توقيف سيارة غير قانونية على متنها 4 أشخاص في الهرمل - القاع

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أوقف الجيش الإثنين سيارة غير قانونية وفيها ثلاثة سوريين ولبنانيا على مدخل بلدة الهرمل.

وأفادت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" بعد ظهر الإثنين أن "حاجز الجيش على مدخل الهرمل - القاع اوقف ثلاثة سوريين ولبنانيا يستقلون سيارة باوراق غير قانونية".

وبحسب الوكالة "تم تسليمهم الى مخفر رأس بعلبك".

وتبين ان السوريين الثلاثة دخلوا الى لبنان بطريقة شرعية.

ولاحقا وبوشر التحقيق مع سائق السيارة اللبناني لعدم حيازته اوراقا ثبوتية خاصة بالسيارة.

ويأتي توقيف السيارة بعد يومين على تفجير هز بلدة الهرمل مساء السبت واستهدف محطة "الأيتام" لتعبئة الوقود ما أسفر عن وقوع قتيلين وأكثر من عشرين جريحا. وتبنت الإعتداء "جبهة النصرة في لبنان".

ومنذ تفجير الهرمل الأول في 16 كانون الأول عززت قوات الجيش والأمن تواجدها في المنطقة التي تقع قرب الحدود حيث يتسلل مسلحون من سوريا.

التعليقات 20
Thumb tornado 15:57 ,2014 شباط 03

How about our army arresting the thousands of HA terrorists crossing daily into Syria.

Thumb popeye 16:30 ,2014 شباط 03

I wish you would change your screen name from "thefact" to the "fact-less". So, when thousands of armed men cross the lebanese borders with their heavy artillery and rocket launchers right under the eye of the Lebanese army, it is not the job of the army to arrest them? Why then it is the job of the army/security agencies to arrest an armed passenger at the airport before he boards an airplane))

Thumb cedre 16:37 ,2014 شباط 03

so patriotic and professional that they didn't stop HA/Amal attacking Abra's mosque.

Thumb liberty 18:16 ,2014 شباط 03

flamethrower, your pathetic distortion of the questions and facts is not surprising! According to you, the army is undermanned, etc, therefore it cannot control the border and consequently cannot control/arrest HA convoys of thousands of fighters pouring into Syria. Yet, the very same under manned army can arrest 3 syrians crossing the border into lebanon. LOL

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:07 ,2014 شباط 03

only traitors and sectarian scum would compare foreign terrorists who attack their country with the local resistance who defends it.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:11 ,2014 شباط 03

did you real dare cry about assir ya cedre? the patriotic dude who shot and killed 18 of your country's soldiers?

by insinuating that patriotism would have been to protect him you're just exposing how lousy your conception of patriotism is.

the army was right to hit back at that trash, the only regret being that the coward ran away despite his promise of fighting "till the end".

Thumb cedre 21:31 ,2014 شباط 03

'only traitors and sectarian scum would compare foreign terrorists who attack their country with the local resistance who defends it.'

if it was local resistance it wouldn't be shia and working for wilayat faqih.

Thumb cedre 00:31 ,2014 شباط 04

ya legit could u please give us the link of the article coz google cant find it ?

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:08 ,2014 شباط 03

I wish they would also arrest Hezbollah terrorist mercenaries for illegally exiting Lebanon and smuggling weapons with them !

Thumb cedre 16:34 ,2014 شباط 03

u totally right the fact.
If canadian people want to drive to US with a zu23 or spg 9 on their truck, it's not canadian army/police business, thus they cant arrest them...
The more I read u, the less I believe u leave in Ontario...

Thumb cedre 17:17 ,2014 شباط 03

u missing the point, u cant cross the border in any none banana republic with a autocannon or recoilless rifle at the back of ur truck. Plus those technicals are going in and out without anybody bothering them.
Finally, it's not because canada dont want to control cars leaving its territot that we should do the same. Did u get the point ?

Thumb cedre 17:30 ,2014 شباط 03

i said : 'If canadian people want to drive to US with a zu23 or spg 9 on their truck, it's not canadian army/police business, thus they cant arrest them... '

What part of it dont u understand ?

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:47 ,2014 شباط 03

Really ? Try to leave Lebanon through the Airport and when the border guard asks you for your passport, ask him to go F himself because it's not his job to mark down that you have left the country ! I will see you on the other side...

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:47 ,2014 شباط 03

Don't forget to pack a gun with you because it's your destination country's role to do something about it ...

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:06 ,2014 شباط 04

@theFactless ... borders are borders. Land, Air, Sea... same applies to all... no need for irrelevant distractions to justify Hezbollah's illegal actions

Missing peace 16:43 ,2014 شباط 03

"while Hezb performing its duties to avoid more atrocities against the minorities within Syria"

sooooo funny! what a pleasure to read such naive comments!

Thumb cedre 17:18 ,2014 شباط 03

it's not naive, it's taqiya...

Thumb FlameCatcher 18:10 ,2014 شباط 03

@Southern : "Hezb performing its duties" : please elaborate on what Hezb's "DUTIES" are ? And who appointed these duties ... for as long as I can remember, Hezb has been running DUTY FREE ! They are accountable to no one but IRAN and their Duties do not align with duties as Lebanese citizens !

Thumb cedars2 17:24 ,2014 شباط 03

"perfect coordination, while Hezb performing its duties to avoid more atrocities against the minorities within Syria, the LAF hunts the ones who try to cross in to avoid more atrocities within!"

Its "duties"... entertaining keep it up

Missing --karim_m1--- 20:56 ,2014 شباط 03

God bless the Lebanese Army.