قهوجي: الأحداث الغريبة عن مجتمعنا مرحلية وسنواصل مقارعة الإرهاب

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أعلن قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي من السعودية أن ما يجري من "أحداث غريبة" هو "عابر" وسيتم تخطيه.

وقال قهوجي في حديث خلال لقاء الجالية اللبنانية في السعودية لكن نشرته قيادة الجيش بعد عودته إلى بيروت الإثنين "يمر وطننا لبنان بمرحلة دقيقة من تاريخه، ناجمة عن الأحداث الإقليمية في محيطه، وانعكاسها على أرضه على المستويات السياسية والاقتصادية والأمنية".

إلا أنه أشار إلى أن اللبنانين أكدوا "تمسكهم بوحدتهم ونبذهم الانقسامات الفئوية، والتفافهم حول الجيش الساهر على مسيرة السلم الأهلي الذي أرسى اتفاق الطائف قواعده ومرتكزاته".

وقال "إن كل ما تسمعونه من أحداث غريبة عن مجتمعنا اللبناني وروحية عائلاتنا وتقاليدنا، لهو مرحلي وعابر وسنتخطاه نحن وأنتم، بفعل تمسكنا بقضيتنا الأم، وبالتعايش اللبناني الذي يشكل رمزنا الوطني".

وجزم قائد الجيش أن قواته تواصل "مقارعة الإرهاب" كذلك هي "على جهوز دائم لمواجهة العدو الإسرائيلي وإحباط مخططاته".

وكان قد توجه قهوجي منذ الجمعة إلى السعودية يرافقه وفد عسكري للبحث في ملف المساعدات العسكرية والهبة السعودية للجيش اللبناني.

وأفاد بيان الجيش الإثنين أنه "عقد اجتماعا مطولا ضم رئيس الديوان الملكي الشيخ خالد بن عبد العزيز التويجري والمسؤولين العسكريين السعوديين الكبار، ورئيس هيئة أركان الجيوش الفرنسية الأميرال ادوار غيو".

وخلال الاجتماع "قدم الجانب اللبناني عرضا مفصلا عن حاجات الجيش".

من جهته شدد الجانب السعودي على "أهمية دور المؤسسة العسكرية اللبنانية في حفظ استقرار لبنان ومكافحة الإرهاب، مؤكدا أن المساعدة العسكرية للجيش اللبناني تنطلق من حرص بلاده المطلق على توفير الدعم له".

ثم عرض قهوجي "بالتفصيل المبادرة السعودية والتعاون مع فرنسا لتأمين كل ما يحتاج اليه لتعزيز قدراته، فيما أبدى الجانب الفرنسي استعداده لتلبية المطالب التي تقدم بها الجيش" دائما بحسب بيان الجيش.

هذا وأطلع قهوجي اليوم رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان على الوضع في منطقة طرابلس وعلى اجواء محادثاته التي اجراها في المملكة.

وكانت قد نقلت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، الاثنين عن مصادر عسكرية، تأكيدها أن لا علاقة للزيارة بموضوع إقتراب موعد الاستحقاق الرئاسي، موضحة أن قهوجي شرح للجانب السعودي احتياجات الجيش بناءً على لائحة مفصلة وضعها كبار ضباط القيادة المعنيين بالمساعدات العسكرية من سلاح وأجهزة وعتاد.

وشددت مصادر "الجمهورية" على أن الزيارة جاءت في اطار تعزيز القدرات العسكرية والتدريبية للمؤسّسة العسكرية من أسلحة دفاعية جوّية وبرية وبحرية، إضافةً الى دبابات وآليات من الطراز الرفيع.

يُذكر انه في أواخر كانون الاول الفائت، أعلن رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان عن قرار العاهل السعودي "تقديم مساعدة سخية مشكورة للبنان بمقدار 3 مليار دولار مخصصة للجيش ستسمح له بالإستحصال على أسلحة حديثة من فرنسا".

وفي 30 كانون الثاني زار قهوجي فرنسا والتقى مسؤولين عسكريين، للبحث في سبيل تفعيل علاقات التعاون العسكري بين الجيشين.

التعليقات 15
Thumb geha 08:01 ,2014 شباط 03

kahwaji should explain why he turned the LAF to becom hizbushaitan policeman!
he should explain to the Lebanese people why their army does not defend them.

if this continues, then this army should be disbanded. why pay them salaries if they do not want to defend us?

Thumb lebnanfirst 08:11 ,2014 شباط 03

Our political views are in synch usually and because of that one is compelled to voice a rare disagreement such as contained in your comment above.
The army is the only institution that to date remains inclusive of all Lebanese. While it is understandable to be frustrated when our LAF at times is not able to confront de-facto forces because it lacks the same capabilities of said de-facto entities, it serves no useful purpose to deride the LAF at a time when it is at the cusp of beefing its capabilities in order to become more effective in protecting Lebanon.
This is the time to circle our wagons around the army and hope and pray that it becomes more powerful than the de-facto entities riding roughshod over all of us Lebanese.

Thumb geha 08:36 ,2014 شباط 03


while I understand where you are coming from, I sincerely have to disagree for the following main reasons:
- why is it the army is capable of arresting those who planned bombings in hizbushaitan areas within a few days?
- this means the army is capable of doing its job.
- so why is the army not capable to arrest a single bomb planner when it comes to all the m14 assassinations?
- why is it that the army is capable of dealing with Syrian anti regime forces while it is not able to deal with the Syrian army when they are attacking Lebanese homes?

and so many other examples of one sided behaviors....

if the answer is that the army cannot arrest hizbushaitan because they are too strong, then let us all become stronger than the army: is that justification to arm ourselves?
in short, if the army is unable to defend us against all terrorists including the main terrorist the Syrian regime, then what the heck?

Thumb geha 08:45 ,2014 شباط 03

@ Lebanon_first and cedars2

I do understand your comments too, but the army should shows us a sign at least that they are doing something!

currently all I see is they have become the hizbushaitan policemen, and that is shameful.
I hate to see our LAF become just pawns articulated by hizbushaitan. I cannot support that.

Thumb lebnanfirst 08:49 ,2014 شباط 03

Valid points you made all of them and frustrating as I alluded to above. Especially frustrating to me is the inability to carry out arrests of M14 politicians' murderers.
Nevertheless, in all honesty what will happen to our country if the last vestige of inclusiveness was disbanded? This is my perspective for what it is worth.

Thumb geha 09:00 ,2014 شباط 03

my problem is with the leadership of this army:
- kahwaji is looking to become president, thus he is friendly with hizbushaitan....
- aoun son in law at the head of the army intelligence made that branch of the army the long arm of Syrian regime.

Thumb lebanon_first 08:17 ,2014 شباط 03

Geha. I'll give u mathematical demonstration.
The Lebanese army's job is to take instructions from politicians.
The government's policy statement today is resistance-army-people.
Hence the so called resistance has been legitimized by our government.
Hence the army cannot attack it.

Situation is delicate today. But things will get better. Put faith in the army.

Thumb amatoury114 17:58 ,2014 شباط 03

hey throwup where is ur doughnut partner today? (aka the_boar) you too should be the first to get a civil union marriage in lebanon when it happens...u deserve each other

Thumb cedars2 08:21 ,2014 شباط 03

Geha the army is under intense pressure from all sides, they are trying not to go into a direct confrontation with HA at all costs. Their policy is to focus on internal peace and not go into conflict with any sect or group. Sure HA keeps challenging their authority but if we read into it thats what HA wants, they want to fragment the army to the point where they are the main force on the ground. These are very difficult times and we have reached the crossroads. Hopefully wisdom will prevail and we can avoid something like that. The only solution is through dialogue not violence because we will go back to the merry go round of violence as we have seen during the civil war. During that war if someone made a statement the other side didnt like the answer was a salvo of 36 katyusha rockets in the middle of civilian areas or a sudden escalation on the front lines.

Thumb ice-man 10:04 ,2014 شباط 03

20 minutes ago MTV: A man died after he slipped on ice in the Cedars.

Missing beirutbastard00 08:59 ,2014 شباط 03

does anyone here live in lebanon?? shu the army should attack HA?? lol

lebanon needs a strong defense force. we are not in a position to go to war with anyone, we need to defend against those trying to cause war here, whoever they may be.

I think the saudis are trying to guard their investments, and their bank accounts in lebanon... which makes me a bit optimistic to be honest.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:05 ,2014 شباط 03

The solution to all our problems is not so complicated as some want us to believe. As the French say, "la simplicite est la mere de l'art". Let us stop going around the bush, all this turning will kae us all dizzy. The army, or the LAF are the solution to all the problems we are facing. Give ther army all the weapons it needs, plus all the logisitcs it needs, then leave the LAF to take care of business. We shall forthwith stop all that talk of NOt meddling with the LAF's working, the LAF will simply impose its will, period. In no time, the army will contiguate its authority over the land, and we shall have peace, security, stability and prosperity, in no time.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:29 ,2014 شباط 03

Hey ya FT, I am with you on the unity business, yes, for sure we should unite, but with that political class that keeps dividing us, no way? We keep allaying blame on the foreigner, but we all know that our politicians will sleep with the devil just to defeat his own opponents. Does Yasser A Fat Rat ring any bells, pertaining to those who so happily sided with him just to defeat those they felt were their sibling enemies? Do you really believe that this charater trait has changed one bit?

Thumb amatoury114 17:59 ,2014 شباط 03

at last something meaningful and truthful from you flamethrower. plus 1

Thumb scorpyonn 17:30 ,2014 شباط 03

sounds like you have a hard time wrapping your mind around reality! I think you should emigrate to Iran where you deserve to live. I welcome the former anytime over the latter.