إنتحاري يفجّر نفسه داخل حافلة للركاب في الشويفات ويجرح شخصين

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فجّر انتحاري نفسه داخل حافلة للركاب كانت متوجهة إلى الضاحية الجنوبية مساء الإثنين في منطقة الشويفات ما أدى إلى تفحم الحافلة كليا وسقوط جرحى عدة أحدهم صاحب الحافلة الذي كان وحده في الحافلة وهو بحالة حرجة.

وقال بيان للجيش بعد حصول التفجير "أقدم انتحاري داخل فان لنقل الركاب على تفجير نفسه، وذلك قرب محطة الريشاني - الشويفات مما أسفر عن وقوع إصابات داخل الفان".

وشرح في بيان آخر أن "كمية المتفجرات المستعملة في الحزام الناسف هي عبارة عن خمسة كيلوغرامات من المواد المتفجرة".

من جهته شرح وزير الداخلية والبلديات في حكومة تصريف الأعمال مروان شربل أن "سائق الفان حالته مقبولة إلى حد الآن وهناك مرأة كانت على بعد 200 متر من الفان وأصيبت".

ولاحقا أفادت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" أن المرأة تدعى أمل الأحمدية وهي غادرت مستشفى "كمال جنبلاط" بعد علاج جروحها.

وروت الاحمدية لقناة الـ"LBCI" من سريرها في المستشفى انها كانت تقطع الطريق سيرا على الاقدام في المكان الذي وقع فيه الانفجار، وقد توقف سائق الفان الذي تفجر ليسمح لها بالمرور، "بعد ذلك، لم اعد اشعر بشيء".

ورأى شربل أن الإنتحاري "فجّر نفسه لأنه علم أنه ليس بإمكانه النزول إلى الضاحية بعد الإجراءات (الأمنية) ولهذا استقل الفان".

وبحسب الوزير، سأل سائق الفان حسين مشيك الإنتحاري" لماذا الورم في بطنك" قبل أن يرتبك الإنتحاري ويفجر نفسه".

ونقلت قناة "الجديد" عن مستشفى كمال جنبلاط أن مشيك "اصيب بجروح خطرة ويخضع لعملية جراحية". وأوضح طبيب للقناة أن الإصابة "هي على الجهة اليمنى من جسده الذي ينتزعون منه حبات (كرات) حديدية".

وحول الأسئلة عن نجاته كشف شقيق مشيك أنه "بعد أن تكلم مع الإنتحاري وسأله عن انتفاخ بطنه نزل من الفان بغية اعتقاله ففجر نفسه".

وروت قناة الـ"MTV" في السياق عينه نقلا عن مصادر أمنية قولها ان "الإنتحاري رمى كيسا من الفان نحو فان آخر ما دفع حسين مشيك إلى الهروب غبر فتح الباب ولذلك نجا".

أما عن وجهة الفان أكدت إحدى جرحى الإنفجار من المستشفى عينها أنه "كان متوجها نحو بيروت وأنا لم أستقله وبعد أن مشى انفجر". وأفاد شهود عيان قناة "الجديد" أن "مشيك كان متوجها إلى أوتوستراد السيد هاي نصرالله في الضاحية الجنوبية".

وعرضت القنوات المحلية صورا للحافلة وهي من نوع "هيونداي" التي تبين أنها محترقة تماما.وتحمل الحافلة لوحة حمراء ورقم تسجيلها صحيح.

وأشارت قناة "الجديد" إلى أن صاحب الحافلة معروف جدا بين أهالي المنطقة.

على الخط القضائي كلّف مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر مديرية المخابرات في الجيش اللبناني والشرطة العسكرية والادلة الجنائية في قوى الامن الداخلي اجراء التحقيقات في حادثة التفجير التي وقفت في الشويفات.

كما كلف الدكتور أيوب إجراء فحوص الحمض النووي لمعرفة هوية الانتحاري.

وبحسب الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" فقد "باشرت الاجهزة الامنية اعمالها، مع العلم ان ملامح وجه الانتحاري لا تزال واضحة".

إلى ذلك أفادت قناة الـ"LBCI" أن القوى الأمنية استمعت إلى "إفادة سائق سيارة أجرة أقل اﻹنتحاري الى محطة الريشاني في الشويفات".

وأشارت لاحقا إلى أن محققي شعبة المعلومات ما زالوا يستمعون لسائق سيارة اﻷجرة التي استقلها انتحاري الشويفات، كاشفة أنه تم "استدعاء ابنه وعدد من عرب خلدة للاستماع إلى إفاداتهم".

ويأتي هذ التفجير بعد يومين فقط على تفجير في الهرمل أدى إلى مقتل شخصين وجرح أكثر من عشرين بسبب حصوله في محطة للوقود. وتفجير اليوم هو الثامن بعد سبع تفجيرات استهدف مناطق يتمتع حزب الله بشعبية واسعة فيها.

واعلنت جبهة النصرة في لبنان تبني معظم هذه التفجيرات بعضها بالاشتراك مع "كتائب عبدالله عزام".

وقالت هذه الجبهة ان هذه التفجيرات رد على تورط حزب الله العسكري في سوريا الى جانب قوات النظام. ولم يتأكد ما اذا كانت جبهة النصرة في لبنان مرتبطة بجبهة النصرة في سوريا.

التعليقات 72
Thumb ice-man 18:09 ,2014 شباط 03

How Sad..........

Thumb kanaanljdid 18:35 ,2014 شباط 03

Sadly, it's just the beginning. The end of this suffering will be when Lebanese will have the courage to raise up against Hizbullah operatives and supporters in Lebanon.

Thumb ice-man 19:04 ,2014 شباط 03

Please, mowaten you know this is not true. When Hajj Hollo was riddled with bullets I was extremely sad.

Thumb geha 19:12 ,2014 شباط 03

blind m8 want to ignore the fact hizbushaitan started hostilities against the Syrian people!

as I have repeated so many times:

suicide bombers cannot be stopped, and the shia community can thank hizbushaitan for bringing these extremists to their homes.

Missing imagine_1979 20:01 ,2014 شباط 03

Wawou flame u surely have the sence of observation, well those takfiri came this winter to blow themselves here bc the weather is nice, not bc hezbos went to syria.. Sorry i think we were on a wrong track.. Thank u for showing us the way man..
No go hv some chupachups..

Missing gcb1 20:10 ,2014 شباط 03


"if HA decided to fight back..."

You mean to say HA is not fighting? You mean to say their involvement in Syria has nothing to do with the many suicide bombings? Are you kidding me?

P.S.: Not a M14 supporter. Just like to observe from a neutral perspective.

Missing gcb1 20:43 ,2014 شباط 03


The diversity of backgrounds within these radical groups only reflect the growing recruitment power of the groups themselves. HA's actions in Syria will not help that. That is my main concern. HA's actions in Syria have no benefit to the Lebanese, and I would argue that they harm the Lebanese because - as a LEBANESE group - they are extending the battleground to Lebanon.

Khayeh, if you don't agree with me, that's fine. But give the damn Lebanese a chance to discuss it. If they pride themselves on being Lebanon's defensive army, then subject your actions to a democratic vote, and let people voice their objections.

Missing gcb1 20:47 ,2014 شباط 03


If an Iraqi militant group instead of HA participated and aided the Syrian regime, then you would see more radicals flocking to Iraq to do their jihadi operations, rather than in Lebanon. So HA is, at the very least partly responsible for what is going on.

While it is true that HA was always despised by these groups, its actions in Syria have only widened the crosshairs and got more people to despise it and willing to engage in war against it - hence the increase in attacks against it inside Lebanon.

Thumb geha 21:01 ,2014 شباط 03

stupid m8 guys: if it suits you to put the bame on others, so be it :)

deal with what is going on. deal with the fact your families are at risk, because of????

hizbushaitan is the worst thing that happened to you, and soon enough, at this rate, you will start realizing it.

you prefer to remain blind and stubborn? your choice.

Missing dcnzogh 06:06 ,2014 شباط 04

It has gone beyond Hizbullah. They are now out to get the Lebanese (Christian, Druze, Shia and Sunni, alike). They are terrorists with a mission to destroy tolerant and accepting societies. They will make the woes of the civil war seem minor in comparison. Their intent is to take the Lebanese (and those of the entire Levant society) to the dark ages.

May God have mercy on all Lebanese of True Faith who want to dwell in harmony.

May God judge the instigators of these tragedies (KSA and their mercenaries, Qatar, US and EU) and bring His judgement on them!

Thumb Mystic 12:02 ,2014 شباط 04

The end of the suffering will be, when the resistance alongside Syria has won against the takfiri invaders.

Thumb ado.australia 15:28 ,2014 شباط 04

blaming everyone but the terrorists. This site has become an al qaida forum. just as it was america's fault for 911. just as it was the fault of britain for the london bombings. Australia's fault for bali. Spain's fault for the madrid train bombings etc etc. sick and ignorant minds... I feel sorry for you idiots especially Geha, the "christain from keserwan".

Thumb liberty 18:11 ,2014 شباط 03

Suicide bombings are now a daily occurrence in Lebanon. Indeed very sad! HA brought death, chaos, and destruction to Lebanon.

Thumb kanaanljdid 18:33 ,2014 شباط 03

Liberty, it is a Zionist-American conspiracy and ashraf en nass are protecting Lebanon: repeat after me, 1000 times a day.

If you dare to think differently -or simply if you just think let say: you are declared an enemy encouraging sectarism so you have to be eliminated. FT and Mowaten will transmit to their Iranian masters.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:04 ,2014 شباط 03

no, you repeat after me: we have to kill more shias to save them from suffering! the foreign terrorists have righteousness and virtue on their side! we love takfiris and their saudi masters!

Thumb ice-man 19:06 ,2014 شباط 03

mowaten, please don't turn this debate into a sectarian one. When Shias are targeted I consider all of Lebanon being targeted.

Missing imagine_1979 20:07 ,2014 شباط 03

Hachem selman was a shiite, u remember him, the protestor in shot dead in front of iranian ambassy, with pictures taken then but it was just on the moment act (3afawi) as said mister nasrallah so it is fine...
Guess what there is patriotic shiite and all ur sectarian speaches, intemidation wont change a thing, the problem is not and will not be shiite, the problem is hezbollah dragging all the shiite community into hell and assassinating in front of cameras patriotic shiite who are not aligned to his political stands...
Again mowaten, thanks for ur input, go get some chupachups man, really...

Thumb MaddyBaddy 20:04 ,2014 شباط 03

It's the new Lebanon order... a big mess- hope the injured people recover and describe the suicide bomber as NOT having a beard-

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:23 ,2014 شباط 03

only one solution: eradicate all takfiris and their supporters.

Thumb ice-man 18:26 ,2014 شباط 03

As usual, only gems come out of your mouth.

Thumb amatoury114 20:03 ,2014 شباط 03

ya mowaten ...u say it started way before HA intervention...i am giving you a second chance to correct that very inaccurate and false statement.....

Thumb _mowaten_ 21:06 ,2014 شباط 03

lool amatoury, thanks but no thanks. read above.

Thumb EagleDawn 18:37 ,2014 شباط 03

mowaten the sectarian is now calling for eradicating "supporters" too, but is the first one to cry foul when HA supporters are targeted.

Thumb cedars2 18:50 ,2014 شباط 03

Damn drones

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:56 ,2014 شباط 03

anonyme: the attacks started way before HA's intervention, and the threats even before. they said in the first months of the syrian so-called revolution, that they were coming for lebanon's shias and christians next.
fool yourself into thinking that they needed an excuse or waited for an invitation if you want, we know what happened and at each step HA did what was necessary.

if their problem was with HA fighters they would fight HA fighters, in syria, or even in lebanon, but that's not what they're doing. they're aiming for any shia because their problem is with shias.

Thumb ice-man 18:59 ,2014 شباط 03

I believe you!

Thumb geha 19:13 ,2014 شباط 03

one word to the idiots mowaten and southern who want to eradicate all extremists(are they talking about the Iranian ones too?):


Thumb Hajjeh.Hayat 19:35 ,2014 شباط 03

These are the original terrorist takfiris


and this is their sponsor, patron and avid supporter explaining why jihadist terrorist takfirism is such a wonderful thing


mouwaten, southern boys get out of the sauna, go get yourselves a refreshing beverage

Thumb amatoury114 20:06 ,2014 شباط 03

yislam timmik ya hajjeh!!1 :) ...go get a cocktail or a juice guys u earned it

Thumb MaddyBaddy 20:07 ,2014 شباط 03

Y'know up until mid-2013 I've never even heard of the term Takfiri and now in 2014 learned a new term "Takfirism" where did all of this come from? 5 years ago was the first time I heard of the term "Salafi" and considering the openess of the world now, surprised these psychos even exist---- why are these people showing up all over the place now? How can we eradicate the virus before it spreads?

Thumb FlameCatcher 19:36 ,2014 شباط 03

That's not a solution Mowaten. Kill one and 10 more will appear. The only solution is in removing the excuses used by brainwashers to convince them to conduct such horrible acts. Animosity drives them to do this. Animosity caused by the atrocious actions of Hezbollah and their pitiful excuses to go to war instead of admitting their real agenda.

I do not see suicide bombers blowing themselves up in Jounieh or Batroun (and no, this is not a sectarian comment).

Killing Ben Laden did not eradicate Al Qaeda.

The only solution is disassociation from the Syrian war. If Bashar is strong as you so claim, then he can defend himself and prevent takfiris from entering Lebanon. Hezbollah can defend Lebanese borders as much as they want from within Lebanon !

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 20:10 ,2014 شباط 03

Muwaten. Please post a link to story of a suicide bombing prior to nassy openly declaring his interference. Just one would suffice. I await your reply.

Thumb geha 21:04 ,2014 شباط 03

still obsessed by me? :)
you need to see a shrink man!

Thumb _mowaten_ 21:06 ,2014 شباط 03

i said attacks not suicide bombings. there were many massacres in border villages, the rockets on hermel and the kidnappings.
these (especially the massacres in border villages) made ten times more victims in much less time than the suicide bombings.

thanks to the intervention in quseyr they could not continue as they started, and resorted to cowardly attacks in an attempt to intimidate HA.

Thumb EagleDawn 18:29 ,2014 شباط 03

May HA and Al Qaeda eradicate each other from now till eternity.

Thumb EagleDawn 18:41 ,2014 شباط 03

great, continue with this eradication mentality and see where it will lead you. You went to Syria to eradicate them and all I see is AL Qaeda eradicating you and by doing so you brought a curse onto all Lebanese.

Thumb cedars2 18:52 ,2014 شباط 03

Who do you want to eradicate? You say M14 follow them is that who you mean? You want to eradicate me?

Thumb ice-man 18:56 ,2014 شباط 03

rofl @cedars the second!!!

Thumb tornado 19:36 ,2014 شباط 03

ok mr. southern "continue with the job" and bear the consequences.

Missing hajjradwan 18:38 ,2014 شباط 03

نصرالله عن دخول الجيش نهر البارد

هل تريدون ان نفتح صراعا مع القاعدة فى لبنان حيث نستقطب عناصرها من كل العالم ليخوضوا صراعهم ضد الاميركيين

Thumb sevilla 19:13 ,2014 شباط 03

I feel sorry for us, for living in a country where a sectarian militia is stronger than the State. What kind of future awaits us..... now, even taking a bus is not safe anymore! Thank you Nassrallah.....

Thumb cedars2 19:14 ,2014 شباط 03

"This will just strengthen our resolve " By "our" I guess you mean you, southern,FT and mowaten, you could start something like the "Avengers" you can wear capes and fly around the place deciding whos a takfiri and "exterminate" him.

Thumb eli-g 19:21 ,2014 شباط 03

@ Mowaten How do you suggest the eradication of ALL takfiris? Hizballah interference in Syria has created an endless supply of human filth threatening all Lebanese. Kabir 3allak.

Thumb popeye 19:28 ,2014 شباط 03

HA invited gloom and doom into our country. Nasrallah's arrogance knows no limits. Is basher's survival more important than innocent Lebanese blood....?

Thumb Hajjeh.Hayat 19:39 ,2014 شباط 03

Nasrallah should have followed his own advise and stayed out of Syria.. on second thought he couldn't and here he explains the legitimate reason why he couldn't..


Thumb tornado 19:43 ,2014 شباط 03

we are witnessing the Iraqization of lebanon((

Thumb Hajjeh.Hayat 19:52 ,2014 شباط 03

yeah southern the terrorists did start in Iraq and Bashar was sending there..

"Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said Monday that 90 percent of foreign terrorists who infiltrate Iraq did so via Syria" Sep 2009

Default-user-icon Sera (ضيف) 20:00 ,2014 شباط 03

There was a man who is of European descant one Lebanese woman asked him when will the west leave the middle east alone. His reply was astounding I love his line of thought.. He replied " Madam the whole of Europe speaks 150 languages in total the middle east speaks ONE language and that is enough to make a strong impact on the world stage. When people in coffee shops stop blaming UK, Europe or other nations and start to relise that the west doesn't care whether you are shite or Sunni or they are after is wealth and they will take it from you unless you are united." Having thought this mans words to the lady this very true the middle east speaks a universal language Arabic. and the beauty of the different religions , makes us even stronger. A christian calls god Allah and a Muslim calls God Allah and yet sadly you hear so much hatred from people within the middle east always at each other.

Default-user-icon Sera (ضيف) 20:06 ,2014 شباط 03

OH and another thing, it makes sense Israel is happy because we are so hateful towards each other and so ununited they are please that there is so much unrest amongst us. There was a time when a Muslim and a christian were speaking the same beautiful Arabic language and living in harmony , sadly its gone further where Muslims of various backgrounds speaking the same Arabic language yet are hurting each other . And Israel is laughing at us . What a crying shame

Thumb eagle_eye 20:07 ,2014 شباط 03

This is all to do with the problem of Israel and that it isn't trusted by Hezbollah.

Hezb is wanting to maintain strength in numbers which means keeping Syria out of the hands of the possibility of any U.S. / Israeli-influenced leaders. The weaker Hez becomes the stronger and more favorable it is for Israel to do what it wants in the region.

If Hez goes down and Israel comes back into Lebanon, who will get them out? The answer to this is relevant.

It's a compliment to Hezb fighters in Syria that Hezb is being targeted. It says because Hezb is there in Syria the rebels just can't win. That can be taken as a compliment to the Lebanese fighter - isn't Hezb Lebanese?

The conflict in Syria is a set-up by secret agencies to cause trouble in the middle east. Those higher up with the millions are playing a chess game at the expense of poor and innocent.

Missing imagine_1979 20:25 ,2014 شباط 03

Israel was puseh out from beirut before hezbollah was even created.. The patriotic lebanese resistance initiated by Geoges Hawi (march 14 martyr) lead by elias attalah (march 14 figure and very less good politician than military guy..) succed in throwing them out of beirut.. That was before hezbos assassinated comunist leaders in south lebanon, took control of the resistance with their ISLAMIC RESISTANCe (this is the official name so please use it..
U know we love our country and we will still be here to defend it, now go get some rest man and hv some chupachups...

Missing imagine_1979 20:50 ,2014 شباط 03

No georges hawi was behind the lauching of the lebanese PATRIOTIC resistance, elias attalah was miltary comander of the PATRIOTIC resistance, people from beirut and patriots from all lebanon came a threw israelly out of beirut...
Lebanese patriotic resistance front was an englobing resistance with wouman like lola abboud, sanaa mhaydleh (snsp), souha bchara.. (Yes women had their legitim part in it!!) a litle different from hezbollah ISLAMIC resitance who didnot yet existed by then...
After it was lauched hezbos spent most of their time fighting amal untill 1986 (aklim al toufah...
Flame, or ur too young, or u are an ungratefull guys for the men and women who degend ur country... (This given if u are lebanese..)
Now seriously go hv some chupachups...

Missing imagine_1979 20:14 ,2014 شباط 03

So we must support nassralah and his shiite armed group or officially:islamic resistance, well guess what, we wont, and maybe i only speek for myself, but i wont fell in the trap of assad; me or takfiris, i believe in syrian people, they are more than 20millions, one days this will be over people will not forget what hezbollah did so...
Till then thanks nassi for dragging us into this hell, waitting for the "if i knew" phrase... Low countou a3lam...

Missing imagine_1979 20:32 ,2014 شباط 03

Yes we will continu to blame hezbollah for dragging our country in this mess, and u can call us what ever u want, when we asked for syruan troupes to leave lebanon we were zonist/ imperialist... Now we are takfiri/ksa...
Anyway say what u want it wont change the fact that hezobllah is dragging us and all the shiite community into hell..
He kills in front of cameras dissident ptriotic shiite like hachem selman (and all nasralah find to say is that is was spontane "3afawiyeh", what do u expect from such a party?..
Chupachups for u to man, u need some, really...

Missing imagine_1979 21:23 ,2014 شباط 03

I support the syrian people, oppressed like we were (and a lot more cause livining in syria under assad), i support them with worlds, stand any demicratic way..
I support (and wish for) hezbollah retreat from syria, i support making camps for refugies so that they can live descently ,no on the street in the cold and hunger and that we know who is there.. I support only one official army in my country where we can leave all under the same law and have the same rights...
And after all this i wont support march 14 debiles but find myself a party who think more like me...
Now lebpat, man really, go have dome chupachups...

Missing imagine_1979 22:09 ,2014 شباط 03

Of course i'm against saudi involvement in bahrain and right of bahrani for democracy..
For yemen it is different: armed millicia trying to get more land before federalism, that's debatable but for bahrain clearly for same law, freedome and rights for all...
Man please stop assuming stuff...
U are starting to believe that we are really takfiri even if we are the same people posting on this site for months now...
U to bigjohn go hv some chupachups..

Thumb Qawmi_Boris 22:56 ,2014 شباط 03

There you go comrade Qawmi John in action doing what he's supposed to be doing, defending the magnificent Syrian regime and attacking the hated KSA. It is perfectly logical to compare a sovereign country with a security agreement with another sovereign country ie KSA and Bahrain, with a militia independent of one sovereign country it is based in that gets ordered by a the Supreme leader of a second sovereign country to go help a third sovereign country the second sovereign country consider strategic to it's regional plans regardless of it's negative ramifications on the first sovereign country, yep very logical indeed.

Thumb cedars2 20:56 ,2014 شباط 03

So lebpatriot we understand that HA= Batman and Al Qaeda= The Joker?

Thumb cedre 21:08 ,2014 شباط 03

horrible situation, poor people...

Thumb lebpatriot246 21:10 ,2014 شباط 03

Read again Tex. When you understand my post, then reply>

Thumb zahle1 21:28 ,2014 شباط 03

All these attacks on Shiite civilians is horrible. I am against this. I am against HA in syria, I am against HA arms in Lebanon. But does not mean I am happy about takfiri whether Lebanese or other blowing themselves up in my country. I do not agree that this is justified. I believe that HA did bring this upon themselves, that they had to expect this, but I am not happy about it, and I am not happy this happens to civilians of any sect. Just because these are M8 civilians, who support HA arms does not make it ok for them to be hurt or killed. These are still our people. HA usually does a good job of keeping it military when they attack. HA is not big on civilian Lebanese murders. I know I might get a lot of thumbs down, but I really believe this.

Thumb zahle1 21:28 ,2014 شباط 03

I understand the Assad regime has a much worse track record against civilians, and they are allies with HA. However, HA has a good track record avoiding civilians love them or hate him, I personally do not like them, and they lost me after they attacked Beirut over phone lines. But again, I do not support Shiite Lebanese civilian deaths, nor will I joke about it.

Thumb cedre 21:40 ,2014 شباط 03

zahle1, ask urself who's behind those takfiris...

Thumb zahle1 21:50 ,2014 شباط 03

Cedre, Hariri is not behind takfiri if that is the implication. Israel is not behind the takfiri. It is a segment of the Sunni population, a minority that over the past 20 years has been growing exponentially. It is a serious dynamic we cannot ignore. Although I believe KSA is filled with extremist, and are very sectarian, I do not believe their government is supporting takfiri, but their people are.

Missing hajjradwan 21:43 ,2014 شباط 03

ويكيليكس من صحيفة الأخبار

حركة أمل محمد جواد خليفة
“اذا لم تستطع سوريا التوصل الى اتفاق بشأن تحقيقات لجنة التحقيق الدولية التابعة للأمم المتحدة فان حزب الله سيجعل حياتنا جحيما من الناحية السياسية. سوريا ايضا، تشق طريقها في طرابلس من خلال دعوة رجال دين سنة وقيادات اخرى للتدرب والتبليغ في سوريا”.ا وستكون هناك عودة الى السيارات المفخخة والهجمات الارهابية، وسوريا تستطيع ايضا استخدام وكلائها الفلسطينيين وعملائها النائمين في لبنان

فريد الخازن التغيير والاصلاح
الخازن عبر عن غضبه من "أكاذيب" الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله

Missing roxtox 21:44 ,2014 شباط 03

zahle1, I agree with you except you forgot that HA through his bombing of politicians has killed just as many civilians as these "terrorists" making them just as bad. I feel bad for the poor people who are being murdered on both sides and for those who will have to live with disabilities and pain thanks to the arrogance that exists in both these groups. These extremists were no where near Lebanon before HA got involved in Syria. For god's sake if they want to protect Lebanon, bring their troops from Syria and place them in Dahyie and Hermal ..etc. to protect their own people, because as it stands it seems protecting Assad is more important.

Missing imagine_1979 22:11 ,2014 شباط 03

Yes, wherever the fanatics strickes it will still be hezbollah's fault of dragging us there...
Happy, and i'm not jocking, dahiyeh chouaiyfat tripoli bchareh arsal baalblak.. All part of lebanon and all in shit bc hezbollah/syrian regim actions..
Now really bigjohn go have some chupachups

Thumb Qawmi_Boris 22:31 ,2014 شباط 03

Comrade Qawmi John is here look everybody.. not here here in Lebanon but here on this page pretending to know what's going on as usual!
But I think comrade Qawmi John being so far away from Lebanon and Koura is particular, is not to blame for screwing up the rhetoric this time. After all he's got only this puny article saying bomb in Shwaifat to work with, that's it. So he stepped in it up to the nostrils and it shows. But we are informing him, as I write this love letter to him, that although it all happened in Shwaifat it was on the border of Dahieh.
The terrorist takfiri anti sourrya ya habibati boarded a bus heading into Hay el Sellom but after he was immediately challenged by the bus driver blew himself up. That's what all the local TV stations reported and comrade Qawmi John would have know that if he was here. But no worries you M14 crowd, Qawmi John will be back with a cleaver comeback very soon so stay tuned.

Thumb lebpatriot246 23:10 ,2014 شباط 03

He is going straight to hell with the rest of the evil cannibal terrorists

Thumb lebpatriot246 00:04 ,2014 شباط 04

You are simpleminded Tex. If you don't exterminate a virus, it will continue to grow until you can no longer resist.

Thumb primesuspect 00:06 ,2014 شباط 04

as long that nusra-la the terrorist isn't condemned 4 his heinous crimes, lebanon and his shia community will remain a target of retaliatory terrorism.

Default-user-icon As3d (ضيف) 08:55 ,2014 شباط 04

this morning alakhbar newspaper accused al-Assir. I think a big error was to attack 3abra in that way,not smart at all. They created that big sunni frustration and let him escape with his collaborators. A big political error and a big military failure.