سليمان: التمسك بلبنان أهم من التمسك بحقيبة أو بشخص

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رأى رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، أنه من المعيب التأخر بتشكيل الحكومة، معتبراً أن التمسك بوزير أو بحقيبة ليس أهم من التمسك بلبنان.

وقبيل مشاركته في القداس الاحتفالي بعيد القديس مارون في كنيسة مار مارون في الجميّزة، الاحد، شدد على أن تشكيل الحكومة أمر ضروري مئة بالمئة، مضيفاً أنه من المعيب التأخر بتشكيلها.

وأشار الى أنه من المعيب ألا نكون حريصين على تشكيل الحكومة، في حين أن دول العالم حريصة على ذلك. ولفت الى أن الظروف الداخلية مهيئة لتشكيل الحكومة، من اعلان بعبدا والاستراتيجية الدفاعية ووثيقة بكركي.

وقال انه يجب علينا اثبات جدارتنا الديمقراطية وقدرتنا على تنفيذ الاستحقاقات الدستورية، خصوصاً وأن المواطن يئن من الجوع والامن، مردفاً "يجب تأليف حكومة على قدر امال اللبنانيين".

وتساءل: "هل التمسك بوزير او بشرط او بحقيبة اهم من التمسك بلبنان"؟.

يُذكر ان الملف الحكومي الذي شهد بوادر حلحلة في الآونة الاخيرة، ووجه بعقد تتمثل بتمسك "التيار الوطني الحر"، بحقيبة الطاقة، رفضاً للمداورة، فضلاً عن مطالبة قوى 14 آذار يحقيبتي الداخلية والدفاع، الامر الذي أفادته المعلومات الصحافية.

وشارك سليمان بقداس مار مارون، الذي ترأسه راعي ابرشية بيروت للموارنة المطران بولس مطر، والذي حضره الرئيس المكلف تمام سلام ووزيرا الداخلية مروان شربل والخارجية عدنان منصور، فضلاً عن عدد من السياسيين.

من جهته، رأى المطران مطر ان مذكرة بكركي "تدعو الجميع الى العمل المتضامن لانقاذ لبنان من الاخطار المحدقة به".

ولفت الى ان "انقاذ لبنان يبدأ بالحفاظ على بنيته الوطنية وجوهر وجوده وهذا واجب ضميري تفرضه علينا تقلبات هذا الزمن الرهيب".

وتابع: "انقاذ لبنان يمر بالحفاظ على دستوره المميز وعلى حياته الدستورية بكل ابعادها، كذلك يمر انقاذ لبنان عبر استعادة العمل في مؤسساته".

التعليقات 20
Missing imagine_1979 11:53 ,2014 شباط 09

Very good stances mr president... Truelly, impressed...
Plus one for u man, keep it up..
Now if u can push for a technocrates cabinet instead...

Thumb popeye 16:38 ,2014 شباط 09

Short memories indeed. Sleiman initially was vetoed by M8 but after he and the army allowed May 7th to take place, he was HA blue eyed baby. Now, he no longer suits your agenda . Bunch of hypocrites

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 17:09 ,2014 شباط 09

Ahleen tfaddal, every chance President Suleiman gets he insists on the fact that he is against an extension of his mandate just like he was against the extension of the parliaments mandate, of course he tried to constitutionally challenge that but someone sabotaged the Constitutional Council.
Nevertheless not that I doubt for a minute that Suleiman was posturing for an extension of his mandate, but I am yet to see paper proof of said ambition or said wish . All I want is genuine proof.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 18:47 ,2014 شباط 09

Athal keefak, I'm sorry you fail again..

President Michel Sleiman submitted an appeal before the Constitutional Council, challenging the parliament's decision to extend its mandate for 17 months, after the decision has been made official through its publication in the official Gazette on Saturday 01 Jun 2013

you see he did issued a ta3n against it didn't he, wikileaks are no proof but hearsay at best. Hence, no credibility. Still waiting for your paper (or electronic) proof.

Default-user-icon Vahe (ضيف) 12:54 ,2014 شباط 09

A country needs a government - Even a Nothing government

Thumb habib 13:07 ,2014 شباط 09

Alla ye7mik

Default-user-icon Voiceofreason (ضيف) 13:17 ,2014 شباط 09

Oh shut up Mr. President.

It is shameful to change the minister of the only working ministry that has the potential of saving Lebanon of its debt!!!

I'm keen to know the percentage of the population you represent!

Default-user-icon TONY (ضيف) 13:46 ,2014 شباط 09

Mr. the President, why always Christian need to accept conditions put on them ? Can't wait the moment you will leave because the most disgusting thing on earth Mr the President is.....weakness

Missing samy2 14:13 ,2014 شباط 09

.. الحرب الباردة .. والساخنة .. لا تزال مشتعلة بين الكبار ... ونحن .. لا نزال حفنة من الصغار الحمقى المتغطرسين .... ونتوهم ...

Missing peace 14:17 ,2014 شباط 09

“Committing to Lebanon is more important than hanging on to a specific minister.”

but ministers do not commit to Lebanon, they commit to how much a ministry will earn them money.... with the full support of the lebanese....

Default-user-icon Lovitan Diekerman (ضيف) 16:19 ,2014 شباط 09

What else do we expect to hear from a good-for-nothing Christian Sunni president-by-parachute?

Missing peace 16:47 ,2014 شباط 09

the only pb is that it is the PM that forms a cabinet, not leaders of political parties... so it is up to them to follow the PM not the other way round, no?

Thumb ToniFarris 17:05 ,2014 شباط 09

I would give the lunatic his portfolio (language) and deport him back to Paris, or maybe Iran.

Thumb general_puppet 20:50 ,2014 شباط 09

And who are you Flimflam?

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 17:49 ,2014 شباط 09

Not that I doubt for a minute that Bassil is white as snow, and the real estate he's owned since 2006 including a new luxury apartment building in Bayada Metn (not many of those there easy to for you check) I personally visited in 2009 when I returned to LB, he won them all in a lucky scratcher, although..
he'd originally proposed leasing two power-generating ships at a cost of $870 million. Mikati refused to sign it. So Bassil came back just a couple of weeks later with a $360 million contract for the same two ships from the same company. That's a $510 million difference. I'm sure the first contrast submitted by Bassil was an innocent mistake, obviously his abacus was running on low batteries causing the over instated price.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 18:55 ,2014 شباط 09

It's 001 Cemetery Lane. No Seriously you want an address in Bayada? The whole place is a few streets. You've either never been to Lebanon and Bayada in particular or you're just trying to be cute. I'm guessing both.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 20:10 ,2014 شباط 09

Energy Minister Gibran Bassil, one of 10 ministers representing Aoun’s bloc, had originally proposed leasing two power-generating ships, which have a capacity of close to 300 MW at a cost of $870 million.

However, Mikati had expressed reservations over Bassil’s proposal, arguing that the cost of renting the ships would be too great, a claim disputed by Bassil’s camp. Mikati presented an offer from a foreign firm to build a power-generating plant within a year at a cost less than that of leasing the ships as per Bassil’s plan.

But Bassil responded Tuesday by saying Mikati’s proposal lacked “seriousness and professionalism,” and warned of dire consequences should his proposal be rejected in favor of the prime minister’s.


Default-user-icon Lebanese people (ضيف) 21:52 ,2014 شباط 09

When i take vacation my Boss insist to deliver my work to someone he delegate him, and then he knows during my vacation more deeply about my work, my point is rotation is important so the new minister can tell if old minister stealing Lebanese money or not.

Missing greatpierro 07:35 ,2014 شباط 10

all ministries and government agency should be audited. But why are you pinpointing Bassil in particular. He has been doing a great job. Yet he is constantly the target of critics and blockades hindering his work. His reform of EDL, reduction of number of employee, privatization of EDL network management, his management of the gaz and petroleum exploration, etc… are an excellent proof of the exemplarity of his work

Missing greatpierro 07:37 ,2014 شباط 10

The ministry of public works can be even more of a public earner yet Aoun is not asking for this ministry. The fact is that Bassil and Sehnaoui have done a very good job and Aoun wants to keep those credit for himself or for the FPM.