معارضون سوريون يشنون هجوما على قريتين علويتين من داخل لبنان

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شن معارضون سوريون مقاتلون هجوما على قريتين علويتين في محافظة حمص من داخل الأراضي اللبنانية وسقط ما لا يقل عن خمسة قتلى.

وقال المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسانبعد ظهر الجمعة أن "اشتباكات عنيفة تدور بين القوات النظامية مدعمة بقوات الدفاع الوطني من جهة ومقاتلي الكتائب الإسلامية المقاتلة من جهة أخرى في محيط بلدة الحصن وقرية الزارة بريف مدينة تلكلخ" القريبتين من الحدود اللبنانية.

وأشار المرصد إلى "معلومات عن سيطرة القوات النظامية وقوات الدفاع الوطني على منطقة محيط برج الزارة الأثري وأنباء عن خسائر بشرية في صفوف الطرفين".

كذلك "قتل مالايقل عن 5 من القوات النظامية وقوات حرس الحدود وقوات الدفاع الوطني إثر هجوم للكتائب الإسلامية المقاتلة من داخل الأراضي اللبنانية على قريتي البهلونية والغيضة اللتان يقطنهما مواطنون من الطائفة العلوية على الحدود اللبنانية في ريف مدينة تلكلخ" بحسب المصدر عينه.

يذكر ان أصوات إطلاق نار كثيف سمعت في مناطق عكارية مساء الخميس جراء الإشتباكات.

والجمعة تعرضت عدد من البلدات إلى قصف من الجانب السوري ونتج عنه سقوط قتيل وعدة جرحى.

التعليقات 16
Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:10 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

Time to re-instate the draft, form a national reserve force and seal the border.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:16 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

Southern - We can play games or we can build a state. The only way to build a state is through its institutions. Your statement that someone should go after "the patrons and the ones who are sponsoring them" can mean different things to different people.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:17 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

Funny that I got a very fast "finger down" for wanting to strengthen the army. M8 want miltias and not a state!

Thumb ice-man 16:10 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

How Sad.......

Thumb lebanese.hash 16:48 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

what happened to the 3 Billion dollars french weapons that would boost the Lebanese Army's performance ?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:16 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

Evidence please!

Thumb -phoenix1 17:27 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

Southern, please kahye, please, kirmel Allah, battlou ba2a hal di3eyet, 5alsounah ya khaye. Ayyeh conditioned or reconditioned weapons? Ya akhi, do you have people working in the LAF to know? OK bro, I'll tell you since this matters seems so pertinent to you, the weapons are brand new, spanking new, in their oiled plastic/wooden containers. Even if we Lebanese wanted to do it this way as you said, the KSA will never allow it, since they are paying, they make their conditions, and their condition is for us to purchase Brand New weapons. Then the French have been amply warned not to go that way, the KSA is paying and it is the one who says how it wants these weapons, please khaye, enough of this propanganda, 3ayb, bi kaffi.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:56 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

OK Southern now I cannot dispute onto whom we will use these weapons, and to be perfectly honest with you, there are a million reasons why states have armies, so whoever provokes the sovereignty of this nation then should see the state's weapons turned against him, be it Syrian, Israeli, Lebanese armies are here to dissuade anyone from ussurping power as some Lebanese militias and their patrons do. My vehement argument was where you said that these weapons were used or remanufactured or refurbished or reconditioned or conditioned, what I know is that they are perfectly brand new. When they arrive, you and me and everyone will see how new they shine and how new they smell.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:04 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

Now to Israel, let us call a spade by its name, a spade. Quite frankly, I have been around long enough NOT to deny this fact, and to the best of my judgement, it will not be unfair to say this: that if we left Israel in peace, it too would have left us in peace. Then, just how many times we provoke Israel and let's it go, till it can't take anymore? How many times has Israel said that it wants to leave in peace with us, how many times? How many times has it said that it wants to sign a peace treaty with us? But we being the weak and castrated Lebanese that we are, when everyone who has an arguemtn with his wife will come to Lebanon to make the war against israel his holy grail, would we dare try the peace with Israel?

Thumb -phoenix1 18:07 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

Now ya Southern, bacj to Israel again, let's be honest for God's sake, when we have a war with Israel, donesn't it thorw tracks from their planes and warn us by radio, TV of which areas they want to bomb? Does Syria do that with us? Haven't you seen just how terrible Syria's wars were on us Lebanese? In Syria, is the regime as kind as the Jew? Now we have a UN brokered peace with israel, and you know, Hezbollah was most keen to agree to the cease fire, is Israel really breaking that peace? I was once a fighter and I know, when I am wining, I don't go for cease fires, unless I am regressing backwards, the cease fire comes to save me. Who is now blowing us to bits almost daily now, the Israelis or the Syrians of both sides. Weapons we will have Inshalah, and our wrmy will point them to whoever wants to be phylosophic with us.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:58 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

A). No brother Southern I cannot agree with you again. The daily flights by Israel, sure they are violations, but who brought them about my dear brother, whom, me? No, first we have that crazy Cairo Agreement that allowed the Palestinians to fight Israel from our land, then happened what happened, the civil war etc.., then Hezbollah, yes Hezbollah, that proud resistance we once had came and helped get the Israeli occupiers out. But then, Hezbollah still kept its own agenda despite all the efforts of the Hariri governments to continue negotiations using diplomatic channels only, but did HA accept? So now it's like I am being asked who came first, the egg of the hen?

Thumb -phoenix1 20:00 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

B). Brother, the very survival of Hezbollah rests on what it still calls the struggle, but now the real struggle is not Israel, we can solve that diplomatically, and just like did Jordan and Egypt, we can sign a peace deal in not time. The problem will come when the Palestinians will be reactivated, depending on the outcome of the war in Syria. Will we be ready by then, it all depends on what Hezbollah will take us to, and how we can solve our mounting problems between us Lebanese. The least of my worries brother, and to be quite candid with you is not Israel, but rather what Hezbollah will do, what the Syrians will do, and from there what the Palestinians will do. It's a chain-link if you wish, Israel is just being used to cure all our ailments, that's all.

Thumb cedre 16:49 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

hypocritical how sometimes u denounce the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights as a khaliji/western/zionist tool and when it suits u, u believe them...

Funny as well how u brain has partitioned Lebanon into m8/m14 areas.
I condemn this attack, not per se, but coz it was made from lebanon.
But then what's the difference between this attack and attacks on qusayr by HA from Lebanon as well? Except that this attack targeted assad troops, and Qusayr's one killed score of civilians.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:22 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

FT, I honestly don't know what to make of this post of yours my brother, you make it sound as if it was Mustaqbal that has caused all this mess, when you dear brother know the answer that it is a lot closer to home. If anyone that should be taken to task, it should be our now well known Lord of the War Sayed Hassan that should stand first in line, and not Future. Now we are seeing sandbags appear, trust me bro, I know what they symbolize, in fact nothing good, Syrians of both colors fight in and out of the country, the Syrian regime hits us, the rebels hit us, we can't form yet a government of national disunity, and you my good brother had to look through that tunnel?

Missing peace 21:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

yes it's mustahbal who started that mess beginning with refusing to be patr of the miqati gvt"

= what messhere? you should be happy to have ruled alone and hands free! poor hypocrit... but of course hard to hide the mess thos gvt has created by throwing the blame on others as you are the only responsibles.....

"to oqab saqr's involvement in syria" what messdid that create? only in your delusional mind, nce again proving your stupidity to try and justify your hezbi involvment in syria...

"to now." what mess does this create? FPM is blocking as usual... hezbis had to pressure your master to be more flexible! LOL

facts are against you as usual poor idiot, but your stupidity takes the upper hand in trying to prove the contrary which makes you look ridiculous day by day....

nice entertainement you are little clown....

Thumb -phoenix1 18:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 31

How many times ya Southern, ya khaye, ya habibi, since the cease fire went into effect on 15 August 2006, how many times did the Palestinians send rockets into Israel, how quick was Hezbollah to deny such acts of sabotage? Yes, let's be honest about our border with Israel, if we have a real state, with a strong army that is making sure that no ungrateful Palestinian refugee can cause us trouble, that Hezbollah as we've seen, is keeping its own side of the bargain there, would we have problems with the Jews? Let's be frank about it, it is the Syrian, the damn Syrian that is causing me my problems, both he who belongs to the Regime and he who belongs to the rebels. They enter as if this country was an extension of theirs, and the sad thing is that the Lebanese is the one making it easy for him the Syrian, so it is in truth that border between them and us that needs to be controlled a lot more and not really the one in the South.