حزب الله: المداورة ليست أكبر من الخطر الداهم الذي لن يرحم أحدا

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أعلن حزب الله الأحد أن المداورة المطروحة في الحكومة المقبلة والتي تشكل عقدة أمام تشيكلها "ليس أكبر" من الخطر الذي "لن يرحم أحدا" معتبرا أن "هناك من تعمد ايجاد التعقيدات، واستهداف فريق يمثل أكثرية مسيحية".

وسأل رئيس الهيئة الشرعية في "حزب الله" الشيخ محمد يزبك خلال احتفال تأبيني في بعلبك "لماذا لا يتفق على حكومة جامعة تمثل اللبنانيين جميعا وبحسب كياناتهم وبحسب وجودهم في المجلس النيابي، ولماذا هذا الدوران في حلقة مفرغة والعقدة في المداورة؟".

وتابع "هل يا ترى المداورة أكبر من لبنان وأعظم من الخطر الداهم الذي يحيق به؟ ألا يمكن تجاوز عقدة هذه المداورة؟ أم أن هناك ما وراء الأكمة دفع نحو الفراغ ولدفع لبنان إلى مكان آخر؟".

وحذر يزبك جميع اللبنانيين من أن "الخطر الداهم لن يعود على اللبنانيين إلا بالمآسي ولن يرحم أحدا، ولا يتوهمن أحد بأنه على الحياد"، داعيا اللبنانيين الى "التوحد والتوجه لمواجهة هذا الإرهاب والى دعم الجيش والقوى الأمنية في حفظ الأمن وأن تبقى عيون الشعب مفتوحة".

وتعرقلت عملية تشكيل الحكومة من جديد إثر رفض المداورة من قبل رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون وتهديد 8 آذار بالإنسحاب من الحكومة في حال تشكيل حكومة أمر واقع تضامنا مع الأخير.

وفي السياق عينه قال نائب رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في "حزب الله" الشيخ نبيل قاووق خلال احتفال تأبيني في بلدة كفرا الجنوبية الأحد "المشكلة اليوم ليست متمثلة بحجم حصة حزب الله وحركة أمل في الحكومة، إنما المشكلة التي استجدت هي أن هناك من تعمد ايجاد التعقيدات، واستهداف فريق يمثل أكثرية مسيحية".

وأعرب عن اعتقاده "جوهر المشكلة هو أن هناك من لا يؤمن بالشراكة الحقيقية، ومن يتنكر لها" مشددا على أن "حكومة الانقسام من شأنها أن تعمق المشكلة وأن تهدد الإستقرار الهش أكثر فأكثر".

التعليقات 36
Thumb ice-man 17:43 ,2014 شباط 09

@Jaafar: It is statements such as this that give me goose bumps (cutis anserina)! Allah Yihmeek Ya Rabbb for always telling the truth.

Thumb popeye 17:54 ,2014 شباط 09

Terrorists and murderers who are clear and imminent danger to our present and future.

Missing peace 17:55 ,2014 شباط 09

funny how hezbis pretend to abide by democracy and want the formation of a gvt...
they do not care in fact because if ever a gvt goes against their interests they take to the streets or block it or disobey it like their adventure in syria...

it is just for their sheep to make them believe they are "civilized" LOL

Thumb ex-fpm 17:59 ,2014 شباط 09

The Christians of Lebanon do not need HA to speak on their behalf or who represents them. HA is using Aoun and Aoun is using the "Christians" as always.

Missing peace 18:25 ,2014 شباط 09

"energy and telecom are vital for Saudi Arabia"

sure saudis need these for their economic development, it is vital for their economy! it is a poor country that needs Lebanon to survive! LOL
don't you reread yourself and the stupidities you write?

Missing peace 18:28 ,2014 شباط 09

then it is not what you have written , like i said...

Thumb Mazen 21:31 ,2014 شباط 09

chrisrushlau when did Chomsky become the go to guy on Lebanese demography?

although there is nothing official since 1932 the most recent demographic studies conducted in 2008 and again 2010 by Statistics Lebanon, a Beirut-based research firm, indicate 27 percent of the population is Sunni Muslim, 27 percent Shi'a Muslim, 21 percent Maronite Christian, eight percent Greek Orthodox, five percent Druze, and five percent Greek Catholic, with the remaining seven percent belonging to smaller Christian denominations.

The 2009 electoral rolls tend to reflect those figures.

Thumb lebanon_first 18:03 ,2014 شباط 09

I love it when HA "cares" about christians rights. Not long ago, Nasrallah wanted to create an islamist state in lebanon. Today, he is outraged that christians dont have the portfolio they want!!!!


Thumb lebanon_first 19:25 ,2014 شباط 09

well yes, you are right, it was a long time ago.

However, I would love HA come out and say it BLUNTLY. "The islamist state idea was a mistake. We were DEAD wrong. Islamist state for Lebanon is WRONG. We changed our strategy...."
That statement would put do much for a national reconciliation.

Thumb ex-fpm 18:09 ,2014 شباط 09

I am not sure why you think rotation of power is such a bad idea. You have mentioned this on several occasions and on others you were calling for the FPM to retain those 2 portfolios. Rotation of portfolios means in this government for example the energy is given to say mustaqbal or jumblat. For the duration of this government that minister is running this portfolio until the government resigns. In the following government, the energy portfolio will go to a HA minister, etc. and so on and so forth. In general governments should last as long as Parliament lasts. As to the continuity issue that you have brought up in the past, I see it being no different to when a CEO of a company changes say every 4 or 5 years.

Thumb jabal10452 01:07 ,2014 شباط 10

Ex-fpm, I don't recall calling on the FPM to retain those porfolios. My problem with the rotation is the rate of rotation. If we had stable governments that would last 3-4 years, then it would be less of a problem. But with all the ongoing instability in the country, I worry about adding yet another level of turbulence.

Thumb ice-man 18:11 ,2014 شباط 09

Not necessarily, it could be Southern.

Thumb popeye 18:27 ,2014 شباط 09

and you're talking???? I did not see you object to Flamethrower's disgusting comments, or wolf's, or josephani, or or or YOURS! Hypocrite

Thumb EagleDawn 18:34 ,2014 شباط 09

Southern, I have to agree here, you are a big hypocrite. I would have respected you and appreciated your call of virtue had you done the same when others you believe side with you, spam this site with horrible insults. In fact, I have no doubt you vote them up and encourage them. So no respect for you there dude!

Thumb lebanon_first 18:39 ,2014 شباط 09

ice man that was uncalled for. Southern has weird ideas but he is our partner in debate and you should respect him. Please dont call names.

Missing samy2 19:25 ,2014 شباط 09

southern boy, ft, wouf wouf, jose belong to ashraff el nass.

Thumb general_puppet 18:55 ,2014 شباط 09

The endless "the impending danger" speech… Go back to Iran and take the rest of your Hizbullah terrorist with you.

Thumb general_puppet 19:01 ,2014 شباط 09

“The core of the problem is that some parties do not believe in real partnership,” Qaouq added… this coming from a militia, that flat out say's their only partners are from the Axis, Lebanese consensus means nothing to them, refuses to disarm and breaks every agreement it makes.

Thumb beiruti 19:38 ,2014 شباط 09

It is funny reading Qawak's complaint that his partner Aoun is being obstructed from stealing from the ministries he wants by the portfolio rotation mechanism which interrupts the flow of public dollars into Aoun's private accounts. I suppose it places too much burden on Iran to have to subsidize Aoun to the extent that he is not allowed unfettered ability to steal from the Ministries of Electricity and the other one.

Thumb beiruti 19:41 ,2014 شباط 09

Hezbollah is not even a part of the Lebanese Government. It doesn't need to be. It free-lances its criminal enterprise under the name of "the resistance". Hezbollah does not follow the constitution, laws or policy of the Lebanese government, in fact, it acts in complete disregard for all three. And this guy has the nerve to get in front of a microphone and cry about how the Lebanese political parties are creating instability in the government! How very funny that this foreign entity whose existence on Lebanese soil creates instability points the finger at petty thieves in the Lebanese political class as the source and cause of the instability.

Missing imagine_1979 19:42 ,2014 شباط 09

This guys looks, talk in a secular, democratic and progressist way.. No wonder that compare to him, saad el hariri, moustafa alouch..even khaled el daher apears takfiri in the eyes of our fellows march 8....
Chupachups march 8 guys... Chupachups...

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:57 ,2014 شباط 09

In Western democracies, portfolio rotation happens although it is not defined as such. Power rotates and different individuals are tasked with different ministries.
In a multi confessional system like Lebanon, instituting portfolio rotation makes sense in order to prevent any one sect of monopolizing certain ministries especially since the same people end up with the same portfolios. It is in that context that rotation makes sense so that no one sect ends up monopolizing one governmental entity.
I would support rotation in other government posts as we'll be them Prime Minister, Speaker of Parliament and the Presidency.
Only an equitable distribution like this, barring a totally secular approach to governance, can save Lebanon.

Missing people-power 20:21 ,2014 شباط 09

Total Christian MP's in Parliament 64 (100%)

M14 Christian MP's in Parliament 37 (58%)

M8 Christian MP's in Parliament 27 (42%)

If the Energy and Telecom Minister posts must go to a Christian, why would it go to M8 and not to a Christian from M14?

FPM represents 19 out of 64 MP's in Parliament, not even close to a majority. Someone needs a math lesson.

Thumb general_puppet 20:33 ,2014 شباط 09

Very well said people-power… unfortunately math, history and logic are not M8 strong points.

Missing people-power 03:44 ,2014 شباط 10

True that, apparently their strong points are fiction and propaganda

Missing VINCENT 20:24 ,2014 شباط 09

Jerry This is called Iranian Logic-101.

Thumb general_puppet 20:25 ,2014 شباط 09

Ice-man, I have to disagree with you here… what Flimflam needs is a years worth of laxatives to flush all that rot out of his system and a one way ticket to Damascus.

Thumb cedre 21:45 ,2014 شباط 09

The supreme guide of the lebanese islamic jaafari republic has spoken...

Thumb freedomarch 21:51 ,2014 شباط 09

Let Every one see what The real Shaytan is: Please see this, Sectarian + no value to what the president and the Lebanese agreed for, The lie they want to fight Tek-Firis:


Thumb shab 22:00 ,2014 شباط 09

Filthy murdering militia

Thumb cedre 22:17 ,2014 شباط 09


Missing people-power 22:27 ,2014 شباط 09

That's priceless. FT has it hanging in his bedroom, I mean his parents basement.

Missing helicopter 22:31 ,2014 شباط 09

Hizbullah Calls for Overcoming 'Portfolio Rotation Obstacle', Warns of 'Impending Danger'..............
Good, go ahead tell Aoun to overcome his insistence on objecting to the rotation. You got to love the Red/White/Green colors of the Lebanese flag in full display in this photo.

Thumb Machia 13:18 ,2014 شباط 10

Finally whether Hezbollah or other anti-Syrian regime people in Lebanon want to fight in Syria, seriously what can we do about it? Saudis, French and British citizens are fighting in Syria and there is nothing their governments can do about it. And it certainly did not stop the formation of a government in the UK or France.

Thumb Machia 13:18 ,2014 شباط 10

It is time to get a government. The Lebanese need to unite to get their acts together, form a government and get the economy started.
Whether Gebran Bassil takes the Ministry of Energy or anyone else it makes no difference to the Lebanese. All our politicians are still living in Otoman times when a government job was meant to make you rich. Our country is extremely corrupt and it did not start with Bassil.
The Aounists are asking for a ministry, the same way other parties and sects ask for ministries.
Whether we agree with them or not, they are today a major political party in Lebanon representing a vast swath of Lebanese.
Furthemore, rotation of portfolios needs consensus.

Thumb Machia 13:22 ,2014 شباط 10

Time to stop the politics and start working for the Lebanese who are getting poorer every day.
Politics does not put a meal on the table (except if you are politician trading with our well being).
We need a government now!