سينغ: الوضع في الوزاني هادئ ولا اصابات و"اليونيقل" فتحت تحقيق

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اكد الناطق الرسمي باسم "اليونيفل" نيراج سينغ ان الوضع عند الخط الازرق في منطقة الوزاني هادئ ولا اصابات، بعد اطلاق نار خفيف حصل ما بين الجيش اللبناني والجيش الاسرائيلي.

ولفت الى انه "على الفور توجهت قوات من "اليونيفل" الى المنطقة لاحتواء الوضع ومنع اي تصعيد"، مشيرا الى ان القائد العام بالانابة سانتي بوفانتي على اتصال مع الجيشين اللبناني والاسرائيلي، ودعاهما الى ضبط النفس.

كما ان "اليونيفل" فتحت تحقيقا لمعرفة ظروف الحادث.

التعليقات 6
Default-user-icon Danny B (ضيف) 10:44 ,2011 آب 01

"Lebanese army official said troops opened fire only when Israeli soldiers crossed the border line"
Even it is true, there are Unifil forces to alert you don't shoot 1st and cry later same as in 2006, from Lebanese territory armed terror group killed Israeli patrol soldiers and kidnap other 2. Later Lebanese crying with tears that Israel reacts. Our blood isn't cheaper than yours. you allow those terror groups to act from your soil, you must pay the price.

Default-user-icon Ali (ضيف) 12:08 ,2011 آب 01

While we might disagree internally on the issue of hizbullah, we don't need an Israeli who raped our country to comment on this website and teach us morals.

Default-user-icon Danny B (ضيف) 12:34 ,2011 آب 01

Ali, if you don't want the "Lady -Ms.Lebanon" to be raped, she shouldn't make any provocation against men and not open her legs for terror groups to enter.
If She was modest and keeping its dignity no rape would have happen.

Default-user-icon Jimmy CJ (ضيف) 12:36 ,2011 آب 01

Hey Danny, you guys definitely don't treat your neighbors that way.

Talking that your blood isn't cheaper than ours, check how many civilians got killed by Israel, and compare that with how many were killed by Hamas and Hezbollah. That's not even talking about how poorly you guys treat the Palestinians.

And trust me, this is coming from a guy who is no fan of both groups.

Thumb ado.australia 13:03 ,2011 آب 01

Danny b. How is the Lebanese army a terrorist group? You have no right lecturing Lebanese about terrorist. Haganah, irgun, stern gang are all terrorist groups that killed British and innocent Jews and Palestinians civilians in the 40s and were the world's number one terrorist organizations, comparable to any modern day "terror" group... yet they and their members became the idf, Likud party and an Israeli prime minister respectively.
Israel is the most powerful terrorist state in the world. So spare us your threats and advise on how to protect our lands.

Default-user-icon Ali (ضيف) 13:47 ,2011 آب 01

@Danny B:

Your command of the english language, as well as your presence here leave a lot to be desired. The billions of dollars your U.S ally has pumped into your country appear to have failed to teach you some basic grammar but most importantly some"manners"!