صقر ادعى على قيادي بكتائب العزام و12 آخرين لانتمائهم لتنظيم ارهابي

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ادعى مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر، الاربعاء، على الموقوف جمال دفتردار و12 شخصا آخرين في جرم الانتماء الى تنظيم ارهابي مسلح.

وهذا التنظيم هو كتائب عبد الله عزام وزياد الجراح، المرتبط بالقاعدة، وقد انتمى اليه المدعى عليهم بقصد القيام بأعمال ارهابية وتجنيد اشخاص وتدريبهم ونقلهم الى خارج لبنان.

وأتى الادعاء على هؤلاء الاشخاص، ايضاً بجرم تزوير اوراق ثبوتية وهويات واطلاق صورايخ على اسرائيل وحيازة اسلحة ومتفجرات.

يٌذكر أن الجيش اللبناني أعلن في 15 الجاري، توقيف القيادي في كتائب عبد الله عزام جمال دفتردار في كامد اللوز بالبقاع الغربي في حين قتل أحد المسلحين أثناء المداهمات.

التعليقات 19
Thumb ice-man 14:14 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

"Saqr also charged them with forging identification papers, firing rockets towards Israel, and possessing weapons and explosives."

I swear I thought for a while Saqr arrested HA operatives or leadership coz that is is exactly what they do!

Thumb ex-fpm 14:31 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

lol ice-man! Since when firing rockets at the zionist enemy has become a crime:))??

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:43 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

i agree, for once, with you. they should be hanged but not for that. the only good thing they ever did.

Thumb primesuspect 21:28 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

Ex fpm, this is great news. Anybody firing rockets to israhell is now hung. Yessssssss! No more retaliations from the jews.

Thumb ice-man 14:33 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

please, "unconfuse" me!

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:26 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

I hope they do not use the "Rab Rabou la Saqr Sar" clause of the new "urf" (tradition) established by m8.

Thumb ice-man 14:38 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

Southern: Why did you get my comment deleted when I said you are impartial, huh?

Thumb zahle1 16:18 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

Let's not focus on HA for this article. They do enough many disagree with and hold them accountable for their wrongdoings when appropriate and relevant. HA is not relevant to what these takfiri did. Let's hold the takfiri responsible and denounce them together. Let's not minimize what they do. They are a threat. Although I no longer trust that HA weapons are for Israel only, I feel that these takfiri, throwing grenades at Churches, burning libraries, and going to Syria to support kidnapping nuns, bishops and desecrate churches...is worse. I understand what the regime has done in Lebanon, and what HA allowed to take place in Lebanon, but I still feel all of these Sunni extremist groups are a bigger threat. And Yes HA makes it worse for these takfiri, not better. It still doesn't make takfiri legit.

Thumb Mystic 16:33 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

zahle as much as i agree with you, there is only this you forget. Hezbollah is actually the only wall between the takfiris and the rest of us. As much as i love our army, it is going to be hard for them to conquer this threat without the help of their allies the resistance forces.

Missing theobserver 16:58 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

The problem about HA combating the tekfiris is that it's raising the tensions between sunnis/shias, and causing some lebanese sunnis to go to the extreme.
The only solution is to have a strong army where sunnis,shias and christians fight the takfiris together.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

and if the army takes on the takfiris, you have rifi and his pets sectarian haters who are going to say the army is oppressing sunnis and whatever... there's no solution that can make everyone happy, so forget that idea. the only real objective here is to wipe them out, whatever is most efficient has my blessing.

Thumb Mystic 20:06 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

The observer, there is sunnis in Hezbollah aswell. It is not an all out Shia group as people in here says. Fact os takfirism is a threat to all Lebanese, all muslims and christians alike, our army already fought the takfiris in Nahr Al Bared, but more than hundred soldiers died during that battle.

Missing --karim_m1--- 18:58 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

Hang them.

Thumb legit 20:00 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

No, not yet, go back to day dreaming. I will wake you up when they do.

Thumb primesuspect 21:30 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

Takfiris should get a political branch, its own MPs and a key ministry. They r not any different than hizballoot.

Thumb primesuspect 22:14 ,2014 كانون الثاني 29

Amen 2 that. Lebanon should quit this state of lawlessness and impunity. Each person with blood on his hands should be hung.

Thumb Mystic 00:42 ,2014 كانون الثاني 30

Go arrest him yourself. He is in Syria, have a nice trip.

Thumb lebpatriot246 02:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 30

Out of*

Thumb lebpatriot246 02:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 30

March 14 supporters of these cannibal terrorists want to spin this outbid frustration...go eat your hearts out...