الطيران السوري "يحلق" فوق عكار وتضرر منزلين إثر قذائف على بلدة العوينات

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تعرضت بلدة العوينات الحدودية في عكار اليوم الاحد لقذائف مصدرها الجانب السوري، ألحقت الضرر بمنزلين، دون ان توقع أصابات بشرية، فيما حلق الطيران السوري فوق بلدات عدة.

وقالت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام أن "بلدة العوينات الحدودية، تتعرض منذ بعد ظهر اليوم وحتى المساء، لقذائف مصدرها الجانب السوري"، مشيرة الى أن "إحدى القذائف التي سقطت تباعا داخل البلدة، أصابت منزل شبيب شبيب والحقت به اضرارا بالغة".

وأصيب بحسب الوكالة "منزل الياس كفروني بقذيفة دبابة اخترقت جدرانه وتسببت بخسائر كبيرة من دون وقوع اصابات بشرية".

كما سقطت قذيفة ثالثة بالقرب من خزان المياه الذي يزود البلدة بمياه الشرب.

وأفادت الوكالة أيضا عن "طلعات للطيران الحربي السوري فوق عدد من مناطق عكار في اطار عمليات الاغارة التي ينفذها على قلعة الحصن السورية".

وتعرضت عكار أمس السبت أيضا لاعتداءات، فبعد سقوط حوالي 50 قذيفة عليها في الايام القليلة الماضية، سقطت قذائف أخرى أمس على خراج بلدات النورة، حكر جنين وقشلق، ما خلق حالة من التوتر بين أهالي المناطق الحدودية.

ولقد تبع ذلك "طلقات نارية طالت الأوتوستراد الذي يربط العبودية بمنجز".

التعليقات 32
Thumb lebneneh 22:20 ,2014 شباط 02

Where the hell is the Lebanese Army? Why doesn't the army protect the people? Why doesn't the army deploy on the border and stop any smuggling? Ah yeah Hiszullah does not allow it...sorry forgot about that!

Thumb cedre 23:32 ,2014 شباط 02

KSA please keep ur money, lebanon is gone, finished, kaput coz christians dont have the will to fight HA...

Thumb primesuspect 00:14 ,2014 شباط 03

Don't blame it on Xians please. Blame it on FPMers/Marada/tashnag.

Missing watan-libnan 01:23 ,2014 شباط 03

Don't blame this on the christians or anybody for some reason the world stays quiet when this is happening to lebanon there's a hidden agenda that hasn't unfolded as yet because all you hear at the moment is rhetoric and more rhetoric but no action i don't know why they are wasting time forming a government it seems its going to be a limp government .

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:26 ,2014 شباط 03

lol @ you bums. fight HA? really? that's the only thing you found worthy of doing in this country? the last rampart against israel and takfiris is the one thing you want to fight cedre? stop trying to use chrtistians for the dirty work, israel already chose YOU for it. come and do it.

Thumb cedre 15:48 ,2014 شباط 03

i dont blame christians for anything, just explaining why those funds will be useless.
I'm sunni and living abroad while they're on the ground fighting for our blessed land.
If i was christian, i would emigrate or get partition, always better than another civil war and bloodshed...

Problem is they wont get the partition they dream of....

Missing watan-libnan 01:18 ,2014 شباط 03

Lebanese army lolololololol

Thumb scorpyonn 04:06 ,2014 شباط 03

What about the so called resistance that is supposed to be in existence to protect Lebanon? Such hypocrisy is shameful

Missing peace 00:47 ,2014 شباط 03

sure and M8ers applaud.... and they will still say it is not the syrian army but terrorists shelling akkar ....

Missing watan-libnan 01:18 ,2014 شباط 03

That will never happen

Thumb scorpyonn 04:08 ,2014 شباط 03

I know what-let us ask the Israelis to shoot down those Syrian planes that intrude into our airspace.

Default-user-icon Vicken (ضيف) 05:25 ,2014 شباط 03

Where is Mansour??

Thumb ToniFarris 05:32 ,2014 شباط 03

The Syrian conflict makes it crystal clear how useless and powerless the United Nations really is? When it has come to the major conflicts of the world UN has repeatedly fallen short. It's time they have restructured the security council's "veto" power. Maybe a 2/3 majority of the general assembly to override a veto by a security council's permanent member.

Thumb ToniFarris 05:34 ,2014 شباط 03

Some non contributing nations like China should not have to enjoy as much power when they have the least contribution in terms of financial, human capital and etc.

Thumb kanaanljdid 12:27 ,2014 شباط 03

The difference is that Israeli violations doesn't kill or destroy houses, and usually are the results of Hizbullah provocation to ignite the border. Syria is supposedly at peace with Lebanon, it shouldn't act that way and should have recognized Lebanon independance from 1943, not 2005.

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 12:33 ,2014 شباط 03

the first weapon to ask from the French is(paid by ksa )
anti aircraft missiles so they can defend Lebanese airspace from notth to south

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:29 ,2014 شباط 03

that wont happen, the french already saud they wont give us anything that might threaten israel.

Missing peace 14:01 ,2014 شباط 03

funny that moooowaten is not saying that these are rebels shellings... caught in his M8 lies.... poor man...

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:22 ,2014 شباط 03

March 8 traitors are probably cheering the Syrian army for breaching our sovereignty once again. Your Iranian Foreign Minister will again fail to file a complaint with the UN against this breach of airspace ...

Hassan and Aoun will come up with more lies to defend Bashar's actions and FT / Mowaten / Southern will claim it was to defend "Lebanon" (They consider Hezbollah to be Lebanon) against takfiri zionist cannibal threats that only exist in their little heads like their imaginary friends, imaginary ennemies, imaginary excuses and imaginary world.

Missing peace 16:04 ,2014 شباط 03

"you would see the condemnation of M8 for both syrian and israeli violations"

what a jerk this FT... each time syrian airplanes or mortars shell arsal he says it is a good thing!
each time akkar is shelled he says it is the rebels shelling akkar...

more hypocrit than this antilebanese traitor you cannot find... tfeh!

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:05 ,2014 شباط 03

You must be confusing me with some imaginary enemy of yours :)

The difference between me and you (including Aoun and your clones) is that I always held the same anti-syrian stance. Don't accuse me of something you make up in your tiny little empty head !

When Aoun goes from accusing Bashar of murdering Hariri to siding with him and his Lebanese allies who are all traitors, then you cannot say many honourable things about him.

And unlike you, I do not follow any "idols". You cannot even demonstrate my support for any politician so shove these arguments already and try something new for a change. You will always fail to make me appear as something i'm not...

And unless I see Aoun on TV condemning the violations. Unless I see him condemning Hezbollah's crimes in Syria, then I can only conclude he's a Pro-Syrian traitor and so are his followers!

Missing peace 17:18 ,2014 شباط 03

poor FT... you believe i will waste my time finding your quotes? poor thing... everyone here has read your comments supporting bashar's shelling on arsal... everyone here has read your comments saying the shellings on akkar were not from the syrian army but from rebels...

poor idiot you are, poor idiot you ll stay....

Missing peace 19:13 ,2014 شباط 03

"hateful, lying and filthy, no doubt an inbred."

sure and i guess you are the embodiment of love and truth? LOL so before accusing others just look at yourself, the one who wants half of Lebanon to be thrown in the sea just for supporting M14....

Thumb cedre 16:19 ,2014 شباط 03

Qahwaji, why didn't u bring back some Mistral manpads with u from KSA?
Oh i forgot u need the pro-syria/pro-iran votes to become president. my bad...

Thumb lebpatriot246 20:20 ,2014 شباط 03

They should stop harboring terrorists in Akkar.

Missing peace 21:03 ,2014 شباط 03

have you ever been there at least?

Thumb lebpatriot246 21:15 ,2014 شباط 03

No and I will not set foot there until all the terrorists and thei hosts are eliminated.

Thumb lebpatriot246 21:15 ,2014 شباط 03


Thumb cedre 21:36 ,2014 شباط 03

better stay in dahieh, dont go to akkar...

Missing peace 21:54 ,2014 شباط 03

then you cannot say anything about akkar if you ve never been there... you just prove your stupid ignorance....

Missing roxtox 22:43 ,2014 شباط 03

Seriously now, shouldn't lebpatriot246 change its name to HApatriot1

Thumb cedre 00:33 ,2014 شباط 04

no, dahieh's drag queen would suit him better...