos wont help you, and there is no antisunnism in Hezbollah, there is many sunni members too. It is simply anti Zionist american and Takfiri. The ones you are supporting are takfiris not normal sunni muslim. All this hatred blinds you, you should insead ask yourself, what good does the takfiri for the Sunni population in Syria? They give people 10 lashes if they just smoke a cigarette. Nobody wants a salafi khalifah cedre.
"lebpatriot246 " dreaming petal coward. Each resistance fighter's shoe has more dignity than all of your clan."
Hahahahaha shoes? Surely they go shoeless as well as tieless? No - is it because they found velcro less of a challenge?
(1). One can appreciate and understand the security efforts undertaken by Hezbollah to secure their areas of predominance against the attacks of the Takfiri terrorists. Everything towards the preservation of life and property is always a move in the right direction. However, it does cause me a lot of regret to say that all these efforts, though worth it all, but they are all but a watershed. Believe me, as an LFer who during the war years, we deployed every possible effort to fight terrorism and the car bombs they planted, though we managed to bring about gaps between one attack and the other, still, it could not change the fact that despite it all, we could never stop these attacks. Today Hezbollah has very stark choices, all bitter ones one could say too.
as you said, every effort counts. stopping it 100% might not be possible, but preparing people to not gather around a bomb site, if it can save hundreds of people from an eventual secondary blast it's definitely worth it a million times. (look at post-bombing scenes, there are literally several hundreds of people gathering around every time)
(2). Hezbollah together with the LAF can put as many boots on the ground as it wants, I will repeat it, it will NOT stop the Takfiris from carrying out their terrorist attacks on Hezbollah targets. Bitter as it sounds, now Hezbollah must come to terms with truths it can no longer keep in abeyance. One, now Hezbollah must start plans to withdraw from the Syrian conflict, a conflict that has literally drained it to its lowest ebb. Two, accept that it cannot continue to attempt to dominate Lebanon indefinitely, the collateral cost for HA is just too high and as time goes, HA has less and less means to defray the collateral damage. Three, start talking to its Lebanese siblings, those it opposes and finally agree over a timetable under which HA gradually returns back its weapons to the Lebanese state. Four, integrate its fighters into the Army and other state security forces. Five, become purely a party and not one with a militia.
HA is far from drained, phoenix, very very far. it's not the few hundred fighters there who make the slightest difference. if anything it made them stronger by providing field experience to the rookies.
also, withdrawing wouldn't change anything, it would even make things worse, because they would have free hands to prepare more attacks and bombs.
i'm sure you know as well as i do, the takfiris are not attacking because of whatever pretexts they gave, they are attacking out of their desire to commit sectarian genocide.
Mowaten: What's your take on HA using Somali fighters in Syria?
U.N. Says Somalis Helped Hezbollah Fighters
"More than 700 Islamic militants from Somalia traveled to Lebanon in July to fight alongside Hezbollah in its war against Israel, a United Nations report says."
first the report is dated 2006 and mentions the war against israel, not syria.
and second, i wonder how they came, to lebanon without anyone seeing them. FYI the airport was the first thing israelis bombed, so they couldnt have landed in lebanon. 700 somalis in arms crossing through land and nobody noticed them? funny :)
(A). Mowaten brother, I wish I could concur with you on this. Hezbollah does not have a few hundreds in Syria, but thousands, if my figures are right, Hezbollah has close to 5000 if not more soldiers. There was a time when Hezbollah participation did help the regime push forward in some areas, and in other areas be able to hold on to current positions, so please ya Mowaten, you are talking with a seasoned LF fighter, it takes into the thousands to make any such impact. Then according to our information, Hezbollah is literally drained, maybe not yet but will be soon, and pundits calculate it to start happening this year. To make matters worse, those who back Hezbollah are now in great financial difficulties,
(B). Mowaten. namely Iran and Syria, and the Lebanese who donate to Hezbollah are also now under economic strains, and more so with the cash from the diaspora, where HA is also facing lots of pressure from the US and the West. So bro, I understand, you will not want this to happen to HA, and I respect your sentiments, but it will if it doesn't backtrack soon. Right at this moment, Hezbollah is becoming more and more vulnerable, and God forbid a million times, if one spark brings about an Israeli war on it, or if the Sunni/Shiite conflict goes full blown in Lebanon, HA will suffer a lot, to the point where it won't hold its own but for a short time. No matter what HA may want to try, it still remains a militia.
Field experience you say what field the cemetry is that why they bury their dead at night and in secret this a war no one will win and everybody will lose, to the syrian people death is better than living under this regime and i guess time and sadly more lives will tell if they willget their freedom from tyranny.
Not true watan, majority of the Syrian people just wants to go back to their old lives, before this nightmarish unrest. Syria used to be a wonderful country, look at pictures before and after the war. Ask the Syrian people, they will say they wanna go back to what it once was, with Al Assad too. They do not care, they just want peace with no Al Qaeda involved in Syria. They trust their national army to bring security, not the takfiris.
well phoenix, you have your sources, i have mine, and they dont seem to concur here. and i think neither you or i have the possibility of going on the ground to count fighters one by one and review HA's accounts to see if they're in difficulty or not. but the coming year(s) will tell. if you were right it will inevitably show when HA cannot confront the takfiris or israelis anymore. otherwise, it will mean i was right.
Phoenix, you are wrong friend. They do not have thousands of fighters in Syria, it is a small group of Hezbollah Advisors in Syria, whom gives training in Guerilla warfare to Pro Government militias such as the National Defense Forces.
Truck loads? I think you are talking about the salafis Mr. Watan salafiya, they are not doing so good, they are actually butchering each other now as we speak.
watan is day dreaming with his friends, high on capatagon and all. let him believe one billion HA fighters were killed, if that's what he want to believe. we dont care :)
(3). The longer Hezbollah procrastinates, the worse its situation will be, and along with it, our situation as Lebanese. In Syria, already Hezbollah is not a big game changing factor, but in Lebanon, it's role in the Syrian war is indeed a game changing factor and for the worse for Hezbollah. I have firm belief that most of the Lebanese, and the parties they adhere to, do not harbor hatred for Hezbollah, and I am even more sure that if HA moves early on, everyone will still welcome it back into the fold with open arms. It would also be fair for me to say that literally speaking, under such terms, no one will wish harm either to Hezbollah, or for that matter its constituent base. Let now Hezbollah top cadres start paving the way back home and not later.
phoenix i'm not so sure about that... but let's assume i agree. HA's worry is not from other lebanese, it's from israelis, and now takfiris. in both cases they would pretend that if hezbollah stands down/disarms/disbands, they would not attack. in both cases, we saw hateful attacks way before HA's reaction, and have no reason or guarantee to believe it would not happen again. in both cases, the only thing holding them back is HA's military might. disarming or standing down would be opening the flood gates, and even the best intentioned people (and i know you are one) will not be able to do anything. world powers would meet in the UN, eat croissants and make a few fiery speeches, while israelis and/or takfiris slaughter thousands and thousands. nothing would stop them.
"in both cases they would pretend that if hezbollah stands down/disarms/disbands, they would not attack."
When you do that your faith and trust is in the army, like every Lebanese citizen, so I wouldnt worry too much about that if I was you.Or should we all carry weapons and re create our own armies?
Oh my, but mowaten you always said you were an atheist !!!! How come you use a religious proverb??????? My immense respect for you has almost vanished!
lol ice-man, you dont understand arabic do you? if you did you'd know how far off you are :)
only they didnt, slash. HA was fighting in the south, not a single rocket was fired from dahiyeh, yet israel bombed entire neighborhoods of it with massive bombs.
so you can stop repeating israeli propaganda, because it wont work on anyone who has the smallest clue about what happened.
It pains me to see someone other than the Lebanese authority taking security measure. I am having a very hard time accepting that fact. It looks like a statelet within a state.
So Hezbollah's solution to getting bombed is locking themselves in. To my knowledge, this does not address the problem at all. Addressing the problem means solving it by removing any reasons for their ennemies to attack. IE: stop fighting them in Syria, a war that is not theirs to fight in the first place!
You don't conduct terrorist acts and foreign wars and complain about repercussions... they sent an open invitations for attacks.
And these terms are not "their" terms. Those terms are demanded by the LEBANESE PEOPLE. GET THE HELL OUT OF SYRIA ! We don't want your wars, we don't want Hezbollah to drag us once again into war, we don't want HEZBOLLAH at all to hold weapons.
Now shove your terrorist love for Hezbollah somewhere deep inside of you and spend your energy on promoting something constructive and relevant for the future of Lebanon.
Hezbollah has no role to play in building our country. No plans, nothing ... stop supporting them !
So are these terrorists supposed to impose what March 14 demand? When you say Lebanese people, you mean March 14 who are led by a man with allegiance to the King of Saudi Arabia, a kingdom led by hypocrites and oppression.
Nice Flamecatcher I agree with you 100%, we dont need anybody to carry weapons for us, we have after all been through 15 years of war, we all know how to carry weapons, but we learned our lesson well, we saw firsthand the results of maniacs, drug addict junkies, thieves, rapists and scum of the earth carrying weapons and having the power to challenge state institutions and impose their law of the jungle. We do not want to go back there no matter what. Why does HA keep cornering the Lebanese to the wall until they have no choice but to retaliate? This is exactly what you want isnt it? You are armed, trained and prepared, this is your goal. I will tell you this you are making a huge mistake, all of Lebanon is against you and when "halib el nawar" kicks in you will realize that you have made a gross miscalculation.
Blah blah blah...drone drone drone, has anyone told you that you dont make a lot of sense? I think you need to let off some steam. There are several methods of doing that, if there's anyway I can assist you with that let me know...
(bleaze read between the lines and use your imagination)
Dear Leb-Parrot Stop repeating KSA as if coming from Iran is ok, At least KSA have hundreds of thousands that are welcomed to work and live there in real peace. If your Iran is not providing your people with such help it is your problem. Ohh, and don't ask for Lebanese government because, whether you follow Hizbola or Michel Aoun clan, both are contributing to destroy the state thus have no right to ask anything from the government.
You are new and simpleminded. I have been commenting since May 2005. You know nothing about me.
Says you shab, everytime you make a comment, you say filthy militia. That is simplicity for you.
I once supported Hezb, but they have become completely different to what they used to be. They have engaged themselves to a cause that has no benefit to the Lebanese, and in the process brought terror to Lebanon.
Whoever still believes in this organization is seriously blinded by partisan politics. M14 are hypocritical, but Hezb isn't any better.
I once supported Hezb, but they have become completely different to what they used to be. They have engaged themselves to a cause that has no benefit to the Lebanese, and in the process brought terror to Lebanon.
Whoever still believes in this organization is seriously blinded by partisan politics. M14 are hypocritical, but Hezb isn't any better.
The takfiris brought terror to Lebanon, along with the M14 whom supported them since the Syrian unrest began. Al Nusra, & Al Qaeda came from all over the world long before Hezbollah intervened. Then finally after a long time, Hezbollah dispatched a small peacekeeping force to Syria, to bring back justice and to safeguard Lebanons borders.
1)The first suicide bomb that went off in Dahiyeh came after Hezb announced its involvement in Syria.
2) Even if the "takfiri" threat existed before, it is sure much easier to recruit people to these terrorist organizations given what Hezb is doing in Syria.
3) Who gave the authority for Hezb to take it upon itself to go to Syria? Was there a vote? Was there a democratic mechanism that allowed it to go? If Hezb wants to be Lebanon's primary defense institution, and if we the Lebanese want a democracy, then shouldn't Hezb's actions be subject to a democratic vote? How can you justify Hezb taking arbitrary actions without consulting the Lebanese people?
The presence of radical Islamist groups in Lebanon does not give Hezb a blank cheque to go do whatever the heck it wants without consulting the Lebanese people.
gcb1 What is Hezbollah doing in Syria? They do not have a big presence overthere, it is a small group consisting of advisors to teach Pro Government Militias how to fight guerilla warfare.
Syria helped Lebanon during the 2006 war against Israel, they took in our refugees, and supported the resistance. Now Lebanon do the same for the Syrian refugees, and when the takfiri threat is over in Syria, then they will all return to their homeland.
"Syria helped Lebanon during the 2006 war against Israel, they took in our refugees, and supported the resistance. Now Lebanon do the same for the Syrian refugees, and when the takfiri threat is over in Syria, then they will all return to their homeland."
Their homeland in Iran..
Hizbollah brought so called takfiris to lebanon and they wont leave till hizbollah is finished off
I was talking about the Syrian refugees in Lebanon, to go back to their homeland, when the war is over. I know you are referring to the resistance now, which are all Lebanese Citizens. So drop the crap and get Saudi citizenship if you love them so much
So watan, you wish for the takfiris to take over Lebanon? Because if they (in your dreams) finished off Hezbollah as you said. Do you trust them to run Lebanon then? With their Caliphate goal. Unless you yourself are a takfiri, then you would hate that more than Hezbollah.
At the end of the day, if you put it on yourself to be the face of a democratic country's defense institution, then your actions must also be subject to democracy. And if most people in Lebanon do not support your actions, then you should immediately cease your actions.
No referendum was held on this, but my guess is I highly doubt that a majority of Lebanon supports Hezb's actions right now. You wanna be Lebanon's resistance? Fine, but subject your actions to a democratic vote, not to a foreign cause.
Not desperate, just normal security measures. The desperate people are the takfiris in this matter.
LOL.... they boasted not so long ago to have taken "measures"... but did not work ... so yes they are desperate as the "measures" taken were null...
or they were the ones who planted the bombs just to make believe they are victims and justify their massacres in syria...
i guess they should close dahye to everyone and live in their ghetto cut off from lebanon, as lebanon is not their country as they pledged allegiance to iran... they d be safe then LOL
@Mystic I'm not a takfiri i don't want any foreign involvement in lebanon nor do i want any lebanese involved in somebody elses war Hizbollah started off in the good graces of most lebanese but i think now their resistance is no longer needed all that is needed is reconciiation and lead needs to come from nasrollah he should stop all hostilities immediately form a political party and join a nation unity government so we can control our borders because we lebanese decide who comes and who goes from our country not syria not iran not saudi arabia or any other nation
Yeh, but enough is enough already Southern Brother. How many times can the real players can "cry wolf" or always find an excuse or an explanation. Pajama Boy makes a very good point re. the Palestinians which was arguably Lebanon's original mistake. Lets Divide the Country and get on with our business. Let the market place decide who wants to live where and under what color of religion, if any.
Mind your disgusting tone cedre. You must accept not everyone here support Saudi Arabia as you do
yes i knew that cedre, are you shocked? i guess in saudi you'd get your head chopped off for less than mentioning something like that.